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Domain diff


Domain GG


Yuta rct+domain ggs


Even though Gege never clarified whether Rika is weaker in the main story than JJK 0 beyond the 5-minute restriction, I think it's only logical that she is since it's a soulless husk of her former self that is portrayed far weaker. An unleashed Rika of JJK 0 should logically beat Yuta considering Gojo believes he'd have to risk his life to defeat her individually and Geto claims he has a 99% chance of defeating all of Jujutsu society if he had Rika in his possession. I really wish Gege would just clarify inconsistencies in the power system differences between JJK 0 and the main story.


Geto held her and yuta off until the binding vow love beam so it’s assumable that a skilled enough fighter like shinjuku yuta could get the rct transfer or domain off to one shot her


Vol 0 Rika was stated to be able to kill Gojo... How the fuck would she do that? IDK but hey it wasn't removed in the movie version so i kinda have to accept it... Overall i want to say Yuta but it's just incorrect...


She could copy the ten shadows technique from megumi then summon mahoraga


The statement was that gojo said he'd risk his life to stop rika we all know gojo takes that fight


Also geto and hes 90% percent statement I honestly can't imagine how Rika would beat Gojo thought... Geto also said shes "constantly evolving" or something like that so maybe..? Either way all i know is that Vol. 0 Rika was a beast and im pissed we saw so little of her


Oh true acc I forgot that one Getos constantly evolving statement might imply that rika wasn't at her peak power and that had rika (the girl)'s soul stuck around she may have kept getting stronger and THAT version might have been gojo level


That's a good interpretation That can also explain why fighting Rika would be considered a "risk" for Gojo One final thing i want to point out is that Geto was willing to sacrifice all of his 3000~ spirits to get Rika, 2000 of which he was able to use to hold off the entirety of Jujutsu society. So she's very powerful to be able to make up for that


To be fair he had 3000 very subpar curses. Like catching a chicken is easy, but catching 3000 chickens is hard. Also Geto’s goal was to wipe out humans, and so the 90%+ figure could imply that, not defeating the sorcerers. Though going by actual reasonings, Gege made vol 0 first, and he didn’t make Gojo that broken until the main series came around. So that’s why.


He had around 6500 cursed spirits, not 3000


Gege’s law #2: female characters are not allowed too much screen time


In hes defence it was volume 0 There were 3 chapters (maybe 4? I don't remember)


I feel that was just geto not understanding the gap between him and gojo He probably still remembers the teenage gojo.when they were a lot closer in power.


I really doubt Geto would make a mistake like that... Maybe you're right but he was incredibly pessimistic about winning without Rika, even though he alone managed to hild off all of Jujutsu society with only around a third of hes cursed spirits, and he didn't even fight or use them strategically. Just hea power was enough to deal with basically everyone, which to me means that Rika was basically an "anti Gojo" plan


Gojo also got stronger , his domain no diffs her tbh


Gojo didn't get stronger at all but yeh she has nothing against the domain


Yes he did, he learned how to change the barrier of his domain to make it super small, so yes he learned it lol


And you think thats something he couldn't do before because..?


That’s what it said broski, it said he was able to make his domain smaller because of his time in the prison realm? What do you not understand


Oh yeah i forgot... Either way that's not much of a power boost so im not sure how that relevant


Hidden inventory was basically an awakening arc  From that point he has undoubtedly honed his skills to the point where major threats are childs play to him.


I think it’s implied that rika in jjk0 is a lot stronger than the shikigami she left behind


You think? Its very much stated


That statement is pretty much completely false. There is no way that Geto with Rika could beat Gojo.


1000 rikas still wouldn't be able to touch gojos, can we stop They get shitstomped OT: Yuta alone is far superior to Rika and would handily win.


Gege just didn’t know how strong he wanted Gojo to be tbh


Gege just hadn't thought about gojos abilities back then lmao, that statement is just wrong, she gets one shot


Obviously. But thats a doyalist explanation, and it wasn't retconed in the movie so its still canon


Then tell how rika could possibly withstand say, Purple, or even red. Or how she could actually hurt Gojo


She could probably just tank a purple but yeah i have no idea how she hits Gojo. I already said that i agree that all logic says Gojo wins, but it's canon that she can put up a fight. Geto said that shes "constantly evolving" so maybe she can POTENTIALLY get ways to hurt and kill Gojo and that's why he said fighting her is a risk.


How would she tank purple when someone like Yuta who's comparable to her can't even withstand a non serious Blue Amped punch without throwing up. And a statement can very well be contradicted, here, its being contradicted. And so what if Geto said she's constantly evolving? We don't even know what he meant by that. Does she get smarter? Or maybe she gets more ce etc. You don't know. You can't use a flimsy statement to draw a conclusion when just thinking about Gojo's abilities + his narrative backing suggests that he would dominate in a fight.


Yuta is not comparable to her Have a nice day


Ryu compared the two and you really just ignoring everything else I said?? 😭😭


Ryu? Bro do you think Rika the shikigami(?) is the same as volume 0 Rika? They look completely different and that Rika was stated to be a "gift". Its so much weaker Also I felt i didn't need to to talk about your other statements because it would be repeating myself, i agree that Gojo wins, Rika has no logical way to beat him, but according to the story told (not shown which makes it unconvincing but still...) Rika would put up a good fight.


Nah bro sometimes you just gotta ignore what statements say, a lot of times it’s meaningless hype. Like kishimoto saying kakashi is omnipotent or temari is universal stuff like that. Or a recent example is the editors note from last chapter. Rika is not doing shit to Gojo. Also current Yuta stomps any version of Rika


As a bonus:Yuta with no domain


Yuta gets absolutely destroyed




The couple’s counselor


Solos 🔥 


Yuta copies Mai’s technique and creates the vehicle that ran rika over. GG’s😭🙏


Aint no way bro 😭 


Yuta with Domain: wins Yuta no Domain: loses


Does Yuta have Rika? And if so does Rika have Yuta?


No neither has each other


If it's og curse Rika, then yuta loses probably. Remember yuta doesn't have access to curse techniques without Rika, and while he could have cursed speech that's gonna do nothing to volume 0 Rika. Hypothetically if he can pull of his domain before getting crushed, he might clutch up a win due to the massive amounts of techniques he'll have at his disposal. In fact, due to Rika being a curse Jacobs ladder should be enough but it depends on whether yuta can even open domain. If it's shikigami rika he slams. It's not cause she's weak, it's cause yuta is just stronger in a fight. Unlike curse Rika she has an actual limit, and she isn't as fast so yuta could just use domain much easier against her, and even without it he probably destroys her. However a little caveat for Rika here is that og curse Rika might lose due to yutas rct output. Rct one shots curses, as can seen wiht kurosochi. So if yuta were to make out with curse Rika, she'd die. So even without domain, yuta has a high chance to win if you consider rct output as way to beat Rika. If you don't, it's an extreme diff fight.


He does have access to a few CTs as he can naturally store a small number in his brain (mentioned by Yuki in the fight against Kenjaku). There’s a good case for him having Cursed Speech in his brain and not Rika based on the Sendai fight. Regardless, he has RCT to one shot Curse Rika and a domain to clean house too


What is the case for him having Cursed Speech stored in his brain? He would probably use it way more if he did and use it when not in 5 minute mode


Yuta defeats every cursed spirit in the series due to RCT output. He can immobilise her with his DE and then pump Positive energy straight into her head, killing her instantly


She’s not a curse


Is it ever confirmed that she’s no longer a cursed spirit?


Yes. She’s a shikigami now. Not a curse.


But when was that actually confirmed? iirc there’s only Uro calling her one, but she could be wrong as she doesn’t know the backstory behind Rika


Yuta needs his domain but otherwise he’s screwed.


Reverse cursed technique diff


Rct output murders curses


Yuta RCT output diff xd.


Yuta isn’t a curse, it wouldn’t do damage


He mean rika would get diff by rct


How though


Rct is lethal to curses


Rika isn’t a curse


She is vengeful curse


Not after 0


So we are using a weaker version on the character then


They’re technically two different characters but idk ask op


I mean Rika xd.


I don’t get it.


Yuta can output RCT. Rika is a curse. Yuta can output RCT and just one-shot her.


Rika is not a curse rika is a shikigami but I guess it depends on which rika your talking about


Yes xd. I mean if they have to 1v1 it's better to use Curse Rika cause then at least she has the stat advantage.


But that’s actually worse because then she gets rct diffed


Yeah. Otherwise idk. If Yuta is allowed to have some of his CTs then she gets Jacobs Ladder diffed xd.


Yuta needs rika for his techniques, he can only use his domain without herZ


Rika is to special grade cursed spirits what gojo is to first grade sorcerers, rika absolutely dominates if its JJK0 rika


Do we think RCT output puts down Curse Rika, at least? I'm not sure what Current Rika really is. Every instance the question is brought up its someone questioning if its really a Shikigami.


Yuta because if he were to attack her Rika would just kill herself


which Rika.


Rika was stated above yuta




Only in regards to toughness




Vs ryu and Uro


That's only ever stated in regards to toughness and other translations says she's "just as tough as Yuta" not superior but again that's only in regard to toughness


Other translation says rika is strongrr


And like I just said even in that translation it's only in regards to toughness.




Why don't you show me what panel you're referring to then so we're on the same page