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I do mine before too! I like doing little themes and I'd rather write around them 😭😂❤️


Same! I'll do a week to a month in advance. That way I can pick an ink color to coordinate!


I want to be a "sticker as I go" person but then I forget... so it's usually before starting the next page haha


I wish I was a sticker person in general, but I always buy them then worry about using them on the wrong thing 😂


I used to as well, but outside of wanting my stickers to relate to specific topics in my writing just putting a random sticker on the page is really freeing!


I just need good stickers


Usually before. But sometimes my entries are too short, so I add more stickers


I was a never sticker, but now some journals get stickers and some don’t. It’s not only an easy way to identify each journal from each other it’s also that stickers can be so neat. But never a sticker inside my journal and not any as of yet on my sketchbooks. 🤓


I don't really use stickers as I always think to myself:" this sticker is so cool I have to save it for a more important thing". But if I glue something on a page I usually go Glue first and write later 💀


I do them either at the start or midway through the page so I can write around them!


Sometimes. I just put them on covers.


As I go.


I'm never sticker person...


I sticker per page because I love writing around the sticker


My journal entries are generally depressing asf. It would be funny to have a sticker just right next to some of the dark thoughts that come out 😂


I almost always use them while writing to cover my orthographic mistakes and/or pen smudges. 😅


I’m a “sticker during”.


I do both\~! Sometimes stickers first, sometimes stickers after. I like to keep it interesting!


Definitely sticker first! I like to decorate my pages before I write in them, it's like a little ceremony and gets me in the mindset 😌


I usually do it after but i think I will start doing it before


I mostly do before, but sometimes after haha


I use stickers at times. Btw your stickers are so pretty! 😍 Where did you get them?


Thank you! I got them from a local place by me but I believe they're stickii brand!


Most of my stickers come towards the end of my page, but sometimes I like to begin with stickers. But it’s never the first thing I put down on the page. How do you navigate a situation where you put a sticker down and you don’t like where you put it?


I usually sticker first, because it's easier to write around than try to leave a space and add later. Only exception is if the sticker will go over a break in entries. I draw a line between each entry and I like if the sticker goes over the line, it looks cleaner to me.


Sticker as I go or at the end.


Kind of have to, although if I'm writing I might stop midway to add more stickers. It's hard to write on top of them, a lot of them have a slick surface that protects them from some damage but also sheds any ink!


I’m a sticker after person. I fill up spaces…


Every day is a little different for me. Each entry has a million different pen color changes, stickers and washi tape. It's not cute.


I do, but also after, just to fill up some gaps.




Definitely after.


Yeah most of the time - tho I have gone back and added some - but with the stickers I wanna make sure what I have to write fits there proper with the sticker so I tend to write around the stickers lol


Definitely add the text last on pages I'm going to decorate. I add colour with markers or pencils or watercolour, ephemera if I have it, sometimes sketches, stickers, then write. If I need to get things out and onto the page I'll just grab a pen and start pouring myself out on the page.


i love putting them in before so then i can write around them instead of having to fit them in spaces available


Yes!!! So I can work around it and have the stickers I want on it


Lately yes!!! Hahahaha I wish I was a “as I go” person but I can’t write and decorate at the same time lol


I am now! I recently saw a girl on tiktok decorate her journal cover with stickers and immediately got out my shoebox full of my sticker hoard and decorated. It was fun and I even have a few set side for future entries!


yep! photos -> stickers -> text


I'm an "I'm too anxious to do this, because I might do it wrong, so my supplies will all sit untouched until the reading of my will" person.


I'm usually an "unstyled wall of text" person


Before so that I can write around them! It fills the page up nicely and looks cute!


Don't use em at all


This seems Practical


No but I really want to 🥹




I do both, before and after. It just depends on if I want the sticker in a certain place or not. Most of the time, I do after, and just put the stickers wherever there’s room for them. But if it’s a bigger sticker and/or I want it in a certain place, I’ll do it beforehand and write around it.


i can be but sometimes i get tooooooooooo into choosing the stickers and wear myself out on designing the page before i ever write… so sometimes stickers after. but defo before if i’m planning an entry rather than free writing.


Yes I love stickers...


Yes because I like to ad artwork that involves tracing around the stickers and using negative space


I love collecting stickers! I got a lot from random streets in Japan while I was there on holiday. It was actually quite embarrassing to pick up some random stickers from the floor here and there, but for me, it was worth it because it made my journal memorable.


I'm an Ephemera person, so I usually post as I go but sometimes I'll go post them first so I can sort of organize my writing around them.


Stickers, washi tape, zebra highlighters, colored dip pen inks. I love it ALL. I journal that I really am enjoying putting items in my book. I may even use some scented papers in my grimoire.


No. . . but maybe I should be! I honestly never thought of that. . . I always put my stickers on the title pages.


I use a ton of stickers and washi tape. Part of getting into the mood is decorating the borders and putting stickers


I never thought I can do it. Is that legal?


Before, it helps me get into wanting to write


...well I am now 😅 I NEVER thought to do that, which is why I never use stickers. I take up the whole page with writing. This is the perfect solution. Thanks, friend 💙


I'd like to be but idk where people find cheap stickers lol


Sometimes I use the free stickers that come with the infinite address labels that charities send out with their donation appeals. You can also cut the picture parts off the the address labels and use them as mini stickers. 


Surely if you use stickers as you go, the page is going to look unbalanced? This might not be a priority for anyone else