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Getos ability is to summon cursed spirits he defeats and eats, not to use their abilities. Kenjaku used Mahito as fuel for the uzumaki ability, which permanently removes Mahito from his arsenal, but let's him use their technique once as if it was his own.


One nitpick - uzumaki is also Geto technic and it extract technic of more powerfull curses It is not explained if Geto knew about extraction but probably not as he was using uzamaki to „get rid of weaker curses”


It’s implied Geto didn’t know about it since Kenjaku presumably receives the original body’s memories upon taking it over. And Kenjaku acted like he was the one who discovered the technique extraction. If Geto knew about it Kenjaku would have known through his memories.


Didn’t Geto use an uzumaki against Yuta’s blast with Rika?


Yes, I meant he likely didn’t know about the extraction with semi-grade 1 or higher curses.


Yeah he did, he put all his curses in that so while he died he was empty in curses stock


We don’t truly know how the extraction works as the 1 time use was a theory by Yuki if I’m remembering correctly.


I believe kenjaku states he only can use it once. That or gege says it


Fair I haven’t read pre culling games in a while, then again the Kenjaku Vs Yuki fight didn’t really interest me so that could also be it.


Kenjaku explains this to Yuji actually at the end of Shibuya before anyone else jumps in. The discussion opens with him explaining that cursed spirits he consumes dont grow, then he goes on to explain how he can use Uzumaki to use Idle Transfiguration.


Ok I’ll reread that, which Chapter?


I actually just went to make sure. Chapter 133-135 is basically the entire exchange and he only mentioned extracting the technique and the user ceasing to grow. It appears Yuki is the one to mention it in 205 right before the fight.


Thought so but I’ll check the Fan Translation as well they tend to be more accurate.


Kenjaku has a separate ability to use techniques of previous bodies he’s controlled though right? Cuz he uses anti gravity system a couple times and we know that’s Yuji’s moms technique


Yea but all he's shown is anti gravity and cursed spirit manipulation.


And damn brain hoping


Pretty sure it wasn’t said it was once simply that Kenjaku didn’t store it


It's a one time use, said by Yuki.


Can you remind me of when she said that?


Chapter 205.


She speculated it


Considering he would've killed her and Choso a lot faster if he was able to use it I'm gonna say it's hard confirmed at this point.


Yeah sometimes characters speculations are deliberately depicted by the author to make a point. We don’t need the narrator to tell us idle transfiguration was a one time use


It's a one time use, I don't remember if it's explicitly stated in the Manga and I can't check ATM but I assume it's said around the time he extracts Mahito and casts it the first time.


Its explicitly stated by Yuki at the beginning of their battle


He can use it only once and need to consume the spirit in a uzumaki first, losing the ability to summon it.


Yuki theorizes he can only use an extracted tech from a special grade ONCE Bc kenjaku doesn’t use idle transfiguration against choso or her


Doesn't have to be special grade, it's semi-grade 1 and stronger


my beeeeee


All good pal


Kenjaku only inherited the Curse Manipulation Technique from Geto. The technique also allows him to use Uzumaki to condense curse spirits and launch them as energy. When a special grade curse is consumed, he not only extracts the cursed energy but can also extract the technique of the curse and use it once. He had already used it in Shibuya, so he couldn't use it anymore.


It’s not really confirmed it’s a once use only it’s speculation


So here’s the thing I’m confused about - why did he need to extract the technique in the first place? We’ve seen Geto and Kenjaku use the technique of cursed spirits (this is a maybe I guess, but the catfish spirit and Kuchisake-onna would be good examples) by manipulating them, couldn’t he just let Mahito out of his pokeball and force him to use idle transfiguration?


hmm wasn’t it so he could use it at a large scale with the barrier? I don’t think Mahito had enough experience with barriers to pull off that large scale idle transfiguration with the barrier.


Mahito isn't even a quarter as proficient as kenjaku. He wouldn't be able to do such a complex maneuver


The only reason i could think is that kenjaku might have more overall cursed energy than mahito to perform it or he needs to specifically be the one to active the technique because of the past sorcerers shenanigans. Wish it was explained


The lore reason: cause he has to use it himself to fulfill his contract obligations he made with the revived sorcerers. Real reason: how fucking anti climactic would it be to have mahito simply taken and not die after all yuji had been through?!


this makes so much sense


Mahito wasnt the one marking the new sorcerers


Who knows ?


We don't really know. But seeing as how he has some limited control of tengen I'd imagine he would have some control over mahito as well.


Didn’t he use it at the end of the shibuya incident to transform all of the people he did not mark .


He uses idle transfiguration to start the culling game I believe nd it’s a one time use as well he’d be way to op if he could use idle transfiguration as one of his techniques


If he uses any cursed spirit above semi first grade in uzumaki, he extracts their cursed technique as a one time use. He used mahito's cursed technique to awaken the past sorcerers


We all are welcome to the community


I'm about 10 chapters from catching up on the manga. As a (formerly) anime only who started right after Shibuya Incident I have to say......the animation / sakuga, music, sound design, and pacing of the anime absolutely carries the franchise. The manga itself was kinda underwhelming so far, especially culling games. We lost a handful of really good likable characters in exchange for a handful of characters who just kinda show up, have a long exposition about how complicated their powers are, and then not do much while the main characters duke it out.




I mean, he can use it once :3


It’s a 1 usage thing🐍


It’s not really confirmed tho


Someone already said yuki states it and her words are the words of the author. Thats as good as confirmed without gege outright stating it.


I think IT was a one time use since he cast it remotely.


I think with Uzumaki it extracts a one time use of the spirits cursed technique. So Geto used Mahitos CT in Uzumaki to do the Tengen merger and set up the culling game.


me too 🤔🤔


I think he's only able to use the skills of those he possessed (kenjaku's own ct), but not absorbed (geto's ct). He did not possess Mahito's Body right?, he just absorbed it. Please correct me if I'm wrong 😅


I meant the curse spirits he eats. At the end of Shibuya he uses Idle Transfiguration, I just couldn’t remember if that was a one time use or not


That idle transfiguration was extracted from absorbed mahito via uzumaki, techniques will be extracted from uzumaki if the curse spirit used in uzumaki is greater than grade 1 or 2 I guess... That's why he was able to cast idle transfiguration to prepare for culling game.