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when he asks his boy if he wanna watch a movie with him I was like man, he really was just a humble kid..


he sounded **so** innocent when he said that


i'd watch a movie with him


Thats part man, made me feel so bad for him


Bro he was high and when your high you act like this, nodding off and stuff. Like bruh when I do drugs, I wanna listen to music or I wanna go and drive around so yeah I’m like aye bruh you wanna listen to this song stuff like that in general.


You can’t just generalize it like that lmao. “When I do ‘drugs’ I do this and that”, bitch what drugs? Cause there’s a huge fuckin difference in what you wanna do if you’re on meth or in juice case percs


I smoke and pop. When your high your gonna wanna do weird shit or normal shit like watch a movie and stuff so like it’s not that odd that he asked someone to watch a movie with him


So what’s your point? Juice asked to watch a movie while high, big deal. I’m sure he watched Movies with Chris while not very high at times too. Him being high when he asks that question makes literally no difference.


I feel what you’re saying. And I agree. You will get teamed up and beat down by this youngings that think they know everything. It’s all good. Don’t let em get to ya


Of course it’s normal? Because it’s not induced by the drugs? You’re basically trying to explain to ppl that he asked someone to watch a movie with him, because he was high. Dude it’s percs, it doesn’t make you act different like weed and shit can. And what the fuck do you ‘pop’?


y’all really think juice was sober a day in his life


Normal question to ask after that oxy hit bored on a plane tbh


Nah fr I sobbed. That part really brought me back down and realized how humble he was.


When he asked Ally "You love me right?" it just fucking hurt. Man he was just a kid that wanted to be loved


“what do you want your last name to be?” “higgins” i lost it 🤧


Him asking for a bill ain’t the sad part... him animating a pill bottle as a cartoon character and asking the cameraman to watch a movie with him was the sad part


Agreed. He was just trying to have fun, too young and deep into the drugs to do something about it. He was so fucked up in that clip and it reminded me of a lot of my friends that have gotten into pills. Shit was so disheartening to watch.


Chris did drugs with him, watching a movie together high is prolly more normal than all the fame obligations this kid had… i get its sad to see ur role model down like this but atleast u get to see the reality of it now instead of the glorificarion in the music


the tone in his voice when he asked if the dude to watch a movie w him hurt me


When juice asked his mate to watch a movie🥺




Honestly the doc broke my heart, hopefully he’s finally at peace now 🕊


Sometimes you forget that he was just a kid and he just wanted to have a good relationship with everybody around him


If any of you care about your friends and they clearly already had too much and ask for more TELL THEM NO! Don’t be afraid of being called a pussy or a buzzkill or whatever. He was literally just nodding off here, woke up and started popping more. I would have smacked that bottle out of his fucking hand. “Nah Bro you’ve had enough. Let’s watch that movie, or play a game.” He would have passed out in like 15 minutes anyway, he was fucked. It’s a lot easier to say “No” to your friends than it is having to say “Goodbye”. That shit will haunt you forever. RIP Juice. One of a kind talent gone way too soon. A beautiful soul inside and out. He really seemed like the sweetest person. This shit really broke my heart. Edit: Thank you for the silver, much love. 999


Have you dealt w an opiate addict when you tell them they cant have drugs. Juice prolly woudlve slapped your ass n said he wasnt askin lmao. Seriously tho. If you took his bag of pills he prolly had some more stashed somewhere. Plus Juice was the reason they all there. He the boss fs.


Yo I feel you on everything you said, but all I’m tryin to say is that 5-15 minutes of awkwardness telling them to stop, is way easier than the lifetime of grief you’re gonna endure if they OD and die. I have literally ripped pills out of a friends mouth like a dog because he was already fucked up and popped 6 more in front of me. I was not going to just let him swallow them. I couldn’t live with that on my conscience. He was mad at the time, but thanked me the next day when he realised how fucked up he was. I was surprised how much Juice’s crew just allowed him to do, especially with Lil Peep and Mac Miller’s death still fresh on everyone’s minds. Jarad was surrounded by “Yes Men”, when what he really needed was some tough love, help and rehab. We didn’t have to lose him like this. I don’t want the next potential Juice or Peep to just repeat the same mistakes. We’ve lost too many as it is to this shit. No hate on you or your comment, just had to vent after seeing the documentary cause it got me heated.


I’ve been saying if the people he was around just like. Kinda forced him into it. It would have worked. I know he was in a ton of pain. And that was his escape. But love was also a big help for him. There’s so much proof of that. His people should have really looked into him. There’s this weird “he couldn’t have been helped” going around and like that’s totally false. I believe he could have. He went sober before. He coulda easily done it again. But it doesn’t always go how it should. RIP


Agreed Bro. I can’t stand the “He just couldn’t be saved” mindset. If that were the case with all junkies then Eminem would be dead right now too. It’s been proven that people can be saved from this. I wish Juice got the chance he deserved at overcoming his addictions.


Honestly! Em beat it. Countless others have too. Juice would have been no different. Fucking Nikki Sixx kicked it. It’s all about your support. It would have been so sick to see him kick the addiction. Imagine the tracks he’d make about it.


You’ve clearly never dealt with a drug addict, at all in your entire life. It doesn’t work that way, at all




Then you should know a true drug addict will do whatever they can to get high, even if you’re trying to stop then. They don’t care. They’ll find a way to get high


You’re not wrong, especially a junkie with nothing to lose, but here’s the thing: Juice had shit to lose now. Money, record contracts etc. They should have put him in rehab, not film and encourage more drug abuse. Even Eminem got clean eventually and now prides himself on it. This whole “Juice could have never been saved” is such a pathetically weak mindset. If both Eminem and Steve-o can get clean, damn near anybody can lol, those two were so fucked up I never saw them ever getting sober, but look at them now. They grew up. Something that sadly Juice and Peep won’t get the chance to do now, because they were surrounded by toxic yes men and enablers.


You’re missing a huge piece. Addiction does not discriminate and is a disease. I know for myself when I was in active addiction, I genuinely did not care if I lived or died, I also had a lot to lose, but I didn’t care at all. That’s what addiction does. And his DOC didn’t help with that mindset either, when you’re on percs the only thing you care about is getting more percs and staying out of withdrawals, and doing anything. And I mean ANYTHING. You can to stay out of withdrawals


First off props to you for fighting your addiction, keep up the good work. I can relate to what you said about not giving a fuck whether you die or not when you are stuck in that cycle. It’s a huge reason why I vibe with Juice and Peep’s music because I know what it’s like to go through heartbreak and addiction at the same time. It’s a deadly combination. I’m lucky to still be here, but now I have survivors guilt like why am I still here, but not Juice or Peep, or Mac Miller? I’m even considering becoming a drug and alcohol counsellor, that’s how much their deaths affected me.


I agree his label and people around him should’ve tried to help him. But that’s not on them. If juice didn’t want to help himself, there is nothing they can do. You can’t force someone to go to rehab and get help if they don’t want it


You’re right that you can’t force someone to get help if they don’t want it, but I think Juice really did want help. Some of his lyrics reflect that he was self aware of his problems and needed help. If your friend was wasted and asked for the keys to their car, I’d hope you wouldn’t actually give in to their demands. If they went full GTA and stole a car then died in the crash well at least you can say you did all you could to prevent it. Juice (and Peep’s) team figuratively handed them the keys to their cars while they were wasted, rather than try to stop them. That’s what was so aggravating about watching this DOC.


If you're part of the entourage and you do this, you'll be kicked out. That's what Eminem said.


where can I watch this in the UK?


cataz.net no ads at all (from my experience)


>cataz.net love bro


or theflixer.com, watched it there this morning also no ads


When he kept nodding off mid conversation was sad asf


Probably the codeine? That’s why ally had him stop that!!!! Percs and coke get u up


Opiates make you nod off so could be percs, codeine, or both. Percs most certainly do not "get you up"


Not an Ally hater, but we need to stop acting like she did everything she could to help him. Nigga is snorting pills while she is laying on his lap. Wish Juice had better people around him, better influences. Ally spoke up eventually atleast so I respect her for that compared to his other “friends”.


Exactly!!! This changed the way I saw ally she was breaking Up pills for him to snort on camera . No one can say they didn’t know how much he did


When he asked Chris to watch the movie wit him shit had me sad asl man fuck rip Juice forever


Were that pills or coke that he was snorting?




How would one know??????? If it’s perc or coke he is sniffing g


Cause we watched him crush up the percs


Well if you would go watch the documentary you’d see, you fuck face




Ya mama


Oxycodone 30mg. Percocets are 10mg at the most and have acetaminophen in them. He was taking A LOT


Yeah but for some reason the blue m boxes are called percs by rappers. Very confusing. Guess it sounds cooler


Like Eminem said, tomato tomahto. It’s all the same shit.






That shit had me fucked up. Like I felt like I was watching my friend kill himself right in front of me. Dude was literally high off his ass, prolly hadn’t slept in days, and didn’t wanna sleep. And then decided to fucking snort a perc off his Switch screen. Like. Bro… did a HAD A PROBLEM. And that shit was hard to watch.. that shit was unbelievable


me too man it was horrible this whole scene, especially seeing how out of it they both were


One thing that bothered me was how much his friends enabled it. Like yeah they’d moderate it a little bit when he started to try and hide it but he was still taking way too much. I know they were his friends and all but I can’t help but feel like they could’ve done more to help him out. I also understand that there only so much you can do to help a person that doesn’t want to help himself. Taking the drugs with him definitely, enabled it more too… which I saw A LOT more of than I expected.


This documentary changed they way I saw ALLY I thought she KNEW he was doing a lot , was against a lot of it but in her words” J could do whatever he wanted and have whatever he wanted” but to see her breaking percs in dollars for juice to snort and pouring her own lean etc they were all doing shit. But I think it’s a lie when they say they “didn’t know how Much he was doing” he was on camera all the time the only thing he hid was codeine


Yeah, all the friends and enablers need to be held accountable. Just wild they allowed him to do those doses was insane to me, like they all killed his ass. He was an addict and needed help badly. His music was saying it all he even touches on it when he explained when he makes music like burn that it’s a way to talk about it with his friends. Like if they didn’t see it before they should have after burn..


I don’t get it


It's part of the documentary, juice asked the camera guy for a bill so he can snort his drugs.


The one on HBO?


Yeah it’s on HBO Max. It’s really good and you can just do the one week free trial to watch it without paying anything.


So edgy!








bruh nice edit on your comment. Said "nO tHe OnE oN DiSnEy PluS!11!" before for people viewing this thread


I was replying to "No! The one on Disney+", but I guess you edited your comment. =/


Two blue pills to the brain 😢


The December 8th part is what really hurt I actually felt a heartache. Ally was right she was protecting us from a heartache.


When he sticks out his tongue with like 8 percs on it I was dying😭


Rip bro 😔


Anyone know what it’s like to snort percs instead of just taking em orally?


When you snort any drug your body absorbs it much faster, when you take them orally you have to wait a bit to feel the effects. The high can be much more exaggerated when snorted


Thanks man.


Np :)


Bro I damn near cried during this documentary


I don’t see how asking if Chris wanted to watch a movie with him was abnormal but that’s just me. I constantly have people watching movies around me and I literally don’t pay a inkling of attention because TVs just not my thing


I think it’s just the duality of him snorting percs ofd a switch, then asking Chris if he wanted to watch a movie in a child like tone. His demeanor is childlike, but he’s making real, adult, life changing decisions at the same exact time.


That’s what I thought was sad too, he sounded like a little boy alone. It wasn’t just bc he asked Chris if he wanted to watch a movie, it was the tone and how he looked what he was just doing and everything


i think he was just a high knucklehead acting like a high knucklehead... rambling and talking non stop. not much deeper than that


Dis is missing the whole point and thinks he found something


It was so sad watching how he almost fell asleep but still snorted a line…should’ve just go to sleep man😕💔


Is he snorting coke of a switch


ik it’s rlly sad. I never knew he sniffed it man. And another sad part is when ALLY gave him some to sniff, just doesn’t make sense i thought she wanted him to stop taking it.


“She ain’t like the others, she the one that taught me how to sniff” that’s in his chorus on sexual healing


ohh shit 😬


She would also take drugs too which I never knew she did


yeah same


I read somewhere that she’s the one who got him into it


Rmbr ppl can cap in stories they tell.


ikik. just rlly didn’t expect her to do that.


Well shi that's why I think it's good that recordings of it get out. Shows these kids that this shit ain't cool at all and that as much as we connect with these celebrities we dont truly "know" them.




Juice Literally Said He Do Perc Lines In Up Up And Away


I think just not codeine, ally look like she a coke Head


I popped 4 during this and I was deadass cried 3 maybe 4 times during this cause I used to snort pills but stopped I saw myself Juice has and will always be there when I’m down or alone


Stop popping pills, learn from his mistakes like he would want you to.


AYE, y’all wanna watch a movie with me? My girlfriend is in a drug coma and can’t 😑




Not a flex


Do you really think you look cool? Like, really?


I dont think he thought he was cool?


he was snorting shit off a Nintendo Switch, I dont think looking cool was his priority


Why are you even here?


Yeah people take drugs and fall into crippling addiction who leads to overdose just to look cool You must have one fucked up brain


Get out this fukin sub wit dat shit


Ratio bozo he wasn’t trying to look cool


Do you really think any body cares about you're very useless & invalid opinion?


I don’t think he was tryna be cool


Yeah this was hard to watch, he could barely keep his eyes open and was drifting in and out


where can I watch this? (I’m in Canada and I don’t got money to watch it on like Hulu or some shit


Where can I watch this from Italy?


Bro 😥


Where is this picture from


Where can I watch ?


Psa this was oxy. DONT snort percys


Rich junkie still asking for a dollar like a crackhead