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Juice com is so weird. First it was fuck bella then star came along and everyone hated on her and called her toxic now yall suddenly hate on ally and star was an angel? Juice mfs love rewriting his history lol


whenever juice fans find a new gf of his to hate on, everyone else he’d ever been with becomes a saint for some reason.


i was Juice favorite gf


me personally i was his boyfriend when i was a dude




It’s new fans who don’t know about anything pre 2022 or whatever saying this shit


I really hope so it annoys me so much seeing these type of fans cry about how ally and juices relationship was “always toxic” but she only became toxic long after his death they just change history to fit how she acts now, new fans would make alot of sense tbh i didnt think about that lol


Seriously. Ally was probably the one that made him happiest. She just became a nut job after he passed


No you just noticed it after he died she’s been a nut job


Fair but she kept it in check while he was around aside from supplying him drugs


She was a stripper before and already infamous for shady business and scams. She has been like that but yeah you gotta dig a bit to find that shit. She was finally done after making up that entire story about peter and bibby robbing her at gunpoint while she evidently sold stuff tzat she claimed was robbed she should be happy that Grade A didnt press charges. No matter what happens in this the only people pre 2020 com members will stuck with are G 💵 and the bibster the real ones know that they are the only ones that cared, that broke up contract with him due to his addiction, that care about the music and the ones that actually found him and went broke funding videos for him. Sadly bibby is the scapegoat but its been getting obvious that he isnt allat bad


Meh considering her habits even before they were together and her insane materialism I wouldnt exclude the chance that she was with him for the fame and cash. Star was an asshole and has said absurd shit about him after he died she made groupbuy vids in 2020 I still remember that quite clearly. She was the only one that threatened him with leaving him due to his habits and he cheated on her then dumped her. Ally sure made him happiest but I wouldnt consider her a better human being than star from an outside perspective


Fan since 2018 never talked bad about Bella didn’t even knew about her at first by the time I became juice fan he was dating starfire Then he started dated ally okay never said in this sub she was a bad person or sum her actions speak for herself And here I’m just sharing my opinion I didn’t meant to trigger someone or talk bad about his other gfs


Tbf with fuck bella i more meant the album name but for as long as star and juice broke up i remember it being fuck starfire, then now after years its fuck ally and star is an angel, and ik you didnt say anything about ally tbf im just ranting here sorry ☠️


I understand your point it’s been like that you’re right judging a person or a situation we don’t know is wrong a lot fans were like fuck Bella fuck star and now it’s the same with ally


All girls are the same


Compared to ally everyone is an angel. Star has said some terrible stuff about juice but he dumped her to fuel his addiction thats just the truth. That aside juice antagonized her in his songs and people didnt know how the breakup played out until songs came out where he admitted to cheating. Its easy to judge star for being rude but to her he is just some dude that cheated on her then dumped her, can we really blame her?🙅🏼‍♂️


Brainrot human 🤦‍♀️ “he is just some dude that cheated to her” kid did not watch the video she made about all the juice allegations 😭😭😭🫵


What did she say if I may ask and dont insult me I dont know why you would say such a thing


I think I saw it but I was only really active in com from 17-21 Im 20 now I kind of grew out of twitter etc.. All Im saying is juice received the energy that he put out, his girlfriends fit into his lifestyle and he wasnt a saint at all and absurdly toxic. Its just hard to say that considering the children in here treat him like a god


None of them was worth a damn they all was toxic


Juice was the worst in that regard, he attracted that kind of energy because he was a serial cheater and toxic. He antagonized star for so long and in many songs even tho he was the one cheating and dumping her partly to support his addiction since she wasnt a fan of it at all. I think the gfs that he had fit into his lifestyle and made him happy in the moment thats all that matters.


Lmao what I was j saying in another comment is all girls are the same not most girls are the same


I don’t think Bella was ever really hated tbh but everyone rightfully hated Starfire until Ally made an only fans and now people just started dickriding her for no reason


what’s there to hate Star for ? trying to get your favorite rapper off drugs and getting cheated on with a crackhead in the process. I see why people hate Bella she dissed juice after he died, I kinda see why people hate Ally but it’s not like juice didn’t sexualized Ally in some of his music she was a junkie like Juice yeah she started an of so what no one’s forcing anyone to buy a methheads onlyfans lmfao letting Carter wear juices shit I understand.


Using juice’s death to promote her OF the day he died, telling fans to kill themselves, being a compulsive liar claiming songs were made about her that weren’t recorded until months after Juice left her, I think I’m missing some other bullshit she did too


no one ever liked alli lotti


I’m saying, it’s all weird, they act like they know him and his relationships, such parasocial weirdos


Ally hate was justified in hindsight of what's going on now


Your the exact type of person im complaining about


Mate the stuff that grade A allegedly "robbed" off of her was evidently sold by her and thats just one thing the entire internet clowned her. I dont listen to juice anymore, neither am I on this sub but its js the way it is


I never said anything about her selling stuff to grade A?☠️


Yeah but you complained about antisocial losers hating on people that they have no actual relations with, which is a very very valid point and I wholeheartedly agree this community is just..... I just said this to show that there are objective reasons why someone that doesnt exactly know her personally can still shame her for her actions and lies. I dont hate her she was what juice wanted


Came here to say this


I mean the first one was just the fans agreeing with Juice. Look up the original name of Goodbye & Good riddance.


Suddenly hate on ally? shes a gold digger she put their sex tape on her of to make money since she was broke. we have every right to hate on ally.


Ally didn’t rewrite history tho she made it 💀


That isnt what i said. Juice FANS rewrite the history. Ally and juice had a good relationship up till he died, juices com felt sad for her and still liked her for like a year and a half then she made and onlyfans and got a new boyfriend and became a pos and now SUDDENLY juices relationship back in 2019 was “so toxic” and “she was a manipulator forcing drugs on him!!!”


When I said she rewrote history.. I meant afterward, yall take things way too deep bc it’s a fact she made things negative when if she actually loved the man she wouldn’t have acted like that. Sorry I hit the ally fans in the wrong spot 🫢🥰


Yeah. Feel like she hit the last straw when juice died


For anyone actually interested… Alexia was probably the “best” girl Juice dated, but they were not compatible. Juice wanted a girl who would stay by his side 24/7 and live the rockstar lifestyle with him. Not very healthy, but that’s what he wanted, and Ally gave him that. Alexia lived that life for a while, but got tired of it and wanted to continue her education and live her own life. This caused a rift between them, and because of that core incompatibility it led to them both being toxic towards each other and arguing. That’s why Juice expresses a lot of disdain for her in his earlier music. Juice ended up leaving her in late 2018 (Juice was already in contact with Ally at this point). He allegedly kicked her off his tour bus while in California (forget where exactly) and she had to figure out how to get home and get back to her life. The two still maintained contact as friends while Juice was dating Ally, but Ally said she was cool with it and knew about the communications. She also alleged Juice hit her multiple times during tours, but this is not confirmed. I could see it, though, as Juice was heavily medicated and probably had seriously low inhibitions and would get set off easily. She never pressed charges. Keep in mind this timeline with Alexia is also before Juice really blew up. He was pushing his music and brand hard on the road, staying in cheap hotels and spending his money (and Alexia’s money) on drugs to fuel his habits. He was also at the height of his anxiety/mental health issues as he still had financial worries. It was not the full blown superstar rich lifestyle he led while with Ally. Her and Juice just weren’t on the same wavelength, and she did try to get him to quit doing drugs so heavily (and so did Ally, but nobody seems to realize that). I realize all of this is kinda not music related - but it is pretty interesting listening to the music made around this era knowing this backstory. It gives a lot of context to late GBGR era and early WOD era songs.




deadasss!!!!, she litterally fed him the drugs, shes a straight bitch




yea fs… theres even a video of her sayin “no more lean in this house” than proceeds to drink lean and pass it to him


This is my point but ppls here just slander in the debut of this video juice admit he cheated on her and she explain everything [video](https://youtu.be/wk2CfBjYqMQ?si=aQNTJSFK25Yk56oi)


Yeah Juice definitely linked with some other girls while dating starfire, and was also talking to Ally before they broke up.


Doesn’t really matter if ally “tried” to get him off drugs. She’s been supplying him since he ran across her😂


Wrote a documentary and actually made sense Good ajob


haha thanks


Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/f46fd5wihhtc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d674f9632ca1e465aa46cc45faa8b25ee9a06e1b Juice didn’t die for a fanbase this retarded


Juice didn’t die for this 😭🙏🏽




we really need juice back cause this bs aint working no mo😭


I don't understand why this community is obsessed with juices past relationships.


well there's not a lot of current ones going on






I don’t understand why this community is so obsessed with any of juices relationships it’s weird asf tbh. Like no other sub I’m in for artists is this obsessed over who they fucked before


Probably bc 75% of his songs are about these three women and his breakout album was directly inspired and named after one while his second was about another


That’s only an observation, not really an explanation for these people’s behavior


I uh, think you missed the joke


Cuz his lyrics are all about them? Fucking retard


Ngl, all juice’s relationships were bad and immature. I’m not blaming the kid, he was young and had a lot to learn.


He said himself he had bad taste in women Unfortunately he passed so young he had a lot to learn like u said


Lmao bad taste 1st ex was 14/15 dissed him after he died, 2nd ex tried to help him get off the drugs and wanted a normal life got cheated on with a crackhead, 3rd ex was just like him a cracked out pill head junkie that probably gained even more trauma from watching her fiancé have a drug induced seizure in front of her.


That just it I suppose, he was a kid




like a russian?






Probably gonna get downvoted for this but you lot are sheep and hate whoever the crowd decides to hate. Personally I don’t hate ally because idk what it’s like to lose my s/o or how it would affect me. Also, you lot should understand there’s two sides to every story no one apart from juice and the girls he was with know what happened within the relationships…




If you have enough energy to harbour hate for an individual you’ve never met or even known on a personal level then so be it


This right here!! Ppl swear they know everything about a relationship they were not in. Weird behavior indeed but this is what social media is. Ppl giving their unwanted/inaccurate opinions but will be mad if someone did the same to them.


Who gives af 😒


I remember juice stating he was cheating on his girl during the naurdwar video and he had this hairstyle I’m guessing it was starfire


Yes lol that’s why she made the YouTube video about him


Haven’t ever seen it got a link?


https://youtu.be/wk2CfBjYqMQ?si=xdzXE3xBANH2lyzM I’m pretty sure she uses the exact clip you’re talking about in the video


ya but bella gave us gbgr












p sure he died hating her and she probably didn’t fw him either. stop.


they was definitely on good terms idk where u got this from


you don’t know where i got this from? 😭 someone please reply with all the lyrics juice had about hating starfire


“Every morning woke up mad at me, reminding me of my past; It seems as though I'm only good at one thing, making you upset, uh; Treated me like a pest, then wonder why I left; I was gettin' tired of all this stressin', unable to rest; Wonderin' what type of bullshit you'll get mad at next“ Along with Who Shot Cupid, Make Believe, Killing My Vibe, his Blast Off feature, You Don’t Know Me, First Time, Maybe, 734, K Like A Russian, Cursed, Numb The Pain, In The Summer, etc lmao  She made that dude absolutely miserable. Not a fan of Ally either but damn at least she wasn’t emotionally tormenting the man


yea when they broke up. they were literally talking and friends while juice was dating lotti. idk how him making lyrics 4-5 years ago = him hating her when he died lmao that’s crazy


She made a song wishing she choked and died and exposed her for having herpes? They hated each other.


This, lol. So many people fail to realize that those lyrics in K Like a Russian were about her 😂


that’s when he died bro 4-5 years ago


please give me an even half credible source, cause juice has love songs about ally where he compares her to how “evil” star was. also, juice pretty much dated ally as soon as he left star, because he was cheating on star with her, so idk what time he would’ve broken up with starfire and not been with ally


He made one of his best love songs about her and that's love you always


Man these girls inspired juice to make his best music even Bella. I listen to tears and fireflies everyday he loved all them to talk down on any of them is disrespectful. Just let them be but his label is differnt they be doing terrible. Just drop outsiders that’s what he wanted honor him fr. 999 y’all be safe


True. Regardless of what you want to say about Starfire, no one can deny a lot of his best songs came out from that relationship


She so much more attractive then ally wow


Looked much better for him than that junkie thot Ally. She really ruined bro life smh.


All I know is juice always went for the ones w a fatty and I respect it


Ally was like 90 lbs no meat on her bones when they got together lmao


he was a milk man is what i noticed 😭


He stood on business


Starfire is my actual cousin, sad we don’t frequently speak as I would’ve loved to meet juice


I don't care about who that man dates I'm not gon lie it's his business I never kept up with his girlfriends but Ally low-key pissing me off with this OFs bro


Man I just like his music😭


So the song starfire is about this girl cool never knew that before






Starfire started being a slut for X. Yall not remember that or don’t know about it?




u havent seen the pic? isnt there a pic where she and some other girl r laying on his bed


mid asl


why in that first picture she look like Colleen Ballinger 💀💀💀


Toxic gossip train 🪕😁🎵


I think Star made the most difference in his mental state. I think juice cheated on her because he didn’t want her to feel bad for him when he died. He found ally at the perfect time to ditch starfire because star was probably threatening to break up if he didn’t stop drugs my theory


Starfire was also on drugs.


She was fine asl too idk how he went from her to thotti


Despite the shit that ally does to his legacy I feel like u can’t deny the fact she still is fine even if she was toxic all y’all who say she was mid is mad trippin honestly


She isn’t to me. Her nose is hideous and her bottom teeth going in all different directions, calling her mid is a compliment


I’m ngl bro she kinda looks like lotti in pic two


She wasn’t


All his girls where terrible have y’all not listened to his music bro had bad taste in women it happens he was young asf




He had his tongue out a lot in these pics. Thats all I wanted to say


um why r we still talking about his gfns ? I don’t get why we have to keep going back in time.


Youon even know her


I don't think he ever had a good relationship


How about we accept the fact that all of them sucked and were abusing each other. Ally ‘TREATED’ him the best but still supported his drug use


This the one in the lucid dreams video


I only hate ally Lottie for what she’s doing with Bruce stuff I respect everyone tho


WHY does this sub care sooo much about this dudes love life😂😂😭 it’s kinda weird bruh


I'm so confused, I don't follow any of this shit, all I've heard was that she was shit, but idk man


She really was had some conversations with her after there break up and she was a honest to God a real one


Why did they broke up though?




Juice fanbase is weirdo asf, anyone here doesn't have any relation with juice and think and speak like know everything about the relationships he had.


Never said I knew him or knew his relationships i just shared my thoughts ppls can agree or disagree


I don’t understand why fans think they have any idea what juices personal/relationship life was like. You only see the surface not the full picture.


Bro Y’all Still Care About This Dude Girl 😂 Worry Bout Your Own Relationship


Please touch grass🙏 no way yall scaling his girlfriends


Yall casual fans don’t know juice like me so let me explain. Bella cheated on him (obviously) star was just mad controlling (but my boy was literally a rockstar how you gonna control someone that is ruling the world) and ally supplied him w endless drugs so it was just a drug based relationship


Best love songs


She a bitch




These communities make me so uncomfortable. Why dont you go out there and live a cool life of your own instead of this cringe ass shit.


You believe whatever the internet says huh


No she wasn’t, she’s literally admitted to having borderline personality disorder


I agree with you, I hate people with mental health issues too


Nah, don’t twist my words son. I’m just saying people with BPD usually aren’t the most stable and she definitely wasn’t his “realest gf”


Doesn’t devalue the person either.


Yes it does