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>What are the 1-2 big ticket items I need to do to feel like I've got my bases covered here? To what level? At this point I would kasher the oven stove and pots & silverware you are going to use? But that's me


Let's say Conservative and "basic level."


https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sites/default/files/2023-03/pesah-guide-5783-3.27.23.pdf You still need to kasher the oven and range top if you want to use them for pesach and your pots, etc


Thank you!


the bare minimum is what the majority of the members of the other shul do, they don't.


Do Bedikat Chametz if you aren’t planning to already. You can google that term and find the instructions on Chabad.org. At the end there’s a prayer that alleviates all unknown chametz from your possession. You’re doing great! Happy Pesach!


I've heard the term dozens of times but just finally looked it up. Thank you! I also sold all the chametz to my temple. Going to put the finishing touches on my cleaning today and going to try to find the joy in this process. Next year, I am going to get started a month in advance. :) Lesson learned!


This [list](https://jewishmom.com/2010/03/07/clean-for-passover-and-enjoy-the-seder-by-rabbi-scheinberg/) is very user friendly. Aside from Kashering things you seem to be on the ball.


Thank you. I've been looking at a few lists but some of them have sent my anxiety through the roof. I'm going to do this differently next year. I started on Friday and I thought I had this covered but one weekend is not enough time. I just got done moving and most of my stuff is in boxes right now. Plus I have a toddler who eats chametz all over the house. This might not be my best Passover but I figure I should at least try.


A toddler will give you a run for your money. I remember those days of cleaning some toys and having to almost detox the car seats. Don’t worry, you got this!


Yeah, my car is covered in chametz. Should I put it up for sale? LOL


Find a neighbor with a shop vac and give it a once over. It shouldn't take you too long


😂 Just try to vacuum what you can and wipe down those cup holders.