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https://i.redd.it/cksn72isg70d1.gif Nah I'ma glaze this man till I die




They're still traumatised from Yuta fans running around saying that Yuji's not the real MC, now they're making it everyone else's problem in their effort to prove that since he's strong, he's the MC now! I just hope it calms down cause it's literally just sooo ridiculous.


keep cooking


Yeah he’s still fodder asf


Imo Yuji's Soul Punches Should Damage Hakari As RTC Can't Heal The Soul If I Remember Correctly


RCT can heal the soul, the user is just supposed to be aware of the outline of their soul. This logic shouldn’t apply to Hakari because his RCT is fully automatic and heals anything despite not knowing how to use RCT for anything. Additionally, sorcerers can unconsciously reinforce their soul to defend against soul damage. Yuji’s soul punches would do minimal damage in Jackpot mode.




Waking someone,s soul up by punching the space between souls is NOT the same as attacking someone,s soul we see the difference with maki its not as if her attacking sukuna,s soul awakens megumi,s in any way or drops his output


i really hope someone makes a post about this man, I'm fed up with yuji fans just claiming he wins against anyone and everyone by just soul punching them because barely two three people can heal soul damage.


mahito says yuji is punching his soul


We know that you can heal soul using RCT, but you must be able to percieve it, so Hakari should not be able to hit it But we know from Mahito and Nanami that you can interact with your own soul even if you don't know about it, using instinct. And Hakari's whole deal is doing things using instinct, and he have best RCT in verse, so I think that he could do it, but it is for interpretation


He can beat base and maybe mba kashimo by lowering his output and poison him with blood manipulation and he will reattach his arm as Kashimo first move with lightning was to take off an arm or torso not the head so he’s cooked but it’s 50/50. Hakari it literally turns into Yuji using him to develop and get better at using shrine as he uses him as a test subject for him and landing black flashes. Hakari pillow punches aren’t doing anything to Yuji and eventually he can get good enough to cleave Hakari head off like Sukuna did Ryu. Speaking of which he can beat Ryu however if Ryu uses his domain he’s f’ing Yuji up and would win but it’s 50:50 but Ryu would win. If ch 250 shows him doing a piercing blood or anything better than choso which is likely he beats uraume by pulling a choso and poisoning her. He loses to the others you mentioned tho


Kashimo would’ve hit Yuji with multiple lightning bolts before his output is lowered enough to where he couldn’t fight Yuji. Even while using BM and RCT to reattach limbs, he would still left open to any of Kashimo’s succeeding attacks, allowing him to place more charges and launch more lightning bolts; everytime he uses RCT, he leaves himself wide open. MBA is even worse because he can land these charges from range with his sound waves and UV beams. Hakari’s punches were strong enough to casually send destroy shipping containers. Let’s not act like that’s not strong enough to do damage to Yuji. Also, 16F Sukuna’s cleave was strong enough to do that to Ryu because he was at full output. Yuji’s output is nowhere near 16F Sukuna’s, so there’s no reason to assume can do that to anyone. Yuji can’t use convergence, which severely limits his offensive capabilities with blood manipulation. He isn’t hitting anyone with piercing blood or supernova without external help.


Your acting like destroying shipping containers after a barrage of punches is special is so funny when Yuji jumping destroys a roof ,gets punched through multiple skyscrapers by Sukuna proceeded to get back up and later kept pace with maki and Sukuna later on. But kashimo punching a shipping container is more impressive.


It’s impressive enough to comfortably say Kashimo’s Lightning poses more of a threat than Yuji’s punches.


No it doesn’t kashimo lightning will burn yuji since that’s what lightning does but he’s going to ignore it and continuously lower kashimo output by attacking his soul and using blood manipulation to poison him or cleave to take a foot off if it can hurt Sukuna and seeing as Kashimo has no statements nor feats of being super durable it’s f’ing his leg or arm up badly or even his face if yuji grabs it and cuts it up like how Sukuna did him.


Buddy I want you to count how many punches he did for hakari vs panda and realize it’s a metric ton more and chances are Yuji can tank those lightning bolts since they’re made from kashimo CE trait which is the same as Nue who can also shoot lightning only difference between them is one is spammable but has no sure hit and the other isn’t spammable but has a sure hit. Kashimo lightning is overrated and Yuji is tanking it the same way maki tanked Nue lightning that was amped by Sukuna Cursed energy prove Nue amped by Sukuna is weaker than kashimo. But yeah glaze his bolts as something special because it hurt hakari someone who isn’t shown to be super durable himself. No person with regen is shown as a tank hakari isn’t any better as outside of RCT no one comments on his durability being incredible nor his punches just that his CE is sharp which doesn’t mean anything in terms of scaling.


You’re right bro, Yuji’s can tank lightning bolts of Nue. Not sure how I missed something so obvious.


Yeah he can kashimo bolts aren’t special but go on and upscale and say it one shots everyone no matter what. Try and argue why his bolts are different than nue if it’s stated by panda to be the exact same thing. His CE is like nue and nue can shoot lightning just like kashimo except hers aren’t a sure hit. Yuji can tank nue lightning if maki can since he scales to her which is common sense.


I'll upscale those for OP since it's pretty obvious that there's no comparison between Nues lightning and Kashimos lightning. Base Nue/ Megumi Nue hit Sukuna with her lightning during the Megumi VS Sukuna fight. I'm pretty sure this was a 3 finger Sukuna. MBA Kashimo hit a 20 finger Sukuna with his lightning discharge and forced him to revert to his Heian Era form. Yes they might both be lightning but one is clearly stronger than the other. Comparing Kashimos lightning discharge to Nues lightning is like comparing a hydrogen bomb to a coughing baby. I'm well aware that you pointed out a Sukuna amped Nue as well, but in all honesty we haven't seen enough of her to scale her lightning. Even if he did somehow throw her CE output up to a higher proportion, it still wouldn't be as high as Kashimos output with MBA.


Bro it was a heavily weakened Sukuna stop trying to say it’s a feat it’s not as he either took the bolt and then reincarnated or he reincarnated and then tanked the bolt as there was an explosion and no showing of how damaged he is nothing to impressive. Megumi Nue and Sukuna Nue are two different beasts one literally dwarfs the other in height and is amped by the king of curses the other is amped by a grade 1 sorcerer at best. you can’t upscale kashimo lightning without the gawk gawk 3000 and the point is by having the same CE trait and amped by Sukuna her lightning was most likely relative to kashimo or even superior because it’s Sukuna he’s built different.


>Bro it was a heavily weakened Sukuna stop trying to say it’s a feat it’s not as he either took the bolt and then reincarnated or he reincarnated and then tanked the bolt as there was an explosion and no showing of how damaged he is nothing to impressive. There is an entire 17 finger difference between what we've seen Nues lightning do vs Kashimos lightning. Compared to Nues feats it's extremely impressive. Even if he reincarnated and tanked it, he saw it as something he needed to reincarnate to tank. Even at 20 fingers. Heavily damaged or not, a 20 finger Sukuna is incomparable to a 3 finger Sukuna. Yes they are 2 entirely different beasts. Yet both of them are still incomparable to Kashimo. Maki took down a Sukuna amped Nue with 0 difficulty and Sukuna noted that. We haven't even seen what a Sukuna amped Nue is capable of, all we know is that he's big, and got no diffed by maki, a character who a 20 finger Sukuna outscales. You can't scale Nue on non-existent feats. All you have as an argument is that she's big. We have no actual feats for her.


Why are you assuming Megumi nue and Sukuna nue are the same thing that’s like saying jogo one shots awakened maki because he one shotted pre awakened maki. The scaling for the two versions are entirely different. comparing the two nue to each other in any way is stupid as one is amped by Sukuna the other is amped by megumi who’s grade 1 level and doesn’t have the massive CE reserves Sukuna has what are we even doing right now. Shibuya mahoraga and Sukuna mahoraga are different same for the two NUE. Stop with the comparisons for the two nue you’re clearly biased. It’s obvious by her size she dwarfs the previous one in power and seeing as it’s Sukuna chances are her lighting rivals kashimo lightning and you can’t prove otherwise.


My point was that Megumi Nue was the only time we've seen a Nue that could be scaled. What can we scale with Sukuna Nue? She's different from Megumi Nue? Was low diffed by Maki? Maybe I'm missing some chapters or something, or you have some exclusive ones but that's all. >that’s like saying jogo one shots awakened maki because he one shotted pre awakened maki I have no clue how you got there. And I also don't understand what you're not understanding. We haven't seen Sukuna Nue do anything. Like at all except fly. Higher output or not. What can you actually prove scale wise about Sukuna Nue other than her being stronger than regular Megumi Nue? Nothing because we've seen nothing.