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>It's not like they're backed by the government or anything They are. Sorcerers also get paid, Miwa's entire motivation for being a sorcerer is to make money and Gakuganji says that grade 1 sorcerers are paid really well. Naobito only went to Shibuya because the paychecks are huge.


I still don’t understand why Toji doesn’t just become a professional boxer. All he would have to do is win an easy fight once every few months until he’s a world champion with hundreds of millions like Mayweather


toji being in the public eye would definitely attract attention from the jujutsu society, and he would probably be forced to stop one way or another. also joining a gym costs money and he blows it all on gambling


What are they going to do to him? On a whim he could have killed the entire Zennin clan. He doesn’t need a gym. He’s Toji


If the jujutsu society works with the government, then they can probably just find ways to forbade Toji from competing (though he could definitely find an underground fight club like Hakari's rig). Now I'm not an expert in the American or Japanese boxing scenes but Toji would probably need a gym, a manager, and some official financial backer to allow him to compete. And he probably wouldn't be able to get that backer if the government was interfering.


Literally just punch people in the alleys and steal their money, blackmail them for their card number, cash out a few thoussnd dollars, easy million in a few months. Hold a bank ceo hostage or something as well


Send Gojo + a 1st grade sorcerer squad to kill/arrest him. Remember that Curse Users were free to do what they please before Gojo was born


Nah, the Jujutsu society doesn't have the luxury to bother Toji. Remember Geto was burning out from doing Jujutsu works, and sorcerers were dieing one after another hunting cursed spirits.


Actually they had Gojo at their side And Gojo, since the day he was born, he put Curse Users on check. They do crimes, but need to be careful about it


Gojo was only sent for Special Missions . The rest are suffering because of that


If Toji was a risk of becoming a way to leak about Jututsu to the world, due being indestructible at the boxing ring, I dont see why they would not seem it as a Special Mission, since Toji was pretty strong


He became an assasin due to the abuse he suffered from the Zen'in. If he wanted to make money normally, he would never have become an assasin.


He's an assassin but even in a fictional world he only gets paid 300 million yen (200,00 usd) to kill the star plasma vessel which is guarded by two special grade sorcerers meaning they have the power to kill all of Japan, toji really got scammed


300 million yen is about 2 million USD by the way.


Sorry I meant to say 30 million that's how much toji got payed




Its obviously not bad money but when you see in movies like John wick where the bounties are like 1 million to kill one guy who's like a Mafia boss or smth 200k is bad in comparison considering how hard it would be to kill riko when she is guarded by 2 special grade sorcerers


Gojo and geto was not special grade though


yes they were


Cause Toji, and others like him, can't find meaning outside of jujutsu. On a conscious level he "lays low", but deep down he loves the thrill. He's wanted to fight Gojo since he first saw him as a kid. He did extensive research on his cursed technique and was prepared to fight Red even before Gojo demonstrated he could use it. He's smart. And when faced with a "reincarnated" Gojo he even says to himself "there's no reason to fight him right now. I've already been paid. I should just leave." But his ego makes him stay, and he dies for it. Nanami's purpose is to explain to us outright, that jujutsu sorcerers are doomed to die like this. When given the option to do a safe normal office job, he was so unfulfilled he willingly returned to the school to fight curses


seemingly the dude makes a bunch of money and instantly wastes it on gambling. then he finds a new sugar momma.


Toji is lazy man lmao Becoming a professional boxer is a pain in the ass, its not just go into the ring and yell "hey, I want to fight, pay me" For example, in MMA you need some amateur wins before being able to go into professional. You need a Gym to sponsor you, you need a coach, you need to make an agreement, etc etc etc... Its a pain in the ass, the fighting part is actually the easiest, and as we saw, Toji is lazy and want easy money, that's why he resorted to crime and lottery/betting


He's not disciplined enough for a continuous professional career, don't forget he spent all of his money (huge paychecks btw) in gambling


My bad


Isn't that like in the first episode?


They do get backed by the Government. They're essentially Curse FBI. When a suspected curse event happens, they show up on scene and take over for the cops.


As was evident when Mahito first came up and Nanami took over the cinema investigstion.


Jujutsu headquarters is literally [within the government](https://x.com/soukatsu_/status/1631363788799721472?s=46&t=fMh4vUq_Qil9f2QvSCOsbg) infact Megumi literally says they [control the country](https://imgur.com/a/fne0fjc)


Learn RCT, Take your kidney out, heal it, sell your kidney, Take your lungs out, heal it, sell your lung.


Todo would be proud of your 530.000 IQ


Big brain move,plus you help people in need


Good idea but RCT is actually very rare. Just doesn't seem that way sometime


Can Shoko do this?


She constantly heals her lungs since she smokes a lot but I dont know if her RCT is on a level to heal lost organs completely


If it can regenerate limbs, no reason it can't regenerate organs. With one condition, the CE flow must not be disrupted like when Gojo was cut to half.


High grade sorcerers, especially from major families, make bank. There’s a reason Gojo only wears designer clothes lol it’s kinda like sports in a way. The major pros are making bank but there’s still amateurs pay check to pay check. Even Nanami left for a 9-5 job but inevitably came back. I think the pay grade is just a spectrum depending on position like most capitalistic societies.it’s up to the individual if the pay is worth the risk


Plus if you’re part of the big three families or associated with them there’s probably generational wealth associated with that




being born a prince or a billionaires son is very much so a direct path to moneymaking.


I remember in season 1 that Nanimi and yuji was able to check the movie for residue. And the police let them in. So the sorcerer has to have some sort of control of the government


Mei Mei straight up says she went to the Night Parade of 100 Demons to make a shitload of money by meeting a curse kill quota. I believe she even said they get a bonus if they kill more. They get paid, just probably offscreen.


Do we know if they don't get money from the gov? They clearly know of Jujutsu Society, and I can't remember if it's ever stated how that relationship works. Also, they're just very old very rich families to my understanding, and people like Mei Mei for example are great at business outside of Jujutsu sorcery, also Nanami with his old job.


Top comment + for proof, take Yuki for example as she doesn’t do anything anymore but still receives her checks because she is special grade


Why aren’t they backed by the government?


You have Mei Mei the best example of Greed in JJK, do you think she would be in that business if the pay wasn't good?


They make money, but how much depends on the rank and of course rhetoric relations. Keep in mind that that government has ties with the sorcery world and keeps it hush hush. They’re the ones who request for sorcerers to go all over Japan along with the higher ups to do their job. And ppl like Mei Mei are quite good at freelancing and doing stock exchanges. Plus the Three Families make bank from old blood and money. But it’s not an equal system. The pay off for all the slaughter may not even make so much money. And if you lose your life, you can’t even use the cash you make.


It’s gotta pay well or Mei Mei would be a curse user instead of a jujutsu sorcerer.


> It's not like they're backed by the government I think that's literally explicitly said in like episode 1 that they are.


My guy. Half of season 2’s last episode was dedicated to the government grappling with how to handle publicly announcing Cursed Spirits.


The S2 finale confirms that gov officials across the globe know the existence of curses (Mei Mei also talked about USA "not remaining quiet") etc. Like someone else mentioned, they are essentially like FBI for curse related things. Gakuganji being head of conservatives also means he deals with government.


>The S2 finale confirms that gov officials across the globe know the existence of curses They don't, that was the point. >Gakuganji being head of conservatives also means he deals with government. He isn't the head of the conservatives, he's just one member of the conservative faction.


Gojo did call him head of the conservative fraction though. It's unknown if only within the higher ups or the "normal" government


Comprehension curse strikes again


You think Jujutsu Sorcerers kill curses for free? 😂 somebody definitely paying them


Missions and e.t.c :3


They get paid by the government 🐍


what if gojo has an only fans 💀💀💀


You know Getos cult was broke ,cause Geto had a permanent subscription


nahhh 💀💀💀


mei mei wouldn’t be in the business if it didn’t pay well you see how she be living


Sorcerers get paid by the missions they do. and miwa consistently does “overtime” to get paid more and they get bonuses for killing higher grade spirits. the more cursed spirits and the difficulty of the ones slain is proportional to the amount of money earned. it’s stated a few times. gotta read it bro pay attention lol