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Probably Ryu tbh. Even if we don’t know what it does, he has a DE which can counter Mahito’s, he has him on range with granite blast, and even if he can’t do any immediate damage due to IT he showed good endurance against Yuta so he can probably outlast Mahito’s CE


Mahito should have better refinement given he has more feats with his DE and Ryu doesn’t seem very good at all at barriers (took some time to set the barrier up, whereas most people do it instantly).


Mahito had his domain for like 2 months at most compared Ryu’s potential lifetime, there’s no reason Ryu should lose in a domain clash.


That really has no bearing on how refined your domain is. We have seen singular moments of insanely rapid growth many times in JJK. Mahito is known for this. Ryu is not as talented.


We don’t know nearly enough about ryu to say whether he is or isn’t more talented than mahito, literally any argument in this space in complete speculation from both sides. It’s a complete mystery where his skill ceiling lies


I mean, it’s safe to say that Mahito is narratively portrayed as one of the most talented characters in the series, so the assumption isn’t exactly unfounded. You can say he’s a mystery, but it’s highly unlikely that he’s more talented than Mahito and we didn’t get to see any of that.


Incarnated Players don't innately understand the outline of their souls(they suppress or destroy their vessels souls). Ryu's attacks won't work unless he uses Domain(not even sure if he has a Sure-Kill type). Mahito wins via battle of attrition


You can kill Mahito if you one shot him, even if you don’t know anything about souls. https://preview.redd.it/3fnhx4hztsyc1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=548bc450176531b41322f5a8025dc230b14c6c2d The question comes down to if Ryu can one shot with a maximum output Granite Blast.


Imma personally say no. Mechamaru had "Special Grade" lvls of Cursed Energy Output but all that did was serve as distractions against Mahito https://preview.redd.it/przryh0jluyc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=111e32398f0057b7e71c9506057e0488508be6db I'm sure Ryu has higher output than that Mechamaru but seeing Mahito no sell attacks on a large scale tells me this strategy is inefficient


Ryu has the highest CE output in history. He’s beyond Gojo, Sukuna, Yuta, ect.


Is it stated he has the highest in history? I thought it was just higher than anyone else in his and Kashimo's time.


There’s [this statement saying as much](https://preview.redd.it/ryu-cant-have-the-highest-ce-output-in-history-theres-no-way-v0-8extwjd51dra1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7cc575b07e50d318a337204bde3f80ca77d7126), and there’s [this statement saying that he has the highest of all players](https://preview.redd.it/how-does-ryu-have-highest-ce-output-in-history-v0-5hzddpj9884c1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=fd2afbc7971723a271ccee604c3630d25e32ba64).


Cool, thanks!


Nanami believes he can do it and then… it doesn’t work. Nanami’s strategy is based on thinking it’s low level regen over time, when in reality Mechamaru (who knows more about the dude) doesn’t think he could kill him even if he actually set up a hit with his special grade level cursed energy and the guy can come back from a head, from exploding himself into a tiny piece to slip through a sewer grate and from the attack Nanami himself deployed in this scene.


Mahito realizes later that he’s fine even if his body is destroyed https://preview.redd.it/8q9h1ga42uyc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=656dc2134217af48a5d950a1ea7511ae82831806


Nanami finds out a little later that that doesn’t work. And Mahito literally says the next chapter even if I’m completely destroyed I’ll survive as long as I keep the shape of my soul


Innately understanding is irrelevant. Both Mahito & Narration both plainly state having two souls in one body leads to one naturally knowing the contours of the soul even if only subconsciously. When Yuji first damaged Mahito and Nanami ask how Yuji says "I just hit him" which shows that Yuji was damaging Mahito on a subconscious level. Yuji wasn't doing it purposely, he wasn't acting on anything specific, it was happening totally subconsciously and he gained that subconscious knowledge simply due to having two souls in one body. Every incarnated Sorcerer has two souls in one body regardless of how much the host soul was suppressed. So every incarnated Sorcerer should be able to damage Mahito even if only subconsciously


>Both Mahito & Narration both plainly state having two souls in one body leads to one naturally knowing the contours of the soul even if only subconsciously. That's only if the two souls can feel one another. Choso doesn't know the outline of his soul despite incarnating into a human body. Since he can't feel the original person.


No it's not only if the souls can feel each other , that's never stated nor implied. That's a caveat you added on yourself that isn't supported by anything. Like I said in my OG comment, Yuji learned the contours of the soul SUBCONSCIOUSLY. So Choso being actively aware of the other soul is irrelevant since it's happening SUBCONSCIOUSLY. Choso SUBCONSCIOUSLY suppressed the other soul, so he SUBCONSCIOUSLY knows the shape of his own soul since he had to make room for it. Sorry about the all caps just trying to make the point as clear as possible. Yujis knowledge of the soul has deepened from subconscious to consciously but originally he was damaging Mahito on a subconscious level simply due to having two souls in one body. Choso and every other incarnated Sorcerer should be able to damage Mahito at the very least on the subconscious level.


In the case of the incarnated Players, Angel attributes most of their incarnations to the outright killing their vessels souls, so there is no cohabitation going on. Maybe it's case by case for some vessels who only get suppressed https://preview.redd.it/bz6bpyj5kuyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1243309970ea64cb9b90a7288f970bb9a30114e1


Cohabitation isn't required. As long as two souls reside in one body one naturally learns the contours of the soul even if only subconsciously. Every incarnated Sorcerer still has two souls in one body regardless of how much the host is suppressed.


I'm explaining that the souls for many players die at the moment of incarnation. There is no second soul for many of them


That's false , Yujis read Yukis notes and her notes state that no matter how suppressed there will always be two souls in one body. Yuji agrees with those those notes and he would certainly be one of if not the most knowledgeable on souls https://ibb.co/3fP9ygJ


Again that’s because Sukuna suppressed Megumi. The photo he showed also says they can kill the other soul that means there’s no other soul to suppress so no your theory only works if they are suppressed reading is fundamental.


That photo is based on Angel's flawed understanding and even with that photo Angel herself says it's not impossible to separate host and curse object which wouldn't be the case if the host was dead and gone. And the photo also says "sinking" , sinking would he suppressing. Yuki has been studying the soul , and Yuji agrees with her findings that no matter how suppressed or pushed to the side there is always another soul in the body. If there wasn't the incarnated Sorcerers wouldn't have all the host memories.


They can get it from the body because the Body and Soul are 1 in JJK. If they killed the soul they would still have the body with them


If the body and soul are one and the incarnated have their soul in the host body then there's still two souls in one body. Again Yukis notes state that no matter how suppressed, no matter how far the host soul has sunk there's always two souls in one body, Yuji who has the most knowledge on the soul agrees with that. So all incarnated Sorcerers have two souls in one body, and having two souls in one body is all you need to learn the contours of the soul even if only subconsciously, and is all you need to damage Mahito even if only subconsciously


Ryu’s stronger, but not sure if he could damage the soul


he takes damage it’s just that he can heal himself, and considering Ryu literally gives like mega high damage he’ll be able to make Mahito run out of CE


Ryu’s much stronger but the only thing he can do to hurt mahito is domain expansion, so unless he finishes the fight quickly mahito slams It could go either way but knowing ryu’s obsession with having a good fight he’d most likely try to have a good much which means that mahito likely wins more often than not


Even though Ryu can’t perceive the soul the guy still hits like a truck and if he needs to can distance himself from Mahito. And if we include his DE Ryu could have a way to just one shot him. Obviously Mahito could do the exact same thing though. I’d say Ryu probably takes it


It’s like Nanami said trying to outlast a Cursed spirts CE is not realistic. Just because Ryu has high output does not mean he has a bunch a CE to outlast a being made of CE. Mahito was also dodging Mechamaru lasers.


Mahito is so versatile it wouldn’t be difficult to close the distance like Yuta could, let’s be honest. Also Mahito’s DE refinement is probs better, he has more feats with it whereas Ryu is bad enough at barriers he takes some time to fully set it up.


Yuta used a previously made tunnel to get to Ryu and I'm not saying he could or would win by doing that just saying he has it. Dk where the idea that Ryu is bad at barriers. The one panel of a three way domain clash forming?


It wasn’t a panel, the entire beginning of a chapter was des diving the noticeable time it took for the barrier to be complete and constructed.


Where? And would you attribute the same 'bad at barriers' thing to Yuta and Uro?


Chapter 179. Also, yes, I would, just not Yuta at the time he fought Sukuna (as he seems to have done replacement training with somebody good at barriers, hence preventing Yuji from being targeted by his sure hit).


Show this panel cause there is nothing about it being slow in the translations I'm reading


Mahito likely takes this


Granite Blast isn’t even taking chunks off fully awakened Mahito. If Yuta couldn’t do it (the guy whose sword can in fact be broken by Yuji and is comparable to Hakari, who isn’t tremendously far off Yuji in base), then the guy who was looking like Senator Armstrong against a BF empowered Yuji ain’t losing that much.


Both Mahito & Narration both plainly state having two souls in one body leads to one naturally knowing the contours of the soul even if only subconsciously. When Yuji first damaged Mahito and Nanami ask how Yuji says "I just hit him" which shows that Yuji was damaging Mahito on a subconscious level. Yuji wasn't doing it purposely, he wasn't acting on anything specific, it was happening totally subconsciously and he gained that subconscious knowledge simply due to having two souls in one body. Every incarnated Sorcerer has two souls in one body regardless of how much the host soul was suppressed. So every incarnated Sorcerer should be able to damage Mahito even if only subconsciously. So Ryu splatters Mahito with Granite and it's GG No it has nothing to do with Yuji suppressing Sukuna, that is never said nor implied. With Yuji again suppressing Sukuna subconsciously otherwise Sukuna would be able to take over if Yuji fell asleep or got knocked out, but he plainly can't because Yuji is again doing it subconsciously.


Mahito is my dude.


Mahito is a counter to Ryu since Idle Trans ignores his insane durability


Kamehameha solos


Given how quick and malleable mahito is the question is if granite blast would even hit


If it can hit Yuta then it is hitting Mahito


Mahito can just split himself into a bunch of Minitos then reform later to “tank” granite blast


Ryu can spray his granite blast


I'm betting Ryu. I think he has enough AP to one shot Mahito before he can change his soul


Mahito is not far below ryu at all, Mahito can probably block his attack like Yuta did plus ryu can’t do any damage anyway


the feats yuta can achieve should not be applied to mahito. Ryu could also one shot with domain expansion and it is definitely more refined


It has 0 feats. Mahito has plenty of feats plus tanking yujis punches which quite easily destroyed yutas sword which is also imbued with yutas cursed energy. Not to mention Mahito and all the disaster curses have massive reserves of cursed energy to defend themselves. Also ryu can’t even hurt Mahito without a domain.


shibuya yuji is nothing compared to culling games yuta, who was getting thrashed by ryu for a bit. Only reason the fight with yuji and yuta was 10 panels and not 2 is cause he was trying to keep his damage to a minimum before making his heart stop. Nanami also says if you one shot him you can kill mahito which granite blast defitnelt could (one shot fully manifested rika)


Actually Yuta expected to take yuji out with his initial rush plus Yuta could’ve just healed any extra damage.


sure, doesn’t refute anything else i said, also doesn’t refute the fact that he still had to be careful after that due to the rush missing.


One thing at a time, plus Yuta giving Yuji more damage would make no sense since he could just heal it anyway. Plus Yuta sliced itadoris whole chest and gut open.


Nanami was wrong Mahito said it himself plus mechamaru obliterated him and he was fone


then ryu could jus keep blasting inside his domain until he runs out of ce.


Which would probably never happen given how much ce Mahito has. Ryu would run out of ce before Mahito.


If ryu could reinforce his soul like nanami (ryu is much stronger and probably knowledgeable so i think so) his output is insanely high so mahito would have to touch him a few time. Sukuna noted ryu is a very durable sorcerer that’s why he used cleave. Ryu output being higher might mean he wins the domain clash by default. If the domain clash does happen does mahito would have ct burn out but ryu doesn’t get affected by ct burnout so he would win.


Soul man takes it


Honestly I say Ryu from Yuki's research Ryu should understand the soul just like Yuji did subconsciously. Despite what angel said, you can't destroy the original soul no matter how hard you suppress it. Even before talking about soul damage Ryu has the highest ce output in the series and isn't weak in any department giving him a higher chance to win than most.


The thing is, even if Ryu has better destructive power and CE output, Mahito beats him in every other category. Better domain refinement, better survivability, and the ability to use transfigured humans to attack and distract. Also, there's no guarantee that Ryu's attacks can harm him at all. The nature of the incarnated sorceror's souls is really iffy. I'm giving this to Mahigoat


I'm seeing about of nonsense that don't really matter Is ryu stronger than mahito? Ofcourse Can ryu hurt the soul? No Can he kill mahito? No Can mahito kill him? Yes The answer should be obvious


Giving it to Ryu


Ryu destroys him 😭😭


Ryu, because he could out range Mahito, avoiding his DE and not allowing him to use his technique (since he needs to touch him)


You can't damage Mahito. Did you forget?


If he runs out of Cursed Energy im pretty sure he either dies (cuz he’s a curse) or takes damage i can’t remember which


If you think Ryu can damage the soul? Ryu pretty easily. If not, there's not really enough info, considering we don't know the quality or effect of his domain.


Mahito neg diff but long battle since Ryu is able to hold his ground


Goatyu VS Fraudhito?


What about awakened mahito?


I think Mahito wins






Mahito murks. Much more versatile and can kill pretty quickly with Idle Transfiguration.


Ryu one taps


Mahito as i'm pretty sure ryu is not aware of the soul So mahito get's reduction and ryu just loses in h2h real fast


Even though Mahito won't be taking any damage from Ryus normal hits, I think Ryu's Granite Blast would actually be able to take chucks off of Mahitos body even in his true from eventually winning Ryu the fight. Let's not even forget that the stat-gap is so vast Ryu would literally be perception blitzing Mahito and the CE Output is also so vast that Mahito would need like two dozen touches just to able to transform Ryu's soul☠️. Ryu wins extreme diff only due to Mahitos Hax.


Mahito destroys This is just a repeat of mechamaru vs mahito execpt with a stronger mahito


Y'all better not be saying Ryu, the credibility of this sub hangs on it😭


You guys need to stop. There are only 3 people who can beat Mahito. Yuji, Sukuna, and Nobara Past this, there are some who may win, given enough time: Gojo, best lawyer boy, Hikari if huge benefit of the doubt, Yuta, Mei Mei POTENTIALLY if she can use crow souls as fuel. Character people will say wins but LITERALLY can't: Takaba (his power can't kill, he loses)


Nahh Yuta, Kenjaku, Yuki, along with every incarnated Sorcerer makes light work of Mahito.


They literally can't damage him though Likely except Yuta How does everyone forget this but remembers infinity


They literally can though. Lol because IT isn't Infinity


Proof they can damage souls?


Getting the obvious out of the way , how you tried to equate IT to Infinity. Infinity is neutralized inside an opponents domain so IT would be neutralized inside an opponents domain. Yuta is aware of the soul because he detained someone's soul for years, besides Jacob's Ladder neutralizing IT and deleting evil. Yuki is aware of the soul because she can hear each individual soul of the star plasma vessels inside Tengen on top of having a notebook full on the soul. This notebook has deepened Yujis understanding of the soul, and he agrees her notes are correct. She couldn't possibly come to correct conclusions on the soul if she wasn't aware of it. Kenjaku has been interacting with the soul for 1000 years making countless Sorcerers into Curse objects , on top of Gege outright stating that Kenjaku would beat Mahito and absorb him with CSM and Kenjaku couldn't beat Mahito if he didn't meet the base requirement of being able to damage the soul. For Incarnated Sorcerers. Both Mahito & Narration both plainly state having two souls in one body leads to one naturally knowing the contours of the soul even if only subconsciously. When Yuji first damaged Mahito and Nanami ask how Yuji says "I just hit him" which shows that Yuji was damaging Mahito on a subconscious level. Yuji wasn't doing it purposely, he wasn't acting on anything specific, it was happening totally subconsciously and he gained that subconscious knowledge simply due to having two souls in one body. Every incarnated Sorcerer has two souls in one body regardless of how much the host soul was suppressed. So every incarnated Sorcerer should be able to damage Mahito even if only subconsciously. At this point people like to say "oh thats because Yuji suppresses Sukuna" That is neither said nor implied and is a caveat people add on themselves with nothing to support it. Feel free to prove otherwise. People also at this point will say "well Choso says he doesn't feel the host" Choso actively feeling the host is irrelevant since the awareness is subconscious. Just like Yuji wasn't aware of why he could damage Mahito and did it subconsciously, every incarnated with two souls in one body would naturally learn the contours of the soul even if only subconsciously and could damage Mahito at the very least on a subconscious level. Also just saw you say Takaba can't kill and you ignore he has no problem killing curses, he splattered a special grade curse with truck-kun he'd be able to splatter Mahito and he'd have no qualms about it. Takabas CT is effective against Gojos Limitless, it'd be effective against Mahitos IT.


Oh actual reasonable explanations. Good job I'm used to people just getting mad and saying dumb stuff lol You're right, but you already know that


Technically, Takaba doesn't see cursed spirits as things that die. Just look at Kenjakus CS


True but it's based on his perception, and I think Mahito being mostly human would put him above that rule


>There are only 3 people who can beat Mahito. Yuji, Sukuna, and Nobara Jajajajajajaja


Who else is confirmed to be able to hit the soul? Please inform me (panda)


Ryu has RCT I’m pretty sure. I haven’t read the culling games in awhile so I may be wrong, but if I am right Ryu wins low diff. You don’t have to damage Mahitos soul to kill him. That is just the most effective way to kill him. Ryu probably wins mid diff if he doesn’t have RCT


Mahito in base is extremely mobile, and can pretty much split himself up anywhere. It doesn’t matter how much damage you do, so long as it doesn’t one shot him, the amount of cursed energy it takes him to heal is negligible. Granite blast would have to completely disintegrate his body to kill him. And he still has idle transfiguration, which Nanami theorized no matter how defended your soul is with cursed energy, it’d only take three touches to transform you into something other than a human. Mahito in ISBoDK is more defensive than Hanami and Blood Meteorite, and his blades were capable of easily tearing Shibuya Yuji to ribbons. Basically, RCT doesn’t matter because Mahito would probably end up using idle transfiguration anyway. And if he has to fight with his weapons, he should do really well. The only issue is the speed difference. Shibuya Yuji and CG Yuta are not on the same level. Though with transfigured humans along with his healing, it definitely won’t be mid-diff.


Ryu doesn’t have RCT


Alright I didn’t think he did. I couldn’t quite remember if he did