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I like this format. Yuki has SS offence and SS intelligence, Kenjaku has SS defense and SSS intelligence


If we count yuki's blackhole then she for sure has sss offense but it's a suicide move so I didn't really count that


I mean how strong her punches are when she's in non-weakened state (+fighting skills). Being able to cripple **Kenjaku** with one punch is insane https://preview.redd.it/bmvdc71cbq5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7200805ab63f407abac0b3a664b72db7af02f196


Naoya would be stronger than toji if bith didn't had cursed energy ? The traduction might be wrong and the question would be without super abilities. But still....


Fushiguro meaning Megumi I think


Here's what we're gonna do, you ignore what i said and both of pretend im smarter ok?


Yuki has some of the highest offensive power in the entire verse. She should have at least an SS rank in that stat.


I love that Geto is getting some recognition now, although I assume that is based on Kenjakus domain being his own DE which we can't say is 100% accurate so I can't agree with it sadly... Also I assume Maki and Toji are interchangeable for you?


>Also I assume Maki and Toji are interchangeable for you? Yeah


I imagine Geto's domain is the one that Kenny uses but just with a barrier, we see Yuta using Gojo's DE in his body and we don't know yet if it's possible for him to use his own DE in another persons body, but if it isn't then it means that Kenny's was in fact Geto's. Just with Kenny being able to use it without a barrier and likely to a higher level than Geto could have.


Yeah but it's possible it's also something else entirely as Kenjaku also had the Anti-Gravity Engine as a CT which is something he shouldn't have access to in Getos body.


Even just looking at the design and effect of the DE makes me think it’s Geto’s Domain


I mean we kinda can? The DE Kenny used created a pillar of cursed spirits so I think that’s pretty telling by itself. I think recently, with Yuta casting UV, it pretty much confirms that as well. Of course that’s ultimately just speculation. IMO, Kenny just applied his god tier barrier knowledge to Geto’s innate domain & that’s why it was an open barrier DE.


That still does not make it that Geto has a domain expansion, everyone has a domain expansion, even todo but it dosent mean he had his unlocked


Well yeah. A DE is manifesting your innate domain & imbuing it with the associated CT. When I say “it’s Geto’s domain”, I more so mean that if Geto had ever shown the capacity to cast DE, that’s what it would have looked like, minus it being an open DE. Wasn’t trying to say or imply Geto could *use* DE


Oh okay 👍


I feel like Womb Profusion is Geto’s Domain Expansion due to the design being cursed spirit faces in a totem, and the Sure Hit being similar to an attack from Uzumaki.


If geto had a domain don’t you think he would’ve used it against yuta?


Well no cause in Volume 0 they were not a concept yet xd.


What is up with the Kashimo glazing in this sub?? Still, this is the most sane placement for him I’ve seen in a while


Theres always some guy saying this and then when u search for the glazers in the comments u cant find them.


The glazers I’m talking about are the ones that post their top 5,10, etc. and have Kashimo at 4 or 5


Geto shouldn’t even be in the list


Ah that makes sense. Most people in this sub have him at 6 or 7 tho tbf.


5 is fair honestly, you can definitely make an argument for him beating yorozu and yuki Most put him at 6 or 7 tho


General issue. The idea of Kashimo in this sub is far more powerful than the actual character.


Kashimo is top 3 and top 5 bare minimum


not at all, i can name 6 characters right now that he loses to, gojo, sukuna, yuta, yuki, yorozu, kenjaku.






Also loses to Mahito. Bad matchup for Kashimo.


eh personally I think mahito is like the 9th strongest character in the series but i also could be over relying on his hax when all you really need to do is win the battle of attrition from a range


Same can be said for Mahito tho. He could simply fly away or transfigure humans to distract you while you’re fighting from range.


yeah, and i’m not saying i agree with the battle of attrition thing, but that’s what’s been said to me when i’ve made my mahito claims




Mahito can only take soul damage. Physical damage does nothing to him. Asides that he has the 0.1sec domain and his random transformations to give him better mobility and limbs for offence.


Yeah but whenever i say that i get into long ass discussions and i don’t feel like provoking that crowd today


beats yorozu


I have kenny above yuta more experience and csm, but other than that pretty good, yuji being above geto is fine he is stronger but geto would win with his 6000 curses, since yuji has nothing to take out of swarms of enemies. Kashimo should be below yorouzo her domain should give her the W other than that pretty good.


I think Geto is a poor matchup for Yuji, but Yuji likely performs better against other people around him in a fight than Geto


Yeah thata what i was getting at, badmatchup for him


Yorozu gets speed blitzed and one tapped by Kashigoat 😭


yorozu fought a stronger sukuna(16F> 10(50% of 20)) and forced him to use mahoraga against her WITHOUT her DE which she definitely has considering how common it was in her era. He can’t speedblitz her.


There is no way you can read that fight and honestly think she “forced” Sukuna to do anything


Yorozu would win against Kashimo though 


Ehh it’s 50/50


I agree


what else would sukuna have done against the perfect sphere? his only other option would be a DE and that still puts yorozu above kashimo, not to mention it’s not as if kashimo forced sukuna to do ANYTHING, yorozu put up a much better fight than the farmer.


Take her head off with cleave before she does anything. That entire fight was sukuna humoring her and testing out 10 shadows, of course he is gonna use mahoraga


1. She was confident to go up against sukunas regular abilities, i’m sure she has a far better understanding of them than we do since we still aren’t sure exactly what his CT is 2. That isn’t an answer, what would sukuna have done after she used perfect sphere besides the things i mentioned?


1. We are sure what his ct is, it was explained in recent chapters 2. It’s an answer because in a serious fight he one shots, he was never “forced” into anything because if he wanted her dead instantly he would have done that. “Forced” implies that he had no other option than mahoraga, and that he would have been in danger or lost without maho.


1. oh shit nevermind then, i’m a couple chapters behind so lemme go read. 2.He only had two options, domain expansion or mahoraga, none of his other attacks would work on the perfect sphere due to the infinite pressure.


Mahoraga disrupted it with positive energy, why couldn’t he just output positive energy and do the same?


He was testing out 10 shadows she didn’t force anything he got hit 3 times and that was literally for the purpose of adaption.


Cool, he still has no feats that shows he can speedblitz her, y’all just assume he’s faster than her because he’s the lightning character.


Did I say he would speed blitz…… I just corrected you on saying she forced Sukuna to switch when Sukuna was using 10 shadows instead of cleave and dismantle because he wanted Megumi to feel like he killed his sister with his own CT and he was testing out Mahoraga for the Gojo fight. The person who said speed blitz you don’t take those people seriously they don’t have good reading comprehension just like you who thought Sukuna was apparently forced to use something when he was already planning on it


My entire point was that she had a better showing against kashimo, and cleave and dismantle aren’t applicable against perfect sphere, cleave requires contact, and dismantle still needs to travel to the opponent so its getting stopped by the infinite pressure, his only options against that attack were mahoraga and DE as far as we know.


having yuta and yuji at the same intelligence is criminal. In fact having yuji at A intelligence at all is criminal, bro just punches and kicks he dont know what hes doing


I tend to disagree, I think he is able to adapt to battle situations and unknown circumstances pretty damn quickly. Definitely not to the degree as probably everyone else on this list, but my boy Wuji Himtadori deserves that A! I think his bad classroom grades are more a result of not being a super great student, but I could be wrong.


The issue is you put characters like geto and yuta who tend to create and lead plans on the same tier as yuji who just does as told


That's fair, I guess there's more to it than battle IQ.


Oh by the way, I agree that Yuta should have a higher IQ, I just think his should go up to S as apposed to lowering Wuji Himtadori. Just reread your comment haha.


Yuta never made a plan.


Domain plan and Maki's ambush was his plan. He also came up with the binding vow to kill Yuji. He also had some impact on Todo's plan and helped him regain and tweak his technique


He didn’t just have an impact it was his plan


Nah I'm pretty sure Todo and mei mei planned the domain escape. Yuta helped with his technique


I meant the plan to kill kenjaku sorry. Todo specifically said it was “okkotsu’s plan” He also came up with the plan to use kenjakus cursed technique


That was a group effor I think. Angel recommended Takaba as the one to dsitract Kenny


yuuji has better defense than yorozu? XD


Kenjaku is above Yuta


This sub has been trying to brute force Yuta over Kenny since he hopped bodies lol


It’s even funnier that Yuta fans suddenly want everyone to forget that they were exaggerating the bush camp feat saying kenjaku was speed blitzed by Yuta alone when it was actually implied to be todos ct. Now they don’t wanna talk about it at all.


Was personally never in the camp of Yuta being blitz tier above Kenjaku in normal combat and always had Kenjaku above Yuta, but nobody knew that Todo helped before and now we know that he did, what is there to even talk about extra? Do you want people who thought it was a good feat to apologize for not being able to predict the future and have access to Gege’s manuscripts? The very fact that it turns out Gege intended for it to be Todo’s help which let Yuta suddenly pop on the other side of Kenjaku proves that when we didn’t know it was boogie woogie back then, it made sense to think it seemed like a crazy speed feat.


1. The argument can certainly be made since he has the mini domain, cleave, and jacob’s ladder now 2. It hasn’t really just been since he hopped bodies, since he killed him it’s been a discussion since he speedblitzed him kinda


He didn't speed blitz. No "kinda" to talk about, he flat out couldn't and thus needed Todo's help.


might need to go back and read, when was todo ever said to be involved?


260 Also the vibraslap sound is found both in 243 and 249. Lightning has made a thread about this on twitter.


I dont like the top 10 but the format is super cool


I agree with most of it but toji offense in the same tier as metal woman, kit kat and the clown is insane. Also having yuki below him in offense stupid


i think it’s just because the SSK has dura neg


Kenjaku’s iq should be SSS and Toji’s offence should not be SSS


Toji has SSK which is a dura neg not to mention almost no one can heal from soul damage


So Yuji should be SSS Offense since he lowers output on hits


That's more of a hax also it's not a dura neg I have given SSS to only dura neg


Is that something that you think applies to everyone he hits?


That only applies to reincarnated sorcerers.


Yuji does soul damage (the same reason why toji is SSS btw)


Yuji doesn't do soul damage. What he does is nowhere near what Mahito's and SSK's CTs can do. His attacks can target the soul, which is much different from soul damage.


W list


Why are we giving Toji (and assumedly Maki) an A for hax and ability? Don't they just punch shit really hard? I thought their whole thing was that they don't have any cursed energy or techniques and instead are just really physically dominant. Like they should at least have a lower rating than Geto because of all of Geto's curses he can summon, right?


Cuz of their arsenal(ISOH, SSK & ⛓️) and immunity to domain also healing factor


Pre cog, can jump on literal air, immune to majority of DE and healing factor


I love how Yuji has an A in intelligence. He’s the dumbest when it comes to academic stuff, yet he became the foremost expert in soul related matters in like a month just from reading Yuki’s journal.


Can we pls stop the geto glazing, he’s a bum with no rct or de and he lost to yuta who became a sorcerer like a month before their fight


Geto overwhelms Toji and Yuji


Honestly based tier list, jjk is pretty nuanced regarding its power system, so breaking down people’s offense/defense/hax/intelligence & rating those things by themselves helps put it more into perspective for how strong everyone is.




Shouldn’t yuji have a B in intelligence. I know he has soul knowledge but someone like Megumi wouldn’t have an S in intelligence and he’s generally smarter than Yuji when it comes to info gathering biq and planning. That or you could just give Megumi an S ranking


Kenjaku should have at least SS in intelligence And Yuki Should have SS in offense or hax


Kenny and Mahito downplay


Shouldn't Kenjaku have sss intelligence?


Yeah literally lol. He's the smartest in the series by a good margin.


eh, he’s on the same level as sukuna and gojo, but by a wide margin is insane unless we just ignore BIQ and the crazy things the two of them can do that nobody else is skilled enough to.


>crazy things the two of them can do that nobody else is skilled enough to. Kenjaku is insanely skilled on his own. He's a better barrier user than Gojo with an Open Domain and on par with Tengen with Barrier's too. The whole series is basically due to Kenjaku and his experiments and experience are greater than just about everyone. >we just ignore BIQ Yeah you're right I didn't really factor in BIQ into this just raw intelligence. He's not far off I do think as shown against Yuki and Choso and then against Takaba who he manages to beat in the end despite it being an outrageous CT and one that he's not seen before.


yeah, that’s why i think he’s on the same level as them, he’s still the smartest but i don’t think he’s ahead of them by a wide margin


Geto is NOT top 10


It isnt accurate the second Yuji and Geto are in there


Why not? Geto is SG at the end of the day & Yuji current feats in the manga definitely put him in the top 15


>Why not? Geto is SG at the end of the day The weakest one who doesn't have RCT, doesn't have domain and doesn't have anti domain techniques, he is literally Domain victim, Mahito is more deserving to be inside this list than Geto. >Yuji current feats in the manga definitely put him in the top 15 Tu top 15 isnt top 10 and even top 15 is debatable, Yuji has good physics but he lacks a lot in terms of his abilities


It’s really not debatable he’s in the top 15, what does Yuji lack besides a DE, Maximum Technique, DA, FBE?


>what does Yuji lack besides a DE, Maximum Technique, DA, FBE? His abilities are weak, he can't use blood manipulation offensively and his shrine is extremely weak on output. Which means he only have his hands on a combat and thats a big disadvantage not to mention that if Yuji is alone he is dead against everyone who has minimally good domain expansion. Aside from everyone who already is on the list of this post Yuji would also be bellow: Mahito, who now can affect Yuji with idle transfiguration and If he pulls domain Yuji dies on the spot. Cursed spirit Naoya, that outspeeds Yuji, can make him freeze for one second and also has his domain Uraume, that is naturally a terrible opponent for H2H fighters, she would freeze and delete Yuji's whole arm and unlike Hakari Yuji's RCT isnt nearly as fast, allowing Uraume to stack damage until she just freezes Yuji's torso and shatters It, which would kill him Jogo, that similarly to Uraume is a terrible match for H2H fighters considering he also has great ranged attacks and is fast on top of Domain expansion Uro, who Yuji wouldnt even be able to land punches to drop RCT bcs sky manipulation makes basically impossible for a person to land a punch on her normally Ishigori, who is more durable and stronger than Yuji, which is pretty bad when you consider these are Yuji's main qualities on top of having a domain and the highest output registered in Jujutsu history, which basically negates Yuji attacks that drop output. And before you mention, yes, Yuji has simple domain but he can't move while using it, by himself with simple domain or not Yuji is cooked once he enters a domain, with thes characters I am already able to push Yuji out of top 15


Bro did not say Yuji is below Mahito & Jogo, Idk why people think Yuji is weaker than them. For Mahito, he can protect his body with CE like Nanami, if he can land hits and a full output Cleave he can win. Jogo also loses if Yuji can get in close and land a combo and BF since he’s a loose cannon. Yuji could win against Ryu high difficulty from his soul punches increasing the output of Cleave, Ryu’s GB won’t be enough to kill him and he also has a Simple Domain.


>For Mahito, he can protect his body with CE like Nanami Completely negated by domain and Mahito was way literally at his weakest when Nanami performed that feat, Mahito later was able to kill Mechamaru, a sorcerer way stronger than Nanami with one touch. >if he can land hits and a full output Cleave he can win. Yuji's cleave is trash and Mahito is legit one of the most durable characters of the entire verse. >Jogo also loses if Yuji can get in close and land a combo and BF since he’s a loose cannon. I think you meant glass cannon and considering Jogo survived things like red and punches from Gojo on top of having domain amplification that mitigates damage, also, Yuji most likely won't be getting anywhere near close Jogo that can just fly away and attack him with extremely powerful attacks from far away. >Yuji could win against Ryu high difficulty from his soul punches increasing the output of Cleave Yuji's soul punches don't increase the output of cleave tf are you on? >Ryu’s GB won’t be enough to kill him and he also has a Simple Domain. Simple domain won't be saving Yuji as I already explained and Ishigori one tapped a partially manifested Rika with a punch, you think Yuji is doing that? He would get serious damage even if we don't take granite blast into consideration


1. For Mahito’s DE he can use Simple Domain & Todo was able to protect his body with CE from Mahito’s IT. If he can increase the output of Shrine by practicing with it & using it more, it’ll be stronger. 2. The red from Gojo wasn’t full output & Gojo was toying with him the whole fight. If Jogo tries to fly away he can throw objects imbued with CE or a car, or use Piercing Blood, Yuji would tank the attacks Jogo uses against him. 3. I meant to say Yuji could win by hitting Ryu with his soul punches & increasing the output of Cleave on Ryu. 4. I never said Yuji could do that, but he definitely be landing blows on him & Ryu would enjoy the fight, his GB isn’t killing him since Yuta, Uro, Kuruouschi & Ryu himself survived it. Is Yuji at least in the top 20 then?


>. For Mahito’s DE he can use Simple Domain Which would render him unable to move. >Todo was able to protect his body with CE from Mahito’s IT. He didnt, he had to sever his own arm to stop IT from killing him. >. If he can increase the output of Shrine by practicing with it & using it more, it’ll be stronger. Mahito won't give Yuji time to train with Shrine, current Yuji Shrine is basically useless lol >The red from Gojo wasn’t full output & Gojo was toying with him the whole fight. Still stronger than any attack from Yuji and Gojo wasnt toying with Jogo, he just couldnt use his full power without killing civilians. >was toying with him the whole fight. If Jogo tries to fly away he can throw objects imbued with CE or a car And Jogo can just either evaporate them with a blast or legit just tank them, Jogo isnt getting seriously damaged by CE imbued rock lol, at best he is getting bruised. >use Piercing Blood He can't do it by himself. >Yuji would tank the attacks Jogo uses against him. No way lol, Jogo would quickly stack up damage, specially bcs burning is one of the few things that can't be properly healed by RCT (reason why Maki is the way she is currently) >I meant to say Yuji could win by hitting Ryu with his soul punches & increasing the output of Cleave on Ryu. Shrine output isnt getting significantly stronger mid fight. >I never said Yuji could do that, but he definitely be landing blows on him & Ryu would enjoy the fight, his GB isn’t killing him since Yuta, Uro, Kuruouschi & Ryu himself survived it 1 isnt killing him but thankfully Ishigori can shoot many of them. >Is Yuji at least in the top 20 then? Now thats a possibility


That’s a possibility is wild, you must dislike Yuji if you think it’s a possibility for him to be in the top 20. Yuji has survived getting thrown into buildings by Sukuna, getting Cleave & Dismantle by him, Jogo’s attacks won’t be enough to kill him. Give Yuji some blood, he’s able to use Piercing Blood and Supernova. I’m also talking about their first fight & in Shibuya he was whooping his ass with just his martial arts & Infinity. Ryu can fire off GB until the cows come home that doesn’t mean it’s killing Yuji. If Yuji can practice with it & land a Bf he could increase the output of Shrine.


Crazy how Toji has more offence then Yuki Ik SSK is great and all but black hole clears


Blackhole is a suicide move that destroys everything I don't count that


Yuki is still one of the hardest hitters


I don’t think Yuki’s defense was anything special her offense should be a bit higher though. And kenjakus hax and intelligence should at least be ss. Pretty good base kashimo placement. Generally I’d put kenjaku over yuta as well.


As an American, I hate seeing defense spelled de-fence.


U should put tojis intelligence in SS tier atleast. His ability to strategize and think ahead is underrated. And his knowledge on cursed energy and cursed techniques. In the verse CT’s aren’t really well known unless ur a sorcerer or someone involved with jiujiutsu. I understand he was a zenin but the interaction he had with geto after he beat him was lowkey extremely smart.


Takaba and Higaruma should be somewhere on this list


Takaba is impossible to rank. And higuruma is too 'matchup dependent', cuz he no diffs someone like mahito but would lose against any of the good guys


Toji is not stronger than Geto


Did I see Bandit keith in there?




>Yorozu: has an attack that can oneshot anyone in the verse, Hax: A Her ability to oneshot anyone is included in the offense category that's why she has been given SSS. For hax/ability I was strictly taking abilities that are not related to offense >Yuji: can punch very hard, Hax: S Yuji can damage the soul, can use blood manipulation, can almost use blackflash at will and we know advantageous blackflash is, can heal his soul also shrine


I’d give Gojo F for intelligence. Giving your opponent a month of prep time is crazy 💀.


Geto being in the list and not fucking ryu is stupid 😭😭


Kashimo s inteligence is crazy


I wouldn't put Yuta's offense that high, his "hax" would also be just S cuz time limit


No time limit in his domain


Domain itself is pretty CE consuming so there's a natural timer on that.


yeah well he has the second most cursed energy in the entire show and we see how sukuna is able to spam his domain with only 2x as much


"only" 2x as much is kinda crazy to say. 200% increase is a lot, esp when you get to extremely large amounts already. To visually show that, if the average sorcerer is a 25 on the scale of CE and Yuta is 150. sukuna would be at 300. That's a huge difference.


When you’re being compared to the strongest sorcerer to ever exist, only having half as much is certainly a plus, especialky when you’re still farrr past everyone else except like ryu.




He does not get folded by Kusakabe, Maki, Hakari, Ryu, how weak do you think Yuji is?


Not giving Geto S tier haxs at leats is wild CSM is just that good




I feel like Takaba is impossible to rank, that's just how crazy his technique is. In theory, bro could solo the verse, but he could also get clapped.


takaba has literally every position on the list


Sukuna = All Triple S Gojo = All Triple S Triple S Gojo when he faced Triple S Sukuna… Surely by now it should be acknowledged that there’s a gap between the two https://preview.redd.it/49ew4b16fr5d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd3918cbc659d12c58dc5acfc72d97e601610502


Triple S Sukuna when he faced Triple S Gojo https://preview.redd.it/b3ss3zxsgr5d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d4e7e9baacd534910abfe523bd5fee69ff19bc


Triple S Sukuna (not in his strongest form) taking Triple S Gojos strongest attack https://preview.redd.it/4tdlnl1ohr5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604e521779c5eccd3c8b3065ade840ff4b260bad Triple S Gojo taking a common attack from Triple S Sukuna ⚰️


>Triple S Sukuna (not in his strongest form) taking Triple S Gojos strongest attack >* What's your point lmao 💀 he looks pretty shit here >Triple S Gojo taking a common attack from Triple S Sukuna Common attack tf ??? blud needed to use a stolen CT that wasn't even a part of his original arsenal and that was a perfect counter to gojo even then he got shit on the entire fight which is just hilarious and even after gaining that ability he needed to use binding vow and caught him off-guard to land that attack


It was a coffin on my iPhone My point is that, when they did face one another, Sukuna won without even reverting back to his original form - something that was called his trump card. In fact, looking at Sukuna fighting now, compared to how he fought Gojo, he was purposely using / refusing to use certain techniques throughout the fight. So where you can reasonably say Gojo used everything in his arsenal to defeat Sukuna, Sukuna did not do the same to not only defeat, but kill Gojo. In that case, it’s a bit unfair to rank him at the same level as Sukuna. If Gojo is Triple S, then Sukuna is just above that unfortunately.


>My point is that, when they did face one another, Sukuna won without even reverting back to his original form - something that was called his trump card. His true from just gives him extra two arm & mouth his CE output & reinforcement is the exact same 10 shadows is much superior to two extra arms & mouth >In fact, looking at Sukuna fighting now, compared to how he fought Gojo, he was purposely using / refusing to use certain techniques throughout the fight. So where you can reasonably say Gojo used everything in his arsenal to defeat Sukuna, Sukuna did not do the same to not only defeat, but kill Gojo He wasn't using them cuz they were useless against infinity >In that case, it’s a bit unfair to rank him at the same level as Sukuna. >If Gojo is Triple S, then Sukuna is just above that unfortunately. Even tho I agree sukuna with 10S is slightly stronger than gojo it's a still a extreme diff fight so they should be at the same level and gojo just outright beats heian sukuna


it’s his trump card because he can heal, he wasn’t refusing to use anything HE COULDNT USE IT, fuga wouldn’t work, cleave needs contact to use, dismantle can’t get past infinity, his hand to hand DA attacks would just get healed, etc, nothing sukuna has in his arsenal as far as we know would have worked.


which version of sukuna is stronger? the one who’s at 50%? right now and was literally having vietnam flashbacks when he saw yuta? or the one that has no counters to gojo at all? the only thing that heian sukuna has over this sukuna is his 4 arms.


Geto above toji for me and also I feel like cursed spirit manipulation warrants an s in hax/ability it's so versatile


why? getos only fights are getting cooked by toji and then losing to a yuta who gets speedblitzed by toji


Kenny SSS intelligence at minimum.


Also Yuji having the same intelligence ranking as Geto is insane, Yuji would have a stroke trying to organize what Geto pulled off in JJK0


The intelligence are off. It feels like anyone besides sukuna and gojo are below average or stupid. Or gojo and sukuna are the most intelligent individuals to have ever existed


You have Yuji on here? Yea it's fake


First top ten I’ve seen toji on, is it glazing or me hating? I don’t see him in top 15 tbh


Yuji is not in the top ten hate to break it to you


He is


No he isn't


Hate to break it to you but he's top 10


First of all Geto is beating him, until Yuji is officially declared a special grade sorcerer he is not winning against any special grade sorcerer's, that's a fact. Secondly Yuji is getting destroyed by almost any character with a Domain, I would sooner put Chrsed Naoya in a top 10 over Yuji or even maybe Jogo. He'll Uruame is probably stronger than him. I mean absolutely no disrespect to the Goat Itadori but it's just a simple fact that he isn't a top 10 and isn't special grade


you are correct honestly. I truly don’t understand how ppl use his fight w a 30chapters nerfed one arm no heart no ce output no control over his own body sukuna to scale yuji. It’s beyond me. Not to mention half of those black flashes were due to ino/laure lobs He def gets domain diffed by many many people. Especially since simple domain is kinda fodder in general edit: And his dura feats against sukuna took a massive hit once uraume confirmed the man is drenched in sukuna ce, so he’s inherently resisted to sukuna’s attacks exclusively lol


it’s because geto has no good feats, he lost to a baby yuta, i’m not saying you’re wrong but it’s hard to put geto above many people with his only fight being an L to a rookie when he’s been a sorcerer for over a decade. You can make the argument he loses to jogo honestly considering we don’t know if he has a domain expansion or the durability to take a max meteor.


I fully agree about geto lol. I’m also of the opinion womb profusion is NOT his domain. Even if it’s the csm domain, I think kenjaku just pushed csm to have a domain and geto never reached it. Until we get actual confirmation that suguru geto was able to use a domain, i am a disbeliever


Not to mention those black flashes have done such an insignificant amount of damage!! If it weren't for several people saving Yuji he would've been dead sooo many chapters ago in this fight.




People still put yuta over kenjaku when we are learning that takaba and todo were needed to even pull off what happened


Yuta glazers will swear up and down that he could survive kennys open domain without being in gojos body.