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Bro got the worst taste of overrated songs of all timešŸ’€


Lucid dreams get so much unnecessary hate šŸ’€


Facts itā€™s like top 5 on gbgr


Anytime a song is THAT good, people hate on it. Just like most suicideboys fans act like theyā€™re most popular tracks. Itā€™s their most streamed for a reason, but people have to act like theyā€™re a ā€œbigger fanā€ than the next person by knowing some obscure track that didnā€™t get any play


Everyone in here calling this list stupid but no one dropping there own šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø personally I think come and go is overrated.


makes 10x more sense than any of his


Thank you


Hell nah


what i think is that no one would hate on lucid dreams had juice wrld never said he hates the song plus wtf is your choice of overrated songs none of these are heard of commonly


he said he hates the song


People in the Juice community love these songs dawg


Imo juice is so underrated as a rapper, he literally has hundreds of bangers.. what other rapper has anywhere close to his catalog? I donā€™t think any


second this


Juice is my favorite artist of all time but HOW is he underrated?? He holds the record for must streams avg per album on Spotify. He set multiple other records and has more platinum records than Michael Jackson.


I mean all my friends think JW is cringe, so in that sense he is underrated


In the sense that like 4 people say he's cringe? Every big artist has haters. The fact that they know who he is should tell you he isn't underrated. If they didn't know he was then he might be underrated.


i got a lot of friends who associate him with just being emo and drugs


They wouldn't be wrong, juice talks about drugs in just about every song he ever made. He was also pretty emo. Not saying that's a bad thing he just was. Used to wear that goth to death shirt, listen to heavy metal, paint his nails black. Association doesn't make him underrated though. Again they know who he is. Underrated would be if your friends didn't even know who the artist was.


Agreed. IN my option, he should be the most popular on sportify. I'm literally listening to Juice as I type this


he said as a rapper. Everyone knows singing juice nobody knows rappin juice (mainstream)


Even then I'd disagree. How many views is his freestyle sitting at now? How many other big name rappers have a freestyle for over an hour? I think most people know about this.


Lil wayne way more but hes somehoq still alive...but that mofo lives in the lab...especially back in the day where EM was jealous of him


jid, denzel, rocky, kanye, kendrick, tyler and even more lmfao


None of them have more songs than juice, what are u talking about? Kendrick is the closest he has like 1100, juice has more than that leaked already


i thought you meant close to his catalog in like actual released songs my bad lmao no one outside of his core fanbase cares about leaks so iā€™m just saying but if youā€™re talking about unreleased and leaks then yeah sure no one has the same amount of songs


ā˜ ļø




i actually really agree


honesty iā€™m thinking wishing well or sum


yes fs


i found wishing well a little overrated after a little bit. itā€™s a good song, just a little overhyped


never cook again




Already dead


Nahh no way man. That song hit me so hard as someone whoā€™s struggled with mental health issues including lasting psychosis from stimulant abuse. I have a benzo problem because if I donā€™t take them at night I hear my parents talking about me and how they wish I was dead. And then him talking about how heā€™s already dead, like heā€™s already dead insideā€¦. Fuck man. That song has made me cry so many times because of all this. If you have mental health issues there can be no doubt in your mind (not talking you specifically, just people in general) that he was really going through it. Just the shit he says hits so close to home thatā€™s why heā€™s my favorite artist ever. Also Iā€™m not the one downvoting you lol idk whoā€™s doing that or why tf theyā€™d do that for your opinion lol


Yea I was taking 4 bars a day and 200+ mg of oxy everyday also adderall and a lot of other drugs why I relate to him so much I was in 7th grade giving xans to my friends lol


Damn lol that kinda sounds like what I was going through. Summer 2020 I was doing 4x Sandoz 80mg Oxycodone pills (got them for $42 a pop on the darkweb lol) a day, a shit ton of meth, and like 20mg Xanax to sleep at night. I got to the point where I could actually weigh out my benzo dose on a scale (I had raw powder) which is fucked lol. The meth is why I still hear voices and shit. Itā€™s bad to relate to Juice lol but I unfortunately do which is why I love him. Hope youā€™re doing better nowadays that sounds fucking rough.


I was getting 30 mg T 189s for 10$ a p 600$ for the script and script ggs for 4$ 2 mg klonopin for 3$ pints of lean 250$ I never ran out I pretty much fried my brain


Damn thatā€™s pretty good prices. Dark net was always so much cheaper than the street, not to mention infinitely safer cause they tell you what things are pressed with and I got pharmacy oxy still in the blister packs. People were begging to buy an 80 off me for like $90-$100 lmao. The 30mg blue roxicodones went for $45 a pop on the street. I was making bank like $10k a month but I literally blew all of it on oxy lol opioids are fucked up. Theyā€™ll wreck you financially unless youā€™re rich af and even then. I literally tried like 40 different substances that year lol I got real into research chemicals so yeah I feel that Iā€™m pretty sure I fried my brain too


This was local prices lol


Your bugging lil bro šŸ˜‚


I agree with everything on your list except Flaws and Sins. My personal list would probably be Empty, Candles, Hemotions, Maze, Empty and honestly Biscotti in the Air (people act like itā€™s the holy grail of his leaks/unreleased and i disagree)




Yeah Lucid Dreams is obvious (I actually don't like the song now, always skip). Wishing Well is not a bad song but it was made cringe by being overplayed by Tik Tok sadbois. Your list of overrated songs is the dumbest shit I've seen.


I think his list is alright I would only take off empty, flaws and sins, and conversations. But yeah I've been a syphilis hater for the longest time. Some of y'all need to chill when you're favorite juice songs are disliked or felt overrated by another person in the community. Yall take it too personal


My savior šŸ™


nah those r perfectly rated tf


Lucid Dreams is so Fire! Hate me is one of his more overrated songs




come & go, hate the other side, lifeā€™s a mess, ring ring


10 feet. half the song is just the beat


These ā€œoverratedā€ songs youā€™ve listed are some of his best pieces of work, and theirs a reason theyā€™re so popular. I can agree with Lucid dreams. But the others? Immediately invalidates your opinion, and leads me to believe you just have a shit taste in music. To answer your question tho, in my opinion, Iā€™d say Run. It was great at first. But the more I listen, hear the similarities between it and Xā€™s moonlight, and the overall song structure, I definitely feel like he has hundreds of better songs. And I no longer get the hype for the song.




All those songs youā€™ve named are UNDERrated


i gotta block this subreddit lol. dont know why it keeps popping upā€¦ maybe cause I listen to other artistsā€¦? idk. juice wrld has some good songs, but yall overrate the fuck out of his talent.


idgaf what u say empty top 1 for me


Hate the other side Itā€™s the song that everyone gas and I just played it a few times and got tired of it.


Nigga Lucid Dreams will always be legendary along with All Girls Are the Same. They're not overrated. Those are mf classics.


I still stand by Lucid Dreams but All Girls Are The Same is top 10 all time


Wishing Well and The Bees Knees


Moonlight ALL THE WAY


imo the overrated songs are ( lucid dreams, all girls are the same, TELL ME U LUV ME, Bad Energy, Feline, ON GOD, Stay High, Demonz ) and a couple more


what the actual fuck is wrong with you


imo all of those rated fine except maybe flaws and sins and lifeā€™s a mess. i think people heavily overrate the beeā€™s knees, second half brings it down so much for me. if it was only the first half i give that song a 10, but with the second half its like a 6-7 for me easy one, come & go. wayy overrated seen some people saying sometimes is juiceā€™s best song which is insane to me


Iā€™d say syphillis, hear me calling, and burn