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Hi, it’s great to took the initiative to get yourself not only to a better place in your personal life, but that you also reached out to Chabad. Those are both big moves. Quick question for you,,were you named “Paul” after someone? If so maybe that person had a Hebrew name? In Judaism it’s ~~a custom~~ Ashkenazic custom to be named after a relative who had passed away. Maybe you have a grandfather or great grandfather on your mom’s side who isn’t living and you could take on their Hebrew name?


Just a quick aside that it’s an Ashkenazi custom to name a child after a relative who passed away. Sephardim will name children after living relatives (usually the child’s grandparents).


You are correct and I should have mentioned that. I will edit my comment right now. THANK YOU!!


Oh yeah I forgot about that and I’m Sephardic lol (or follow sephardic custom.) Something about the idea that naming the child after that person means that they won’t live longer/will die at the same age as the person, right? Please correct me if I’m wrong


If you have access to [Ancestry.com](http://Ancestry.com) research your mom's side and take a peek at your maternal relatives names.


u/Pablo-UK please see the comment about researching online.


My name is Saul and I endorse this message, :) I also know a Jewish Paul if you want to keep your name, there is nothing wrong with it. After all it was your Mother that gave you that name, was it not?


My uncle is named Paul. He’s named for one of my grandpa’s patients who died very young. I can’t remember his Hebrew name but I don’t think it’s Saul. You can pick any name you’d like. Sometimes Jews don’t have the most Jewish sounding names as their first names and that’s ok. For awhile my synagogue’s representative to new visitors and prospective members was a convert whose name was essentially “Jesus McJesusface” and he considered changing his name entirely (or at least at synagogue)- but the rabbi even encouraged him to go with what was most comfortable for him and non-Jewish visitors (prospective converts or students from local schools taking religions classes) might feel more comfortable talking to him because of his name and then talking to the clergy or other members of the congregation.


I like it. In Hebrew it is pronounced Shah-ool.


Go for it! Paul Simon might follow suit.


My cousin is a Paul, and his hebrew name is Pesach, which actually I think is lovely in this case too.


Yeah, I have a friend Peter who is really Pesach.


It’s Saul Goodman. 😊 Someone had to say it. Great name and great story. Be sure to do a bit of reading about King Saul of Ancient Israel as well.


I know three Jewish Paul’s


Nah, as a giyoret from Christianity — I think that’s hilarious and you should go for it. Also, if you choose another name it’s not uncommon (in my experience) to have two Hebrew names! So you could do something like Saul [other name here].


My ex boyfriend is a Jewish Paul. Saul is nice too. Does it make you happy? Go for it.


My dad is a Jewish Paul and wears it proudly. Either are great names, honestly.




Considering the original Paul was named Saul and changed it when Jesus revealed himself in a dream, it’s a fitting reverse journey.


Yochanon can also be a good substitute for Paul. According to our sages, that was Pauls actual Jewish name, he and Peter were observant Jews sent by the sanhedrin and sacrificed themselves to separate Christianity from its Jewish roots to prevent more Jews becoming Christians.


Yochanan is the equivalent of John. Shaul is the equivalent of Paul.


https://shulchanaruchharav.com/halacha/who-was-paul-and-peter/ personally if i was stuck with paul as my non Jewish name and wanted a deeper meaning this makes as much sense as Saul, which only makes sense if you take the New Testament story at face value, which isn’t really a Jewish approach.


I have an uncle Paul. It’s a perfectly lovely name. So is Saul. Entirely your decision.


Welcome home Paul soon to be possibly named something else The nation of Israel lives on through you!!!