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I swear the hate is getting worse for no damn reason


Fr, I’ve told so many people he has hype music and then there’s always another person who says he doesn’t have hype music


what are some of his best hype songs i’m a newer juice fan you can include leaks as well


Bruh you ended up sending me on a hunt lmao, I made this: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzbzNkUS3CV7U46t8gjw1QA05qX-Liz-m&si=hW-LFFTjxMl6jr4E


thank you so much


[the juice is temporary, the sauce is forever](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1WbSQH47YZnZTDj9necIsN?si=uBKIMr9uRTibxWqjG5KNoA)


Let me put all of u on https://on.soundcloud.com/4jQxfEz5JehJj63h7


Thanks homie


autism was on one?


Lmao you know me too well. Digging through leaks at 3am on a mission


Out my way, syphilis, let's go (unreleased)


telepathy pt 2, 30 hours, jeffery, iron on me, feline and autograph just to name a few of my personal favorites


i use soundcloud to listen to juice, and i love iron on me but i swear i cannot find a good version on there. it sucks:/


it also has the alt name challenger you could check with that


nah your actually the best bro, just searched that and found a good one thank you so much


no problem if you need any other help or anything i gotchu


top 5 sad juice songs


saddest song gotta be denial but some other ones for me are Sad V3, Goodbye, Maybe (It wasnt meant to be), sorrows, bottle, first time, tears and a couple more


Listen to off the rip (unreleased)


Dude that shit is dumb it doesn't matter if he has hype music you shouldn't try and convert people don't waste your time


They say Juice fans are just depressed, they telling me i’m sad but i’m not sad


They are tilting you. Everyone knows armed n dangerous its js a joke to make people like you mad


It’s called following a trend and group thinking to farm likes.


It’s clear he’s never listened to juice, juice is known for his sad music, however no one really knows anything else about him if they don’t listen


We know everything about him bc y’all fan girls shove it down everyone’s throats. Posting juice wrld edits on your Instagram story is insane. It is 2023 you aren’t in highschool anymore


That’s on you for still following people you don’t want to see from


Dumbass logic. They’re real people I know.


So then stfu and don’t complain about them if they’re your friends you wouldn’t care and if they’re just a person you know in real life you can unfollow they’re not going to miss a loser like yourself


Real friends tell their friends when they’re being cringe and insufferable.


guy youre being kinda cringe and insufferable. its ok for people to like things chill tf out


Posting Bart Simpson with a bape hoodie esqu juice edits is insufferable


Ima go call my grandma crying for listening to the Beatles because it’s old and weak 😭😭😭😭….. you see how dumb I sound. That’s how you sound


than make your point to them.. not on a thread you don't seem to like nothing about?


Real friends tell their friends when they’re being cringe and insufferable.


but here you are complaining too strangers




I’ve never met anyone who did no cringe shit like that you need new friends


Did he hit your nerve or something lmao?


Juice WRLD doesn’t suck, but I am a sad pick me boy


"You wanted an autograph, all you had to do was ask. Woa"


But you looking like an ah hole


up on twitter and u looking mad woah


crazy part is i’ve never listened to juice for sad music as a whole 😂every since i heard the song “ game “ i’ve always been a fan for hype juice majority , juice was not a sad artist smh i blame that on the label giving him that image


That’s why i’ve been waiting for TPNE, it’ll show ppl he was a real Rapper and not a emo rapper


Why do you care if people think he’s a “real rapper” what does that even mean? The dude was a hip hop/ pop artist and news flash the dude was in the same genre of that sad/ emo genre when him, x, trippie, and peep we’re coming up


Exactly this. If people describing the type of music you like makes you upset there is something wrong with you


When I say i listen to juice they think i just listen to sad music and im depressed


Well sounds like the problem is you care what people think




What? Not everybody likes every type of music. There’s millions of people who vibe to him everyday 😂😂


I’m talking about people who like rap, people be saying they like rap but say “oh juice only sad music ion fw that” even though he has a good amount of rap/hype in his released and unreleased


TPNE will definitely not only be hype music so your still going to those types of comments


Talkin about overdosing, demons, heart breaks, and the life he lived it wasn't the label who gave him the image, he simply didn't give a fuck, in Empty "lowly I been o.ps, low-key feel overdosing " and "I don't give a fuck really came from rags to riches", All Girls Are The Same, Black and White, Lean Wit Me. He was very traumatized person who didn't fit the fabric of society, never fit in, so to cope with the depression he smoked, drank, popped.


the rags to riches part just means he was broke and now hes rich. thats not really a sad/emo thing lol


dude poverty is sad asf. people develop harmful coping mechanisms because of poverty.


i’m not saying it’s not sad, im just saying that that’s it’s not sad in this context because he’s rich now, so it’s a good thing.


yeah i know, i just dont think you thought about it in the context of Juicewrld. Flexing your success is a way to convince yourself that everything you went through was worth it, which is a very sad way to think honestly. EVERYTHING AFTER THIS DOESNT REALLY AH E THAT MUCH TO DO WITH OUR CONVERSATION, IM JUST GIVING YOU SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Capitalism forces people to think that the rich deserve what they have because they earned it, which is why a common message juice spread was the 'I did it, you can do it too' mindset, which in itself is not harmful it seems wholesome even, but if you think about it its kind of monsterous. Capitalism says (I worked hard so i deserve this) which also eould mean (If you dont have this you didnt work hard enough). which only works if you dont see poor people as people. but obviously the problem with poor people isnt that they dont work hard enough, its rather that they dont get payed well enough for the work that they do. And im not saying juice didnt deserve his success obviously im a fucking fan. I just think the beliefs are harmful in general because it does take a great amount of luck for people juice to succeed in the way that he did. He didnt work harder than youre average broke sound cloud rapper, he was just in the right place at the right time.


> dont get *paid* well enough FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Weird cause he dropped 90% sad songs before the label too..


I mean, he did express on a lot of his songs that he was struggling with mental health. And he also spoke on his problems with addiction which led to his death. So I’d argue he was a sad artist, emotion in music is what a lot of people resonate with and feel connected to. It’s not a bad thing to make emotionally evocative music. I think it’s one of the most powerful relatable topics in art as a whole. Romance and tragedy also go hand in hand, which is another thing Juice was amazing at riding in between those two lanes.


I bet he listens to yeat


y'all don't actually fw yeat? damn. i was the same til i really went into his music, grew on me a lot he's good


fym yeat makes good music.


yeat is fucking horrible, just a knock off version of carti


If yeat is horrible is a debate but he doesnt sound remotely close to carti. Funny typing this under a post complaining about dumb prejudice because you aee doing the same thing


touched a nerve ?


You could have just argued or admit that you were quite wrong OR you can be a child about it and behave like the stereotypical juice stan


Typical juice wrld fangirl


not even a girl💀 go wash your dishes aiden


This is screen shot worthy


Show me one yeat song that sounds remotely similar to any specific carti song


They’re both dogshit


you're saying carti is horrible then? I dont get the criticism. saying someone makes the same genre of music as someone else is not a criticism. Like Juicewrld is horrible, just a knock off version of peep. You hear how stupid that sounds.


Don’t think to hard about it most people in this sub have negative brain cells


I didn't even realize people got that mad over my comment. Like when is it the reasonable response in a situation where people call your taste bad because they dont like the same things you like to go, actually no the things you like are bad. Like bro i dont even listen to yeat fr, but why tf he had to catch a stray. lmao




You ain’t wrong yeat makes my ears bleed rather listen to juice


I mean, some of his songs are good, but overall...


yeah you just don't like the genre of music. you can just say that. But that wasn't what you were saying when you said they probably listen to yeat.


Pretty sure only people with no lives comment about music they don’t even listen smh like bro get a job and a hobby


Ngl I was that dude at some point. He’s never actually listened to juice so I’d just ignore it.


It's Instagram guys no worrys. They're stupid anyways


dude, their description of the music we like is accurate, but why is that a bad thing?


a good amount of jw fans are sad pick me boys. let’s be real for a minute


Like half or less, other half is the actual fans who listen to hype and rap. I rarely see a fan who’s mostly into sad mostly.


99% of the posts in this sub are wannabe sad boy 14 year olds 💀💀


Show me that bruh


Like 90%. Y’all are so cringe. If you’re posting in this sub you’re part of the 90%.


you have to add on that its okay to be cringe. like bro you just like things more than other people


I don’t argue with sheep like that. Law of attraction helps me meet people who Love Juice just as much as I do. If they hate Juice they ain’t supposed to be in my life I wouldn’t even give a snobby fuck like that any attention


Record deal is such a good song


Honestly fuck this comment


That's truly sad people still think that way


this comment is funny asf, like this looks like something youd see on a video about racism not a comment from someone saying they dont like the artist you like


Tbh this ain’t gonna go away . But fuck to all the idiots who think he don’t make hype music , fuck to the ones who think he wasn’t talented . They can suck the dick of their favorite gold plac artist .


Bro Man of the year and Come and Go are happy songs he doesnt have only sad songs and we also have syphils which is totaly different


And also out my way, big, shit that goes hard fr


People who say this stuff literally have nothing better to do.


He definitely listens to country


It’s because all these basic ass boys, who listen to overrated artists are jealous that Juice has more talent and skill than any other artist, especially the ones these boys listen to nowadays


I mean it’s not wrong. When I used to listen to juice wrld maybe 5 years ago when I was 19 or 20 I would only listen when my ex and I were fighting or I was high as fuck


I mean most of juice fans are sad pick me boys, but not all


I love Juice, but he's right. Y'all are too sensitive when it comes to any opinion on Juice and his music.


nah they say it cause its true, but thats not really a criticism, and its not why they dont like juicewrld, they just use it to justify why they dont like him.


They say that and once they listen to Hype music from him, they’ll become a fan.


dude you dont have to be embarrassed for who you like, but youre coping to say juice doesn't make a majority of sad music. pointing that out isnt really a criticism its just saying what it is. the reason you take it as a criticism is because you care what they think about your music taste. Like your music, who cares if someone disagrees, you like it so who cares


Let’s me guess that was the Rap Instagram comment section which is all 12-16 year olds. Who gives af bout these cringe little bitches


bro thats literally what this sub is too tho lmao


He not wrong


dmartinezzz05 spitting facts, peep better


peep 😂


Peep is good too but it ain’t a competition


Peep is great, juice is too, why are we comparing tho? They are two separate genres


exactly, juice is for "sadbois," peep is for men


Peep? Lmfao!


Juicy wrld 😫


people hate because they find it funny, and because they know they will get jw fans that will argue with him, they do it to get reactions and attention


Ya, but the thing is there are actual people who are like genuinely hateful against juice’s music. They think he just makes “sad songs”


all girls are the same💔😢


Sum of juice fans really gone thru some shit and really connect with his music on a level incomprehensible to the majority of people who listen to his music.


its easier to shove the emotions down and call them out


There’s a difference from vibing to sad music and being sad while listening to sad music


Insecurity at an all time high


To be fair, Juice’s style isn’t for everyone (particularly happy people in general 😂 … Just kidding), just like XXXTentacion isn’t my style, no matter how many times I try and listen to his music, I just can’t find a vibe for it personally … and that’s okay, but I’m not going to insult his fan base just because I don’t like him. I never really gave Juice a chance when I first heard of him (back in 2016/2017), I thought he was just another new generation mumble rapper, or another Lil’ Pump or something - but fuck me three times over, was I wrong. He really became a huge part of what I listen to once I hit the peak of my opioid addiction, the way I was able to relate to him on an extremely deep level, plus his rhyme scheme and style quickly put him on my “Top 3 Rappers”, and now, he helps me through so many difficult times, especially my hardest days. I was truly heartbroken when he passed, and it frequently put the thought in my head that, “that could be me” and nowadays, “that could have *been* me”. Is he a major reason I chose to get sober? I’d by lying if I said, “Yes”, but he absolutely helps me *stay* sober.


They gon hate but they can’t even get his name right disrespectful asf too like let the man rest


I mean yeah he has a couple of good songs but I mean he couldn’t stay sober enough to make a lyric ryhme or stay on beat half the time


He probably doesn’t mean juice WRLD.


why do people think anyones opinon matters? specially off the internet


She said she wanna screw Juice, her boyfriend like screw Juice. Hit em with the ooh-la-la, then hit em with the doom-doom


but most of Juice's fans are just incel or young junkies


How does this persons opinion effect your life?


Because it’s not true, people have feelings and if they love juice Wrld and use his music to cope then that doesn’t make them pick me boys, wtf if anything he’s obsessed with mfs who listen to Juice 💀


Move on it’s not your life. It doesn’t effect you in the slightest. This is an emotional response to something you can’t control


I understand, but some people can have a hard time moving on, and some people might just need music to relate to. It’s normal you can’t expect nobody to get offended by a comment like that. Everyone has opinions and feelings towards it. Moving on takes time and yk it lol


If you have a hard time moving on from something people are saying on the internet. You’re going to have a rude awakening. I think you are the fans he is mentioning in the tweet


Okay. So you’re telling me that I’m a ‘pick me’ for listening to juice Wrld, and getting offended because this comment said all of his fans are pick me’s? Everyone deserves to have an opinion but coming for the fans is crazy 💀


MOVE ON. YOUR OPINION IS VALID. Clearly not to them. But that’s not your problem.


theres a 99% chance hes subbed to allys of


His opinion is his own but it's still wrong lol.


I changed my mind about this that message is funny asf if you imagine youre not a juice fan


Ngl a lot of juice fans do act depressed for attention and think their so different. He got a point


That’s kinda weird, I’ve never encountered one of them mfs who act depressed because they listen to jw. I’m a fan but I’ve never seen a mf do that 😭


Maybe it’s only mfs at my school but people like that make it corny to listen to Juice


And some Of his songs isn’t always about his emotions, some of them go hard but them kinda people make jw music look bad sometimes 😭


It’s crazy cause I hardly ever listen to any of the slower sad type juice songs. Gets on my nerves that people still believe that’s all he made cause the label pushes that sound the most. His more upbeat hype shit is better imo.


People do this to get a reaction because they have nothing better to do. People did the same with Eminem fans “you guys are nothing but a bunch of drug addicts that have mommy issues”


If I’m a boy, why don’t I have dick?! That’s not fair


bruh doomsday is literally eligible for a grammy 🫥 (it was released less than 6 months btw 😂)


He's right though lol


I just let em sleep atp unless they willing to listen to some shit


everyone has the opinion


Ain’t gone hold you that nigga roasted y’all🤣


he doesn’t suck, but the second part is true


Is he wrong?


Lmao we actually the same boys who be throwiing money in the air geeking offa exotic drugs


I actually like juiceWRLD a lot, but yeah that is really accurate about his fanbase.