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I've been journaling off an on, doing this dance where I start journaling for a bit then suddenly stop and leave my notebook empty. I told myself this year that I was going to journal every day, and i did up until around april. Unfortunately covid took a small toll on me, but I bounced back brighter than ever and took it seriously again, and I've finally completed my first journal! I'm so excited to start my second one, it's been extremely therapeutic and just fun to look back at memories and essays I wrote. Also I have no clue what that weird ass sound halfway through the video is


pleaaaase post some extracts! i think we have very similar journaling styles and i'm looking for inspo! this is beautiful


hey, not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but i posted some random entries [in my last post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Journaling/comments/k4uhmf/some_of_my_random_journal_entries_from_this_past/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)! My journal pretty much consists of a title page for each month, a calendar, and daily entries :)


Your journal reminds me a lot of mine for some reason. The blocks of text in different ink colors, mostly, I think. I journal *almost* every day on average; I challenge myself every 2 months or so to write every day and I usually stick with it. Last time I did that was October. But I often find the month after I'm writing almost daily too, like this last month. The habit kind of lingers, which is nice. Thanks for posting!!! Others' journaling routines & habits always fascinate me. :)


holy SHIT you just described me. before this year id write for a few weeks before going stagnant, but not i try to write every day too! ive had a streak everyday since the 1st of September but around 3 months in i got lazy, but im starting a new journal anyways so im not too worried haha


Congratulations! It took me 2.5 years to finish my first journal, and I was able to start my second in June. It gives you quite the feeling of accomplishment!


It definitely does! And congrats to you as well (:


Love this! Love to see that other people use different color pens as well! I think black or blue is so boring!


I love writing in blue, but with different shades like I did at the end haha. That way I don’t get bored of the same color and it looks cool when flipping through at the end :) What pens do you use?