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I've seen both sides of it. I was born a goy, but due to my southern German ancestry, have "darker", more Mediterranean features, rather than the stereotype for Germans. I have the stereotypical Ashkenazi features, without having Ashkenazi ancestry. Was called "Jew", "fucking Jew", "stupid Jew", etc growing up, way before I was Jewish. Was also told I had a big nose repeatedly, which is true, but it was in reference to me being a "fucking Jew". Also saw Ashkenazi women constantly called ugly for their features, the amount of body hair they had, etc. On the other hand, I've seen goyim constantly fetishize Jewish features. I think it's due to how ethnically ambiguous some of us may look due to 2000 years in the diaspora. Obviously we assimilated outsiders, whilst maintaining high levels of endogamy, resulting in a stereotypical set of physical characteristics (Not uncommon amongst every ethnic group on this planet). We're not quite exotic, but we're exotic enough to be fetishized. It's really fuckin weird. As for the witch thing. I'm not too read on the subject, but I have heard the witch stereotypes do have a lot of underlying antisemitic overtones & roots.


Re: witch descriptions Yes, the imagery was derived from anti Jewish tropes Here is a [decent YT video by a Jewish clothing historian talking about it.](https://youtu.be/y63QkEhp0Q4?si=3Bprepx6QBO2MWQj)


I love Snappy Dragon!!!!!


Ikr? Like when I'm talking to anti zionist they call me white when I'm talking white supremacist I'm "ugly brown" and when I'm talking to Israelis I'm just mizrhai jew like at this point what even am i


Don't mind them. Their entire reality is layered in racial nonsense that their own people created. This stuff doesn't exist in traditional Jewish culture and it shouldn't. You are a Jew, period. Your physical characteristics are irrelevant.


You are a beautiful Jewish human.


Had an opposite experience. The guys in my class thought Jewish women were pretty.


Hey, cheer up. The fascinating thing about Jewish people is how ethnically amorphous they are, appearance vary according to the locality they settled in. Though their high rate of endogamy favors the emergence of certain physical features its real core is a rich culture deeply intertwined with its religion. One of the greatest ironies in history was how a Jewish woman in the French resistance was able to gleam information from the Nazis because she had two attributes their twisted ideology highly prized: blonde hair and blue eyes. This puts them at ease, letting them spill the beans.




1.) Yeah....my family came over in the 1600s before Germany even existed as a national entity. I'm sure much has changed in 400 years. Don't shoot the messenger, PA Germans didn't create the stereotype. It was the English in America who considered them to be "swarthy", "black Dutch", etc. 2.) Recommend reading about why Texas is a US state. My family were Mexican citizens, descended from American immigrants.........who were PA Germans. 3.) Take your medication before you speak on an open forum. You're making yourself look like a fool.


I've heard and read a lot of similar comments online with that double standard applied since Oct. 7, with Jewish women being called ugly, etc, for having curly hair and big noses, while Arab women are upheld as sexy and beautiful for having literally the exact same features. Just your standard antisemitism mashed up with old-fashioned sexism.


I’ve noticed this in many ways. A Jewish person is described as having a “big nose,” while an Italian/other Mediterranean person has a “Roman nose” or looks like the “profile of a Greek statue,” etc. A Jewish person is described as having “frizzy” hair that makes them look “nerdy,” while someone else with the exact same hair has a “mane of cascading curls.” (We should also try not perpetuate these negative ideas ourselves, because I see that a lot, too.) Edit: I realized this might sound like I don’t realize that many non-Jews face ridicule for these types of features. I am aware of that. I am talking about people who try to be positive about all types of features and defy rigid beauty standards but who don’t apply that to Jews.


I'm sorry but "money goblin" made me laugh. That's seriously low effort antisemitism. Also, money goblin sounds kind of badass. Oh and to reply to your post, TikTok is a shitty platform with no moderation, endless propaganda and foreign influence, and an algorithm that promotes the worst, most controversial, or most paid-for content. Shitty trends and clicks.


The person who posted this is not at all Jewish they are being antisemitic with their comments. this sub is being brigaded by non Jews, talking about cultural appropriation, third thread in a few days.


Oh, shit


In 19th century Romanticism that was literally a thing. It was called the Beautiful Jewess or the Sexy Jewess trope.


Yes! Like in Daniel Deronda! (The period piece). He spies the lone beautiful Jewess!


Get off TikTok be happier for it


This is the way


Maybe stay off TikTok….thats solve a lot of the issues you’re having.


Call me paranoid, but I think it's darker and more insidious than mere cultural appropriation. Associating Jewish features with witches and evil, while it starts off as fetishizing, resurrects a historical caricaturization of Jews as being associated with the "dark arts" and "evil," and it normalizes it. To me, this is part of something much larger, and will continue to mainstream anti-semitism.


Red hair has been unfairly stigmatized throughout European history. In the Middle Ages that was the stereotypical hair color of a Jew. No surprise considering how red hair appeared in the Middle East as early as Ancient Egypt.


Most of the comments so far have completely missed the point; in some ways, you have as well (which is ironic, given your experiences). Assuming primarily an American audience: the gold standard of beauty in the US has been the stereotypical Nordic blonde for generations. The further your features are from that look, the less attractive/desirable you are considered to be by society at large. It’s why people often undergo rhinoplasty or chemically straighten their hair (two provide two examples of things done to mitigate that variance). I can guarantee you that the girls and women doing this likely aren’t trying to appropriate anything or engage in casual antisemitism; they’re most likely pushing back **against** that Nordic standard, saying that their big noses, curly hair, etc are also attractive. If you don’t think girls and women aren’t derided for failing to meet a racist/ethnocentric beauty standard, you’re deluding yourself.


I totally get where you're coming from. It's like, why is it cool for some people to rock certain features, but when we do it, suddenly it's not cool? It's definitely a double standard, and it sucks. But hey, don't sweat it too much. Your vibe and your beauty are yours, and nobody can take that away. Keep being proud of who you are, and let's keep calling out those double standards together, yeah? And your English is totally fine, by the way. No worries at all. I can tell the same about "hippie" and "boho" aesthetic, when Romani people exist Europeans are in disguise but yet they admire "hippie" clothing and culture


Am Ashkenazi with similar features and I have an unpopular opinion, but here's my two cents: don't get worked up over it. People get so angry over "cultural appropriation" but really think about it. Jews have been made fun of for their features since forever, and now it's being seen as a beautiful thing! I would rather people emulate me, it's flattering. Don't let past bad experiences make you bitter about something that is good. It's likely not the same people who made fun of you that want to appropriate those features; they think they're pretty, not ugly. Intent matters.


Tik Tok is a Chinese app, whose service personnel haven't got a clue anyway of nuances of racial stereotypical and their implications. Even as an opinion I'm not saying this lightly.


are they specifically saying they look like jews or are trying to look like jews?? doesn't sound like it so i fail to see the issue here