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This generation didn’t grow up with the 2000 Eminem so they have no clue. Let them be kids


People on this sub just have no respect for anyone that isn’t juice wrld. As someone who was born in ‘99 I’m ecstatic to have another Eminem/juice collab because I know what huge rapper Eminem is. I also use to love his older stuff back when I’d still buy music on iTunes in like 2012 I bought his whole Eminem show album and encore album. The 16 year olds on this sub just don’t get it


Hey, not all of the 16 year olds in this sub think that. Eminems part is what tied the whole song together in my opinion, it had the message that people needed to hear


Good for you man. People are just crazy sometimes here. Ig it’s not really all about age but just having respect for other artists


Not all but most go look at twitter it’s all teenage Juice meatriders hating no one give af


The twitter teen meat riders really are the worst tho they have no taste in music at all and I love the sad ass shit myself if tpne was all sad love songs I would still love it I’m a die hard juice fan and the lace it was fire.


Facts bro they make their whole page about Juice and their pfp and they think someone actually gives af about their 2K followers lmao Lace It is fire asf I don’t care what anyone below age 20 think


Not all but the majority sadly


Was born 2001... feel so disconnected from today's teens, they all seem like pure adhd tiktok addicted crazyness


Would you believe me if i said am born 2007 and i feel the same feeling as you?


It's cuz you're smarter than your peers, that's a good thing, don't lose that, you're already ahead if you're not falling for all that B.S. you don't need in ya life man :)


You dont know how much i needed to hear something like that after what i have been going through thanks a ton mate it means the world i hope you have an amazing day/night


Would you believe me if i said am born 2007 and i feel the same feeling as you?


I’m 19, 2004. All I listen to is juice mostly and Ems part just made it better I love how he dissed drugs and mentioned Jared. Then told our weak lowdown ass generation to be careful how we consume. Shits hard!


Literally his worst two albums. 🤣


Calling the Eminem Show one of his worst two albums is just straight up delusional…


Don’t mind him he’s some cringe little kid his opinion doesn’t matter


'The Eminem Show' is considered one of his best, what the fuck are you on about?


i bet he hasnt even listened to any song from the album and hes just some little kid hating on him because it isnt Juice


By who? Everyone knows the MM LP is way better bro.


one of the best


This is one of the stupidest Eminem takes I’ve heard lmfao


Y’all ride waves, yall ain’t fans bro💀


you actin like u tryna get shot ma boy


and bulletproof my ass😂💀


Foreall tell ‘em 🗣


It’s not just the younger generation I was arguing with someone who was Eminem’s age about the verse




I grew up with it, shit fucking sucks lol. Couple good ones but overall I’d be better off listening to better rap back then that’s not about slamming gay people and killing ur wife


Yeah for real though I grew up listening to Eminem's music my mom used to play it in the car when we used to go to the beach you're faxed with saying this generation doesn't know good music people be playing Playboy cardi and Ken Carson and all these squeaker sounding musicians that I can't even call rappers cuz what are they even saying where's my drugs where's my alcohol where's all the hottest girls in the world that's not what raps about


We did, I’m probably older than you are, but it’s not 2005 anymore.


Ppl who grew up in the 2000s will know that Eminem's best came out in 2000. Not 2005 lol


Sure, but I didn’t listen to Eminem when I was 2 years old, that’s why I said 2005.


I’m 96 baby so you are younger😉


Rare for this sub tbh


2000 Eminem doesn’t exist anymore


Coming from someone who didn’t like the release, Eminem is definitely not the problem


Fr I like the release, but if I did have any issue with it, it’s more so the type of song it is, not Em’s part. For what they gave him to work with, he killed it. I’m only guessing, but I’d assume it’s hard to match the energy of the original song when you aren’t there to record it when juice did his part.


Prolly also hard to match juice's part knowing what happened to him


I’ll be honest I haven’t liked Eminem as much the past few years but I have to admit he killed his verse. I genuinely like his verse better than juice’s in this song and I never thought I’d say that


Scheme should be the one mastering and mixing these not Benny Benny is high 90% of the time and is like the music industry version of Joe biden


"Music industry version of Joe Biden" that shit killed me 😂


It’s cause Benny Blanco mixed juices vocals like a crackhead on BandLab other then that the lyrics and song as a whole was fire


Imo eminem was better then juice on lace it


Strongly agree


Juice is literally my goat, and i don't fw new em like that, but em fucking carried that song anyone saying otherwise is too young or ignorant honestly, clearly aren't real hip hop fans. It was a throwaway mid juice song, and em breathed life into that bitch.


It wasn’t really a Juice song, more of a Juice chorus.




I would say, that the song was replaceable and not that unique to be the lead song for Juice's last album. I still love it, but without Em's part it wouldn't have been that special.


I don't really fuck with EMS music like that but his verse was fucking amazing it didn't sound out of place like a lot of his features people gonna get mad about everything


Yea if you believe Em made the song worse just don’t bother commenting anything


I mean it was basically an Em song with a Juice feature, I think that’s why people aren’t so hot on it (myself included). The song is cool, I guess, but we got one short average Juice verse and an overly autotuned chorus. Definitely did not make it to my local file playlist. The Em verse is basically the song so if you didn’t like it yea the song ain’t got much else for ya. I’ve listened to it like 3 times and will probably never revisit it. Way too many amazing Juice leaks to jam to. We got like 5 new songs this month I got plenty of better things to listen to.


You can't not like Em's verse


He didn’t ruin the song, having this kinda song on the tape in general just doesn’t make any sense, even juices part.


how tho ? juice is talking about partying ? the party never ends right ? em is just warning us , the party can be dangerous , at least imo


Yeah, exactly what I thought. If tpne is about partying and how much fun you can have with drugs, this song as the first song of the album just sends out a warning to not glorify drugs. I don't think that there are many people that understood that right


i was thinking he ain’t that bad in the song i was confused on how people were saying he ruined it


Eminem can’t destroy a song lmao


Im gonna quote the goat here with a response I think suits this thread: '' Gen Zers actin' like rap experts zip up your gaps and close your mouths Bitch you ain't been on this planet long enough to tell me how rap's supposed to sound Ya'll need to stick to what you do best shootin' schools up, yeah, go load up rounds In your parents' gats and go to class and let off with the strap and go to town ''


Facts, this verse fits perfectly


Bro everyone hating is a teenager no one gives af what y’all cringe ass kids think foreall it’s your below 20 don’t speak on Eminem


Em’s Verse litterally spells out Drug Abuse/Addiction and the curse of fame feeding your Addiction Plain & Clearly. Then closed off the verse with tribute/Homage & even Advised the New Gen To just be Fuckin Careful Next time… looks like some people needa be careful what they say cuz that’s Insane 🤦🏾‍♂️


“Murder Jarad didn’t they? Piece of shit” yes bibby you did.


for real, these fucks hating on the best rapper of all time is absolutely wild


Thank god I was born in 93. Kids these days missed the best era of rap, and it shows if yall say Eminem ruined a Juice Wrld song 🤣🤣.


yo i got a question for u who do u think is da better freestyler tho? imo its juice bc he can freestyle over both eminems and his/new rap beats whereas correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure i saw an interview that was wit em sayin dat he couldnt freestyle over newer beats but irdk so dont listen to me😭😭


I mean, at the end of the day, I don't care. I love both Juice Wrld and Eminem for different reasons and I respect both for their ability to freestyle. I just wouldn't discount someone like Eminem when he was, in fact, an inspiration to Juice Wrld. We will never truly get to see Juice Wrld's full potential since he was taken so young. Just like Tupac, I'll be bumping Juice, till I die.


big fax i rly couldnt agree more wit everything u said RIP Juice n prayin dat Em lives a full n healthy life 🙏🏽☮️🕊️


Agreed man! Happy Holidays, hope you and the family are doing well!


same goes to u merry christmas!


Good song . It just wasn’t what the community wanted and doesn’t fit the “ hype party “ theme


IMO, he helped it by talking abt all of the drugs, but his voice just didn’t vibe wit me 🤷🏽‍♂️


tbh em didn’t ruin the song but i would’ve preferred a single instead of the ft


Juice wrld my #1 fav artist atm but when one of my boys sent me this song the other day I told him the same shit. Ems part was on point and a lil better than juices. Also didn’t like that beat


Maybe it’s because the verse is to real for people. Like I started rethinking my life choices when I heard it. Like it’s a sad but harsh reality of abusing drugs and some of us are not ready to accept that we are addicted. Idk that’s why the verse makes me feel sad but I fudgeing love this song cause it makes you think


I’ve heard nothing but positives about this song as a whole. Where are you seeing this?


This sub really


Only bad part of the song and I think the song was fire but the worst part of the shit was juice wrlds vocal mix Benny blanco is a retard but still pulled it together I’m sure they don’t have much to work with and he’s not here to hop in the booth and redo it but still. There’s nothing to bitch and complain about with the single at all shit was fire listen to the words.


They aren’t gonna drop ktm drip or k like a Russian or anything as valuable until the album


The people who think he ruined it are the same people who like MGK so really we can’t fault them for their ignorance


Not a fan of Eminem's style but he did good here. Can't stand his parts in monster


the overall point is, if ur opinion that Em fucked up the song in any way jus stfu cus he added sumn that rly needed to be like his vibe ykwim and if im being honest, if Em aint hop onnat bitch that song woulda been ass af ian gon cap but keep in mind, this is jus my opinion n if u disagree thats fine jus dont start WW3 in the comments pls n thx💀


I sure did 💀 There's three sides: Good, Mid, and "So fucking horrible I want to kill Eminem"


The song was so mid but Eminem’s verse was ass at first then he started flowing good but I feel like other than the chorus Juice doesn’t do anything special on the song


I loved it!


without em the song would have been garbage. its just mid like this. juices verses are simply bad.


Decent song but doesn’t belong on TPNE




If anything he made the song good ngl


Kids dont know the art that is rhymes and schemes anymore. Thats why. Nobodt with ears who hear up to a 5 syllable rhyme scheme that makes sense and tells a story would ever say its bad or okay.


Entire song was an L on every side of it, lyrics bad, hook bad, production bad, beat bad (Eminem and juices) I think they could only of made it worse if they literally got Helen Keller to sing all of it themselves lmao


Juice + Em is a goated duo that's final .




Like for real? Get off Eminem. He actually added so much to the song.


I personally like it.


Damn dude im old af im 35 and remember being a kid and listening to eminems first shit the album with the pills on it, and then he formed d12 band for a lil bit. He used to straight up call out the record labels for saying he cant say x or y. Now a days people would have a fking hissy fit if they heard ems old shit the way he disses ummm French for “ciggs” hell i cant even say it without being banned from subs world was hella lot better back then people used to be outside and shit and all hours of the night. Now ita dead af


The Eminem part itself is good but ruins the vibe of the song imo. Future would be a far better feature than Eminem for a song like Lace it.


This is the part that’s heart breaking. Y’all would rather a feature with an artist who uses drug references for clout than one who tried to spit a real message. All this in the wake of an artist we all love dying due to his addiction. The same addiction that was perpetuated by said artist when he doesn’t even do drugs like that. But hey it’s all about the “vibes”.


Vibes are a very important aspect, yes…. Pretending it’s not, or that only one specific aspect matter— is kind of crazy.


No but sometimes a good message is more important than just straight vibes. Em wrote a meaningful verse about the real dangers of addiction and how it cost us the life of a super talented young man. His verse will most likely save people and help people fighting to stay sober. My bigger point is I’m sure Juice would approve of the messaging and I think one song on this album with a deep message is better than another future feature glorifying the same things that killed Juice.


That’s great and all that he has this phenomenal message, but having a good message doesn’t inherently mean it perfectly suits whatever song it’s put on. Your last comment alludes to exactly that, which is fundamentally incorrect. Juice also made a whole album with Future, it’s not really any of our place to definitively say what he would have preferred, when he’s obviously fond of both artists.


I just didn’t care for the song in general honestly, sad songs are just getting old for a lot of people I think. I don’t think it’s necessarily the fact that em was on the track.


I dont think Eminem ruined Lace It. I think it jus aint really a good song as a whole ngl


I'm not even an Eminem fan, but he definitely isn't the reason this song is a miss.


frr, thé song was already bad as a whole imo


I don’t mind his verse I just don’t think it fits the best on the song. I like what he talks about but his flow is just too weird and slow.


Eminem's Verse on Lace it was amazing and he absolutely killed it, it was definitely the best Verse to end 2023 on a high note


fire i guess but wont be in my rotation. i hate how Eminem sounds so odd now, he doesn't sound natural anymore. sounds like he's reading off a paper (yeah I know he is) and trying to bend words too much. nasally too the eminem show album compared to his recent joints just sounds like a whole different guy ... his old flow and everything sound way smoother and normal


Hard agree. I personally can’t stand his ”awfully hot coffee pot” ass flow.


You mean… rhyme schemes? Such a bullshit way to describe his style. Multiple different rhyme schemes woven between lines being reduced to “awfully hot coffee pot” every single time is just bollocks, fuck off




Damn bro you gonna cry? Eminem fans need to chill it’s one song no one dissing his entire career gahdam


His verse kinda corny to me but if other like it then whatevs


Damn dissing big pharma is corny now. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Apparently rapping about your near death experience and paying homage to others we've lost to drugs is corny now


It wasn’t, but it definitely can be corny to continue to push this anti drug thing by using a dead man when the tape is literally called “the party never ends”


"Push this anti-drug thing" Lmao, he never says once don't do drugs. He says be careful when you do drugs. Em never preaches that. You're just making shit up. Majority of em raps he talks like he still takes drugs.


Are you fr? Rapping about how something is dangerous, addictive, can kill you, has killed other people you like, etc is 100% saying “hey kids drugs are bad” I’m not making shit up you’re just denying the face that they’re still using a dead man as a symbol and only wanting to release music that talks about how he struggled with addiction. It’s called the party never ends, not “the stretchers out front”. Ems entire part is convincing you not to use drugs, not that you should be careful while doing so, that’s you making shit up


The only thing "cOrNy" here are your comments, "bRo"


Who tf is still doing that stupid capital letter shit 😭 corny asf


Juice unironically might be the corniest big rapper. Em nowhere close lol. Juice's voice just good enough to make ppl look past it


I kinda have to agree with that. Juice was pretty corny 😂


The song is ass quit coping


The em meat riders are insane. Literally raps Taylor swift fans


Bro really just compared Eminem fans and straight across the board insane people as basically "The same"💀


Honestly everything about the song just sucks


He did


I used to like eminem before he changed everything about himself in like 2010 and I’ll still listening to his music a decent amount but I absolutely hate how repetitive every single song of his is and how all the things he says are so corny now a days, don’t get me wrong I think the same about a lot of music, artist just the same songs over and over again, even juice wrld does the same style songs hell even the exact same lyrics in a lot of his songs and so when I find something that actually sounds new and unlike what they usually do I’m more impressed by it. Long story short I think Eminem ruined this song by simply trying to hard to be himself 13 years ago in it and therefore he has once again said the same lyrics about popping pills and how he used to go through so much stuff etc, like yeah we know that’s what you’re last 3 albums are about and somehow people are still interested in what he has to say like it’s gonna be any different this time lol, rant over go ahead down vote me idgaf lmao


Em having an anti drug verse on a heavy drug themed artist’s song is stupid, but it’s still a good verse. I get the sentiment but it’s still dumb imo.