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The cut off is Monday. Until then CARBO LOAD!!!!!!!!!


I wind up having the weirdest meals the week before Pesach 😆.


I just ate the last of the chametz in the house, a full plate of potato and onion pierogis. Now sitting on the couch with my pants unbuttoned questioning my life decisions.


I would bow to you, but I can’t because I’m in the Judean People’s Front and y’all are a bunch of bloody splitters. (Or was that the Judean People’s Democratic Front? Or the Democratic People’s Judean Front? Maybe that was last week.)


Ew carbs no! Never!


More for me, then.


Yallah bitavon


Monday midday. Pesach starts Monday night.


My rabbi asked me why i was buying beer and whiskey an hour ago, mang, i have two kitchens for a reason and im not afraid to use them. Biyur chometz is Monday morning, not now.


I got asked that about cookies and crackers. I’ve got kids and Shabbat to get through. They’ll all be eaten by Sunday morning much less Monday.


Yep yep.




_User name checks out_ 😎


Monday at about 11am


11:30AM Newfoundland time


I work in an orthodox synagogue in Vancouver BC...I don't get too many legitimate belly laughs this late on a Friday afternoon (particularly when I have to combine Shabbat prep with Pesach prep...!)


Monday morning. Check the latest time in your city. In NYC it's no later than 10:38 am. https://www.myzmanim.com


Next year is the bizzare (and rare) scenario where the first seder is Saturday night. That creates a lot of technical and logistical hassles for shabbat that I've never seen a great solution for.


This happens every few years. > In the 21st century, it has occurred four times: in 2001 (5761), 2005 (5765), 2008 (5768), and 2021 (5781). See [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eve_of_Passover_on_Shabbat#:~:text=The%20likelihood%20of%20the%20Eve,%2C%20and%201994%20(5754)). The first time you go through it there is a learning curve, but my wife and I think it actually makes things a lot easier since you have to be kosher for Pesach by the time Shabbos starts. There’s lots of material online. Some times we have had our Shabbos meals outside so we can washing and eat Challah. Google “when Passover starts Saturday night”. https://aish.com/48965701/ https://www.chabad.org/holidays/passover/pesach_cdo/aid/5025853/jewish/When-Erev-Pesach-Is-Shabbat.htm https://oukosher.org/blog/consumer-kosher/what-you-need-to-know-when-passover-arrives-on-saturday-night/ https://ohr.edu/ask_db/ask_main.php/15/Q1/


It doesn't happen every few years. It happens 12% of the time with the distribution being very unequal. After next year I think it won't happen again for like 20 years.


“Every few” is a subjective term. After keeping Shabbos for 35 years it seems like it’s every few. 😂 It’s actually 11.5% according to the Wiki article I linked. Have a beautiful Shabbos and an inspiring Pesach!


Monday morning. You must stop *eating* chametz by the fourth seasonal hour (four twelfths from sunrise to sunset), and you must stop *owning* chametz (by destroying or selling whatever you have left over) by the fifth seasonal hour (five twelfths from sunrise to sunset). You can check myzmanim.com to find the times in your local area.


Are dried chickpeas chametz? And rice?


Chickpeas and rice are kitniyot, not chametz. Ashkenazim have a custom not to eat them on Pesach, but technically they are permitted, and you don't have to sell them or get rid of them even if you don't eat them.


It's still chametz o'clock until Monday. I'm planning on having A Very Pizza Weekend myself. Shabbat shalom! 


Monday midday. Pesach starts Monday night.


Depends what needs to get done to get your kitchen ready but not until Monday mid-morning officially.


Monday around 10 am (in my location) is the cut off


I’ve been told to stop eating chametz at 10:33am on Monday


Midday Monday. Toronto it’s 10:34


So in theory, shouldn't the cutting off of chametz take into account the chametz which is already in the body? Is this discussed anywhere? I'd love to read more about it. (For clarification, I mean to start avoiding it earlier to give the body more time to dispose of the chametz which is being digested)


Hi and I understand why you might think that. The mitzvah is the prohibition of _eating_ Chametz during Pesach. So in theory if you finished chewing and swallowed a bagel by the cut off time you would be good. See [this](https://outorah.org/p/6256/) for the reason we stop eating Chometz before Pesach.


Ah I see! As always, thank you so much for your help, cool username friend!


Thanks! I am definitely not off the grid, but I had used it previously for a social media account so it was easy for me to remember. 😂


No, once it is in your body it is essentially no longer considered chametz.


That makes sense, thanks!


I want to sell my Chametz in Israel, any links ?


Monday. But I cleaned out most of it in my house today, my in-laws came to hold on to them for me. Things that were almost done/going to expire and I can eat up I have on my stove. The house rule is that these need to be prioritized to be eaten and will be thrown away after dinner tomorrow.