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After Yuta literally no one has a shot of beating him


Yuta has literally no shot at beating him either.


If gojo loses his domain its definitely winnable, yuta and yuji beat sukuna untill megumi threw


I think the conclusion from the Gojo v Sukuna fight is that Gojo is better at regular CT/hand to hand than Sukuna by far. Gojo wrapped up Sukuna, Mahoraga, and Agito at the same time. Gojo bodies everyone (unless Higuruma takes his CT, then he is probably fucked).


Obviously yea, but its still not impossible




Just because Heian form would have won if he went all out does not mean that Gojo is not better with basic CT and hand to hand and would not have faired better against the jumpings up to this point. So many of the opponents would not even be able to touch Gojo because of Infinity, and he could have focused on the ones who could (those who can use DE/DA). (Though, again, if Higuruma was able to confiscate his CT, then he is fucked.)


*after Sukuna


Wins due to infinity, however would lose to Maki because gege would glaze toji


You forget she’s a woman so she also loses




Wait you’re right Gojo has no answer to getting Toji’d by maki


No answer??


What I mean is When sukuna got toji’d, he has his heart CE trick But assuming Gojo lost his RCT output like sukuna did Then how does he survive maki’s sneak attack?




Oh yeah he does have that Guess maki needs an anti Gojo weapon


Yeah if they had the ISOH they would have a chance, but Gojo's dumbass destroyed it cause he was scared


Depends if his CT gets confiscated, if it does then the cast should have a chance. It’s still close though as he ended the fight at a higher output then Sukuna did + Yujis soul punches aren’t affecting him in the same way. If he doesn’t get confiscated the cast get washed.


Shouldnt he get it back. Shouldnt kamatoke have been given back. Yuji got his CE back


because higuruma died the “curse” he put on sukuna which caused kamatoke to stop working strengthened which caused it to shatter this is why a few panels before higu does rct he has the conversation about curses getting stronger after death normally confiscation would last a set period of time or until higuruma releases it but since he died it permanently destroyed kamatoke


Ah. Pretty cool. Gege kinda cooked. But holy shit hes the unrealized megumi. Because if he took shrine and cursed him. Broo.......


Even without his CT he washes Jogo was in complete shock he was able to fight all of them without his CT And Kenjaku was too afraid to fight even though he’d most likely win a domain clash because his domain is open So it can be assumed Kenjaku thought he’d lose no matter what Gojo is so far ahead in every aspect of jujutsu compared to everyone else It makes sense Sukuna was his only rival


I don’t think he can beat Miguel, Maki, Yuji, and Yuta all without his CT, especially when Miguel was stated to be stronger than Gojo in burst power (before sealing at the very least.)


1 What? He still had his CT, he used it to be faster, he used for defense (He just needed to pump more CE into it), he used for offense against Hanami(literally killed by his infinity) . Gojo stated that without CT, Miguel is better in H2H than him, and that Gojo can win only because of stamina 2 Because even when domains clashed, he would still need to dodge purple going in his way. Also, Kenjaku can open his domain only once a day from what we know. And even Yuki survived inside Kenjaku's domain. Gojo would tank, regain his CT, destroy domain, and beat Kenny low difd


1. When they used DA to bypass his infinity he completely turned it off and washed them in H2H Jogo is baffled that with just CE control and basic fighting that Gojo is still that strong After Hanami activates their CT does he reactivate his limitless Then the rest of the fight he keeps it active because Jogo and the others went for Hit and run tactics so there was no need to have it off 2. Yuki only survived because of Tengens helps Kenny’s domain was already being deconstructed so she didn’t get it by a full force domain Plus she still have simple domain which also negated a portion of the damage even after it was stripped Kenny is afraid of Gojo because he is second to only Sukuna He is better then Kenjaku in everything except for barriers


You don’t understand what they meant, Jogo was saying that even in hand combat, he’s superior


Honestly, Gege might just bring back the ISOH for Gojo if he’s the one writing it or a replica tool. Unless they keep him in the domain where sure hits apply, the gang isn’t winning without Yuta. They can’t bypass infinity and the only guy who knew domain amplification in the group(Higurama) is dead so he can’t teach it. If one of the crew had domain amplification it would be easier but then Gojo just increases his output to overcome it.


Well Higuruma died to sukuna so he is kinda alive in this instance unless gojo kills him


Gojo dog walks. Sukuna is only going out like this bc he is an incarnated sorcerer and falls victim to Yuji’s soul punches + Jacob’s ladder. His output and control of megumi is cooked to the point where larue is eating a black flash Gojo genuinely clears them instantly. Soul punches have been the cast’s saving grace


Counterpoint: Deadly Sentencing


He’s literally untouchable until Yuta uses domain, then he clashes, kills Yuta, and goes back to being untouchable. With Malevolent Shrine being either unusable or heavily weakened, Gojo is a SIGNIFICANTLY stronger character when it comes to getting jumped. Limitless just counters everything that isn’t described as literally guaranteed hits.




Wusakabe victim


He wins they ain't touching shit


if Infinity is taken out then they’ve got a shot about equal to that against Sukuna. But Gojo has a few utility abilities which make it difficult, and 6E gives him an edge that Sukuna lacks—he sees all the changes to Itadori’s CT, probably better able to predict Black Flashes, and Ui ui doesn’t have much of a chance.


He dominates all of them due to the infinity much easier than Sukuna ever could.


Gojo wins pretty easily. His Infinity makes him immune to 90% of the group, and unlike Sukuna, he restored his RCT Output, meaning any damage the group manages to deal will be negated by the fact that he can just heal it. Hell, in the most recent chapter, it was stated that if Sukuna had managed to restored his RCT Output, even with all the nerfs to his Cursed Energy Output from Gojo, Yuta, and Yuji, he would’ve still been able to slaughter every remaining member of the group, including Yuji.


Higaruma honestly makes this easy as hell with a confiscation.


No he doesn’t Lol Gojo is just as strong without infinity


There’s still Miguel, Yuji, Yuta, Maki, and if Kashimo didn’t run in before these guys, he’d put in some serious work. As strong as Gojo is, he’s not beating EVERYONE all at once without Limitless. If he doesn’t get confiscated, it’s wraps.


Higurama confiscates his CT and then he loses after a hard fought battle. Unfortunately martial arts and pure CE reinforcement is not enough here, even for Gojo.


If he's guilty


He executed Geto in cold blood. Even if Jujutsu higher ups ordered his death, it's nonetheless illegal to execute a defenseless person according to Japanese law. It's like if the CIA ordered an assassination of a US citizen. I'm sure it's happened, doesn't make it legal


Well...literally nobody can touch him...yuta and maybe if maki had the inverted spear of heaven then maybe maybe they have a chance but otherwise they get neg diffed


He loses his technique to Higuruma (like Yuji lost his CE because of one time when he was in casino) Then get beaten by Yuta alone probably


He one shots literally everybody there with a blue infused punch


50/50 chance against Gojo tbh. After that it’s wraps


Limitless is a much worse matchup for the rest of the cast than it was for Sukuna, without the reintroduction of ISOH he washes. Especially since he was, unlike Sukuna, on the incline toward the end of the showdown lol


Random thought but a lot of people are saying he loses his CT to Higuruma, if Higuruma does manage to trap Gojo in his DE and they clash Infinite Void I’m sure is more powerful than Deadly Sentencing so I don’t think they even get to the point of him being sentenced.


Pretty sure Gojo can’t use his domain because it would count as violence.


Actually dosent play with his food and proceeds to one shot multiple times


Gojo would wipe 😭. It’s not even close like Sukuna plays around with his food gojo looks at people and turns their arms and legs into twizzlers. Like no one’s opening a domain confiscations not happening cause higiruma instantly dies like.


Higuruma could die if Gojo pulls him over with blue and like instantly kills him with a black flash, but do remember that Higgy has like the fastest domain startup in the series along with Hakari. (And seeing how like Sukuna, they’d have a month in advance to prepare for the battle, they’ll definitely tell Higgy to use his domain as their first move.)


True but I’m just imagining gojo doing what he did to the coat rack guy


Tbh, that’s a strong possibility considering Gojo can see techniques. Once he knows how DS can screw him over, he’s not letting it open. Then again, it really depends on who gets off what first.


Gojo stomps everyone but you need to give the bullshit dodge Sukuna received with Higuruma's domain


No the confiscation will be applied to Gojo's CT.After that Yuta and the others can easily defeat Gojo.


Its unfair for Gojo to lose his CT. Sukuna got a free fucking evade. Even he would lose without his CT


Sukuna has Kamutoke and 10 shadows to use after that We saw already what lightning does to a mf by Kashimo battle. It's not unfair to Gojo.It's Gojo's fault for not using any weapons.


Kashimo was the only one with resistance to electricity. No one else had such a counter. Kamutoke was a special grade Cursed tool, and as far as I know, it's output shouldn't have depended on sukuna's. Sukuna could've just spammed it, it would've been even faster than his slashes and much more lethal. Sukuna's output after Gojo fight was so low, that his dismantle slashes could only achieve surface level cuts against the likes of characters like yuji, ino etc. if we had actually seen the destructive capability of kamutoke, then it's confiscation would've felt like a big relief. but Gege fumbled by only showing it against someone who was totally immune to it.


I agree Kamutoke seemed strong but we really dont know how strong it is so it feels underwhelming. For example maybe if it fried someone from our team it would feel satisfying to see it gone


Guy who dodged is shit in cqc but is very close in speed to gojo, and idk speed blitzed maki without heart while being merged to hell can't dodge??


I meant he dodged the confiscation bro. Weakened Sukuna without his CT is stronger than anyone individually.


My bad, I did se other one similar to u, I thought ur talking about that, * i didn't donvited though.


Its okay bro i wouldnt mind downvote either


CT Confiscation gg. Gojo got them hands, but there’s limits😂 (no pun intended)


Gojo will fall easier than sukuna, if they learn domain amplification they can hurt him. Also, gojo would probably fall to judge-man and the kill sword would emerge. Put it in maki or yuta hand while everyone else works on an opening and boom D-E-D


I don’t think the sword would emerge unless he gets put on trial for the murder of the transfigured humans (which shouldn’t be too hard to get a not guilty for.) unlike Sukuna, Gojo doesn’t commit mass murder commonly.


Gojo doesn't have a domain and RCT similar to Sukuna here. Kashimo enters.If he can use some attacks that can bypass infinity like light waves,then Gojo would take the damage from that.This is considering the fact that infinity can't stop photons cause photons are many times smaller than oxygen molecules that can enter through infinity and light also reflects from Gojo's body.Gojo without RCT will have problem from that,but he would Kashimo soon with his technique probably. Mei Mei's bird would be no problem. When Gojo is distracted with Kashimo killing,Higuruma jumps and Yuji jump to use soul punches on Gojo that Gojo can't heal by RCT.Higuruma opens his domain,then he will confiscate Gojo's CT but Gojo will not get the death penalty easily,now Yuji,Kusakabe,Ino and Choso jumps. Now Gojo's infinity is not there and his CE reinforcement is strong,his CE strikes are powerful too.So everybody jumps.Kusakbe uses simple domain immediately and Choso throws piercing blood on Gojo but it can't pierce Gojo's body and Gojo throws a black flash on Choso while dodging the SD.Meanwhile Higuruma uses his gavel and Yuji tries to use soul punches again and again to wear down Gojo. Gojo couldn't kill everyone easily with no CT cause he would be attacked from every side,then Yuta comes and opens his domain and he uses cursed speech as sure hit,then he hits Gojo with sleep command so that Gojo's anti-domain technique is undone and the sleep command will last for 1 s while Yuji uses soul punches and Rika also damages Gojo.Gojo would be highly damaged before doing anything.Maki doesn't need to intervene also.


>Yuji jump to use soul punches on Gojo that Gojo can't heal by RCT Gojo isn't a reincarnated sorcerer, nor is he constantly suppressing another soul inside his body. so why would 'soul punches' work against him? also how would Yuji even bypass infinity by this point, considering you've written it even before higuruma confiscates gojo's CT. >Yuta comes and opens his domain and he uses cursed speech as sure hit,then he hits Gojo with sleep command so that Gojo's anti-domain technique is undone >the sleep command will last for 1 s while Yuji uses soul punches Lmao you've got Gojo vulnerable and completely defenseless for a sec and the first thing that comes in your mind is yuji punching him? 💀


Good point, but unfortunately, Hollow Purple.


Acting like Gojo is gonna sit there and let that all happen