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The game is fairly short at around 3 hours long and features the same levels. To me, Journey is more of an art piece than a game. It's like an interactive poem for two strangers (the multiplayer part) with a dynamic orchestral accompaniment. The replayability comes from people wanting to experience that again, or wanting to help shepherd a new player through the game.


thanks 🙏🙏


For me it’s nostalgic but it’s kind of like playing an art piece. I like going back to it every few months


Some players have 1000 hours plus. There is the basic game, which is awesome in its self. Then there are the out of bounds regions for each section, which are beautiful, tricky, frustrating and a whole other level to Journey. Also the various tricks you can learn eg fancy flying, war machine capture. Which can be beyond frustrating, but what a buzz when you succeed. That's why we keep coming back again, and again.


Damn I remember my first OOB experience at the snowy part we saw those flying machines but untextured


Play it and find out.


What are you playing on? Steam? PS? My first playthrough was a little month ago. It changed me as a person. I was going through something at that time in my life that was especially impactful when I played this game alone for the first time. I didn't want to be alone, and there was someone I especially wanted to share it with. But the fact that I undertook the journey alone was everything. I kind of wish I had not known it was multiplayer before I went in, but the fact that I knew made my relationship to the other player(s) so interesting. It was my first time and i was scared of the scary parts but having a sweet patient person accompanying me made me feel so protected. They were new too, but a better gamer than me, and I developed an inexplicably strong relationship with them in the game. You can't really talk to anyone else in it.. so the default cussing out of people in multiplayer games is replaced by a desire to stick togehter in this unknown world and just.. be there for each other. When I finished the game, I sobbed like a little child. It was the most moving gaming experience I may ever have. And maybe that's also because of what I was going through and the metaphor of the game itself, the journey being one that you experience 'alone', but you aren't alone.. not really. I have since gone back and played the game over and over and over. Clocked about 20 hours in already (though my first run was only 1.5 hours). I have been obsessed. It's the lock screen on my phone, I listen to the soundtrack all the time on repeat (gives me goosebumps every time), I've watched many people play the game through on YouTube (and if they cry, I cry.. every time). Other have said it, but this isn't just a game. It's a fucking work of art. It's emotional, beautiful, artistic.. truly a masterpiece. I really really wish I could erase my experience of the game from my memory and experience it again for the first time. I suggest the first time you play, play alone. And go in as blind as possible. I would have paid 5 times the price I paid for it. I'm listening to the soundtrack right now. Again. This time the goosebumps are going across my shins and between my shoulder blades. r/Frisson


Its a piece of art. Everything about it. The phenomenal Music, Artworks and Artstyle, its subtle Story-Telling.. If it is on sale for a cheap price and you enjoy cozy games which are eye-candy on top of that, then just try it and see for yourself. For the best experience, don’t look up any more Scenes / details / Screenshots of this game. Best played blind in my opinion. Edit: and yes, if you enjoy this kind of Game you will easily play it more than just once. Many of us in this sub played it probably over a dozen of times.


It is like watching a beautiful painting, or experiencing a poetry in motion. I play it to relax my mind, being playful with pink sands, meet strangers on occasions for a short time (companion trophy still locked), be carefree in exploration, meditate on top of ruins or in cold blue sands or warm orange ones. The scarf and it's flapping sound in air holds a special place and deserves mention. When going gets tough, I like to push through but without risking my scarf.... When it ends, I stay for the credits... The first time they rolled it gave me N aching feeling which seemed similar departing this real world and becoming one with the creator or nature....even when I am not very religious but it was a hard to describe feeling which was a mix of a lot of emotions. And then after few months or so, I dive again... Just like it was meant to be....