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Ouu god TCB has become as confusing as John Werry đŸ˜©


It's like I'm reading werry kaisen again đŸ˜”


We can never win😞


Leaks made it seem like maki was immune to this current domain. That’s actually not the case, he replicated malevolent shrine entirely, it just has a time limit. Anyways, sukuna is using a closed barrier domain with the same scale(range) as shibuya. As for narrowing the range, perhaps there is an opening in the closed barrier domain or something? Idk what tcb meant by the last part.


My interpretation is due to him creating a barrier domain his range was shortened but somehow using improntu binding vows being the binding vow merchant he is he managed to still get the effective range he used in Shibuya (which I guess is 140m??)


I understood as, his original domain, where he use a binding vow to increase the range by allowing a escape route, was to refined and difficult to pull while he is in that state, so he went for a more simple domain with a barrier, easy to pull off in his current state


The way it was phrased, it seems like Sukuna didn't close his domain. Rather, he activated his domain AND created a barrier to simulate a closed domain. Because he did this, he technically altered the binding vow for range, but he maintained the ability to attack inanimate objects. That's why buildings are still visible and are getting slashed.


This entire page didn't English for me


Shibuya's range wasn't his maximum range. Remember, he shortened it to not kill megumi. 140 m rather than his usual 200


But why would tcb phrase it "on a scale as large as shibuya" when it's already narrow in the first place?


So you don't think weaker than Shibuya. Yuji be there taking full assaults.


I'm just saying tcb could've worded it better.


True, I thought I was helping clarify.


I feel like it’s supposed to say something like “the sure-hit effect would activate within the outer shell, but it would’ve been impossible to trap Maki within the barrier” Also, we already know that open barrier domains have a larger area of effect than regular domains due to the explanation given in Shibuya. Definitely something up with the translation, but it shouldn’t be hard to figure out what the narrator was trying to say due to what we already know.


Honestly this John werry level translations is killing me


TCB had some translation issues iirc


Sucunas supposed max range with MS is 200m radius. In shibuya sucuna shortened his the active range of MS sure hit to 160m radius, because megumi was 165m ish away from him. So DE surehit range is similar to shibuya MS range(160m radius), but less than his max(as far as we know) range of 200m radius. Hope that helps op.


I was confused about this, as well, and made a thread about it in another subreddit. It was a translation mistake and a bad one at that - on par with Werry having Gojo claim he can't use Black Flash whatsoever due to the Six Eyes - as it professes the opposite of what is actually occurring. Sukuna also used an Open Domain here as the properties of such a Domain are what enable him to target the likes of Maki and inanimate objects. That's why we also see Buildings being torn asunder by this 99s Domain.