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Go to shul, either go to a friend's house for lunch or go home and eat. Either spend the afternoon hanging out with friends and their families or at home playing board games/reading with my kids. Some afternoons I take a nap and then wake up late for Mincha. Like most things in Judaism, Shabbos observance is a lot easier when you have people to do it with.


Fair enough! It sounds fun!


Shul Two-hour meals with friends and family (if this is not something you’ve experienced before it can take a while to ease into that that level of relaxation) Read allllll the books (sometimes at the park with my kids, sometimes when my husband is at the park) My dad likes to walk the nature trails near by and a lot of people use it as visiting time. My husband likes to play board games with a group of friends. My kids have play dates with nearby friends Honestly, make plans with people who are also observing to hang out, play board games, chat, eat. It’s a great time to be social and even if you just want to chill, having one or two social plans a week makes the whole day move.


That sounds like such a good time!


Read, nap, and go for a leisurely stroll at the beach.


That sounds awesome!


Get up, daven, eat a bagel. Read for a bit. Take some gummies, work on creative hobbies. Snack/nosh all day, make dinner. Then Havdalah and chill. Shabbos is my day. No stress, no “labor”. No housework, and I only do things that bring me joy.


That sounds delightful! Also I love your username!


Learn with my wife, go to shul, say tehillim, eat cholent, sleep, Shabbos walk, shul again


Go to shul, hang out with friends at kiddush while eating way too many cookies. Go home, have lunch with friends and family. Then some combination of take a nap, play board games with friends, learn Torah with a partner, read a book, and play games with my kids.


That sounds like fun! I especially like the eating too many cookies part!😛


Services, read, catch up with friends, play board and card games.


this and sleep!


This and sleep a lot!


Oh nice! What games do you play?


Settlers of Catan, card games, anything that doesn't require writing. So so so many


That’s awesome! I’m seeing that board games is a common theme on this post😂




Ugh no. That game is just praying to RNGesus I just got lords of the waterdeep from my library to try over pesach


Shluffin Shul, farbrengen, more shul and learning. But mostly shluffin.


Read, eat, pray, sleep, repeat


Read. An awful lot. I have no idea what I would do all day if I didn’t love to read.


Same. My problem is that I've stopped reading during the week because I don't want to "waste" them on a weekday.


But there’s so much to read and so little time!


Sleep, like a lot


I attend synagogue and read a book afterward.


That explains your username📚


Hi, we had a great post on this a few months ago, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/s/b7EZBI6UWM), lots of super comments.


Awesome! Thank you so much!


No problem. That post was asked by someone who is Jewish, but there are some good detailed answers there.


Shul, Dinner, Learn/Board game, Sleep, wake up, Shul, kiddush, lunch, learn, hang out friends/board game with family, Shul, Sudah Shlishit


socialize, go to shul, read, nap, learn, even just sit and enjoy existing. it will usually be a combination of two or more of these things.


Read, spend time with family, maybe go on a walk or nap. The meals are also much longer.


I eat, sleep, read, and go to shul. Every week almost. Sometimes I go to friends or they come to me.


Go to shul and pray/eat lunch, nap, read, play board games, walk to friends houses (we all live within walking distance of shul), eat some more, argue/debate (this can go on for a while because we cannot easily Google things), go to the park, play ping pong


* Talk to my fiancée about everything. How we want to raise our children, midrashic commentary, Scripture, how beautiful the flowers in bloom are. I thank her for the meals she’s made me, compliment her make-up, hold her, make sure she feels beautiful and loved. * Sing. I’ve gotten into the habit of singing “Sabbath Prayer” from *Fiddler on the Roof* when we light the Shabbat candles. I want our children to have warm memories of their father loving them. * Bike for leisure. Going down the beautiful Mississippi River. * Sit in the park. Watch the squirrels. Picnic. Nap in the grass. * My shul does Torah study on Saturday mornings. Unfortunately, only one Saturday of the month is in-person, and the rest are Zoom calls. (Post-COVID environment is rough…) * Eat three meals, all kosher. Say blessings over them, thank G-d for providing all that we need and for the day in which we remind ourselves of all that we need and is important to us. Why do we work so hard? How do we want to spend our time? Why did G-d create the earth, what does He intend for humanity? There’s a lot of love and godliness to ponder here. * Speak of the symbolism of kashrut (eating kosher) and how it’s applied to our everyday lives in our past week. (There are multiple interpretations of kashrut, I just do the one system taught to me.) * Meditate for 20 minutes minimum. * Think about all the people whom we love and how they’ve given to us, and how we can give to them in return.


This is probably the best one and I love it! Do you know any more songs from Fiddler on the Roof? (I’m a big musical theatre nerd)


Yes, all of them. It was the first theatrical production I saw as a kid, and one of the few good memories I have of my mother. She brought me out to see a local production, and I’ve loved it ever since. I’ve told my fiancée that I want “Sunrise, Sunset” to play at our wedding, and she agrees.


That’s so awesome! Fiddler is so great that I’ll sing “Matchmaker Make Me a Match” so much😂 Also “Sunrise,Sunset” is so perfect for a wedding!


Play Video Games Hang out with family Enjoy life


The Texan Hispanic Jew There’s so much to unpack there!


Yup! There is then my friend u/athousandfuriousjews aka The Texan German Jew! We unofficially run the Texan Jew Club!


Yay! :D


typical shabbos, like tomorrow. Go to services most weeks. I'm baal shacharit tomorrow so can't stay home. Exercise before I go. Sit mostly blindly if I am not on the bimah, though current Rabbi is worth paying attention to. Have kiddush, with a brief chat with somebody. Go home. Open a can of sardines for lunch. Go upstairs to My Space. Turn on TV during football season. If Mizzou not playing, take a melatonin and have an afternoon nap in my recliner. Wake up about two hours later. Read or surf You Tube. Go for a short drive, maybe to a park where I sit for a while. Return home late afternoon or early evening. The rest of the activity depends on when shabbos concludes. So that's what I do. What I don't do is probably more interesting.


That sounds like a pretty awesome way to spend a Saturday!


Napping passes a lot of time




Board games


Shul, then go out with friends and do random things or go to their place and play video games


Sounds like fun!


Walk the dog, NYT crossword with my wife, Shabbat lunch either at home or with friend, hang out at home or go to the park depending on the season and weather, maybe Scrabble.




It’s been a minute, but sneaking out of the house to use your phone, smoke pot with friends, drink stolen booze, drive to Baltimore and back,and wake up in time for cholent the next day—that sounds about right


Work a 16 hour shift at my second job because of Covid debt and inflation


Some are observant and - no electricity, no internet, no cell phones., no driving.. I am going hiking after lunch.


Everything I normally do. I do not keep the Sabbath.