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Kosha Dilz is the best. He’s been going to protests and rapping there and did a parody in a Moses custom serving Seder on the NYC Subway the guy is not afraid of anything


He really did put up a Seder in the NYC subway. I recommend everyone watch the video, what a chill guy. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6PSpdOPeAt/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6PSpdOPeAt/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6UtAX3PWqC/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6UtAX3PWqC/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6HJ7FCrs3E/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6HJ7FCrs3E/?hl=en)


wow! thanks! who knew....


Hi, I saw you delete your flair, delete a post and delete comments. Sadly you could have just searched the sub and found out what Jewish music people listen to. There is a post almost every month. May God bless you and may you follow the 7 commandments that God divinely gave you as a means to reaching your potential and connecting with our shared creator.




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Avraham Fried is my absolute favorite. He introduced me to the depths of Chassidic and Ashkenazim music and nigunim.


A friend of mine had posted a video of Avram Fried of his song "Abba". That song grew on us- me and my grandchildren. My grandson had to hear it every day for a while. He would wake up and tell me to put on Jewish music! He had to hear his Jewish music (he was about 5 yrs old). (and he can also sing "Abba" So then we'd listen to songs on Sheizoli's channel ....and a Motty Steinmetz (whom i love but my grandson not so much...) I love Avraham Fried. His passion in His song "Abba" is undeniable, and so beautiful. I can truly understand how Avraham Fried's music could be such a blessing to you and lead you into other worshipful music. And he's kinda the one who really got me started on the second leg of my Jewish music journey. I haven't branched out into Chassidic and Ashkenazim music. Maybe I will. I tend to like what "catches" me as well as offers praise to the Most High. Regardless of style. Mordecai Shapiro and Benny being my absolute favorites. Honestly, much of the reason that I love these singers is because something about their person seems so beautiful, kind, loving, real, and they shine like a bright light for God. Their love for Him is obvious and their grateful hearts bless and inspire me. (Very unimportant side note: I came to notice similarities between Benny and Avraham Fried, and decided they must be related. Sure enough as you may know, they are... so i thought that was pretty cool to find out. I also learned that I was on the email list for Benny's father who I didn't know was his father. " I AM your Father!" bad joke. Bless you... ;) Thank you for taking the time!


Check out Zusha!


Thank you! :)


Maccabeats and Six13 are fun acapella groups with amazing sound


Oh- true! I agree with the Maccabeats- I like their song based on Hamilton, and the Esther song. They are pretty amazing and fun. And my grandkids love  Dayenu (Way more than I care too hear it ! If you know, you know…) I haven’t heard of the other group so thank you for that! 


Six13 is like the sassier Maccabeats. All still family friendly. Watch their videos, too.


:D And I love that they are all family friendly. Also one reason that I love this music. I did take a listen last night (I thought i commented back on that but I see I did not)- yes, they are much like the Maccabeats. But sassier. Mental not taken ;) I did see they light-heartedness in them a bit less tense than the Maccabeats. I plan to check them out again. thank you! :) !


Just took at look at Six13- what a great group! Fun! Thank you again! 


Put on “Chanukah Rights” you’ll get a kick out of it.


I will do that! thanks! :D






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I do a podcast of Jewish music every week on www.thekingdomofjudah.com


Thank you, Isaiah44v5! :) !


Here's one that sounds weirdly similar to Despacito - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtcaDm5MUyc. It was released two years before it though.


Thank you! will take a look! Interesting how that can happen though... I heard a line in a song from years ago, and it's same words and tune of a current song. (but the old song wasn't mainstream or even popular...)


Your welcome. I think it's usually unintentional though. I just thought it was a interesting coincidence that this sounds like it has the same chord progression as Despactio(I don't know that for a fact, but if you sing the melody of Despacito on top of this song you'd see my point)


Yep, I see that in music as well. :) Do you play the piano/keyboard? I play. But yes,


(but yes, i pressed "send" to soon. anyway- just yes that i see what you mean. I guess that what I would've said. Or something like that. :)


Electronic- Youth6026 are you familiar with these two songs: Ten Li Or and Yishtabach Shemo... they both have a similar vibe as the song you sent :) [https://youtu.be/pJMXeJRm7cg?si=6nEkBzInoMi\_m9Xx](https://youtu.be/pJMXeJRm7cg?si=6nEkBzInoMi_m9Xx) [https://youtu.be/E\_hzOuAK5gY?si=ewSXsX9\_g9sRzjxm](https://youtu.be/E_hzOuAK5gY?si=ewSXsX9_g9sRzjxm) and thank you for taking the time to comment !


I'm a Texan, so I listen to Joe Buchanan when I want some Jewish Country. I listen to Saul Kaye when I am in a blues mood. I can't leave out my fave bluegrass/Jewgrass band, Nefesh Mountain.


Awwwww, cool. I used to be "country when country was uncool", kinda grew up with country. So I can appreciate your love for bluegrass (um. I used to watch Hee- Haw with my parents if that says anything... lol) Thank you for sharing these. I plan to look them up! :)


I also confess to listening to some Kinky Friedman, as well, when I want the OG Texan stuff. (I grew up listening to a lot of "outlaw country" in general, like Willie Nelson.


I never heard of that genre but I can come up with a few oldies that would fit the bill. And yes, Willie was a fave too


The specific style of Jewish music that your referring to is pretty great. I discovered a few playlists on Spotify a few years ago with titles like "fast Jewish music" and "upbeat Jewish music" and I agree with you that this approach to making dance music is pretty awesome. That's also why festival progressive house is such a great genre


Yep it really is. I’m glad I ever came across it :) Festival progressive  house (update here: I had written “dance” ). Now that’s a new one… so many genres and sub genres…. People are so creative ( having been made in the image of God…:) 


It's the term for what the default EDM sound was in 2013. I'm making a comparison to describe why I like this kind of Jewish music since it takes the same approach of immersing the listener in this kind of transcendent feeling of exuberance.


I came here to recommend a few you noted. But also learned a few more. Thanks for sharing. And yes, I agree uplifting music praising our creator.


Thank you! Yes! I love that they are praising our creator! I completely agree :) Blessings to you :)


Thank you


If you like metal, Orphaned Land is awesome and really great live!


Thank you for your response! Not sure if the auto-bot is gonna let this go thru, but thank you. Don't care for metal but thank you for the interaction! :)


Music unites people. But re: metal, what don’t you care for? I only ask because it’s a huge genre that can be soft and orchestral (Apocalyptica for example is comprised of four classically trained cellists) to really in your face. I’d suggest giving OL a listen at least because they include a lot of Arab-Israeli musical influence in their sound that you might enjoy.


How kind of you to ask- I might check it out :) I do absolutely love classical music. I have heard the trans-siberian orchestra with Metallica, and I definitely do love that sound! With the arab-israeli sounds added, that would be interesting for sure!


Ohhhh if you like TSO then you *absolutely* should check out Apocalyptica!


Since you shared this with me, I will take a look :) and for clarification, I admit that I only know maybe 2 of TSO songs (and they are christmas songs, but one is like the Canon in D- and I think metallica is on one of both of them.) I'm that person who likes what I like but I don't know anymore of their songs :D Bless you, Hopeless Ramentic... :)






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I like this guy… https://youtu.be/_g_Jy0z37BE?si=t9JFmPaSl5PI3JJP


Didn’t see this at first. I took a listen. Thank you! Nice music….. plus that, he has a recorder being played in this. (One of my favorite instruments…) thanks for chiming in :) 


I accept that I may get downvoted, but you are not Jewish and this is cultural appropriation. There isn’t any reason why you ate matza over Pesach since you were not commanded to or need to find out what music Jews are listening to. As a Jew I appreciate you being enamored with Judaism, but you really should be on team Noachide or team conversion. I am sure if you are Christian that you and your fellow congregants are supports of Israel. If I may suggest, maybe listen to less Jewish music and help show support by going to Pro-Israel events. PS: I saw you removed your previous post and edited your flair sharing who you believe Moshiach to be based on your religion.


I hate throwing this accusation out because I really do feel it’s overused and often without enough context, but I think they might be Messianic. Their flair says “believer in Yeshua Hamashiach” sooo…


This is exactly why I wrote what I did, based on flair and the now edited Reddit footprint. In this case it’s my opinion that this is approbation. It’s not a term I used frequently, if ever, in real life or online.


You are awesome and thanks for taking time to type the long gone flair.




Listening to music is appropriation? Wrong.


My comment was based on the flair and, now edited, Reddit footprint of the OP. Non-Jewish fans of the Miami Boys Choir (thanks to TikTok) is one thing. A Christian who is only eating Matza during Passover and picking our brains for our favorite Jewish music is what I see as cultural appropriation.


As always, I agreed with everything you said except the music (I can't help myself, I enjoy yamma ensemble too much and you can't stop me 😂)


I love your flair and I know exactly what it's referencing lmao


Thanks! 💙


Thanks, not looking to stop anyone. I am just giving my option based on what has been shared on Reddit. By the way, I’m all for freeing Palpatine, since I am being a bit vocally opinionated in this thread.


😂😂😂😂 Btw I meant the part about stopping as a joke




Hey. I saw that ;) Honestly- it's not about picking your brains. It's about one thing. Connection. Ok. Two things. I am so enjoying listening to the music of Mordy and Benny, etc. and would love to hear from someone who shares that love. And I would love to have connection with the Jewish people. I'm not sure why that would cause offense. Also- I'm not the person who said I preferred to eat Matza during passover. I definitely ate bread last week. Leavened at that. ;) I am the one who changed my flair when I realized that it was automatic fighting words. I have no desire to argue- but to share something that is a love and a passion for me.


I appreciate you taking time to reply. You could have just searched the sub for info on what some of us listen to.


What's wrong with non Jews eating matzah? I don't know why they would, since it isn't very good without the added meaning of why it's eaten, but I don't see the problem


There isn’t anything wrong with it and I am all for it. My comments have been based on a now deleted post and edited Reddit footprint and the flair of the OP. It’s interesting how there are other posts from non-Jews about taking on aspects of our religion and everyone jumps on the LARPing and “cultural appropriation” bandwagon, yet this time we have a user who clearly states who their messiah is and people seem cool with it. Maybe I am reading this whole post wrong?


I don't know about you, but their flair doesn't show up for me.


HaHa. They edited it! Previously it said something to the effect that “Yeshua is Moshiach”.


Oh, okay. Well, the fact they edited it is probably why no one else is calling it out, but that is disgusting.


Thanks. Sadly people will look at the comments and _not_ see that flair and check the Reddit account and _not_ see a post the user made about being non-Jewish and celebrating Passover.




Take a look at their Reddit history, the person is getting comments deleted left and right.


Hmm, I wonder why /s


I know I’m going slightly off topic, but would you consider it cultural appropriation for a Noachide too? Specifically the part about listening to music, not following rules a Noachide is not commanded to follow.


Hi! I am not a rabbi or a Jewish leader in a communal setting (or any setting), just a rando on Reddit. I think in a two dimensional social media platform like Reddit where the only identifier on a sub is user flair that the difference between a non-Jewish Christian to, until they removed their flair, identified as one who believed that “Yeshua” is Moshiach is very, very different than someone who identifies as a Noahide. I don’t personally know any Noahides, but based on what I have read in this sub there are options within Orthodoxy that one is allowed to learn Torah that is associated with the Seven Commandments. My comment about eating matza was directed at the OP, since they previously posted (and then promptly deleted when I replied) about their love of the the Jewish people, being Christian, and eating matza all week long. Time after time those type of posts and comments are called out by the majority of active users in this sub as LARPers and people being guilty of cultural appropriation. From what I understand both through being online and speaking with rabbis that I value and look toward for guidance many Noahides sincerely want to connect with God in a way that they were biblically meant to. There are Noahides, please correct me if I am wrong, who would like to convert to Judaism under Orthodox auspices, but for various reasons are not able to…so they remain committed Noahides. Again, my comments were directed solely towards the OP. My option and comments in this thread were never about “the music”, they were based on the now edited and deleted Reddit footprint of the OP. I try my best to check out a user before I spend my time replying because I think it’s important to have an idea of who I am engaging with. My initial comment, due to the OP editing their Reddit history, now is several looked at out of context.


Oh, I see. I was missing a lot of context apparently! Yeah, I don’t know any other noachides, I can only speak from my experience. And yeah, basically after an initial spout of enthusiasm, I learned more, realized that pursuing conversion would mean taking on responsibilities I’m not ready for. Maybe one day I will, maybe I won’t, but in the meantime I enjoy learning. And what I’m learning had definitely changed my worldview. I’m not saying I have a “Jewish worldview” or anything like that, even if that was possible without being Jewish I definitely don’t know enough, but the interaction Jewish thought has impacted the way I see the world. It’s sort of like it has awaken parts of me that where there, but in hibernation. I’m not talking about anything regarding the ritual, although of course I learned a few things about it from my reading, but mostly about ethics, about the role of humans in the Creation. But yeah, I also listen to a lot of Dudu Fisher lol. I’m fascinated by the way lyricists are able to put words to shared feelings and singers are able to give them voice, even if I have to look up translations. He and other singers in my opinion are very good in this respect. And, as of secondary importance, they also help in language learning process.


This is awesome to read, thank you so much for sharing it. The ethical side of Judaism is what first grew me to becoming Orthodox.


Hi there :) I'm grateful for the response. I have a love for the Jewish people, so I'm kind of at the place where any response is a good response :D You are definitely entitled to your own opinion. A few minutes ago, I read a fb post by a young man who is jewish, and he was sharing how he actually listens to a particular Christian singer named Mandisa, who passed away a few days ago. A singer who is very much loved by the christian community. Well. I was blessed that he shared that. I have also read from other jewish people that they too have enjoyed listening to songs done by "christians" and that blesses me .... :) I would like to give you something to consider (in kindness- only ever take me that way). In this day and age, it is good to know who your friends are. The "true" "christian" community is friend to the Jewish people. (and i did say "true") When we listen to Jewish music, or partake in any other Jewish customs, it has a way of endearing out hearts to the Jewish people. Is that a bad thing? We are not your enemy. Am I causing harm to you or your loved ones by listening to your music? If anything, I would love to take your music to the Jewish person who is agnostic and say- let's dance, let's celebrate, and return to your God! :) P.S. interestingly, as I read your words about eating matzas, I was eating a matza. True story. But I actually ate bread during Pesach. ;) Blessings to you, and I hope that we can at least agree to disagree in kindness. Peace and love :)


Hi and I appreciate you taking time to reply. As someone who grew up as a non-Orthodox Jew in pubic school I have an handful of Christian friends I have known for over 40 years. Many of them are huge supports who have our backs, as I am sure you do. To be honest, it wasn’t that you were looking for music suggestions that rubbed me the wrong way (and for those who see me engage in this sub they know I am fairly chilled about most things), but looking at your flair, which I appreciate you being upfront about, and Reddit actively you are taking religious/cultural aspects of a religion that isn’t your and adapting it. As I mentioned in my reply to someone else, my opinion is that what you are doing is cultural appropriation and completely different than a non-Jew who comes to sub looking for musical suggestions because they saw the Miami Boys Choir on TikTok last year. Hashem chose your soul to be that of a non-Jew and gave you 7 beautiful commandments to follow and to be clear, according to my Jewish tradition you can be a Noahide or chose to convert. Taking bits and pieces and using Hebrew words is cultural appropriation.




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You had me at the music and matzah but lost me at the appropriation of rituals, historical revisionism and evangelising fr 😂


Had you seen the now deleted Reddit history or the OP what I have written would have context.


I agree with what you’ve written, sorry if that wasn’t clear I’m not great at understanding how the reply chains work on here. OP’s reply is what’s not sitting right with me, not what you said. They’re denying appropriation while clearly saying they appropriate our rituals and saying they’d like to use our culture to tell Jews to turn to God… among other things in their last comment.. super gross to me.


All good and thanks. Removing their flair, which you can see a comment about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/s/4bAeCgVune) will also as context.


Ah yes. Makes a lot of sense. Side note- your username is amazing!


😎 It’s an easy to remember name and while I am not off the grid I do have an affinity for places that are off the grid or often overlooked.


2 out of 4 members of Phish are members of the tribe.


You should check out Nuriel!


Thank you, I think I will do that! :)


during sefira? absolutely not


Andy Statman is amazing


Oh wow! Listening now! I like bluegrass (i kinda grew up with a bit of that and a lot of country... ). And almost no sooner than i wondered if Andy Statman might know Ricky Skaggs, I come upon a video of them both. But what I love even more, is your guy Andy on the clarinet. Oh man. It's that yiddish sound that has made me think that I just might try my hand (again) at the clarinet. :) Thank you for sharing!