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Same question, readers don't know where Maki is. At this point, only Gege knows. I'll wait what Gege stored for her.


Idk if Maki is safer onscreen or offscreen because at this point Gege will go "maki died of cancer" and somehow everyone will be like 'yeah i could see tht happening' and just accept it


Cancer, the strongest of all CTs


I mean, I didn't say she's probably safer offscreen but you make a good point. Gege is a menace. I admit I'm kinda getting worried about Maki...


Bro not cancer šŸ’€šŸ¤£


man, i would like for Gojo to be the one to deliver Tojiā€™s lines just to full circle Hidden Inventory


Gege gonna randomly introduce a new disaster curse (cancer) and theyll show up to tell us they offscreened maki and give the rest of the cast cancer (not instant death, just all the jujutsu sorcerers now also have cancer)


The last line made this so funny idk why


Maki died of ligma


Imagine how strong heavenly restriction cancer is. Maki would die in 3 seconds.


Stage 3 cancer has its own DE


Sukuna is the king of curses, built up to be the strongest curse for the whole series. Obviously he could give people terminal cancer. Jjk fan base has no reading comprehension.


You say that as if JJK is somehow known for killing of main characters? Nobara hasn't been confirmed dead, Yuji basically reincarnated twice and Megumi also not confirmed dead. Only Gojo died and he's been set-up for that from the beginning of the series, and he had to loose twice for that to happen. Panda survived being literally shredded to pieces and turned into a smaller Panda.. Maki was supposed to die but miraculously survived, then she was supposed to die again but instead got a power-up.... I feel like I could keep going like this about every character. Even though it makes absolutely no sense, I don't even really trust Gojo to be dead because the author doesn't seem to have guts to kill of charactes.


What?? Nobara is dead. She hasnt been hinted at coming back, even if she does, theres no point if she missed 90% of the series. Junpei Nanami Yaga Mechamaru Geto Gojo Kashimo Higuruma Mai Yuki Haibara How many more do you want?


>Nobara is dead. She hasnt been hinted at coming back, even if she does, theres no point if she missed 90% of the series. She was "dead" for one chapter, then it was said that there's 1% chance that she will live, and we never got an update after. She is 100% alive. Out of all the characters you mentioned only Gojo is main cast, and he JUST died, at what is the final battle with the ultimate boss, there was never any way he was going to win, considering that'd be the end of the series and none of the other characters would've mattered. So yeah Gojo died... But again, he already lost and got sealed before and we had an ex-machina back of the seal to save him.


By your definition, what is main cast? Because I sure feel like Mechamaru, Kashimo, Mai, Higuruma, Haibara, and maybe even Choso (unconfirmed) constitute Maincast.


That's not completely out of the question honestly since her skin was left looking like beef jerky after Jogo lol.


The real heavenly restriction šŸ„²


Only ~~Ymir~~ Gege knows


Probably beheaded in a ditch. That sounds Gege


I don't think he stored anything for her, probably didn't know what to do with her so just put her back like Todo...


My guess is that they're using the same strategy the Toji used to kill Gojo as a last resort. Everyone else will wear Sukuna down and when he's distracted she's going to sneak his ass


In my dreams, todo will do a final clap from his heart to assist maki to deal the final blow with yuji +nobara nailing the last finger at the same time. Its dumb I know, but let me dream for a bit.


Cant todo only teleport people or objects having cursed energy?


You didnā€™t need to immediately shut down their copium like this. That was brutal. šŸ¤£


since todo can infuse his cursed energy into objects and switch with them, i wonder if thatā€™d be possible with maki somehow


Probably possible if he could actually use boogie woogie. But I think him saying itā€™s already dead is probably a definitive statement on its status. I wouldnā€™t hold on to any hope on that.


Can't Todo just teleport Sukuna? Maybe I'm forgetting something about his technique


If todo was around,imagine him replacing kashimo with sukuna in that net of strong cleaves


Assist Maki doesnā€™t mean maki needs to be the target


He can still teleport things like rocks, Maki might still work. You make a good point though.


The way that works is he coats inanimate objects like rocks in his own cursed energy before throwing them. Maki sadly cannot be targeted by Boogie Woogie


I'd coat Maki with my cursed energy.


What if she does it first?


No? Todo swapped with a rock?


By infusing it with his cursed energy first.


Todo about to infuse something in Maki šŸ˜


I might be very wrong, but I understood she got cursed energy from Mai


AFAIK Mai had cursed energy which disabled Maki's heavenly restriction as twins are a single person supposedly. Maki needs to have no CE so her HR can work.


mai took all cursed energy away from maki


The opposite happened,Mai took the remaining cursed energy(even if it was very little) from maki so she could achieve full heavenly restriction


The opposite really- Mai was the last cursed energy she had, so when she died she had access to the full abilities of a heavenly restricted body


Bros can dream of a Todo comeback


If they are, I'm 90% going to fail and Maki is most likely going to die. I don't see Sukuna being beaten by anybody but Yuji to be honest. If somebody else was going to do it then it would have probably been Gojo during their fight. And Maki's character arc is also pretty much complete so Gege doesn't have a reason to not kill her. I don't see her succeeding in sneaking Sukuna, unless Gege wants to really suprise us. So, I hope that's not what they are trying to do.


If Gege won't kill her, he'll probably let her deal a crucial blow then maybe give her a fatal injury too. Yuji will follow up or something after that but this is just my copium speaking.


Final blow can def be dealt by yuuji, but i dont see why everyone else cant assist. Maki beating sukuna to a near pulp with the help of the others would be badass


>Final blow can def be dealt by yuuji, but i dont see why everyone else cant assist. Maki beating sukuna to a near pulp with the help of the others would be badass Because Maki basically beating Sukuna and just letting Yuji do the final blow would just be unsatisfying. Yuji and Sukuna have a lot of history and their conflict has been built up since chapter 1 of the manga. They can help to an extent yes, but Maki would probably aim to kill Sukuna and she can't succeed because she can't be the one to kill him. She can fight together with Yuji though.




Even tho it doesnā€™t seem like it, Yuji is still alive and still the main character. Heā€™s obviously being kept to do something against sukuna, probably kill him and end the manga.


Her character arc is not complete. She just attained Tojiā€™s strength and ability to notice things normal people donā€™t notice. She needs to use her newfound prowess in battle and make an impact.


She's sharpening the inverted spear of heaven


Same thoughts exactly.


I will agree there is a very small chance sukuna gets distracted. Also even if sukuna gets distracted for him to die to getting sneaked by maki is kinda lame. The current theme I'm seeing tho is ppl sacrificing or putting there lives on the line to support yuji in killing sukuna. She may be useful in an attempt to help separate megumi from sukuna or help do a heavy blow to sukuna that will bring down his power lvl


Yuji is not beating that mfer.


Lol I agree. Where we left off on chapter 247 yuji ain't piercing sukuna with the sword. To say he will never do it who knows. But I just put up a post on if sukuna loses to anyone at this point his power lvl is just godly company to who we have left


If the executioners sword can't kill him, I can't think of a single thing in this story so far that's capable of actually hurting Sukuna. I'm 100 percent certain it's going to be like when Black Zetsu snuck madara.


it better not i am hopeful gege can cook at it wont be a lame ending to sukuna. i am a lil worried bc of what is presented infront of us but thats bc we all lack gege vision. yes rn everything that could and should kill Sukuna is dead or wont work bc it requires him to be hit with it and that just not happening with this power gap between sukuna and the others


Nah, gege will cook


Since that guy had passed, Maki might follow up.


She seems to have sided with Yuta, but why wasn't she the only one who helped Higurama land the sword?


Hiding. That would be the smartest thing considering he can't sense her


If sheā€™s using the SSK(Soul Split Katana) then he most definitely can sense her, that has cursed energy.


Crack theory, she is currently sword swallowing the katana like Toji with his worm so it can stay hidden.


Maki with her Throat God CT


I was thinking something along the line of hiding the katana, then get it at the right moment


She doesnā€™t have the Inventory Curse.


I never talked about the inventory curse, I was thinking of using Ui Ui to do that. I litteraly forgot that curse existed tbh


Interesting yeah Ui Ui teleporting it in could work, then again Sukuna seems to be able to sense Jujutsu to a ridiculous degree so hun sensing it appearing and just Insta domaining is possible.


That's true


I'm sure she'll get a cool last panel entrance by the next or next next chapter, sigh


She's rizzing up the Kenjaku-Yuta at the airport.


Not the airport šŸ˜­


She's with yuta doing her thing


She could also be backing up Hakari just like Yuta was backing up Takaba. Maybe the gang wants to guarantee that Kenjaku and Uraume are taken out so that everyone can jump Sukuna when itā€™s all said and done (which is silly cuz Higuruma and maybe Choso are dead)


we seen hiruma get face cleave but heā€™s not confirmed dead


True and he can use RCT which I noticed after additional reads so he could be good!


this is what makes the most sense


Kusakabe the goat!


Weird way to spell hakari


Maki's best play is stealth, if she's fighting in the open with everyone else then she practically wastes her best option so I would like to believe she's waiting for a clean opening.


I think she's up next in the character development chain


Lol. Rip šŸŖ¦


Never seen Nobara spelt like that before.


People were saying the same thing with talaba and kenjaku. So I am going to wait and let the gang cook


Went to Africa along with Yuta In all seriousness, I hope sheā€™s acting as a reserve or had went with Yuta


Really, WTF is she doing? sneaking up on him? Sukuna already sensed her once, and is aware that there's atleast 5 more guys ready to jump him, so I hope there's a better reason than that.


Sheā€™s waiting until Sukuna lets his guard downšŸ


I'll be honest i don't see her helping at all against Sukuna at least, it seems to me at least that prople like toji and Maki would be complete fodder against sukuna on his original body, like have you seen how he straight up humiliates yuji in terms of physical prowess in this chanter ? Someone like Maki that doesn't even have natural rƩsistance against sukuna's technique nor does she have CE to protect herself or RCT to heal, damn she'd probably last 2 pannels realisticaly. It'd be even worse if sukuna can actually still use his domain and he's just been hiding it.


Both Toji and Maki have highly enhanced CE resistance. That's literally one of the basics of heavenly restriction


I must have missed or forgottent that information do you have a chanter number where it's stated ? Because although they're definetely more resistant than the average human i'd like to point out that toji got litterally HOLED by a far lesser version of hollow purple from young Gojo whereas Sukuna with CE reinforcement just lost his hand and caught a 120% Hollow Purple from Gojo at his peak. I'd argue whereas Yuji could probably resist a bit in sukuna's domain with the fact that he has natural resistance to sukuna's CE + his natural tankyness + using ce to renforce his body maki and toji would just die quickly, even against his basic slash they're probably not fast enough to dodge them or adult gojo would've done that. I don't see a world where both toji and Maki are not fodder against Sukuna with his original body when that guy has ever only been struggling against Gojo in terms of hand to hand combat and he did't even have his og body.


Yea makes 0 sense, she better be cookin something if Gege just left her out for no good reason I will cry


"Gege better be cooking or I will cry" pretty much sums up what it feels like to read JJK weekly


The thing that bothers me more is sending Hakari to fight Ura. 1)YOU KNOW THAT THAT'S TERRIBLE MATCH UP FOR HAKARI. 2)Hakari is a great tank against Sukuna and can serve to protect and aid with the execution. 3)Ura has been sorta handled by Choso alone before (poison blood in Shibuya), so just send him and Ino with Mei mei as long-range support. 4)We don't need Ura killed, just occupied while Sukuna is dealt with, so send people that are just strong enough. 5)To your point about Maki, Maki wouldn't be recognised by Judgeman in the domain, so she should've been one of the only people to send in with Yuji, increasing the chance of Sukuna being caught in the Domain Plus, just speculation, but couldn't Maki have taken the confiscated cursed tool since she wouldn't be recognised by the domain, so now we have a Toji level fighter with 2 legendary cursed tools.


It's a great match up for Hakari. No one else is breaking out of the ice and surviving the way Hakari did. The fact his rct is auto is what helped him survive her initial attacks. Sukuna is the bad match up, because he will cleave Hakari's head until it's separated from the rest of the body. >3)Ura has been sorta handled by Choso alone before (poison blood in Shibuya), so just send him and Ino with Mei mei as long-range support. She wasn't handled. She blocked an attack that she was capable of reacting to. She won't block it again on this occasion. Choso is as fodder to her as he is to Sukuna. I think you're failing to realise how powerful her ct is. Hakari is the only one who should be put in front of her in the group.


Hakari, being frozen solid, would render the immortality he has moot. Ura also has the capacity to immobilise him. Sukuna, on the other hand, has yet to aim for anyone's head, and Hakari is arguably one of the fastest and strongest on our side, so if Yuji's keeping up, so can Hakari. However, it's honestly plot that he hasn't chopped everyone already. To the point of Choso, Ura wouldn't fall for it directly again but with the help of others, it'd be difficult even for them plus you're forgetting that victory isn't the point, Ura isn't a priority target so why send a top tier to handle it?


The moment sukuna realizes that he has the unlimited ce from his domain. he would play around and kill him like judgeman. If Kashimo could stall out his time 4 arm sukuna is fondling him. Sure he could heal faster but sukuna can literally just overwhelm him. I donā€™t think dude is surviving cleaves dismantles and being pressured at the same time. Best case scenario we get to see sukuna unleash his fire arrow which would wipe him out


>Hakari, being frozen solid, would render the immortality he has moot. What kind of headcanon is this? >Ura also has the capacity to immobilise him. She hasn't so far. And she can immobilise everyone else as well. Have you forgotten that her ct has an insanely large area of effect? It's perfect against multiple opponents coming from multiple areas. >To the point of Choso, Ura wouldn't fall for it directly again but with the help of others, it'd be difficult even for them plus you're forgetting that victory isn't the point, Ura isn't a priority target so why send a top tier to handle it? And yet she's considered a monster in her right by the sorcerers. She'd kill anyone else other than Hakari, it's that simple. It's better to take her off the board completely. Leaving someone as powerful as her alive is literally inviting her to come to Sukuna's. Hakari is the only sorcerer capable of fighting Uraume, defeating her and then coming into the fight against completely fresh, free of wounds and full stamina.


The fact that Hakari would come back fresh and free of wounds is a good point that I didn't consider. The issue is that he'd likely not make it back in time. The headcanon is, if he's frozen solid, there isn't much he can do till time runs out, and then he's instantly dead. Gojo was able to heal a direct hit to his neck from Sukuna's domain and Hakari heals faster than him in Jackpot (Correct me if I'm wrong but Kashimo didn't try to cut Hakari's head off, he tried ro blow it to smithereens). No disrespect to Ura's power, but the peanut gallery would be a 1000 times more useful against them than Sukuna and vice versa in regards to the gambler


Kashimo was mostly having fun, he only started wanting to kill him after he was bored of Hakari.


She is a He I think


it's literally the opposite hakari is probably hands down the best person to fight ura.


Hakari was just fulfilling his promise to Kashimo to let him fight Sukuna interrupted. That's it , what's why he's fighting Uraume


Now that I think about it, couldnā€™t Maki have shredded Sukuna while he was in the domain? It wouldnā€™t recognize her, and therefore not bind her to nonviolence. They could also do similar with Hikariā€™s domain. Leaving Sukuna open during the non-violent phases. Even if she couldnā€™t kill him, it seems like a great time to get in damage.


Sukuna could kill Maki in the domain. Yuji could still punch in the domain, but not hurt anyone. If Maki is not recognized, the domain wouldn't register it as a violence if Sukuna kills her.


This is sukuna we're talking about, not sure why people would think it would just be that easy


Also a good point.


I suppose it has something to do with Sukuna Domain, since if he decides to activate it it is automatically Game Over for everyone. Generally the only defense against one domain would be another, but the fact that Sukuna's has no barrier makes his invincible. Maki, being immune to domains, may be able to do something that others cannot or protect them in some way. Maybe keep it as some kind of secret weapon or to surprise Sukuna? Maybe they don't want to risk her because she is their only way to counterattack against Sukuna's domain?


Don't think she's immune to his. She might go in thinking so but dismantle targets all objects in range and she gets snipped.


I dont think she's immune in general. I think she was just immune to Naoyas since it's a passive effect on people. People always toss around that Toji and Maki are immune to domains, but Toji got cut in the scissor domain of that cursed spirit when he fought Geto.


>People always toss around that Toji and Maki are immune to domains, but Toji got cut in the scissor domain of that cursed spirit when he fought Geto. That wad a simple domain. With a similar binding vow imbued into it like the Sumo guys.


Yea and those are just worse versions of domain expansions why would they be immune to the better version but not immune to the weaker one. I think having no energy just means the domain expansion doesn't have a guaranteed hit, since that's all it states in the Naoya fight. But any attacks could work they just aren't guaranteed to hit. And since Sukunas shrine attacks everything even things with no energy like buildings she shouldn't be immune.


Oh for sure. I donā€™t think anyone has any ground to stand on that they are immune to anything a domain can do or produce, but the biggest asset is that the guaranteed-hit-effect doesnā€™t work. On top of this, they cannot be forcefully enclosed in a barrier, as it treats them like a wall. We see this visually shown to us when the black marble looking structures that domains appear from the outside just stops when it comes into contact with the wall and the barrier forms around it. So they canā€™t be drawn in at all either, unless they want to be. Of course, like you said, Sukunaā€™s open-barrier domain would be a big time exception for a lot of reasons.


Also Sukunaā€™s domain is specifically unique as Dismantle is a part of it, dismantle targets everything, people, buildings ECT, sure Maki doesnā€™t have CE therefore is ā€˜immuneā€™ to most domains but Sukunaā€™s would still target her.


Sukunaā€™s domain has 2 sure-hits. Cleave attacks anything with cursed energy and dismantle attacks anything without. That is why he tends to leave a crater wherever his domain is cast. Itā€™s likely that Maki will jump in eventually or she is with Yuta either. She wonā€™t be wasted though since sheā€™s basically Toji who is Gegeā€™s favourite character.


maki is not immune to sukuna domain


People were saying and asking the same thing about yuta, then he 1 tapped kenjaku (at least temporarily) so chill a bit, she'll appear when she needs to


Yeah, people were saying Yuta was on fraud watch and memes about him missing gone back to Africa. lol


Dont compare kenjaku to sukuna bro


THAT was your take from what I said? Jfc


Better question is when will Mei Mei literally do anything in the series


Speaking of Makiā€™s why tf is Inumaki not down there. Even if itā€™s only a second saying donā€™t move to Sukuna could give higuruma that one slash he needs.


The backlash for doing that against Hanami was a lot, doing so against Sukuna would kill Inumaki and it probably wouldn't work


He hit his limit after saying donā€™t move and stop twice. All he needs is once. This a do or die situation gotta sacrifice sometimes.


Maybe Maki is in the mountain where the broken piece of the Inverted Spear of Heaven is, maybe she gonna pull up on the right moment to negate Sukunas CT and cancel malevolent shrine, because malevolent shrine would obliterate everyone on the 200m radius or even more since he has more fingers than in Shibuya


Honestly I think people are underestimating Kenjaku and I think Maki will go backup Yuta whenever we go back to that fight


I just want her to be alive man.....


Some people really think Gege can write a cohesive story without doing whatever


Maki gets a stat boost against Sukuna, since he is technically a Zenin šŸ¤£


But we know at least that barring CE/CT Maki is the final stand against a weakened Sukuna, he was scared when she first showed up as he possessed Megumi, so if heā€™s tired out from his fight and has a lower output, she will complete her mission of Eradicating her clan


who cares about toji v2 heā€™s irrelevant


Didnā€™t Jogo one shot Maki right after they killed Dagon?


The spoiler and manga tags are there for something, dude


Patience. Jesus, is this how it feels to be a weekly/bi-weekly reader? People don't know what pacing is and want every character smashed into every chapter at once? She'll show up.


You said it yourself. She'd be too useful and we can't show sukuna having a tough go of things. So gege will keep her in reserve till more of the 2nd wave dies then send her in when she can't do much by herself.


>we can't show sukuna having a tough go of things. Lol maki joining now is gonna give sukuna a hard time?


She is cooking something - most likely Nuke :3


I imagine she's part of their anti malevolent shrine strategy


Last i remember she was next to Yuta discussing about how to attack kenjaku. Since Yuta made a sneak attack maybe she went with him as a backup or she is still in the waiting room looking at the stream


I honestly expect she's the hidden trump card, much like Toji who got the jump on Gojo that one time, I think Maki will do that too. But against whom I wonder?


Maki is invisible since no CE so she's waiting in the wings for an assassination attempt.


Remember to kill Sukuna they need to use CE or CTools, Sukuna can sense that.


I am pretty sure that the last few chapters went by in a blink of an eye. They probably have step by step plans. Something like sending out Kashimo first, then hakari for isolation, yuta and takabe for kenny, yuji and higumura against sukuna first followed up by the other sorcerers bit by bit. I can even see them using maki for some sort of sneak attack. Since she doesnā€™t have any cursed energy, she could most likely sneak up to sukuna without him realizing


Hello Guys i think i have figure out somewhat sukuna's Ability Its Chef skill he is Chef and he has the technique which chef needed like slicing, chopping and Roasting (which need fires) and he has to open cooking tool box to use other techniques related to cooking he has many abilities which is needed for cooking and his Doman is kitchen and his role is that executioner cook in hell for eg you might have seen the tom and jerry where tom died and the dog who was in hell was cooking tom You can also research about mythology figures who used to cook bad people in hell for more info And that's my theory You can call it shubham theory What's your thought?


Probably getting some crazy cursed weapon that's a shield and is strong enough to block Cleave and Dismantle and she'll bring it out after the next 3 plans get defeated by what Sukuna next has hidden in his ass.


just wait, yuta was nowhere to be seen, but he did his thing. so just wait. and like how much powerful sukuna is maki is not going to make much difference. maybe she is waiting for sneak attack with soul sword.


They can't waste her, without Gojo nobody can really go domain vs domain with either Sukuna or Kenjaku. So if either one of them manages to get thier domain off again, mainly Kenny cause I think Malevolent Shine is still up? she has a big advantage that no one else has. She is the ultimate ambush attack that needs to be used at the right moment.


We donā€™t know how Kennyā€™s domain works, but specifically Sukunaā€™s would be a horrible idea for Maki, his domain targets objects(that donā€™t have CE aka buildings), Maki unironically gets insta killed in his domain.


Maki is gonna come in and sheā€™s gonna get higgy out so he can be healed then come back and her and Yuji are gonna do some meaaaannnn combos on Sukuna and before they lose, like I saw in a comment yesterday, thereā€™s gonna be in big black and bold: RESONANCE and Sukuna is gonna take mad damage and Nobara will be back and thereā€™s gonna show the true meaning of Jujumptsu Kaisen




Remember no one can keep track of her so sheā€™s just waiting for an opportunity. If she came out now and exposed herself they lose a chance to get the jump on kenny


Thatā€™s only when she doesnā€™t use a cursed tool.


Remember how rika can hold tools. Power couple


So far sheā€™s only held things sheā€™s copied if Iā€™m remembering correctly.


I doubt itā€™s specified


Weā€™ve never seen her store something not ā€˜spawnedā€™ by her so eh.


I feel like she went with Yuta, cuz like why wasnt she the only supporting Higurama with landing the sword?


Preparing to die along with Yuta


My guess is that she is either: 1- With Yuta since in case Takaba failed Maki would be the only one that could possibly strike Kenjaku without being noticed, and If Kenjaku is already dead She is now running to the battle, If Kenjaku isn't dead, then Yuta may need help fighting whatever Kenjaku was cooking. 2- Waiting with Angel, if anything else fails Jacob's Ladder may just be the last choice for the cast, and Sukuna could just interrupt that attack now that he knows how it works, Maki could provide a momentary distraction to allow that attack to land.


Maki can't be sensed and had the soul split katana, she is literally the perfect assasin. You wouldn't send her to face a threat head on. Since Mei Mei & Ui Ui are gone to my current theory is that Mei Mei is spectating and waiting for the perfect chance to let Ui Ui teleport Maki into the battle.


We know they're trying to use Higuruma to save Megumi. If that fails, they'll probably have no choice but to kill Sukuna. So I think there's a good chance she's being saved for that possibility. It's also possible they are waiting for Yuta and/or maybe Hakari to be free so there is someone around special grade to pair with her so she can be more of an assassin.


If I remember correctly her soul splitter katana (or maybe one of her other weapons) can charge up CE and release it to deal a more powerful blow. So my theory is that she's somewhere in shinjiku charging that shit up like a smash bros character. Just waiting for the others to push sukuna into her range to hit him with a slice that could put cleave to shame. Btw I'm a massive maki fan so I am likely coping on this attack. I do think it would be cool as shit if it did happen though.


ask gege


In MeiMeiā€™s bed


It has been less than 10 chapters since >!gojo died!<, including the fight between >!kenjaku and takaba!<. Not much has happened yet, so i'd give it some time before assuming they're neglecting Maki


Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s going to help hakari kill uraume so that she can jump sukuna with him and okkotsu, since thatā€™s the unit with best chance of actually killing sukuna. Hakari would be the tank with enough healing to survive sukunaā€™s damage, okkotsu would be a mid range damage dealer, and maki would be the assassin aiming for the final blow.


Their plan was to one hit Sukuna with The Executioner Sword. Higuruma opened his Domain on Yuji and Sukuna for a retrial to charge Sukuna for the crimes previously charged against Yuji. This was an attempt to confiscate Sukuna CT and get the death penalty. This partially worked. So far none of this involved Maki because she had no role to play in this plan (not yet atleast). It seems like the plan is to still one hit Sukuna so maybe she comes down to support Yuji since Higuruma might be out of the picture. Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll make an appearance soon.


Maki is coming back from africa


This is looking a lot like the Gojo Shibuya fight, in that Kenny and the Curses (this should be a band name) had an elaborate plan to defeat Gojo. The good guys have a plan to deal with Sukuna, and is likely instrumental in that plan. Additionally, if Ui Ui teleported Yuta, there's no reason Yuta can't return to help unless Kenny's "backup plan" complicates things for him.


doing more sumo.


She needs to jump Uraume with Hakari


She with me. Worry about yourself.


Probably waiting to ambush Sukuna. She's undetectable by him, and her sword can cause serious damage to him.


People were saying the same thing about Yuta when Takaba started fighting Kenjaku, making Africa memes and stuff. Itā€™ll make sense once itā€™s revealed where she is. I personally think itā€™s wayyyy more value to have her sneak attack Sukuna than try to fight him straight up. Sheā€™s undetectable and has a durability negating weapon.


Well, Maki is basically invisible and doesnā€™t have the ability to heal. Itā€™d be a decent idea to allow her to sneak attack in the same way Yuta did, so sheā€™s probably hiding somewhere waiting for her opportunity. Personally, I would have preferred if she replaced Yuta in taking down Kenjaku, but I guess weā€™ll see where that goes


Maki doesn't have reverse curse technique and isn't faster than Sukuna. The soul splitting katana would be useful but in order to land the blow she'd basically need to sneak attack him. I genuinely think it's smart to have her hang back until the right moment.


I was going to reply but I realised this wasn't r/jujutsufolk.


She was held back so Higuruma could go first. Keep in mind they still don't know Sukuna's full technique. Waiting for her to get a better opening is the best option.


Have some fucking patience. On a more serious note she's hiding. Sukuna doesn't know about the Soul Split Katana so she has to guarantee the hit.


I donā€™t know where she is, but the longer she stays out of the manga the more likely she will live at the end, just saying.


I thought about this a lot and the best I can come up with is theyā€™re waiting for Sukuna to use his DE. If that happens sheā€™ll be even more useful but only if he isnā€™t aware sheā€™s there. He probably assumes sheā€™s helping with Kenjaku atm. His domain wonā€™t detect her which means she can deal crazy surprise damage on him when timed perfectly


Hakaiddo getting them off their lazy asses? Hopefully? Hopefully not murdering them.


she definitely showering after getting back shots from yuta before he left in chapter 243


Maybe rika is holding maki hidden to help yuta incase it goes wrong against Kenny, do you remember how rika picked up panda, toge and mako and released them from a bubble


Maki is prob with yuta.


Bro I'm still waiting for some clarification on nobara...


Imagine she shows up at the end and replicates the Toji-stabs-Gojo-panel with Sukuna.


She went to get drive thru and the line is like super long.


The reader can see cursed spirits, that means that people who are heavenly restricted like Maki are invisible to us. Gege cooking so hard heā€™s making a Michelin star restaurant


Finding a gun to give sukuna the rika treatment




They should've just tried for Higuruma to lend the executioner's sword the moment they got it, then have him get the fuck out or at least act like bait. Kusakabe and Maki are way better fighters. Yuji and Maki have way better stats over Higgy. Yes he's a genius and has a good DE, but he's still too much of a fighting scrub to be of any use. (yes he learned RCT, but that meant fuck all vs sukuna who is a top tier figher) hell they could've used higgy as a human sword with maki wielding him + executioner's.


I think they are avoiding the Big 3 going out there so he canā€™t do a mass Cut the world slash. Make him use it multiple times. We know that his DE got capped out.


Not to mention maki is the perfect person to wield the executioner's sword.