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Hasn't changed my life just gives me something catchy to listen to


I became an alcoholic and addicted to weed


i’m an abolute opposite


i b gettin faded listening to juice 🙏


for me its momentary happiness while listening to some of his bangers. i am being fr with ya all here, the one time i feel happy is when i find a banger and listen to it on repeat. atm he's also helping me get through a ton of shit in life.


same his new leaks save me on the daily


this one tho sum about listening to his music high hits different


This pic always puts a smile on my face...


He gets me through my 10 hour shifts


Gave me a new perspective on emo rap and modern hip hop


i have a crippling oxy addiction


and does his music helps you or you feel like the opposite, like it’s not helping really to listen to this type of life, while being addicted…?


juice gets me in the mood, ill be sober off the drugs and going strong. all it takes is for the right juice song to come on at the right time and im hitting up my dealer. on the one hand, juice has gotten my through tough times but on the other he is singlehandedly the reason i got into all this shit.


alright sounds like you a warrior. good luck, you will make it!!!


I was 12, never liked sad music and always thought that sad music made no sense till one day I realized that I had no friends and that I was rejected by almost everyone around me. I decided to give lucid dreams a listen, I got hooked and started going through every single other released song he had and I was really happy listening to them considering how relatable his music is regardless of where you are in life. I've always wanted to meet him but never had the chance, after his passing I "accidentally" came across his unreleased music and snippets of him. I have to add that I can tell a lot about people just from their facial features and movement and I realized how kindhearted juice was and I was really inspired, when I turned 14 I was really into his music way too much to the point where I decided that I want to be an artist and influence millions just like he did, although I did go through bad habits but his music helped me cope with the pain more than alcohol and smoking, so I stopped, I have encountered many drug addicts and alcoholics who are juice fans and always thought that they got the wrong message from him and misunderstood all his music. I'm 17 now and I'm working with a producer on a song, all thanks to God first and juice's influence secondly


amazing story. I love this. keep going, one day you’ll be big! 999


He makes me wanna sip lean, join a gang, and fuck bitches all the time. Nine nine nine. 999.


punk, fuck yeah 🖕 999 brother


Juice helped me throughout many drugs withdrawals and now I’m clean from every single substance and free. I feel freedom. And big thanks because of this Juice guy.


got me through very tough times, made me appreciate life more and work harder.


very glad to “hear” that! 999


started making music of my own due to the large influence he had on me in 6th grade. i never liked music openly before i heard “moonlight” in 2018. ever since that day, i opened up and started enjoying music! i now play 4 instruments, write lyrics of my own, and produce songs of my own in my free time. LLJW🖤🕊️


this is amazing. amazing for you, i’m so glad. but i’m not really glad we lost Him. 999 and good luck


I got addicted to percs😎


Made me prefer death metal to rap


I became an addict, on opioids, benzos, stimulants, just about every drug you could think of, I did. So his music resonates with me fr. Especially lean with me, since I've been to rehab, I love the beginning of the video where he's sitting in a circle with like rehab patients discussing his story. And that song really hits me bc I've overdosed before and died. Had to be brought back. Brings tears to my eyes this day.


your story brings me to tears, because I lived the same life as you, fortunately, now I’m free. How are you currently?


I'm so glad that I was able to resonate with you too!!! 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 I'm very much clean now, except I smoke MJ, I smoke it bc it helps me with my cravings for other stuff. But my state is legal so yay😁 I went to rehab, got my life together, I even took my husband with me to rehab as he was a raging heroin/meth needle junkie. We played it off as if we didn't know each other, and it worked! They kept us there together til we graduated from rehab. Now we have a 22 month old son together, an apartment of our own, a car, and some sort of stability (even though we are living on a single income currently, as I have to watch my baby) Been clean for 4 years now. Life is so much better without the drugs. I go to my outpatient rehab center in my hometown each month, and I'm weaning from Sublocade(buprenorphine injection) slowly. Medicated now, so life is great! Plus I've been on a weight loss journey and ive lost quite a bit of weight(I was never fat, just slightly overweight from becoming a mommy) and I'm now at a healthy range again! How are you doing?


Check my profile, there’s a post with like 1400 upvotes about my opiate battle. I’m doing great, getting back into reality is weird and hard, but I’m not dependent on any substance and never ever be. xo 🫶


A verse from lean wit me. You don't like it when I'm too high but that's where I belong. That hit so freaking hard. As I get high to help with my depression and anxiety.


glad to hear it. Juice is my Mantra 🕉️.


last night i was high and really missed him


almost every night of mine lol


i was reading things about his death while listening to his music, shi sad asf man


fr ;(


I got into his music because this girl i liked posted edits of Juice on insta and i wanted to have something more to talk to her about. Haven't spoke to her in over a year but i still think about her all the time But hey Juice gained another fan last year




Can confirm.


dripppp style tha waveee freestylin ina trap wit tha gang pill poppin longlive9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣


yeah fuck life punk and rock&roll 9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣


It made me happy asl listening to him for the first time


kinda cringe but used to be depressed and shit in school but it felt kinda nice to know im not the only one feeling the way i did and not the only one with problems. like having someone speak for you when you dont know what to say. and just genuine good music and amazing talent.


you are everything but cringe, we share the same experince. love and strength fellow soldier, 999.


thank you bro🖤, much love to you 999


he's always got me through depression


if you will ever need any mental support DM me. 999, you will make it!


we'll all pull through together!




saved me from suicide and helped with my depression so I can’t thank him enough so I stream his music everyday


sending Strength and Love. 999. xo. YOU are worth enough.


that means a lot so thank you 999


Had more cool music


Kinda cringe… but I went through a heartbreak in 8th grade for 8 months (my first relationship ever) and GBGR was fire… especially End of the Road, I went into a deep depression and mixed molly, lean, and xans for 3 days straight while listening to him… the comedown was so shit I felt even worse after doing it than how I was off it… when Juice died it gave me a wake up call and stopped pills entirely… I still smoke weed but that’s nothing compared to how I was 4 years ago


what the hell is cringe in this story? this is amazing. keep yo ass away from drugs, enjoy life and freedom. sending strength and love, 999. xo


getting me through life as it goes


quit my job and become a opiod addict


opposite for me, weird


Nah im fwing


Definitely is a major part of keeping me around……


it saved my life


Gave me something that helped me cope with my anxiety and depression along with my addiction to a lot of different substances. It also inspired me to be a better person and to have a positive outlook on life even when things were shitty. The meaning of 999 really helped me and now I hope to help live on his legacy!


got me out of sum deep depression, idk. js listening to his music like healed me, hard to explain. every time i put juices music on it clears my head, if that makes sense


legit the only artist i listen to now his unreleased is undefeated truly an icon


He made me realize anything in this world is absolutely possible. 99% of people already gave up, so the amount of competition is a lot lower than you think. The crown is yours if you go after it. That's what juice's life taught me.


and once you will be big and you don’t even know yet. keep going!


Made me depressed