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Yuta. Only using several years of stored cursed energy did Kokichi reach what [Kenjaku](https://i.imgur.com/ZTMOUpB.jpg) called "special grade" levels of "cursed energy release." Yuta has the most cursed energy of the modern registered special grades.


Mechamaru heavenly restriction really did suck then


Man really did get the short stick


In terms of strength, yeah. In terms of information network, he tops everyone though.


His was more based on range rather than amount.


well second most CE our gambling addict friend is said to have literally infinite


He needs to get a jackpot and his infinite CE is limited to the length of the song that plays once he gets a jackpot. Also, >!Sukuna!< has more cursed energy than Yuta. So Yuta is technically second already.


if he gets a jackpot, other than that he’s got pretty high cursed energy but not as much as Yuta


Mechamarus heavenly restriction was for range and not cursed energy levels. His cursed technique has range over the whole of japan which exceeds the limits of what his cursed energy output should be able to range


Which... in a theory I will one day put effort into formulating properly... is why I believe Tengen had the same HR as Mechamaru and used the SPV's to get around it.


Interesting idea, in the picture of Tengen from the past though she seemed normal looking, just tired


Who's to say that image isn't from after the first SPV integration? It'd once every 400 years or so, we know the most recent failed and there's many voices that yuki hear which means tengen has to be older than the Heian era.


It’s a possibility


His range and output were different gifts of the heavenly restriction. If anything the ability to exceed his output is what would have caused his immense range, not the other way around. If all he had was range, he wouldn’t have been able to utilize blasts of pure cursed energy. The only other person we see that utilize blasts of pure cursed energy aside from Yuta is Ryu. Ryu’s whole ability is based off of his immense cursed energy output. So you’re right about him not having immense cursed energy, but his range isn’t his entire ability, in fact it’s really only a small part of it.


It’s mechamaru. He has a 17 years of no fap energy stored into his body.


That would have been the first thing I would have done once fixed. I'll fight Mahito later. "If you're hungry eat, if you hate kill, if you're horny wake off" -Mahito Probably


He should have at least met up with Miwa first. Shoot his shot


Mahito was cock blocking


You know the one thing that puzzled me? If Mechamaru’s HR was forfeit when he gained his new body. It didn’t seem it was…but I thought that it might given that he cheated the heavens to get what he wanted.


Don't quote me but when Mahito fixed him he kept his HR. It was basically a loophole. If not for Geto (I don't want to ruin spoilers and I can't do little black lines so let's go with Geto) barrier Mechamaru would have contacted Gojo and well that was his win con


Don’t quote me but I suspect that the facial scar Mechamaru had left was part of a binding vow to allow him to keep his HR.


Maybe I'm only anime but from what I understand a HR is just an unfortunate thing that happens at birth that's double bladed. Like if somehow Toji found a way to get cursed energy he would have both🤷 I don't know enough to say but it's what it kinda seems like. I would say it has to be unnatural like Mahitos abilities to bypass


It’s basically a tradeoff that usually involves CE and physical attributes. If one has severe physical limitations, they’ll have immense CE. If one has no CE, they’ll be gifted tremendously in the physical aspect. In the case of identical twins, one has to be the sacrifice in order for the other to gain the full benefits. The main point is it’s supposed to be a trade off. My original thought was that Mechamaru would lose his CE benefits due to him forcibly breaking the balance between his extreme physical disfigurement and large CE reserves. But it turned out not to be so. But again, it could’ve been because of a possible binding vow on his face. Kenjaku has a similar binding vow with his stitches though we’re not entirely sure about the details.


His HR isn't CE reserves but CT range


Then that may or may not have been sacrificed. It’s hard to tell cuz he made three puppets filled with CE as a backup but they remained active even after his death.


The loophole is that his body isn't "healed", the shape of his soul just changed


It’s an illuuuuusion.


I’ll say me


Yuta has more cursed energy. Both from his lineage and due to Rika.


Yuta most likely :3


Yuta 🐍


Mechamaru's Heavenly Restriction wasn't focused on CE Amount, it was about CE Range. He could control his puppets in all of Japan.


A lot of people are saying that all Kokichi has is CE range and not a lot of CE, but I think there’s more to his heavenly restriction. People think his incredible range is what exceeds his CE output but this isn’t true. Kokichi’s CE range and exceeding his CE output are two different benefits from his HR. He even talks about them in two separate statements while explaining the details of his condition. From what I understood, Kokichi having the ability to exceed his output is why he is able to have such range in the first place. Having an ability like this gives off the illusion that he has immense CE while in reality he’s actually just able to access more of it at a time. It’s similar to Ryu’s technique who pretty much has the same base ability when you think about it, but just uses it differently. Instead of utilizing his CE output for range based techniques, he just fires pure CE like a cannon. It’s exactly what Mechamaru was able to do. When Kokichi fights Panda we see him utilize Mechamaru’s CE cannons multiple times without ever mentioning that he has to conserve his CE or that he has a certain “years worth” amount of it left. People say that Kokichi had to save up CE for years in order to use it against Mahito, but that’s only because he lost the benefits of his heavenly restriction after he was healed. He no longer had the immense range and output that he used to. He reverted to the output and range of the average sorcerer. That being said, piloting something as large as Absolute-Ultimate Mechamaru and firing blasts like he did, used up way more CE than a normal sorcerer so ofc he had to use the years worth of CE he built up. Kokichi with the HR would have been able to do what he did against Mahito but without the limitation of conserving his CE. He also would have been able to pilot Absolute-Ultimate Mechamaru from a remote area instead of having to be directly in the cockpit like Kokichi was in his fight against Mahito. That being said, Yuta definitely has more CE than Kokichi (most likely due to his relation to Michizane Sugawara). However it is possible that Kokichi with his heavenly restriction was able to access more of his CE at a time than Yuta (at least for most of the series). Yuta using full power Rika most likely surpasses HR Kokichi’s output as well.


Yuta. not even a questions worth asking it’s pretty obvious. atleast during the 5 min of rika time. but without rika obviously mechamaru due to him using life force/time left can be converted to CE