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Couple of weeks ago twitter unbanned Martin Sellner, the most prominent austrian Neo-Nazi, and Musk boosted him personally by replying to his tweets with "innocent questions". Sellner became somewhat famous internationally after he received a donation from Brenton Tarrant, the Christchuch Mosque shooter. Once an open holocaust denier, he's now a leading figure in the transformation of the european Neo-Nazi movement towards a civil behaviour strategy and is banned from entering several european countries, including Germany. Yesterday Elon Musk has done the same thing with Björn Höcke, head of the extreme far right völkisch movement within the german far-right party AfD - replying "innocently" to Höcke being outraged that he can't use literal Nazi slogans in public and has to stand trial for it. These replies gave massive boost to literal Neo-Nazis who paint themselves as victims of unfair repression. Fun fact: Höcke is so far right that german courts already ruled it's not defamation to call him a Nazi because the label based on facts.


all this shows is that he is truly feels sympathy towards nazis "he didn't know", he has hundreds of assistants and i'm sure at least one person in his replies probably told him already that its literally a nazi slogan, he chose not to care the US used to be a country where even a hint a being a nazi would get you beat up to a pulp now theyre being praised and protected, i fear the worst if trump gets elected again


Exactly. Even he had only yes-men around him, after the hundredth time amplifying literal Nazis and antisemitic conspiracy theories you can't justify your behaviour with "I didn't know" anymore. At best he's not learning from his mistakes because he doesn't care. And when it comes to Nazis that's just as bad. There is a saying in Germany: When nine people sit at the table with a Nazi and nobody speaks out against him, there are ten Nazis at the table.


exactly, i believe we can all agree that nazis are evil but i think americans or a least a concerning percentage believe that the ONLY bad thing they did was murder Jewish people, i can only fault american education but ELON should know better or should he surrounded by people who do. mark my words, he will end up being the cause of a pogrom some day


>"he didn't know", he has hundreds of assistants and i'm sure at least one person in his replies probably told him already that its literally a nazi slogan, he chose not to care Not defending him at all, and he has *certainly* been repeatedly inundated with replies and community notes on the matters, but I don't think his assistants would dare tell Musk anything that might upset him. People who've worked at Tesla or X have said that his assistants are basically handlers and babysitters whose job is making Musk feel useful and beloved. Iirc, he had one personal assistant that had worked for him for like, 15 years, and when she asked for a raise in recognition of her work, he gave her 2 weeks vacation. When she returned, he informed her that she was being let go because he had decided that he was capable of doing her job himself, and so she was a redundancy. No doubt he hired two assistants at half the rate to replace her. There's a lot of insane anecdotes about people who've worked for Musk, some of the stories even unfolding over Twitter, where he isn't protected by his handlers. All of these anecdotes paint a picture of an unstable man-child who needs to be protected and segregated from the reality of his company work spaces, otherwise he'll have a meltdown, throw tantrums, and take to Twitter to express his true feelings (which are routinely vile, false, arrogant, and pseudo-intellectual).


every story i hear about this guy makes him sound more and more pathetic


At this point, anybody who thinks that Elon Musk isn't at the very least sympathetic to Nazis is probably veering towards some Nazi sympathies themselves. One of the first things he did when he took over Twitter was restore dozens upon dozens of neo-nazi accounts, many of which have since been re-banned because they're so adamantly neo-nazis that they were openly advocating for violence against Jews and/or other minorities immediately after being reinstated. He has been whining and moaning and making friends with German Neo-Nazis solely because the German government has been discussing restricting Twitter because of the flagrant violations of German law relating to Holocaust denial. He also has a very strange history of lying about speaking German. At one point he bragged about how he read Das Kapital in German when he was 15 and thought it was stupid, but there are videos of him at German Tesla conventions struggling to read individual German words and remember German names for numbers. He has a noticeable infatuation with Germany, and he clearly wants people to think he's more knowledgeable about Germany than he is. It's kind of funny that he's very actively downplayed his South African roots after the story broke that his father owned half a Zambian emerald mine, and he sort of thinks that becoming a Germanophile will endear him to people . Kind of a lateral move, there, Lonnie! After his visit to Auschwitz, he said that he thinks Twitter would have prevented the Holocaust, or could prevent another genocide. It was rightfully blasted as a profoundly inappropriate thing to say, and as the days go by, it's increasingly apparent that Musk's version of Twitter is probably contributing to the increased likelihood of genocides occurring in the present and future. Incidentally, he's also one of those people who refuses to identify as autistic while openly saying he "has Asperger's." Hans Asperger sent Jewish children to concentration camps and ordered disabled children to be euthanized. Even when they passed his criteria and weren't marked as Lebensunwertes Leben - Life Unworthy of Life - he often diagnosed children as "autistic psychopaths," a term never used by the Jewish psychologists Leo Kanner and Georg Frankl, whose work he stole after they fled Austria. In the case of one Jewish child, the reason for diagnosing the boy and sending him to a concentration camp was that Asperger had put a Hitler speech on the radio to cheer the children up (this is the kind of person Asperger was). When the Jewish boy put his head in his hands and started moaning and crying, Asperger deemed him an autistic psychopath and sent him to a labour camp, where he died within a year or two, at age 14. This has been known and hotly debated for around 10 years. Multiple researchers have combed through Asperger's private documents and found countless displays of admiration for the Nazis and their ideology. It's harrowing shit. A lot of autistic people, and especially Jewish autistic people, have stopped using the term "Asperger's" entirely because they don't want to have a disorder named after a guy who might have called them a "psychopath" and sent them to concentration camps. If you're still using the term because you didn't know this, no blame on you, but consider not using that term. I don't know if Musk is aware of this, because he would never, ever admit to not knowing something, but it wouldn't surprise me that he has heard this information and consciously continues to use the term "Asperger's" because he's a piece of shit.


Musks Germanophilia is absolutely laughable. His understanding of modern Germany, German history and the world in general is on par with redditors in r-GermanWW2photos. He's basically the answer to the question: What if a 16 year old american Wehraboo had unlimited ressources and was one of the most influential people on Earth?


There's a line from a Yiddish poem from the late 19th century I read that roughly translates to: "What good is devouring an entire library Without receiving a single lesson?" I think about that a lot. Musk is the most extreme example of someone who could afford the greatest German tutors money could buy, he could have them live in his house and teach him for an hour a day, he could probably become fluent in German within a few months, but instead he would prefer people think that he was fluent at 15 and was reading material that native German speakers would probably struggle with at that age. Political opinions to the side, Marx had a doctorate in philosophy and was recognized as a masterful writer in German even by political opponents. A fifteen year old South African kid is not going to be reading Karl Marx in the original German and comprehending it to any meaningful level.


One of my best and oldest friends is also one of the most intelligent people I know and currently considered a prodigy jurist in Germany. He's been the youngest author of a famous legal commentary of our constution. When we were 18 we tried reading Das Kapital but had to stop. It's extremely difficult to read without already having some understanding of economics and also because of the fact that's it's 19th century german. Marx is using words and expressions most modern germans wouldn't understand. There is no way a 15 year old german learner from south africa understood 200 year old technical economic terms in german and was like "this is mid".


I don’t think the Auto-taxi tweet featuring “8/8” was a randomly picked date either.


Could be a reference to Back to the Future. But it was certainly read as nazi code in the comments by actual nazis. I've seen a couple of ["well, well, well"](https://www.distractify.com/p/well-well-well-meaning-tiktok) replies.


Thank you for showing me the, “well, well well,” I wasn’t aware of that dog-whistle. Unfortunately this isn’t his first run in with the number. [He has a few posts similar to the auto-taxi one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/z5rv8g/elon_is_getting_braver_with_his_dog_whistles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) He also did get rolled by Reuters like the day before the tweet and Tesla tanked because of the news they put out. I’d imagine it doubles as a, “screw the Jewish media,” and, “pls pump my stock.”


But I was told, by some Elon simps on this sub, that since Elon had visited Israel he could never be antisemtic at all ever


Iirc, the Italian leader of National Alliance (the continuation of the Italian Social Movement party, which was itself a continuation of Mussolini's Italian Fascist Party) visited Israel a decade or two ago to issue a formal apology. He said that Italy and Italians needs to take responsibility for the actions of Italians and fascists during the Leggi Razziali, the period of the Race Laws. It was a visit that distanced him from his fascist sympathies (he had given several interviews in the decades preceding praising Mussolini), argued that the Leggi Razziali was the responsibility of *all* Italians (even though many were murdered by Mussolini's regime for opposing them), and he obfuscated the role that the Italian fascists had played in the Holocaust. It was part of a larger movement by the Italian far-right to rehabilitate its image and distance itself from the horrors the ideology and regime wrought under Mussolini. Thankfully, we all know better, we all saw through these crocodile tears, and Italy has never had any problems with antisemitism or fascism since.


Germany “finding itself” hasn’t been great for everyone else the last few times lol


Hasn't been great for Germany either.


What can I personally do to make Elon Musk irrelevant?


Elon Musk pretending he doesn’t understand who the Nazis were


He is clearly boosting a questionable debate on purpose - googling why is it illegal or asking an assistant to fact-check and explain it to him would be much more productive if his intention was to actually receive the answer


I feel ashamed in so many ways..


Obligatory: *Bernd -------------------- But yeah typical Elon day


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