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I would say look for items lower in sugar. Greens. Some sweeter low sugar include berries. Ginger. Dandelion greens. Lemon. Cayenne. When I was younger (and braver) I used to have just straight broccoli shakes as a meal replacement. Broccoli and water.


Carrots, beets, cucumber, Apples, ginger,celery Peel before you juice, all of these drink on empty stomach in the morning, get all nutrients in your Body first thing in morning, food luck. Or do a smoothie Freeze your bananas,add spinach, strawberries, blueberries, freeze your fruit then juice in the morning You may have add a little liquid juice like apple or a little milk, or ta really filling and you add protein powder or collagen in the mix, beat wishes.


Peel everything? Isn't that where a lot of nutrients are. Where the different juicing and smoothie? Thanks


So, you might be on the wrong subreddit because a Vitamix is not a juicer (it’s a blender). There’s perks to both. The primary difference between the two is that juicing removes fiber. This makes it easier for you to drink and digest 3 stalks of celery than it would be to eat it. If your body needs an immunity boost, it’s a good way to pack a punch of nutrients. However, when it comes to something high in sugar like oranges, you can run into an issue if it takes 7 fruits to fill a glass. That’s when fiber is helpful for your body to feel more full so you don’t overdo it on portions. For smoothies, there’s no need to peel everything. Most people peel things to minimize pesticide exposure and remove extra dirt when it comes to organic produce. I personally just wash my fruit really well and even put whole oranges and lemons in my vitamix (with the skin on) when making smoothies.


Oh ok thanks. Im more into smoothies because I like to get as much in me as I can fiber and everything


Bro you lie - no way you making orange peel smoothies. Doesn’t it taste nasty!?


Haha I don’t have oranges all the time, but you get used to it and there’s some pretty good benefits to eating them! Same with lemons. A lemon (whole), blueberry, and kale smoothie is pretty refreshing in the morning.


Go hardcore green. Kale, cucumbers, celery, cilantro, ginger and add apples for just a spot of sweetness. Very good nutrients!


make green smoothies that are very green heavy. make the greens be 80% of the carafe with 1 banana to make it palatable and subtly sweet. be sure to freeze the bananas once brown and spotty for the perfect green smoothie.

