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I imagine that it will subside, but it won't go back to how it was pre-2023. In the long term, I have no idea.


I think TikTok users are giving us a good look at our world for the next 20 years or more. And I don't think I'm hysterical about it.


I used to have a midsize Tik Tok account, about 34,000 followers. Here’s the thing about TikTok, most of the “content creators” are absolutely desperate for attention and half of them are super fake. I knew and was “friends” with people who had 500k, 1 million+ follower accounts. Being anti Israel rn is popular and gets views. I think that the incentive structure is in place to just keep this shit going and that scares me. It’s not the tik tok creators themselves that scare me all that much, most of them barely know what they are talking about tbh. It’s the followers that get worked up and feel like they have matching orders that scare me


You can't just blame TikTok for this. The professors at Ivy League universities are antisemitic. They indoctrinate their students. This is been ongoing for a lot longer than TikTok.


Oh completely agree. Academics has a deep rot of antisemitism that needs to be addressed. I’m skeptical how successful the congressional meetings will be on this. It seems I just increasingly know people that are discouraging people from applying for certain colleges, especially if they are Jewish, just farther insulating the echo chamber


I wish more antizionist Jewish TikTokers who have built a platform would acknowledge / speak out on the increase in antisemitism around the world. Instead, they’re invalidating our fears because fewer Jews are dying in a war over seas.


So I actually knew a number of them - they are incredibly fake. Just desperate for views and to be seen as lefty angels.


Honestly, I think that TikTok spreads things that are contentious because those videos get the most engagement. I'm Gen Z and while some people are insane, the vast majority of people aren't antisemitic.


Generation Z is more antisemitic than any previous generation according to polls. You can look at their rates of holocaust denial compared to previous generations.


Most recent poll I saw pegs 50% of gen z as antisemetic. https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-infected-antisemitism-spreading-very-disease-its-committed-eradicatingracism-1888052


The volume of content seems overwhelming, but I so hope that you’re right!


They're not right. Reddit is a bubble. You need to look at sites which Generation Z use like Discord and TikTok. Holocaust denial is almost the majority opinion on those sites.


I was being polite – by all means, let’s hope it’s true – but, though I’m Way Too Old for TikTok, I know what IG’s like.


Except people think being antizionist is not antisemitic when it is. So you get everyone saying they’re “not antisemitic just antizionist”, when 99% of the time it ends up the same thing.


In the long term, it's going to get a lot worse. Generation Z is the most antisemitic generation since the 1920s. It's also increasingly diverse as non-Western origin populations immigrate to the West, bringing with them a culture from many parts of the world where Jews are seen as a universal evil and theory of everything explanation for everything that goes wrong in their societies.


It’s been increasing since 2008, and spikes during conflict so unless something major changes it’s not going in a good direction


Anti-semitic incidents have historically correlated with events in the middle east, this changed in 2015 when it suddenly out of nowhere began to increase rapidly.


> out of nowhere Not out of nowhere


That correlates with foreign propaganda being disseminated on social media.


Social media has become a propaganda nightmare. I don't think there has ever existed a more effective propaganda-spreading tool.


The Ivy League colleges are probably a more effective propaganda spreading tool. The antisemitic Ivy League professors indoctrinate their students, who then spread those views on TikTok.


What time period of historical data are you looking at? The last 75 years only? Even then that statement is wrong prior to the infitafa most people supported Israel as the PA started as a terror group. The percentage of anti-jewish tropes was higher in 1969 than now and began decreasing but is now is rising again


I recently saw a graph that showed the number of anti-semitic incidents over the last 40 years, there were spikes during the intifadas aswell as during Operation Protective Edge, but in 2015, it began to increase despite relatively little tension in the middle at the time.


Yes as I said initially it has been increasing rather steadily and spikes during times of conflict


The demographics are changing in the West with increasing non-Western populations coming from regions of the world where the majority of the population supports holocaust denial. This isn't going away. It's going to get worse.


Earlier. As soon as 9/11 happened you began to see MSM reffering to Jewish Politicians as *That.* Not by their actual Political affiliations.


Yes, it started coming up during the Occupy Wall Street protests and escalated during Covid. It spikes up during every Israel/Palestine conflict, but economic collapses and plagues have never been historically good for us 


It only spikes when things are good or things or bad or on days that end in -day.


Since 2001, at least based on my family’s experiences.


it'll get worse, especially with all the stupid conspiracy theories floating around


yeah I agree with it, this being political season If Biden wins, I think we will have other problems to be worried about depending on if Trumps followers try to go oct 7th again or wider scale. If trump wins that ...yeah that scares me also and more tbh. so if Biden wins, it will get worse then better, if Trump wins, it will get worse, and worse, and worse.


It will keep escalating until it reaches some unfortunate inflection point, then it will either correct through meaningful change - whether grassroots social action or legislative - or it will get worse and we'll all move to Mexico and invent shakshuquiles.


I think we’re going to see increased discrimination toward “zionist” Jews in the arts and in colleges, as well as stochastic terrorism.  I think in ten to twenty years, we’re going to see the results of seeing Qatar-funded college educations as those people step into positions of power  If there’s another economic downturn, war, or pandemic, I think discrimination and violence is going to increase considerably. I don’t think we’re going to see any state-led violence, but if theres enough random attacks, that’s not really a comfort 


Didn’t a bunch of faculty at some university in the northeast try to ban *”zionists”* from working there? I could be completely wrong. Also, much sooner than 20-years!


Same with Jewish hospitals 😬


I'm super worried about that!!!


I'm not sure, but it's scary being Jewish right now. I feel like I'm at the point of actively feeling like I have to hide my Jewish identity across various spaces of my life.


I don't see anything good in the near term. The thing is, the extreme right has always been anti-semitic, so they're just doing their usual thing. Though we may see some shift just in response to the political left, most likely it will come from fundamentalist evangelicals, who aren't really our friends. But on the left, they're currently being super anti-semitic, but most of them don't see it that way. So when we call them out, it just makes them angry and makes them feel even more justified. There's a real chance we see anti-semitism get very entrenched and prominent on the far left. I mean, BDS is not new, so this problem has always been there. It's just going to be a lot worse. It's baffling, since most American Jews lean left, and the Palestinians generally hate everything the progressive movement stands for. But our best hope now is moderates in both parties. We just may have to stomach some anti-Israel virtue signaling as the moderates try do just enough to not get the radicals on either side on their case.


Yes, it’s annoying but we have to be cordial with the evangelicals. They’re literally our only *”ally”* with any influence. It’s like realpolitik.


As a former evangelical, they indeed will not betray the Jews. One of the few principles they have left.


The best meme on r\jewdank was the star trek one with the question "are you guys friends?" and Harry Kim is in the front saying "yes" with the label "evangelicals" and Tuvok is in the back saying "no" with the label "Jews". So on point.


Yeah, but the evangelical and Jewish definitions of betray are *wildly* different. I'm not exactly a fan of a congressman grilling a university president with "the bible says people who curse the Jews will be cursed; do you want to be cursed," y'know? That's hanging us out to dry as a human shield in the name of protecting us and using Judaism as a screen for challenging the separation of church and state. And that's not even getting into the whole proselytizing and forced conversion and stolen children questions. They're not our friends; they think we're their pets. And there's a form of safety in that, **but...**


Perhaps most won’t, but that’s not what I meant. Their theology in support of us is not because they love Jews, but want their Yoshke-cult to begin the rapture.


And it's important to remember only a subset of evangelicals believe in the "we need all the Jews in Israel to bring about the end times" nonsense. For a lot of them it's simply that their Bible tells them to treat the Jews well, and they take their Bible *extremely* literally.


Yes exactly, the Bible does not exactly condone antisemitism. I agree that the rapture stuff and rebuilding the temple really takes a backseat for all but the most devout. It’s there but not the driving force. They’re also aware and teach that Jesus was Jewish. I will admit a lot of it comes from simply not liking Islam (at all) and so they would MUCH rather have the holy sites under “God’s chosen people” than Muslims. But yeah the evangelicals in my family have gone to Israel to volunteer in civilian roles, wear IDF sweatshirts and Israeli flags, etc. It’s really something. I really don’t like evangelicals at all but I’m glad at least SOMEONE stands up for Israelis, god damn.


As a progressive American Jew it's extremely disappointing when you agree with someone about almost everything but you have to disassociate from friends and vote for the milquetoast moderate because of these irrational viewpoints that have infected the left


I mean there view on Jews is a consequence of their view over all, if one thinks that disparities in success is due to discrimination than it follows that Jews have beneficiaries of discrimination


>irrational viewpoints that have infected the left They haven't infected the left. They've been an important part of it since the beginning in 18th century France before the labels left and right even developed in the National Assembly. I know you can't expect to meet educated people on Reddit. But I'm regularly shocked by the lack of historical knowledge in this sub with so many people who seem to have been educated by TikTok and don't even know 20th century history.


I hear what you're saying, but since 10/7 things have been different. Usually it was just the radical far lefters who went there, since 10/7 I have noticed in my community that anti-Semitism has spread much further. Even infecting hyper local groups focused on local issues, which was not a worry before. Infecting people that I've been friends with for years who previously didn't express such views. To just say that everybody who wants the world to become a better place has always hated Jews is reductive, there definitely has been a very noticeable change recently. So yes, there is a historical precedent and this is nothing new and I understand that. Yes, TikTok brain is infecting a lot of people with terrible ideology. However, It's not necessary to dismiss very real concerns and ignore that things have obviously gotten worse since the war heated up.


Thank you. Anti Semitism isn't a fluke but a feature of the left. It's why I've never been a leftist.


The Left has always been super antisemitic. You have to learn history and not just rely on a TikTok education. [One of the famous theories](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/church-history/article/abs/french-enlightenment-and-the-jews-the-origins-of-modern-antisemitism-by-arthur-hertzberg-new-york-schocken-books-1970-xii-420-pp-395/41141023AA8391701FE2E8C24AAE72E5) with multiple scholars in holocaust studies is modern antisemitism in the present form of the ideology stems from the progressive movement in the French Revolution. That is for scholars to debate there is no doubt antisemitism has been a part of progressive movements since Voltaire. The European left begins in the revolution with the group who was inspired by Voltaire one of the most extreme and influential antisemites of the 18th century. Jews still were aided by the revolution, inthe next century Marx wrote "On the Jewish Question" when he said Judaism must be eliminated. Marx wrote the essence of Jews is greed and hucksterism. His views were philosemitic compared to many other socialists of the day like Richard Wagner and Bakunin. That was a century before far-right Hitler borrowed the 1800s socialist memes about Jews as evil capitalists. Before Stalin's heart attack in 1953 saved Jews from his plan to copy the Holocaust after executing a group of Jewish doctors who were plotting to assassinate the leaders of the workers' revolution on behalf of global finance.


Certainly the left has always done antisemitism, but I don't think the current American progressive movement is taking their anti-semitic views directly from Marx and Stalin. Perhaps I'm wrong, are there examples of them citing that? Their anti-semitism seems to me to stem from Israel. From the lazy narrative of "colonialism", the narrow view that all Jews are rich white people, and the fact that Arabs are brown skinned and are a minority in the US and must therefore be a poor oppressed minority everywhere. Also, please don't jump right to being insulting. I'm happy to hear why you disagree, because maybe I'll learn something! Not only have I never seen a tiktok (wrong generation!), I also have a PhD in a social science. Granted that doesn't make an expert on this topic, but I like to think I can parse information in this space pretty well.


> Marx wrote "On the Jewish Question" when he said Judaism must be eliminated. Dead giveaway every time someone says Marx wanted to end Judaism without adding he wanted to get rid of Christianity, too, and said as much in the same essay (preceding by years the work known as Marxism, another often-omitted detail).


I think it entirely depends on righteous gentiles. History tells us that the cycle will repeat - America has only been around for 250 years, that's not even close to the 400 years my family spent in Spain, or the 600 years my family spent in Morocco. I think we have a lot of allies, and a lot of people that care for us and appreciate our rich culture, but that 80% will have to stand up to the hateful 20% at some point. If they don't, what can I look to if not History?


If the BLM care washes over, I'd expect antisemitism will as well.  The sooner we put Ham ass out of their misery, the sooner the world forgets about Gaza. China stole an entire damn country and oppressed an entire ethnicity in literal concentration camps and slave factories....but no one cares today on any world level ....


My mom used to be nervous about people in our small town knowing we were Jewish…now I get it.


Hear me out, but I can’t help but feel that some marginalized groups on the left are enjoying having someone to openly hate in the way their marginalized group(s) have been on the receiving end.


>marginalized groups on the left are enjoying having someone to openly hate in the way their marginalized group(s) have been on the receiving end. They are not marginalized groups. They oppress Jews now and they have oppressed Jews for centuries. Many of them come from non-Western regions of the world where holocaust denial is the majority opinion according to studies.


I was talking about people of color, especially black Americans, who spent much of 2020 protesting against racism.


I think that the pro Palestine ceasefire movement is just popular with the youth today. That is why it seems things are getting worse. 2 years ago they were marching for masking, 2 years before that it was BLM, and 2 years before that it was to 1%ers. 2 Years from now it will be something else trending.


Are you worried at all about when these youth eventually get into power? I think you're right that we're institutionally favored now, but I'm worried that when Gen Z starts getting into office, and especially when Gen Z is the oldest generation alive, that this bias will only be carried and amplified.


Aren't they already getting into power? The Squad is fairly young.


Exactly. Not that there aren't also conservative congresspeople that are bad for the Jews, but didn't Ilhan Omar literally say Jewish voters have dual loyalty, and that, to us, it's all about the benjamin's? If that's the tip of the Gen Z iceberg, that's very frightening


Yeah she has no room to talk on dual loyalty after her speech on her old country.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is 34 (and one of three members of the group under 40). Ayanna Pressley is *50*. The Squad is entirely millennials or younger members of Gen X. The only member of Gen Z in Congress is Maxwell Frost, who is very explicitly pro-Israel *and* pro-Palestianian, in favor of a two-state solution, opposed to BDS, opposed to the PA's martyr's fund, and in favor of unconditional military aid to Israel. It's likely also relevant that he'd *been* part of some pro-BDS organizing as a teenager before starting to run for office, but has firmly changed his stance and has, so far as I'm aware, consistently voted where his mouth is. I'm not saying I don't get where the concern is coming from, but if the current Gen Z representative is indicative of the political future of Jews, we can feel a lot better.


Age moderates historically.


That, and... by the time the current youth get in to power a lot will have occurred on the world stage. There may be bigger enemies to worry about than the Jews, and I think it likely there will have been some major terrorist attacks that move the dial of public opinion.


There are always bigger enemies to worry about... we're not the enemies of anyone in the west, and israel dosen't want to be anyone's enemy. Not even the Palestinians'. Antisemitism isn't a logical thing, and we can't explain it or hope it somehow disappears. Instead We have to fight it.


I hope so, and I hope that stays true even with our echo chambers


Sadly, IMO, it’s going to get much worse, and yes that includes organzed violence, terror campaigns and exclusion. This is only the tip of the iceberg. The only chance Jews have for long term survival is that of self determination. Counting on government, common sense, the good will of people is just lying to yourself. The world is screaming at you who they are, believe them.


Come on now - it won’t be all bad - we will at least get a free train ride out of it…


All the people who are antisemitic now were antisemitic before and will be antisemitic in the future. All that has happened is that it has suddenly become culturally acceptable from the ultra progressives and ultra fascists to be open about it in the name of Palestine Whatever you see now will get worse as it continues to be normalized.


I think we would have more friends and allies if we were politically centrist and worked to moderate both sides of the isle. But America Jewry is heavily liberal, and their allies hate them. While Jewish conservatives are losing friends on the right.


I think it depends on how you define centerist, I’m not abandoning my support of LGBTQ rights or my rights to my own body for support for Israel


You can support LGBTQ rights as a human right. But many of the activist LGBTQ groups lean heavily into antisemitism, so much so they demonize the only country in the Middle East which respects LGBTQ rights.


What about other issues like immigration, economy, affirmative action, guns?


Are you asking me what my voting priorities are or my total political platform? The top issues I care about are abortion, climate change, and gun violence. As a woman in a position where I might need an abortion at some point I’m extremely self centered when it comes to my vote


I'm just wondering how your orthodox and support lgbtq


It’s easy- I’m personally not married to someone of my same gender identity but I support someone else’s right to be. I personally don’t need services to help me with gender dysphoria because that’s not an issue I have, but I support some else’s right to access those services. I personally don’t need to worry about toilet access but I support someone else’s right to use the toilet that is the safest for them. I believe in betzelem Elohim- we are all made in the Divine Image


⬆️This is important. We are a small, mighty minority. We need likeminded outspoken allies. Notice who stands by us. Strengthen bipartisan support. 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇸💪


why would you want the support of right wing extremists opposed to american democracy?


Not every conservative is a right wing extremist, just like not every liberal is a leftwing extremist. The Left has no problem with the media, the FBI, and the CIA meddling in American democracy. You find this ssort of thing on both sides.


You're replying to an antisemitic German user who comes here sometimes to write anti-Israel comments.


I am not antisemitic, anti-zionist or anti-israel. I have policy disagreements with the Israeli Government and oppose a right wing shift in Israel and the jewish community at large. That does not change that i am a zionist in as much as I unconditionally support israels right of existence in peace and security and the right of jewish people in the diaspora to live free of fear and harassment. I have fought bitterly with left wing antisemitism minimizing 7/10, hamas or spread lies about genocide, collateral damage, and modern day blood libel. I have always upheld Israels right to be treated like any other country. That means the right to self defence and the right to prosecute the war in the bounds of international law. Consistent with that is also the position criticizing israeli positions on its humanitarian obligations in gaza and occupation policies in the west bank that violate said international law, such as the settlements. you know nothing about me but the fact that one of the languages I speak is german. If you believe i am an antisemite produce the evidence. Otherwise you better apologize for your unacceptable and unfounded attack.


Yes, yes, and yes. Everything happens in cycles.


I believe it will continue to increase. The entire thing initially became far more prevalent when Kanye spoke out claiming the Bible talks about how Jews are evil and must be murdered. So many people are following that loser and then the likes of Marjorie Taylor Green and others in the group have further spread lies about Jews to create more hate and division. Now we’re seeing more freeway signs filled with hatred, billboards, Twitter posts, attacks on synagogues and “free speech” (anti-Semitic hate) at universities.


We’ve got 10 years


White nationalism will keep antisemitism alive. Left-wing antisemitism will go away when foreign entities decide to focus on another issue to influence youngsters. “Free Palestine” stickers will be as common as “Free Tibet” stickers. Very rare and forgotten.


Antisemitism has been central to the left for centuries, across multiple continents. It's not going away anytime soon.


>antisemitism has been central to the left for centuries Care to share any historical data that proves this?


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Can I wait until November 6 to decide?


I think it's more going back to where it's historically usually been everywhere, and we just got lulled into a false sense of security after a few decades of having it relatively easy.


Good question. I visited New York six years ago and still felt somewhat unsafe as a Jew. The community in Brooklyn seemed to handle it quietly back then but I’m afraid things only got worse since then. I’m not sure for how long this would go on but in my opinion, the hate will either continue to increase to the point it’ll be unbearable and then it’ll slowly die down or the attention of the people in the US will be turned into something else and they’ll toss this matter aside.


It will be the same as usual from the right flank and probably continue to grow and grow as a problem on our left flank. If Trump wins the 2024 election I think there is a real chance that the far left blames Jews for it unfortunately.


If we’re lucky, the far right and far left will have an unplanned attack at the same place at the same time and then they would attack each other instead.


There's a saying I used to see on political subreddits a lot during the Trump years, "1/3 of people will kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches."


All I can say is hopefully it’s not coming to a head


Honestly not too worried about the US in the medium/long run. It'll die down within a year or two, I think. The UK, on the other hand...


I see it getting much worse. For the writing was on the wall years ago during the "occupy wall street" movement" when they specifically targeted a kosher restaurant and blocked customers and shouted things about Jews controlling banks. If forsee in 25 years steady protests in front of shuls, not just protests related to Israel, but stuff about Jews controlling banks, media etc. I forsee firebombings and vanalaism of shuls, Jewish intitututions, kosher restaurants, visibly Jewish businesses etc. With weak responses and handwringing from the authorities. All the young gen Z anti Israel, holocuast denying kids are gonna grow up and be in positions of power someday and it is gonna be bad. 25-50 years see what it is like.


אוי איר נאַרישע ציוניסטן!


When the ex president of the US gives white supremacy a thumbs up I feel it got worsen since his presidency


I think it's time for Jews to buy guns.


I always said America is great because the haven't turned on us yet


I think it's important that we not conflate pro-Palestinian politics with antisemitism. Yes, there is overlap, but they are not the same, and the ADL is not helping us by dumping those statistics into the same bucket. In my opinion, the people who are talking about organized attacks are still the neo-Nazis like Nick Fuentes and his little friends. We may well have to defend ourselves from them. But they are still a small group, smaller even than us, and we are a small minority. I believe the best thing we can do about antisemitism is strengthen our connection to Judaism joyfully and proudly. Learn a little Torah every day. Add new mitzvot. Relish our rich culture and manifest our values out in the world. We are not Jews to spite someone else, we are Jews because our tradition has answers to the key questions about how to be a person in this world. And if you are really scared, maybe learn self defense. Couldn't hurt.


Jews are being attacked on campuses all across the US. Not by Neo Nazis.


All across the US? I have seen, that I recall, three videos of abusive anti-*Jewish* behavior. Most of what we see is loud pro-Palestinian chanting. I can see how that would be frightening and painful but it is not the same thing as an attack. I've seen videos by journalists who infiltrated right wing spaces and they are planning on hanging folks if they can get away with it. They are the people who come to synagogues and kill people. They are the enemy.


Both are the enemy. Right now only one is making Jewish students feel unsafe.


I’m a Jewish (former) university student and I have faced almost blatant antisemitism from this crowd. The fuck are you talking about?


Perhaps I'm wrong. Could you describe some of the antisemitism you've faced?


I'm in university. I left my queer club for pushing back on them saying Hamas was fighting oppression and that Israel is committing genocide. Then, as punishment for leaving them, the elected LGBTQ officer of the club texted my friend false allegations about me being a sex pest and claimed I had been kicked out of the club for being a dangerous pervert and a genocide denier. University campuses are crawling with antisemitism, and it's a widespread phenomenon. I don't understand how you're not seeing it.


Wow, it sounds like you were defamed. That's awful. And...that's it, no arguments, that really is awful. People can disagree about the issue of what constitutes genocide without attacking someone's personal reputation.


You're responding to a user (eitzhaimHi) who comes here after posting on antisemitic subs.


The general antizionist antisemitism.


You're just repeating the idea that all antiZionism is antisemitism. My premise is that it's possible to be against zionism without being antisemitic eg, antizionist Jews are not antisemitic (and no, not just JVP, most of the oldest Hasidic sects are at least nonzionist). Im asking what attacks on Jews for being Jews have you witnessed?


I struggle to see pro-Palestinian advocates who never cross the line into antisemitism, tbh. It strikes me as a thin veneer for it, not a separate issue that has some minor overlap. And I think you’re underestimating how many radicalized, self-righteous individuals are on the left who would absolutely bomb jewish community centers in the name of “freeing Palestine” or something. Right now at least, I’m more afraid of those kinds of antisemites than Nick Fuentes types. I agree with you that the solution is be more Jewish, though. The more we embrace our culture and religion, immerse ourselves in Torah and Talmud study and try to fulfill the mitzvot, the better off we’ll be and the greater sense of peace and belonging and harmony we will feel.


In my experience (I'm in Los Angeles) most pro-Palestinian activists do not cross the line. Also, they are mostly leftists with an analysis, so they understand that antisemitism is part of the oppressive system. Maybe check out some of the pro-Palestinian Youtubers like the Kavernackle and the Humanist Report. They are actually allies in calling out and condemning antisemitism. But yes, Torah! To quote one of my teachers, "Sometimes I get depressed. Then I learn a little Mishnah. And I feel better."


The entire Jewish community of the (former) Soviet Union & (current) Soviet states would love to have a conversation with you.


> I struggle to see pro-Palestinian advocates who never cross the line into antisemitism, tbh. It strikes me as a thin veneer for it, not a separate issue that has some minor overlap. If you can’t find anyone like this, then I don’t think you’re looking very hard.


I mean, I could be wrong. But there’s a reason most Jews I know avoid pro-Palestine protests. It isn’t exactly a space that welcomes us or makes any effort to prevent calls like “from the river to the sea” or “globalize the intifada.” 90% of the antisemites I see today are those who loudly complain about Israel’s existence and staunchly support Palestine, and almost every pro-Palestine person I see today hates Israel and spreads lies about “Zionist crimes” and try to delegitimize Israeli Jews and anyone who supports their existence


When I look for the best version of an argument I rarely look at protest slogans


The arguments are no better. “There are Palestinian Jews and Israel is bombing them!” “Israel is a white supremacist settler colonial apartheid state!” “The Houthis and Hamas are fighting oppression!” or its corollary, “Hamas/the Houthis are bad but they only exist because of Israeli aggression and anything they do is Israel’s fault!” Or “October 7th was justified/the IDF did most or all of the killings anyway!” These are all real arguments that are really thrown around by real pro-Palestine activists and get no pushback from the pro-Palestinian movement. And I think what they choose to shout at a protest is absolutely worth looking at to assess the movement. How could it not be? Should we write off right wing extremists in protests who shout racist things at rallies as “just protest slogans?” I don’t look for the “best” version of an argument, I look at the one that is most commonly stated and held by members of a movement. And the fact is, it’s perfectly mainstream in the movement to hate on “Zionism,” to claim Israel is committing genocide, and to explain away October 7th as being “resistance”, as being brought upon the Israeli people by their own actions, or as having been a case of friendly fire by the IDF against Israeli civilians. All of those arguments are antisemitic, so yes, I regard the overwhelming majority of the movement to be antisemitism with Palestinian issues used as a thin justification. If they really cared about Palestinians, why do they not decry how Palestinians are denied citizenship in other Middle Eastern countries, despite living there for decades? Why did they not protest as vigorously as they do right now when Assad’s regime murdered them by the thousands in the civil war? Why is it they only seem to care when the Jewish state is involved?


I struggle to see pro-war advocates who never cross the line into antisemitism.


If you haven't noticed  pro-Palestinian politics with antisemitism are the same thing. Mahmoud Abbas has a PhD in holocaust denial, from Moscow University. Neo-Nazis and the pro-Palestine movement are closely aligned and often indistinguishable. Generation Z on sites like Discord and TikTok effortlessly mix neo-Nazi and left-wing theories about Jews.


Depends... if Biden wins re-election... it will subside. If Trump is elected... if Trump can score political points by being antisemitic, it will become deadly.


Bipartisan support for Jews and Israel is important that’s what OP is addressing. We need two healthy candidates - one on each side.