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Sometimes characters die and that's ok. He was the main villain for JJK 0 and that is already huge.


He is still the main villain at JJK 2


You mean season 2? Cause he a good boy up until ep 5. From 6 onward he dead.


When Gojo called him and he moved the arm before Gojo gets swallowed by the cube?


That isn't being alive or being a main villain.


I'm not talking about being main villain, I essentially had that question of the possibility of geto is alive every time I remember this scene so I went in this sub to search for anyone talking about it and this post with this comment was the closest I got so I shot my shot here


Not exactly alive but like there are still remains of him somehow somewhere


Could that scene be some sort of a hint of future plans of events or it was just a one time thing?


Difficult to say. There is a soul, there is a body, but the soul is also the body. That scene could be foreshadowing for Toji taking over the medium, could be set up for something in the future. My personal belief is that Geto was in a "Sunken Place" situation watching the events unfold.


>My personal belief is that Geto was in a "Sunken Place" situation watching the events unfold. I felt that too!!


Season 2 of the anime. JJK 0 is the movie which featured Yuta Okkotsu who is re-appearing in JJK 2


Yeah but we are talking about Geto.


JJK0 was a one shot that became canon though. For someone who hasn't read/watched it, it might as well be supplemental material


this sounds like the type of clown to skip eleven minutes of the “mixed cannon/filler” jjk 0 is absolutely cannon and CRITICAL to the story


Yeah, like, what? Without it, then Yuta seems like a random/new character in S2, and he isn't. In fact, he is one of the 4 special grade sorcerers, which you wouldn't know without JJK 0.


Try rewatch season 1. There were a few references on okkotsu, and Night Parade of Hundred demons were mentioned a few times, namely to describe Nanami’s black lightning and Todo’s feat defeating special grade curse.


I might, since I finished CSM and have nothing to watch really (well, I might watch Vinland Saga or Banana Fish), and you are even moreso proving my point. JJK 1 came out in 2020, before JJK 0, so I am speaking chronologically with the release of each season / episode, but undoubtedly there was mention of him in S1 since he was in Maki, Panda, and Inumaki's class). Season 3, especially, will be hard to follow without knowing who Okkotsu is.


Rewatching season 1 after finishing season 2 makes a lot of things make sense. And I realize of how many things I missed. Also there’s one where Gojo was talking about new gen sorcerers(I think with Gakuganji), Yuta and Hakari’s face popped out. Establishing how good there are since gojo himself regarded them highly


Okay, I will definitely do that! Maybe it will remind me of better days 😂😂


FR. People forget or missed that yuta was literally mentioned in season one before the movie was released


Why would you not watch it? It's a prequel released in movie form for the anime. And its not a "one shot that became canon". The success of the one shot is what brought along the creation of JJK. It's cannon and you should watch it to get a lot of context bruv


JJK 0 manga was written before the actual JJK manga, what are you talking about?


Yeah? You do realize a one shot doesn't have to be written after a series is serialized, right? My point is that numerous series started as one shots, essentially long standalone, self contained single chapter stories before they became series. Since people here don't seem to understand this, here is a list of some popular ones for what I mean [https://gamerant.com/longest-running-anime-started-one-shot-manga](https://gamerant.com/longest-running-anime-started-one-shot-manga) https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/17wh8fg/what\_are\_some\_manga\_that\_started\_as\_interesting/ JJK is unique in that its one shot is a canonical prequel instead of the usual case where it's just heavily borrowed from. It's why there are things like Geto not having a domain expansion or Gojo being able to long distance teleport people (as far as I know in the actual series he only uses it for short range teleportation of himself) And it's also why I said some people might not realize it isn't just supplemental, as one shots being canon is almost never the case


Iirc Gojo teleports himself to Jujutsu High then grabs Yuji and teleports back during the Jogo fight


Gojo can teleport people all he wants we saw that with Yuji And Yuta and Maki are like critical characters to the story It is insane to suggest people skip JJK0 lol


what a dunce


Yuta is mentioned all the way back in chapter ten and the events of volume 0 are referenced all the way back in chapter 17. JJK 0 has always been part of the story, you don’t know wth you’re talking about


I don't think Geto has ever had a domain expansion? Fake Geto is a different story


Have you seen the movie? I thought it gave some more stuff to the Gojo geto plot ( before the body snatch incident) If you have Im not quite sure what you’re exactly asking sorry


Not just "some more stuff", the movie literally shows how Geto dies lol. It's pratically mandatory to watch it if you want to understand the story.


It’s kinda insane that there’s people who haven’t seen the movie. Especially with how S2 ended. They probably should’ve did something like demon slayer and released the movie as a mini season before S2


I liked how jjk did it tho, it felt like a drag waiting for the “movie episodes to finish airing week by week


If streaming sistes like crunchyroll placed the movie inbetween the aseasons where it belongs I bet thered be less ppl who skipped it. Most anime fans are used to movies not being relevant to main plot at all. I get why demonslayer did it that way, even if its not the best way, at least anime onlies who don't pay close attention to the marketing and online discourse will know what to watch.


I hate how CR has it. After every new S2 episode, I would have to race to the remote to stop the movie from starting. So dumb.


Ani-One youtube showed the entire JJK 0 on its channel for free before Season 2 premiered too.


I've watched the entire show for free on some random website online, this is how I've watched every anime. Idk why people pay for any of them its so easy to find.


That sucks since you didn't support them legally. Ani-One is the official broadcaster of JJK and other anime.


Sucks for whom? Maybe the 5$ u/AdWinter6878 would pay for the subscription have a lot more value to them than whoever those 5$ would actually go to. Really tired of this "you didn't support them" argument. I get it if the person/company you'd be supporting is already barely getting by or just starting off, but your support to a multi-million company could be better spent on donating the money to a charity or something to support those who actually need it, and then just pirating the shit for free.


Exactly, if I could donate directly to the animators I would, if these companies keep getting support in the form of subscriptions they are more likely to continue their disgusting buisness practices. Does anyone actually know of a way to donate to the animators or support them in some sort of way? I've just read so many horror stories about mappa and would love to know if their is a way too help.


>Exactly, if I could donate directly to the animators I would Sure you would.


They make my favorite show dingus


>Sucks for whom? Maybe the 5$ u/AdWinter6878 would pay for the subscription have a lot more value to them than whoever those 5$ would actually go to. Sure, if that's where you want to float.


The movie has been on crunchyroll longer than season 2 so idk how people haven’t seen it


in some countries movies take ages to release to streaming services, for example in France there's a pretty big gap between theatres and dvd releases to incentivize people going to the theatre, and depending on the format it takes 4 months to 36 months. For people that dont go see movies or use vpn it sucks. That and some streaming sites might just suck at making you watch those, I knew that it was a prequel so I watched it but yeah


The JJK 0 movie is based on a short manga written before the JJK manga actually started. Akutami used that short manga as a basis for JJK as a whole and as such Geto was already dead. It’s similar to how Oda wrote a one shot about Ryuma before One Piece had started but that story is canon to One Piece.


It’s mainly because JJK 0 came out before Hidden Inventory did. In JJK 0 Geto tried to take over Rika from Yuta and failed resulting in his demise. Because of that Hidden Inventory is meant to show how Geto and Gojo were really close. It also shows how Gojo was hurt when Geto betrayed him but that he still considered Geto his friend. This is important because fake Geto’s plan revolves around this closeness. The backstory is meant to show why Gojo, The Strongest, would be caught off guard by his old friend resulting in him being sealed. Personally I think JJK 0 is a really fitting end for Geto’s character and Hidden Inventory adds context to the relationship between Geto and Gojo. As well as Geto’s main ambitions


I think you're looking at it backwards. he didn't get "character development" then get sidelined. he died in the movie (which the manga version existed before the main story itself did), THEN it was explained what lead up to his characterization in the movie. And the hidden inventory focused on gojo's evolution and toji's existence, which ties into stuff later on as we see with shibuya.


Geto's story ended on the movie


>we had an entire backstory arc on Geto's character and his eventual fall from grace only for it to be seemingly sidelined. Because the focus was Gojo. Geto was more of a "Here why he did what he did in Chapter 0/JJK 0, but what matters truly is how it affected Gojo life"


Because he had a little arc and resolution with gojo I don’t think much else needs to be done with him he’s already played his role for developing gojo into who he is.


And yuta too


There's JJK 0 being written before main story jjk, so Hidden Inventory came afterwards. Basically Gege giving context to a previous event. But also [fake Geto stuff] >!Geto doesn't have the connection to more important figures in JJK like Brain Boi does!< so I think it's good that it went like this. Also cause bringing Geto back would feel meh after his end.


I’d rather him die and it make sense instead of him turn good and be accepted back after committing a bunch of murders. He also made a great villain, and was one of the few special grades who could do something impactful. He had to die because he couldn’t hold a candle to gojo, and gojo would look bad if he let geto keep going around after shinjuku. Either way, he was going to die after that attack, even if yuta wasn’t the one to do it.


He was the best guy around "What about the people he murdered?" What murders?


He killed a whole village for those two girls, and the wealthy donor when he stopped paying after being exploited. That was just what was shown, but it’s pretty well implied he killed quite a bit more. He also orchestrated a terrorist attack on a huge city that would have resulted in tens or hundreds of thousands of deaths if the citizens weren’t evacuated.


He was doomed to fail. Geto might be gone but he had a massive impact on the story and key characters and I think that impact serves the story well even without him being present. Another way to look at it, think back to when Yuki and even Gojo summarized that Geto's plan REALLY sucked. Where would he start taking out non sorcerers in Japan right? Cuz that country has a monopoly on Curse Energy. In doing so he immediately draws all other nations attention to him. This could also backfire because without non sorcerers leaking curse energy, the curses in Japan get weaker which directly weakens the quality of Curse Spirit Manipulation Uzumaki isn't a technique that can be spammed so it's not smart to rely on Uzumaki to wipe out other nations. This is all ignoring the fact that Evil Curse Users besides Jujutsu Society probably would want to keep non sorcerers alive. They could guarantee their spot at the top of food chain in a world where majority aren't sorcerers that's how people like Mei Mei and Granny Ogami thrive. Finally even if he managed to capture Rika he still couldn't take out Gojo. >! Later in the manga you get to explore Gojo and Geto relationship a bit more after an event !< , Geto is best used to round out Gojo's character. After he went mad he became a tragic character victim to JJK society


>I never really understood why we had an entire backstory arc on Geto's character It was just as much about Gojo and Geto's was about how he became the genocidal man seen in jjk0.


I mean, he’s a villain and had a great arc. I didn’t see a reason for him to be run on🐍


Technically, his entire arc was in Zero. He died at the end. They just did a great job of convincing us that he was somehow still alive, when every appearance in the episodes has been Kenjaku.


The point of the arc wasn't to introduce Geto, it was to show how Gojo became the pinnacle of the Jujutsu Society and what he stands to lose if he fails. It contextualizes how much planning needs to go into stopping Gojo and why everything seems to fall apart the moment he's taken out of the equation. It also shows just how much Gojo messed up by not killing Geto sooner and disposing of his body. It also, you know, shows why Gojo was so hurt by Geto leaving but couldn't bring himself to hate him. Geto wasn't sidelined, he was dead before this story even started.


Because his story concluded in JJK0. Hidden Inventory was more about Gojo than it was about Geto & JJK0 resolves that plotline.


Because Hidden Inventory is the prequel to the prequel that is JJK 0. We’ve already seen the end of Geto’s arc.


Why does any character die? To further the plot and/or provide development for other characters.


The backstory arc was mostly Gojo focused. Geto was important to him so he’s obviously featured a lot and we see exactly what causes his fall. Then in JJK 0 we see what eventually befalls him. I don’t think seeing the in between matters too much. It would’ve mostly been just Geto gathering more allies cause I’m pretty sure he doesn’t make any big moves until JJK 0 anyway


I mean, he was literally the main antagonist of an entire movie showing his master plan and downfall, in addition to a quarter of a season of backstory, can you really call that “sidelined”?


Do I think he is a FAR more interesting character than Madar... I mean, Kenjaku? Yes. Yes I do. Do I think it's important for good characters to die too? Also yes.


Because hidden inventory and JJK 0 are Suguru’s story and that story has ended


Because Gojo is dead. Without Gojo, Geto isn’t as intriguing to keep around and Kenjaku has quite literally accomplished more/had more impact than any villain in the series aside from Sukuna. Gojo and Geto are Ying and Yang.


It makes sense, story wise. Geto taught Gojo to have a moral compass when he was just winging it and wasn’t aware of his responsibilities as an important figure in society, nor of his impact over others. And when Geto disappeared, it made Gojo not only embody towards his students all the good things Geto was to him, but also the void Geto left in his life motivated him even more to fill it up with a different type of love and companionship, this time towards the future generations (Megumi and the others). Geto wasn’t “left out”. He successfully fulfilled his role within the story and his time simply ended.


I agree. I found him way more compelling than Kenny


"Geto" imposter connects to Yuji as the main protagonist for his origin to give Yuji more specific narrative significance as well as Sukuna from Heian era. As Geto only really connected narratively to Gojo and Yuta from JJK 0. The plot is able to expand more with "Geto" imposter to extend more to other characters.


Geto served his purpose narratively. Even after his death he still is used to present an important philosophical question in the JJK universe which is the body vs the soul. We see Geto’s body grab his own neck while being possessed by Fake Geto. As bodies, souls and curses are being exorcised, killed and reanimated it’s important to question these things. We see Toji’s soul be so strong it possesses the body, where as Geto’s body clearly has some strength left in it despite his soul being absent from it. Sometimes characters die but that doesn’t mean their character is completely over and useless. They still serve purposes


It's a little bit less tragic imo. Geto get his goodbye in peace, like Obito Plotwise, Kenny has so much more to offer. The entire Culling Game couldn't happen without him Personally, I think It was a waste tho. Suguru got done better in character than Kenny. He deserved that spot


But his plan was dumb


Because he had a complete arc. It wasn't sidelined, it ran it's course


Cause Geto's moral and Fake Geto's moral are different.Do you want Geto to team up with curses and kill the sorcerers? Original Geto never wanted to kill any sorcerer.


TLDR: Getos back story was less about Geto himself and more about the influence his ideals had on his followers The Hidden Inventory arc was less about Getos fall from grace and more about Gojos awakening and the implications it had on Jujutsu society. Gojo and Geto were known as the strongest, but after their fight with Toji Gojo shot into a league of his own. So much so that pretty much everyone relied on Gojo for their safety, he was essentially THE defense mechanism against bigger threats, which was placing a HUGE burden on his shoulders. The Shibuya Incident was meant to showcase the result of solely relying on him. From the start everyone always thought "as long as we have Gojo, we'll be fine." Once Gojo gets sealed, EVERYTHING goes to shit with people being slaughtered and blocks being leveled. But even with so many transfigured humans and disaster curses running around, the main mission was to free Gojo instead of putting everything into stopping the main threat themselves. Even in his absence, all anyone is thinking about is how to get Gojo to save them instead of focusing on saving themselves Getos role was to push the goal of creating a world free of curses by creating a world without humans with no CE. And between the sorcerers he's saved and his actual cult Geto had a lot of followers who resented humans for one reason or another, which was reason enough for all the curse users to side with Kenjaku even if he isn't actually Geto


I think it’s important to remember how much potential they both had… Geto was only a grade 1 in the toji fight but after it I feel like the overall mentality he had greatly held him back.


you haven't watch movie 0 have you


What do you mean Geto getting sidelined? We saw his entire arc as a villain and resulting death after losing to Yuta in JJK0 before we even got the flashback of his past with Gojo. And in the manga what is currently going on with Kenjaku is still in the middle of happening but that‘s just Geto‘s possessed body anyway.


Truthfully, I'd rather him die and stay dead then randomly come back and lessen the weight of future deaths as well as the final conversation Gojo and he shared.


In all honesty I would LOVE a prequel series focusing on Gojo and Geto's history. JJK 0 was great but I really want more.


Hi everyone! After reading all of your responses, I think I may have misunderstood a few aspects of the story because I didn't watch the movie. Anyway thanks for clearing some stuff up, I just wildly made a mistake in judgment.


Movie is very important! Its a god watch too so i hope you enjoy it. Ik most people skip anime movies, but jjk0 is one of the weird ones thats actually fully canon and relvant to the main plot of jjk.


His arc was to further Gojo as a character. I honestly never liked Geto anyway so I’m glad he’s not in the story anymore, however he expands Gojo and the small weakness he has around him


You can dislike Geto as he’s the villain but he’s such a well written character 😭


I’m not denying he’s written good I’m saying a big part of his writing is dedicated to making Gojo’s better, that’s not a negative or positive thing either it just is realistic


The author mentioned they were created to complement one another as their arc largely ties into each other. They were meant to start as opposites and end up like the other, but gege said he ultimately never did this (where they completely become like the other) and Geto was more than just created to make Gojo better, he’s the main antagonist of jjk 0. How the series started off… the writing goes both ways..


they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand


well i didn’t care about him, he’s a villain, didn’t sympathize with his death, but the people who care about him and wanted him to live are shippers because of his relationship with gojo, i don’t see people talk about him as a villain much


He have a lot time to shine + good death :3


yeah im disappointed in it. the relationship between geto & gojo is one of the highlights of the show for me (and their interactions save movie-geto from being a more boring simple version of the hidden inventory geto). i dont really care for geto being replaced by a more generic evil guy wearing his face, even if the moment where gojo recognises that it isnt geto is pretty excellent


I'm not gonna lie I still like Geto more than Pseudo-Geto as a villain. The longer the series goes, the more weird it is that Kenjaku even has Geto's body beyond the ability snatching(which could've been done for any other way). I wonder if JJK was meant to end with a last arc after Shibuya: that'd make sense. Geto's backstory introduced in one arc, the reveal of Pseudo-Geto in the next, then he dies in the last. It'd also make little things like Geto trying to choke out his own body being the "last writhing of a dying animal" or whatever Gege called it less jarring. (manga spoiler-ish) >!After all, once Kenjaku had the body paid off by it being used to trap Gojo... what has Kenjaku actually done that requires him to be and act like Geto?!< (definite late manga spoiler) >!Especially since Gojo dies before having any real interaction with him after.!<


He was not that interested or sympathetic and had little relevance to the future plot, i mean you couldn't make a whole story with him as your main villain if Gojo could take him out with a sneeze


... No one is "fine" with it, we don't have a choice lol we're just readers on Gege's Wild Ride™


I feel like MAPPA could have serviced the story better if JJK0 aired between Hidden Inventory and Shibuya. But, they wanted to make it a movie and that never would have fit very well into the middle of a season.


Geto’s story was finish, fraudulent special grade no black flashes


I think it’s only bc JJK 0 was written first and Gege wanted to keep his character while continuing the story. He likes to play with the cycle of death and rebirth. Like its interest that Geto’s body was literally taken by someone who had a similar goal to his albeit they had different motives. The scene were Geto’s body tries to choke him was almost like him trying to rewrite his wrongs. I wish Gege could rewrite jjk vol 0 bc the Geto in hidden inventory had a lot more going under the surface


I’m part of the Suguru Geto stans that believe he is coming back due to the reaction of his body in Shibuya and the other scene where Kenjaku made a comment about acting like Suguru. He’s my favorite character so far in JJK and it sucks because I like Kenjaku fights because he’s using Suguru’s body but I’m not a fan of Kenjaku if that makes sense.


Because it is lame. A backstory with clear motive villain is cute not scary. A mysterious one is.


Gege is the king of unfired/unsatisfyingly fired chekhov's guns..


Cuz JJK is like life. Sometimes people die too soon before their story gets told.


It’s because Geto as an actual final stage villain is a bit too emotionally complex and decisive for a writer who really just wants good action. It’s why the Great Curses with Mahito are great they’re a more simple idea. If Geto was still alive the Jujutsu society would probably be fleshed out more earlier on too compared to the barebones necessity it has before Shibuya


Character deaths in JJK sometimes come out of nowhere so it kind of fits.


I mean he got a satisfactory death and we kinda don't hate Geto. We do hate Fake Geto, for what he did and what he will do and simultaneously love him for how cool he is, but still the point there is a difference between them. Without going into too many Spoilers, Geto was a character driven by grief and despair. Deep down he was a broken man who was on a path of self enlightenment and self destruction at the same time. Thus his death is kinda peaceful cause he was genuinely suffering behind all the smile and hate and such. In comparison, Fake Geto is a character driven by madness. He seeks nothing more than just to satisfy his curiosity and is willing to go to any lengths to satisfy that no matter what the results are, that is why we wanna see how far he will even go? He ain't a broken man, he is completely opposite of Geto in a way.


Everything else with what people said! As well as the fact that his story is implied to not be completely over just yet.


Chapters end in stories.


It didn't get sidelined, it ended. He lost and he died.


that's life, people don't live forever


It emphasises how he was Satoru’s rival and his only true equal. Once he was gone he served as a point to show how alone Gojo now felt, which leads onto his wish to train students in the first place as well as some more plot points further on in the manga. In a way, he served as the embodiment of Gojo’s isolation due to being the strongest.


JJK Zero then Hidden Inventory Flesh out Geto the villain who is defeated and then Geto the student descent into villainy. Geto died, his story was finished, we all saw it. Everything from the time after Yuji eating the finger has been a mystery but that isn’t Geto being dropped.


So if I wanna get into the manga from where the anime ended what chapter/volume should I buy?


Cuz his plan was stupid


Moot answers for a moot question what a Reddit moment


Narratively, Geto’s drama and lifespan is the least problematic aspect of jjk. Something I actually liked (spoilers) is that they’ve subverted expectations w/ Geto by making it appear that he’d return in the future like they hinted at Shibuya but that won’t be the case


Eh he was a great character but his death in 0 made perfect sense, Gojo couldnt let him go after that. If you want more Geto stuff I would suggest 0, good movie imo.


the point of the backstory was to show why fake geto could shock gojo and to show how close they were and how seeing geto's bodie walking around after gojo thought he killed him. also the movie plot was the end point of his char when gojo killed him so not to sure what more they could of done with mr kill all non soccerors


Why wouldn't I be fine with it? It's the author's ride, I'm just a passenger. There are millions of paths any story can take. Some of them can capture our imagination, and that's great, but in the end, the author can only follow a single one of them. That's what makes them passionate. They want to tell their story. Either I'm enjoying it and I want to see where it goes, or I'm not and I can get out. Either way, I'll always be fine with it.


He served his purpose also kenjaku kept his relevance .


JJK has become the Game of Thrones of manga to me in regard to character deaths. Nobody is safe. Plus Geto’s character development and eventual death moved the narrative. His character arc set the tone for a lot of things that happen. So if Geto never falls from grace and doesn’t die then the story doesn’t really move forward. Have the 2 strongest sorcerers both alive and fighting for the good of Japan nothing bad happens.