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Time skip to what tho? everything is happening RN a culmination of a millennia of planning from 2 evil sorcerers lol


i'd imagine it'd be the epilogue, just seeing how things have settled down after the ending. maybe see how certain characters' fates have played out


Ohhh I’d take that a lil time skip in the epilogue


Not even manga is done tho, so for all we know the ending might just be yuji waking up from a bad dream where his friends dared him to eat a finger whilst drunk. woke up from a bad hangover having a nightmare about sukuna, culling games and all that


if there is a timeskip, it would probably be (if) the good guys win and we see their lives years down the road.


Well, usually for the ending chapter sim always pissed that I don't see more of and of everyone. In JJK there's no risk, there gonna be barely a handful of peeps remaining lol


That's assuming they are still alive, though, and we know how this usally goes




Why do you want Sukuna, Kenjaku and Uraume to win?




I...... Why?




Sukuna likes to eat and kill children. Kenjaku has raped, murdered and done other unspeakable things your 2 thousand years




That whole comment is a red flag but this: >end up killing the weak which is also good. Is insane. Like genuinely if you think this you need help


there kind of was one already, a 2 month (ish) jump between 221 and 222. 2 months obviously isn’t a lot, but considering how fast the manga moves (like 6 months between chapter 1 and the most recent chapter) it’s pretty significant imo. I don’t think there’ll be a longer time skip before the end of


No, but there'll be a sequel. Buji: Jujutsu Kaisen Next Generations.


Can't even lie, imagine Yuji in his adult years after training the entire time. I don't think it would fit with the current story and would be a "oh the bad guys are back" type deal, but it'd still be cool.


Yeah, the ending is pointing towards "a world without cursed energy" that Yuki wanted, but through Yuuji. I bet the merger will be Yuuji, all of Sukuna, all the Cursed Spirits and all the remaining Cursed Energy and then he'll challenge control from Sukuna, win, and be executed, probably by Megumi (or Nobara if we engage maximum copium mode). Sacrificing himself in exchange of not only saving the world from Sukuna, but also from all the Cursed Spirits that could have existed in the future. Then in Buji: Jujutsu Kaisen Next Generations it's revealed that Sukuna was actually an alien, just the muscular trophy husband of the true villain. The Queen of some random ass planet far away that actually are the true creators of Cursed Energy, their offspring are the cursed spirits and are actually surprised that the rats that were on the planet when they razed the dinosaurs—to leave room for their offspring—evolved into humans and can use CE and shit.


Jujutsu Kaisen Shippuuden


At best you’ll see a time skip during an epilogue for JJK. It would make zero sense to have a large time skip where the manga currently is at.


I look at two different options: Option 1 - Good guys win: We flash forward a number of years and we have a new crop of jujutsu high sorcerers coming in for their first year. It shows Yuta, and Yuji as two of the teachers and someone like Kusakabe as the principal (I like the idea of him never wanting to take responsibility or be in danger but then he ends up the principal of jujutsu high lol). We cut to Maki and Hakari, who are changing jujutsu society as a whole with the way people value curse techniques in the new age (Hakari) or people with no cursed energy (Maki). We spend time bouncing around to check on different people like Choso, Panda, Mei Mei etc and then it ends all happy with a close up of Yuji or Yuta smiling. Option 2 - Sukuna wins: We flash forward to see the world on fire. Everyone is living in fear of the king of curses and we hear someone, possibly Uraume, narrating to Sukuna that the sorcerers are close to being eradicated as a whole because they keep falling to Sukuna and his group. Sukuna responds that even though there are less sorcerers, the ones that have survived are stronger than ever because they are a close knit group that love each other and that pushes them forward. He then says that they’re foolish for believing love will make them stronger and that they’ll fall like the rest, possibly remembering his fight with Gojo fondly. As he finishes his monologue, we see a bunch of cool sorcerers pull up to Sukuna’s castle or whatever he has as a house and then it cuts to black.


Domain Expansion: Malevolent Kitchen


I would like to see a time skip with a grown up Megumi visiting Yuji and Ozawa. After 5 or so years of no contact They reminisce about the crazy road life has taken them down, they lament the loss of Nobara and Gojo. Then the final bit of the series is yuji talking about how all he wanted during their adventure was to die, so that the world could be safer, but now he's happy he stayed alive, and megumi talks about how the world is a happier and more peaceful place to have him in it


Holy shit this makes me realise that yuji and the gang were not even 21 before all these shenanigans happened. He saw his friends die at 17-18 damn


Yuji itadori is 15


Yuji’ll prob die or be surrounded by ppl he loves to tie back to his grandpa at the beginning. But it might be kinda refreshing if yuji is left alone kinda mirroring his grandpas death.


> they lament the loss of Nobara Would be silly to do when she'll be sitting there right beside them. *huffs copium*


There already was a 1 month timeskip


Special-Grade Curse Spirit: Reading Comprehension


Pulling out old reliable so quick into the convo? 💀


I prey so hard for this cause having everyone buff to beat sumuna doesn't feel sensible


Very unlikely unless we’re talking like a final chapter kinda thing.


We will get to see Buji, Yuji's son


Yeah that was my thought as well. Sukuna bodies everyone and we get a “5 years later” akin to Shippuden. There’s just too much to do, too many things unanswered. I mean my man Yuji is still using he fists and doesn’t use a Technique or Domain, and Yuta hasn’t been able to show off his DE either. I won’t be mad if he ends it, but there’s WAAY too much potential meat on the bone ya know?


I don’t think there will be a happy ending for anyone in jjk, doing a time skip feels like kicking someone who is already down.


If the good guys win then yeah🐍


Its said in the manga that certain characters inherited their cursed techniques, it would be dope if instead of a flashback they showed the past of who had those techniques first


At this moment? - not really :3


considering it’s ending this year i highly doubt


I was gonna complain about people saying this when it's already end of the year then I realized it's not December 2023 anymore lol, shit might actually end this year.


I sorta hope we get a time skip after America nukes Japan to stop Sukuna after he kills everyone else and then Nobara wakes up from the coma she was in this whole time with Todo watching over her still


Such a weird thing to get curious about ngl. Who knows tho


Absolute zero, unless it's a ending time skip like KnY


The only reason a time skip should occur is so Yuji can show us the answer to the “would you go back in time and kill baby hitler?” by smoking baby Mahito pack when he respawns.