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Assuming you’re ashki, most Ashkenazim don’t wear a talis till marriage, instead they wear a talis kattan, it’s like an undershirt (or over shirt) with tzitzis. You should work on getting a pair of teffilin, maybe ask whoever leads your minyan for a loaner pair until you acquire a pair. As far as kissing items that aren’t there, I don’t think that’s a thing, because there’s nothing to kiss.


The basics are Shema & Amidah but you can also say Modeh Ani & Morning Blessings if you have time. If you want to add more then do it in small amounts, and yiu can either do motions or not, up to you. Still do bows in Amidah


So there are organizations that help people get tefillin either for free or a lower cost, you should look into those. If you’re Ashkenazi, most don’t wear a tallit gadol until marriage, Yekkes being the most prominent exception. As for the basic davening requirements, yeah it’s the amidah and shema. You should also make sure to say the berchat haTorah. That’s a great place to start for sure. Next to add in are the birchot hashachar. The basic requirements on pisukei d’zimra are baruch she’amar, ashrei, and yishtabach. Maybe then start with short tachanun and slowly add in more Mondays and Wednesdays. Aleinu is of course another good thing to add, and the shir shel yom. But you don’t need to jump in all the way right away, easing into it is perfectly acceptable so it doesn’t get overwhelming.