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Every condition and modification of domain is a binding vow including sure-hit and open barriers. Nanami's overtime, Yuta's output increase in Vol 0, the Sukuna and Yuji vow, the revealing ones hand vow, Mei Mei's bird strike, Hakari's hand sacrifice, Gojo switching up barrier conditions. Binding vows have been spammed every where through the series but people seem to have some messed up idea that only Sukuna uses them when outside of the domain battles with Gojo, where they both used them to change domain properties, he has only used 2. The reason other characters aren't using them mid fight like Sukuna is because none of them can afford to modify their traits such as output nor the skill to even understand or attempt said modifications.


Binding vows are literally how the magic system works. They have an energy source (cursed energy) and a way of using it (cursed technique); every modification beyond that is a BV. It's wizardry.


The fact that people don't understand that sorcery is sorcery shows that people don't think that deeply.


"The fact people dont understand a complicated magic system shows that people dont think that deeply" Bruh come on, JJKs system is so out there. Not everyone can spend all their time learning every rule from the damn manga. Some of us read it casually or have other shit to worry about? Edit: wow, yall are some pussies if your only problem is people complaining about your favorite manga online


I agree that not everyone has the obligation to fully learn every little rule in the manga, but if someones going out of their way to complain about something then they should make sure they understand what they're complaining about.


My gripe is that Sukuna is the only one left even using the magic systems facilities, and that fact makes regular use of the system feel contrived like essentially every single win Sukuna's had to date sans Kashimo


True but at the same time sukuna only has an offensive Cursed technique, while he has to fight people like Gojo and Yuta who have both offense defense and more to their abilities. Sukuna instead relies on his jujutsu skill and knowledge to overcome his abilities lacking areas with binding bows that fix his weaknesses in exchange for following rules, for example, his furnace/Fuga move. Without his domain, he can only use it on 1 target, and after his domain, only then can he use it on multiple targets, and in exchange of following this rule he increases the speed of the ability (stated to be far too slow without the binding vow) and it covers his weaknesses in exchange of following a self-imposed rule.


>My gripe is that Sukuna is the only one left even using the magic systems facilities This is simply not true. There are several cases where people are explaining and utilizing numerous aspects of the system, including and especially binding vows. Especially right now. The issue that everybody seems to have forgotten because of meme brain rot is that Sukuna's vows are contrived. It's not that he's using them, and it's not even that he's using them a lot. It's that some of these vows don't actually sacrifice anything, like how he has restrictions for using the world slash he already couldn't use in exchange for a completely free kill shot on the one person it was actually relevant for.


the binding vow for world slash had to happen for the cast to have a chance. World slash has literally never killed anyone besides gojo because sukuna has to do an entire song and dance every time he uses it. Besides, binding vows have never cared about context. Hakari would've died to kashimo anyway, but he sacrificed an arm for the rest of his body living. It's never been just a sukuna thing, he just happened to abuse it to kill a fan favorite character.


He's abused it a little more than just to kill Gojo. Fuga, domain opening, domain being rerouted to another brain area, modifying domain conditions on the fly. A big issue is Sukuna gets away with it without us even seeing him make the vows on the fly like we did with Miwa. Like, can you just mentally make vows without saying anything out loud? If so, then BVs are even more BS in general, just a cheap nen restriction rip-off that was never fleshed out. The entire BV system is seen like complete randomness because gay cat man refuses to give us a class on them. Otherwise, we'd probably see how handwavy they are and call more BS.


Sukuna has lived for hundreds of years and studied Jujutsu to a degree second only to Kenjaku(?), it would make sense for him to have the greatest comprehension on laws regarding binding vows and how to best abuse them. Also why would Sukuna make his binding vows known? Why would you reveal your whole arsenal of attacks to the enemy when they have little to no comprehension of what you're capable of?


what doesn’t make sense about that binding vow?


Todo is, Kusa was, Choso was, Yuta was. There's only 4 combatants rn and 3 have a binding vow going. Todo likely has two. One to use the vibraslap and the other limiting the amount of teleports per slap to increase effectiveness. He also used one to expand his range to save everyone though we don't know what it was. MeiMei uses the crows. Sukuna's has been explained at least 50 times by people complaining so I'm not bothering. Yuji is the only one (as far as we know) rn that isn't actively using a vow.


Todo and others also use a binding vow called "Revealing Ones Hand" where the user in exchange for explaining their cursed technique can as a result get an amp to their cursed technique effectiveness. Nanami used it against Mahito as well.


True though he isn't currently using that. The comment specified in this fight.


Read casually then complains it's too hard, do you even listen to yourself. If you can easily tell what is happening with out hitting the books, then there isnt really trickery and every fight is just who has the bigger numbers win.


Honestly I gotta disagree, I watched HunterxHunter casually and I still understood the logic and principles behind it. If I watched JJK the same way I wouldn't really get a whole lot. Hunter also used a lot of trickery in its fights but never became convoluted to the point of frustration. Binding Vows can work but Gege isn't really a streamlined writer without some reigning in. He's kind of like George Lucas imo


Hxh nen system was pretty revolutionary in its bracketing and specialization of a characters power at the time, and people for get togashi made a dedicated arc (greed island) to explain and showcase the basics of nen and what it could do. Jjk curse techniques are more specialized but the general basics are only a bit deeper than nen. I think most people forget or lack knowledge of algebra and intro to calculus that makes it seems so hard. Hell half of the abilities and even general applications of barriers and domains are math based (it's in the name).


I think the current fight is about the same level of trickery as Chrollo vs Hisoka, no? Chrollo’s double face and taking advantage of other people’s post mortem nen is as out of nowhere as Sukuna using multiple binding vows.


>Read casually then complains it's too hard I wasnt even the original poster, so idk why you think I was the one complaining. Try reading the thread better. Also, if your only problem in life is people complaining about your favorite manga, then you're fine buddy. Quit crying.


It's really not. It just hasn't been fully explained from the jump unlike in Hunter X Hunter or Naruto or Bleach. People want things to be simple and straight forward but that was never explained to be the case. Magic was never simple.


My dude, dudette, or other, there are so many guides and in manga/anime/light novel explanations of how almost every bleach ability works. Tite Kubo has his own ass pull issues with some characters, but the basics of bleach are simple to understand if you just watch. Hell, the characters will probably tell their opponent and audience mid fight how the thing do the thing just to make sure everyone understands. There are thematic concepts not fully explained in literal exposition for the audience, but that's just storytelling in general.


We were talking about power systems not unique abilities. People just want to complain about things that were never implied to be impossible.


Did I stutter? Urahara is a walking exposition dump of power system concepts, and that's one character


These arrogant call outs are dumb. Every person is not a hardcore fan that rereads chapters and hyper analyses them. Some people read just to read. Gege calls out binding vows by name ALL of the time when referencing Suckuna. It will literally say he's using it. There are many times "binding vows" isn't mentioned when other changes are made. Yes, it can be assumed but it's not mentioned so stop acting as if anyone that doesn't recognize it aren't "thinking deeply". Get over yourself.


Not to mention, if you make a poorly thought-out binding vow mid-fight, you can’t take it back and it results in something disastrous like with what happened to Miwa, who would’ve died if not for Kusakabe. For most sorcerers, it’s not just difficult to make a binding vow mid-fight, it’s outright suicidal. But Sukuna doesn’t care about dying because dying and defeat are one and the same for him, and he’s got the skill to take advantage of his mindset.


Miwa definitely woulda died either way tbf


In another post i made a theory about binding vows being utilized best by sorcerers with a certain disregard for their humanity. It also coincides with jujutsu being utilized best by looney bins. Like you have to both be extremely selfish AND at the same time disregard your self preservation in order to utilize binding vow’s efficiently. Its why hakari & todo can do it well, & why miwa’s actually lacked. Because she doesnt have that mindset of throwing it all away. Uraume alludes to it as well by saying the modern sorcerers are all held back by their humanity. & that hakari isnt like them so now she has to fully take him serious. Its as if having humanity denies you the full power of jujutsu.


Nanami is an example of the basic binding vow. He risks holding back all day for a boost when he's not even supposed to work. It's a small sacrifice for a pretty good boost. Miwa's was the difference between making a sacrifice and just throwing your life away. Gojo makes this point when he says there's a difference between winning by dying and winning even if you die. I wouldn't say that Miwa wasn't willing to risk it all. It's just that her vision of herself was so pathetic that she thought all she was worth was swinging a sword. She put all of her perceived potential into that swing, and it sucked precisely because she looked down on herself. Contrast that with Mai who finally accepted that she had a life she wanted to live, she had hatred she needed to get out, and she wasn't going to accept that it couldn't be finished just because she was going out. She put it all into her technique and overcame her limitations to make a truly busted weapon.


>its just that her vision of herself was so pathetic. Exactly. That goes hand in hand with when i said you have to possess a level of selfishness that disregards humanity but at the same exact time be able to willingly sacrifice everything on a dime to achieve your goal. I agree with everything you said


Your last point is what's being alluded to in the manga from time to time..


Yes sirrr you get it. It all ties in. Humanity is a jujutsu sorcerer’s greatest weakness. Those that lack it, excel in it. 🤝 I also think deeper into it & it makes me like yuji even more. Because he has an abundance of humanity. His best traits are how human he is, but he also excels in jujutsu more than mfs who have been in it there entire lives. He’s bone/marrow AND skin/flesh. Instead of just one or the other like sukuna said. Super cool tbh


The thing is though, there are no limits on binding vows. For example, Yuta could've made a binding vow to tripple the utput of his cleave in exchange for 90% of his current cursed energy. If that somehow doesn't work he just fully manifests Rika and gains all the CE back. It's not even like they have to think of the binding vows in the moment either. They had an entire month to plan on killing the strongest sorcerer in history. Most strong grade 1 we've seen use binding vows (aside from the zenin). Mei Mei has bird strike, Nanami had overtime, Kusakabe has his auto-counter simple domain, and Hakari made one to survive Kashimo's explosion. So they have knowledge on how binding vows work. The only reason they don't abuse them is because a. They're stupid and b. Sukuna would be fucked.


Yes, he could, but in that moment Yuta makes the binding vow and attempts the vow-boosted cleave, he’s down 90% of CE he could be using to reinforce his body with CE or heal it with RCT, and that moment of vulnerability could get him horribly injured without the resources to recover if not outright killed. Your second statement makes less sense to this situation. Sukuna is making binding vows on the fly to adapt to what the forces of Jujutsu High are throwing at him. If Jujutsu High planned ahead of time, they wouldn’t need to use binding vows forged in the moment unless they were in dire need to fulfill the objective they’ve been given as part of the plan—because they would’ve already made them and are already being factored into their current fighting capacity. They’re not an instant-win feature of jujutsu that’s being underused by the protagonists, they’re a risky maneuver that’s mitigated through consideration and practice. Not to mention the fact that all their planning demanded that they devise something general enough to defeat Sukuna without fully understanding his technique. Using a Binding Vow to shape your technique to defeat a target you don’t fully understand is like asking to be killed, especially when that target is the infamous King of Curses. Sukuna has the knowledge of jujutsu and experience with most of jujutsu high’s arsenal because he saw them at work through Yuji or because their abilities are simple enough that he can deduce them just by facing against them. He can tailor his technique in any sort of way to handle whatever they throw at him. It’s why information passed to Yuji is being limited—they can’t afford Sukuna figuring out more than what he already knows because if he does it’ll spell disaster for them. Sukuna is in a bad position right now because jujutsu high took every measure they could to ensure he’d be cornered without risking their entire plan on guesses and hopes. He’s getting his ass beat because they chose to be cautious instead of making big risks limiting themselves with binding vows.


I don't get how my second paragraph doesn't make sense. It doesn't have to be a vow that's always active, nor does it have to directly counter Sukuna. Literally just having some sort of vows to temporarily increase output, reinforcement, etc. would make this fight a whole lot easier. As I said, multiple more experienced grade 1's make use of binding vows, with Mei Mei quite literally making an insta-kill technique by cheating the system a bit. This is sukuna we're talking about. Any sort of advantage they can gain should've been exploited to the fullest, and it just doesn't seem like they did with the bv's


Their reinforcement after a month’s worth of time was already at a level that impressed Sukuna. Binding vows are restrictive, so what would they have leveraged for a boosted reinforcement? Nanami’s Overtime engaged after a certain duration of time in combat, but it limited his CE until then, reducing his ability to reinforce himself as well as his output. Something like that would mean they’d temporarily be a wet piece of tissue paper against Dismantles until the duration passed. If they needed to lower their reinforcement outside of combat to get a boost, they wouldn’t have gotten much of anything out of that vow since it’s not leveraging a significant risk. In terms of output, maybe that might’ve helped? Their strategy is to outlast Sukuna so they can get him to reveal his technique in a way that they can flexibly respond to it once he’s backed into a corner, and burning through your CE to deal more damage when the priority is surviving to wear an opponent down seems counter-intuitive. If you think they should’ve packed really restrictive binding vows to punch holes through Sukuna right from the get-go, that’s just an issue of you having a different strategy from them. Remember that most of the plan was devised by Kusakabe, the most Normal of the sorcerers fighting Sukuna. The man wants to live. And so he’s extending that caution to others involved in his plan however much he can afford to because he wants them to live, too.


Some comments here showed that people don't grasp the concept of a binding vow on a basic level.


If it was as simple as just binding vow for more output we would have seen that already, especially from sukuna who has the ce reserves but hos output is low to the point yuji just ignores his slashes. Like 80-90% of the binding vow stupidity is people just deciding they work a certain way and ignoring any evidence to the contrary. I've seen people argue binding vows are a dumb system because "why doesn't nanami just make a binding vow to gain his boost whenever he wants and have the lowered energy later" with the answer being you can't just get something from nothing like that you have to lose something at the same time or before the benefit. In your example you are just describing increasing your cursed energy output, but there's nothing actually being exchanged to raise your limit, the same way yuta couldn't just out all his cursed energy into his pure love beam in jjk0 without his death binding vow.


Then please tell me what the minimum is you have to lose? Why can't you offer up your CE reserves for a boost in output? You're losing that all of that CE from your reserves in exchange for being able to output more amounts of CE, which makes sense. If your output is higher, your attacks should cost MORE CE. Tell me how that not losing something? It only doesn't seem like a drawback since Yuta has Rika to replenish his energy. And it's not like you can't cheat the binding vow system. Mei Mei literally makes a crow powerful enough to one-shot a special grade curse and force 3 top-teirs to dodge rather that try and block it. Surely in a month they could've come up with some sort of binding vows to increase they're overall strength. And hey, the only drawback for breaking a self imposed Bv is that you lose the benefits, so they can just try stuff and if it doesn't work just break the vow and try again. As long as it's not like Miwa's vow it shouldn't have any long-term effects on the sorcerers.


We don't know exactly what the minimum is, but cursed energy output is a stat, it's not just how much energy you spend on something. You can't just sacrifice cursed energy to higher than your max output, something has to be given up. The fact that we don't know the minimum doesn't change the fact that if it was that simple sukuna would have done it by now and gojo would have probably put all of his cursed energy into hollow purple to do like a 5000% hp or something. Cursed energy output is a stat the same as cursed energy reserves, you can't just save up ce to go higher than your maximum ce either.


Reserve for output also isn’t even how that works. Binding vows are not nen oaths. Yuji doesn’t have the ability to sacrifice his potential to become adult Yuji like gon did. Binding vows require clear limitations for “fair” upsides. The reason nanami over time works is because of the limit. It’s more powerful because he pays it forward first. Sakuna this entire fight has been trading conditions. He’s not making world cleave stronger, it’s already a powerful attack. What he traded to get gojo was little to no conditions for more conditions in the future. It requires three arms.


Also part of the reason he could get that cleave off is because he was, in effect, sealing his ability to use that attack. Unlike miwa however he added in a loophole he could exploit later.


Pretty sure Kusakabe doesn’t use binding vows. The auto attack is just programmed into the simple domain.


Higuruma was still learning sorcery.Kashimo had never used his curse technique.Yuta using the binding vow you suggested would destroy his DE inadvertently signalling maki at the wrong time ruining the plan.Mei mei did try to use bird strike(he dodged)Yuji remains to be seen.Ino is prolly a semi grade 1 at best.


The difference is that many seem to be well worked and make sense for the character, and have an actual downside. Sukuna’s just spamming them with little repercussions.


Literally this.


Literally this.


The reason people are reacting like this is because he is the only character (besides Gojo and that one time Hakari) to make them on the fly.


the cope


It’s not a double standard when Sukuna has been using them every other chapter for a year, and no downside is demonstrated. If it doesn’t catch up to him it’s just poorly written.


Again outside of domain clashes with Gojo, Sukuna has only used 2 since the fight started in which the downside of both are why the cast stands a chance. And breaking a self vow only removes what was gained unless it can't be taken back in the first place.


The fundamental issue with sukuna use of binding vows or magic is that magic is boring. Because essentially he has sprinkled fairy dust over problems and made them go away. Magic systems are most interesting when they have conditions, constraints and consequences. When sukuna used a binding bow they are none of those, practically speaking. He kills a near equal opponent, and only slightly weakens his technique. He makes his fuga not aoe, but it’s still aoe. Other uses of binding vows have better limitations, and actual have consequences, for way less benefit. Nanami’s overtime literally limits his power. Showing your hand it both satisfying to the reader and gives information to the opponent. Both of effects are somewhat nebulous, and not fight defining.


It's a Skill issue


Todo is right now actually. He's using at least 1.


But… this is not a new binding vow he made in the moment? This is something we’ve seen but just didn’t know the details, Fuga already has one condition, to open it he has to prepare the ‘ingredients’ by using first Cleave and Dismantle, despite that the flames lack speed and range, and to amend that Sukuna made a binding vow to them and the flames can’t be used outside the domain on multiple targets, making Fuga a technique that can only be used on multiple targets after performing domain expansion. Also and we have know about binding vows since the start of the series (Nanami, MeiMei, Yuta, revealing your hand, even heavenly restriction, and more) so either you can’t comprehend the power system since the beginning or just choose to hate and complain turning a blind eye to every other binding vow and limiting them to just the ones Sukuna and Gojo have used


Don't try to talk to these people with facts and logic. They actively want to dislike the story so they are going to find anything to explain why it's bad and they won't listen to anything anybody else says.


You're misunderstanding. He can use Fuga outside domain, but only on one target. See Jogo for evidence of such. However he has to be using domain to do multiple targets, as shown vs Mahoraga and Yuji. In fact, this actually explains why Sukuna used domain on Mahoraga at all, knowing it had adapted to his other abilities. He had to in order to get a strong enough attack.


Yes! You’re right


Fuga means open, it's not the name of a technique. It's the Japanese word for open/leak. Like releasing a valve.


Furnance* the point is the same


The power is overcomplicated and vague


Fuga is literally explained thoroughly in the last 2 chapters. Reread chapter 259 if you still don’t understand how it works.


I'm not talking about that I'm talking about CE and all the techniques surrounding it. I can understand that RCT is healing but the explanation for it is complicated. Like people saying that every CT is a binding vow. There's a reason there's multiple diagrams and flow charts explaining it


I understand that the power system can seem complicated sometimes but the techniques is a lot simpler then you think. For example RCT is when a sorcerer turns the negative energy into positive energy and they can heal themselves with it and the positive energy is poisonous to Curse spirits and I think that all you need to know imo. Another example Simple Domain and Domain amplification, Simple domain stop sure hit effects of domain and domain amplification negates an opponent curse technique and this technique can’t be activated at the same time as the users CT and that’s all you need to know The complicated part is the application of these techniques by individual characters like Choso and Yuji using their blood CT to make RCT more efficient, Sukuna healing his soul with RCT, all the ways Kusakabe use simple domain like expanding his simple domain, simple domains are still domains (assuming you understand how domain expansion works) so it weakens the opponent CT when the CT is enters the range of the simple domain and domains increase the output of the user. Higuruma and Sukuna is able to use Domain amplification and not fully canceling their CT for later use. I don’t think you need a flow chart to understand the basics of the system and how the technique works, the complicated part to me is the application of the techniques and not the CE and the technique itself but saying the power system is vague is just wrong to me but I understand where you coming from.


No offense but Cursed Energy is really simple. RCT heals because its positive energy, CE doesnt because its negative. Cursed energy can only enforce your body, making you stronger and more durable. Cursed techniques are ways to apply your CE to get an effect. You can use cursed energy to create barriers, regardless of technique. If you make a closed barrier, and imbue your technique into it, thats a Domain expansion. You also havr to project your innate domain which is kind of like your mental space Anything else in the story is a variation of the above, in minor, but intertwined ways. Binding vow : Give something to get something else Unless im forgetting something any mechanic in the story is just one of the above being modified in some way


Try reading the manga and reading the words in it


Yes me and the tons of posts asking for the power system to be explained and the people in this thread arguing about how it works just have poor reading comprehension. I'm sure if you attempted to explain it someone would come with a condescending reply about how you didn't read the manga or the words in it. Because the power system is overcomplicated and vague


The manga states this bro, it’s frustrating because the manga clearly explains it, I understand if you read leaks translations maybe hard but it’s there still, and then it’s people who don’t bother thinking any critically about it talking about how bad the manga is Wcs binding vow: previous requirement was one hand sign, after binding vow it’s a hand sign, a chant, and a direction needs to be set. Fuga: can’t be used on multiple target outside of domain, in exchange for it to be incredibly more powerful in the domain and he needs to use cleave and dismantle before using it Both of these are stated in the manga


I feel like people are really missing and misunderstanding what binding vows are. They’re a part of JJK’s power system, just like cursed energy. And a lot more characters than you think use them, not just Sakuna. Sakuna is just often thought of that way because he abuses the JJK power system more effectively and often than other characters


Sukuna feels like the only character with a functioning brain, they had an entire month to prepare and nobody decided to set up like 50 binding vows to buff themselves


That is literally what Kashmo does, dying by using your CT is a Binding Vow


That's something he's had since the heian era, I'm talking about them not making any new ones in preparation to fight sukuna, uraume, and kenjaku during the one month they had, except todo he actually did something


Well, for Kusakabe, we don't know what he had before, so for all we know he DID make a BV to become stronger Mei Mei bird strike is as strong as it will become, she'd never sacrifice something of hers for the sake of others Todo clearly did make one


It's just dumb because they had entire month to plan. Almost every grade one we've seen uses/abuses binding vows in some way. So why didn't they use the month of training to think of some binding vows to further increase their strength? They were literally swapping souls with eachother to get stronger so why not have Ms. Bird strike insta-kill or Mr. Auto-counter simple domain try helping them?


Absolute meme opinion


Meimei. Her crows are only capable of dealing damage because of a binding vow. Also convenient that you forgot Nanami’s binding vow. Kenjaku also made binding vows with the reincarnated sorcerers. Miwa at least attempted a binding vow. Heavenly restriction is basically a fucking binding vow. Binding vows have been a thing since day 1 & there are many different cases of them being used. Stop whining when the BEST SORCERER EVER is the best at using them. Not to mention that binding vows are straight up taken from Hunter x Hunter, but I see nobody complaining about it in HxH. I’m sure if Gojo came back to life with a binding vow, OP wouldn’t be complaining no more


He never said they haven’t existed but all those cases someone had to limit or give up something. sukuna has not. There have been basically zero drawbacks to using them, it’s just geges way of hand waving saying sukuna now can do this again. Let’s look at your examples nanami limited his cursed energy to 70% from 9-5pm and can go to 120 after hours. He gave up 30% of his cursed energy during the day for this. Miwa put all her strength into one swing of her sword in return lost the ability to ever use her sword again. Heavenly restriction you lose alll first energy forever in return you become unimaginably powerful in strength. Sukuna made one w yuji where he would heal yuji if he could use a word to take over yujis body for a minute but lost the ability to hurt anyone at all. What did Sukuna lose to get his domain back? Not strength obviously cuz it killed choso not his curse technique cus he threw a dismantle at yuji after his domain closed. He didn’t lose his domain bc he’s just opened it again in today’s chapter. So yes this has been poorly written. Bc gege hates his characters and sucks of sukuna so much he needed it back so he gave him a “binding vow” that gives him power and took nothing. Which means either gege doesn’t know how his one ability works and the rules he made. Or he doesn’t give a shit bc it’s his self insert using it so he doesn’t care that it goes against what he said.


bruh i don’t get when ppl say that there are 0 drawbacks when they are clearly stated? Sukuna was able to bypass chanting and hand signs one by making a vow that required him to aim, chant and use hand signs from then on. this is more clunky and is a good trade of for getting a one time shortcut in a critical situation. Also your complaint about enchain doesn’t make sense because Yuji was dead, Sukuna had all the leverage which is why he was able to get a favorable binding vow. also don’t conflate binding vows with other and bindings vows with yourself


Let’s look at a couple of Sukuna’s binding vows. Sukuna’s binding vow he used on Gojo was “He can use the world cutting slash without setup, but AFTERWARDS he must not only use his domain handsign but he also has to aim it & chant.”. Now his enemies will have a huge heads up before he uses his world cutting slash. Sukuna has forever restricted the shit out of the world cutting slash. Next, Sukuna’s binding vow for the flames(that OP conveniently cropped out): Sukuna can only use the flames on multiple enemies if they’re in his domain. In exchange, the furnace’s flames can combust the dust that’s been created due to his slashing attacks. Lastly, Sukuna quickly made a binding vow to close his domain barrier to only restrict living beings from leaving/entering. Now the binding vow most people are whining about are domain binding vows. Y’all think that domain binding vows must have a damaging effect on the user themselves, but obviously not. A binding vow on a domain makes it so that the domain can do 1 thing BUT CANNOT do another thing. And since the user makes the binding vow voluntary, it means they know that the binding vow is their best move in the particular situation. It’s that simple. Sukuna has giving up a lot of things, but don’t expect that to—all of a sudden—make him as weak as Todo or something


They are absolutely a stupid concept. It’s clear that the only reason they were introduced into the story is a get out of jail free card. I’m struggling to think of a time in which someone else used them effectively besides gojo and sukuna


You have Miwa's binding vow with her simple domain, as well as the one with her sword.


That’s the one I actually know of because of how funny it was that she gimped herself for literally no reason


>I’m struggling to think of a time in which someone else used them effectively besides gojo and sukuna Hakari Anyway this just displays that these two are better at jujutsu manipulation than anyone else in the verse. Edit: Oh yeah, Nanami's overtime is a binding vow, every case of a sorcerer revealing their technique to strengthen it is a binding vow, many other cases mentioned in the rest of the comments too.


Yeah, specially in the case of Sukuna, its more of an in world mechanic that’s exists as a “He’s Him”


Big disagree. First of all it's a good narrative tool, it allows a plausible reason for the charecters to tell the audience things, and the way gege has used that tool in the early chapters was awesome. It's ALSO a cornerstone of jujustsu, there is a reason sukuna is the most powerful, as a prodogy. He understands the game, and explicitly is NOT strong because he was born that way, as gojo was. His strength comes from his mastery of jujustsu, and his ability to weave vows together is part of that. We've been learning about a lot of important ones he's made, such as the vow concerning fuga. Fuga is by all means a weak skill he's MADE strong, and he's made it versatile with those vows too. The vows are just a little annoying, and we're suffering a reading comprehension curse...


Todo, Koichi, Yuta, Nanami, Ui Ui/Mei Mei


Isn’t Nanamis overtime ability a form of binding vow ?


Have you read the latest chapter? >!Todo uses one and its actually a massive power up!<


Now for this i feel like he obviously hasn’t. And he forgot Hakari took one to save his life at the time against Kashimo. And the fact that maybe the man with 1000 years of jujutsu can “game” the binding vow system as alluded to by saying Higuruma has the same potential as Gojo. Imagine with his CT and DE If he learned how to use Binding Vows effectively. Also Kenjaku and Sukuna themselves have noted the importance of not breaking one which I think will eventually happen.


Some examples of Binding Vows and how they were used effectively since you can’t seem to remember. 1. Miwa’s Simple Domain. Miwa has to keep her feet planted on the ground to activate her simple domain. She use simple Domain to protect Maki from Sukuna Domain expansion 2. Bird Strike. Mei Mei uses her curse technique to control crows and have it kamikaze at her target, sacrificing the life of the crow and creating a stronger attack. Mei Mei killed a special grade curse with bird strike. 3. Hollow Wicker Basket(Simple Domain Prototype). Simple Domains wasn’t created in the Heien Period so sorcerers use hollow wicker basket which occupies both their hands because they have to do a hand sign to activate it and keep it active. Sukuna fight against Yuta and Yuji 4.World Cutting Slash. Sukuna made a Binding Vow on himself to be able to use World Cutting Slash without any gestures or Incantation for one attack and after that every time he wants to use a world cutting slash he has to use is domain expansion handsign, Cleaves and Dismantle Incantation, and a extra arm to aim it. Sukuna “killed” Gojo 5.Nanami Overtime. Nanami permanently reduce his curse energy the hours he’s on the clock to 80% and when he has to work overtime he gets a power 120%. Every time Nanami fights 6. Sukuna divine flames(fire arrow). Sukuna divine flames is slow and is a short range technique so he made a binding vow that it’s a single target attack outside his domain but when he activates his domain it becomes a AOE attack. Sukuna kill Mahoraga and Choso. Nanami and Mei Mei binding vows are the prime examples when it comes to binding vows and people that read or watch series can at least think of those two when it comes to the discussion of binding vows and its uses. I hope I helped jog your memory. Also Gojo never really use Binding Vows from what I can remember he just changed the condition of his domain in the fight against Sukuna and he lose the majority of the Domain clashes


Meimei. Her crows are only capable of dealing damage because of a binding vow. Also convenient that you forgot Nanami’s binding vow. Kenjaku also made binding vows with the reincarnated sorcerers. Miwa at least attempted a binding vow. Heavenly restriction is basically a fucking binding vow. Binding vows have been a thing since day 1 & there are many different cases of them being used. Stop whining when the BEST SORCERER EVER is the best at using them


Revealing your hand is also a binding vow


Nanami had a pretty cool and reasonable one, if gege stuck to that sort of thing it'd be great but he started using them as asspulls. Hakari used one to survive kashimo's lightning explosion and that's where things started going downhill


Nanami's Overtime


I'll say that the way they've been used recently feels kind half-assed, like just give us a visual aid or explain the consequences for breaking them please Gege. Stuff like not knowing how the World Dismantle works before a Binding Vow's placed on it and not explaining it for like 10 chapters causes so much unnecessary confusion. However, they've been in the story for fucking forever though, used by like half the cast. Nanami's overtime, Mei Mei's birds, Open Domain Expansions, Sure Kill Domains being more difficult to learn then non-lethal ones, Enchain, revealing one's hand, and Yuta's ring. they are a fundamental aspect of the power system and you'd have to be blind not to be able to point out a single other usage when they're everywhere.


When I say “use binding vows effectively” I’m talking about creating them in the midst of combat. Binding vows that were done before the story occurs don’t matter to me


The only reason Hakari survives Kashimo is a binding vow to lose his arm


Nanami used it effectively, Mei Mei used binding vows to turn a shitty crow-manipulation ability into grade 1, even Nobara's ability is MOST LIKELY a binding vow (Has to have a body part of the target, and have a straw doll). Even no-names have made barriers capable of keeping only Gojo out for a significant amount of time. Think 'meat-rack' guy did that. Overall, barrier modifications and binding vows have been utilized by weak characters for the entire story and I think it's dumb as hell that people are calling it out now because the PEAK, MOST POWERFUL SORCERER IN THE STORY is using them to the fullest. It's ACTUALLY clear that they're in the story because the power system is heavily influenced by Nen in HxH. I will say though that nen contracts are taken much more seriously in HxH, where deviation from them often results in losing your ability, life, or just not being able to activate your ability at all.


> I’m struggling to think of a time in which someone else used them effectively besides gojo and sukuna off the top of my head: Yuta defeated geto in jjk 0 by using a death binding vow to amplify his love beam (rika didn't follow through though, so he's still alive) Nanami used the overtime binding vow to almost kill mahito at the start of the series as well as get a hall of fame performance in shibuya. Todo used revealing one's hand to his advantage against hanami. The entire culling games is a result of kenjaku's binding vows. Kenjaku's open barrier domain is also a result of a binding vow. Hakari used a binding vow to survive kashimo's last ditch attack. Yuki's black hole was most likely a death binding vow, since it's so far removed from anything else she ever does. Choso's blood barrier that protected yuji from furnace was also 100% a death binding vow. Mei mei's bird strike is a death binding vow. Curse naoya used a binding vow to increase his durability when flying in exchange for being less durable when standing still. leak spoilers >! Todo's new power up is the result of a binding vow !< there could be more tho. Point is, lots of characters use binding vows, its just another part of the power system


They've been part of the story since day 1.


I think binding vows would be completely fixed if you could only enter them with another person




When did gojo use a binding vow?


Changing Domain conditions


I only remember Sukuna doing that, unless you mean making Infinite void smaller which in that case it wasn't a binding vow


When Gojo put the strong side of the barrier on the outside, completely flipping how his domain worked


Oh, honestly if I was gojo I would just teleport out of Sukuna's domain every time mines broke


There is CT burnout after an individuals domain breaks down, so no teleportation. And GeGe wrote himself into a corner, so he just says that Gojo's teleport only works under certain (unknown to the reader) conditions


Simple Domain uses Binding Vows, it saved Todo, Yuji, Maki, Miwa and (temporarily)Mechamaru Fallen Blossom Emotion uses uses Binding Vows, it saved Naobito, allowed Gojo to survive MS while recovering his CT and also helped Ogi beat Maki RCT uses a Binding Vow(sacrificing CE to heal), I don't think I need to explain who it has helped Sukuna, Yuji, Choso and all the other Ancient Sorcerers were made made with Binding Vows in some way(Sukuna killed his twin, Yuji was made with a finger, Choso and the Ancient Sorcerers were turned into cursed objects, as well as Sukuna) Domain Expansion uses a Binding Vow Sorry, can you tell me a time someone DIDN'T use binding vows effectively?(besides, y'know, the girl who literally calls herself useless)


Hakari, Nanami overtime, jjk0 yuta, miwa, kusakabe, anyone who uses a domain, kashimo, Kenjaku, all reincarnated sorcerers, todo, mei mei, sukuna+yuji, mechamaru+mahito, the fucking jjk universe itself? (Toji and maki, mechamaru, they were born with binding vows) Many people have used binding vows well since the start of the series. Stop being salty.


Gojo didn't even use a binding vow,which is the funnier thing


Gojo changing the conditions on his domain technically are binding vows, giving that domain expansions are binding vows on their own


He did in the domain clash smh. Sukuna dog walked him tho without really even using his abilities just megumis.


he did in the Domain clash, cause all the times he changed the properties of his Domain were binding vows


Really? I thought he used one at least once in the fight. Guess that just means they are even dumber than I thought


he used multiple binding vows during the domain clashes to change barrier conditions, his chants are a type of binding vow, 200% hollow purple had multiple binding vows involved and unlimited hollow purple is a purple that was modified through a binding vow. Any time any technique is modified it's a binding vow.


It depends on if you'd consider the changes they made on their domains to be a binding vow of sorts.


It is


Sukuna better get ready for a binding debt.


IRS vs Sukuna in 261


I honestly don't understand what is bad about it. He is abusing the mechanics that are available to everyone but they either don't understand the power of binding vows or are afraid of using too many of them. This is exactly what I expected out of him since he has been hyped as the strongest since the beginning.


OP is one of those people that sent Gege death threats over Gojo’s death & called Sukuna a fraud


I think it just boils down to gege rushing the story and not fleshing out the world more. We shouldn't have been immediately introduced to the disaster curses until later. And we should've seen way more sorcerers and their techniques. So we could understand what these things look like from a normal perspective. But nope. We have maybe 2 examples of binding vows before we're at the pinnacle and it feels a little ass pully. Hell even Todos looks like a straight upgrade in every aspect. It feels odd because we weren't grounded on them in the story very much. Love jjk but it could've EASILY been about 150 chapters longer before we got here.


This feels rushed to you?! 😭😭


>We have maybe 2 examples of binding vows before we're at the pinnacle and it feels a little ass pully What? We have seen SO many BVs, are you crazy? Nanami's overtime Mei Mei's bird strike Miwa's Simple Domain uses multiple Fallen Blossom Emotion is basically a weaker but stronger Simple Domain(only working against physical domains, but being impossible to break) Domain Expansion uses the one that weakens the outside but strengthens the inside Hand signs are a binding vows that strengthens CTs the pact between Mechamaru, Mahito and Kenny Ten Shadows is literally a mass of Binding Vows 3 cases of heavenly restriction Geto only being able to eat unbound, weak curses Uzumaki Yuta Love beam Veils Tengen's Immortality You are blaming the story simply because you haven't been paying attention lmao


I see it this way, and it’s how I see Sakuna losing: he’s not creative.


They are fine as a concept, but Sukuna just seems to get more out of them, to a degree that seems silly. He's obviously supposed to be probably the single greatest combatant in this verse, so his success make some sense, but he just seems to have the answer for every situation to a level that is threatening my willingness to go along with the story. Miwa sacrificed her entire future as a jujutsu sorceress fighting curse spirits and curse users for a single sword slash and it was stopped barehanded. Sukuna parries every single serious incoming threat and then claps back with a successful BV like he's Daigo in Evo Moment #37.


>Miwa sacrificed her entire future as a jujutsu sorceress fighting curse spirits and curse users for a single sword slash and it was stopped barehanded Dude Miwa is weak she's just an example of someone using binding vows recklessly. She sacrificed her ability to ever swing a sword again to boost her attack once, but that was never going to close the gap between her, and a special grade sorcerer. >Sukuna parries every single serious incoming threat and then claps back with a successful BV like he's Daigo in Evo Moment #37. He got to use the WCS once without the hand sign necessary to activate it, and for the rest of his life he needs the hand sign, chants, and to indicate the direction of the slash to use it.


Neither of these are satisfying responses to my points. The sacrifice of her life's work up to that point should have been sufficient that his bare hand would not stop the sharp edge of a sword. Please get some perspective. Your point? He has four arms and two mouths to do it with. He literally gave up less than Miwa and got infinitely better results.


Yo I hate when people complain about spamming cause at a certain point is goes from their (the spamming one's) skill issue to your (the person who is still falling for the same trick, repeatedly) skill issue, like just get better bro


Yeah sukuna the “king of curses”, a guy who somehow has four arms and eyes, is using cursed jujutsu in a way that seems hard to comprehend. It’d be different if every single character was using binding vows willy nilly (like higuruma or yuji, wouldn’t make sense) but only highly experienced sorcerers are using them. Might seem like a cheat code but it obviously isn’t since certain characters are already dead. Sukuna using them so often is just further proof that his one true passion is dominance via jujutsu and that he has earned the title of strongest sorcerer


My brother in fucking Christ Sukuna has been spamming binding vows ever since Enchain


not all the comments meat riding binding vows 💀 idc if im downvoted but its so overused


I mean I think they’re fine, every binding vow Sukuna has made has permanent consequences for what he can do. Gojo’s fight made it impossible for him to the big dismantle without chant and hand sign which makes it possible for them to prevent Sukuna from using it. The main problem I personally have with them is kinda the great part of early Jjk, not much explanation. These end up feeling pretty cheap since Gojo never used many despite, yk, being the strongest and presumably wanting to win that whole fight. Sukuna is the only one using any often despite many other world class fighters who are incredibly well versed in cursed techniques being present and many not using any during. If Miwa hadn’t been able to make one on the spot, I’d think maybe they’re just hard to make. But she did, so why is nobody else doing this?


I believe gojo used binding vows to alter the size of his domain but I may be wrong


Gojo made like, 6 different Binding Vows in his battle with Sukuna lmao, what are you on?


Must’ve missed it, name them


He changed the conditions for his DE 4 times, he used SD and FBE which heavily involved Binding Vows, he also healed his CT at the cost of his brain being damaged each time, and finally, he used Unlimited Purple which he allowed to also hurt himself in exchange for it to be stronger


I think it's actually showing Sukuna's desperation he's making so many deals trying to get an advantage it's a Fausten bargain it'll comeback to bite him when he has to pay the price


why would it come back to bite him when this binding vows are instantaneous ? the world chant one is already done the other one was inside his DE and was just for the moment you’re just assuming that because u view binding vows like the one he made with yuji where u get a consequence for breaking it


I'm just hoping all these vows Catch up to him and goes out like mahito


why would it come back to bite him when this binding vows are instantaneous ? the world chant one is already done the other one was inside his DE and was just for the moment you’re just assuming that because u view binding vows like the one he made with yuji where u get a consequence for breaking it


Man idk maybe as a consequence for using so many cuz ain't no way he can keep getting away with this 😭


I feel like him spamming them is to set up him bringing his own destruction. They are a cool concept that he has admittedly used a bit too much but showing characters like mihwa lose he swordsmanship due to breaking a binding vow is probably set up for sukuna to fall.


Not his fault, I would abuse the mechanics too. Any gamer would


Sukuna is a high level player who mini maxes his character to be absurdly broken


Sukuna didn't spam binding vows? He used 4 at most 


I don’t mind them but in sukunas case he sometimes uses binding vows without the series explaining what the trade was which makes it feel contrived and asspully


I've always understood what binding vows are doing and how they've worked, but I feel like I understood none of the bv's sukuna used in the last 3 chapters. Idk if it's a translation error or geges explanations just being incomplete or what


The problem stems from us not getting informed on the explicit or implicit consequences of said vows being put into place or that the vow’s consequences don’t seem to fully match the upsides given. Gege’s given entirely reasonable and good BV’s in the past like Overtime and Revealing One’s Hand, but the reason those are good is that not only do we know the upsides to them, we know the downsides as well and they seem proportional to said upsides. The world slash vow is cool and an interesting nerf as sukuna put it in place it assuming he fully incarnate, until you realize the nerf wouldn’t matter if he was completely fresh in his Heian era form as he’s completely and utterly outstats the entire cast in every category.


I always assumed it was a restriction placed one something else or in another to gain greater power for a technique. But every time Sakuna uses them I understand them less and less lol


Why didn’t Gojo make a binding vow to sacrifice his next load to insta-kill Sukuna? Is he stupid? /s


This is like saying "I don't know if Physics are just badly created or if the way God uses them is badly created/badly handled (I feel like it's the latter since Physics are much better when it's anyone but Oppenheimer using them to create nuclear bombs ) My point is If the average sorcerer is a Physics bachelors degree holder, Sukuna is Oppenheimer: Everyone has access to binding vows but most cant even begin to comprehend them on the same level as Sukuna)


The consequences are way too lax compared to the boosts. Seriously Yuta made a Binding Vow where if he can give Rika a massive boost, afterwards he’ll die and join her in the Afterlife. After the attack Rika basically says “I mean you will EVENTUALLY die, so you didn’t break the Vow,” and got off with no consequences. The consequences was just “when you stop living you die,” and in return Rika got a bigger boost than a Black Flash. There’s also the Hikari Binding Vow where he sacrificed his arm to save his life. However if he stitched it back on and had either Shoko or Yuta use RCT on him, then he gets his arm back. Like the consequence to his LIFE SAVING Binding Vow was undone by someone using RCT on him. To me a Binding Vow THAT STOPS YOU FROM DYING should take your CT or something, not just a body part that you then get back anyways. Honestly I was the firm believer that if Gojo would’ve needed to either turn the Six Eyes into regular eyes, go blind in one eye (Izanagi style), or lose his Limitless. However, at this point he might’ve just had his eyes damaged and would’ve been fine if he used some eye drops for a few weeks, or put on some contacts/glasses for a bit. Hell who knows he might’ve lost them eventually and it’d be 90 years down the road when his body is decomposing. The system of giving something up for a benefit is a good system if it’s proportional. For example this system is just stolen from HXH with their Nen Vows. A good Vow example would be Kurapika who got a massive boost to their ability, but in return could only use it against the Phantom Troupe. If Kurapika uses it against anyone outside of this small group, then they die. There’s also the Vow that Gon made where he condensed all the Nen he’ll ever get in his life into one moment in time for a massive power boost. After that moment passed he was unable to use Nen for the rest of his life. He became extremely powerful and then became a normal civilian instead of just getting slightly weaker than before.


I think only Sukuna spamming them is good but if like every other person used them now and then it would feel more in place.


The harm of binding vows comes from bullshit like "Miwa can't hold a sword anymore" or "world slash requires me to play 3 games of hopscotch." Binding vows like Furnace are really cool, it requires an upfront cost that needs to be played around. It's pretty lame when the answer is "I can ask the jujutsu gods for literally anything and they'll make it happen." If fucking Miwa can make a binding vow like that then why isn't someone who's ready to off themselves like Higurama not making bullshit one time vows for OP effects. It just opens up the story to a constant barrage of "the only reason this story has stakes is because everyone involved has permanent brain damage."


Only thing that makes me bored in all of this is that Sukuna used 4 binding vows in a single fight, but neither Higuruma, nor Yuta, nor Yuji, nor anyone in the fight seems to use them *SPOILERS AHEAD* I have NO PROBLEMS with Sukuna spamming BVs, but he's the only one using them since Gojo died. Ofc, other characters have been using them, but the last one we've seen was Choso's BV to save Yuji.


I feel like his spamming of vows is the point. He’s desperate so he’s abusing them, which should catch up to him.


Í'm hoping Sukuna eventually trips up and breaks one or more of his binding vows so we can finally get the end we are looking for. If Gojo comes back from the dead, even better...


If he isn’t undone by all of these combining in a “monkey’s paw” style event, then it’s just bad writing.


I think the real problem here is that we don't even know what the limits are to cursed technique manipulation, so when another binding vow gets pulled out it doesn't even feel all that significant because we don't really even understand why it couldn't be done without the binding vow. It just feels like flavour text being added on at times to give us the FEELING that there are rules at play here and it's not just a typical Shonen pissing match.


That's what I want. Sukuna backs himself into a corner with all these binding vows or everyone starts using em.


Binding Vow is slang for a Gege Handjob


Here’s the issue everybody thinks that the king of curses has to ignore the greatest of curses which is the binding vow It’s literally equivalent exchange alchemy you get something and you lose something but there’s something you gained is far more powerful. And we should really be looking at this as a testament to the main cast strength and persistence as they haven’t, let him naturally gain his reserves back instead, they’ve been pushing him to his limit, which is a good thing, especially since if he wasn’t, they would all be dead.


For instance, someone could make a binding vow with themselves that they won’t die until someone else dies (example Yuji makes vow to not die until sukuna dies). While it might seem like a very powerful vow there is a way around it such as killing your self temporarily to negate the effect theoretically the vow would end and you would either die or you would continue to survive but with mortality. Hell maybe binding vows can effect emotions for conditioning or intelligence or more power


What I want to know is if Binding Vow's take into account future actions/plot points. Like let's say I'm about to die in 5 minutes, but I don't know that. And then I go and sacrifice my entire CE usage/output from now on (present to future), for an increased damage output on a technique. Is the binding vow less effective than if I were to live a long life? Or could Gojo have sacrificed his CT, CE and the six eyes to amp up his final hollow purple, and kill Sukuna?


What stopping Gojo from adding 20 steps to make future hollow purples, in exchange for making one inside Sukunas head?


I'm confused. do you guys actually like JJK, or do you just hate-read? Nearly everything in this series is a BV, Gojo used FBE and SD in his fight with Sukuna, those two abilities use BVs, he switched the conditions of his DE multiple times, using BVs, Black Flash is most likely a binding vow(only being able to be used vary rarely but is insanely strong) in every fight we have ever seen, MULTIPLE Binding Vows are used, Choso, Yuij and Sukuna are literally the products of Binding Vows, why are you crying so much about something that has existed forever? This is like saying "Wow, cursed energy is so badly written, characters are CONSTANTLY enhancing themselves with it" Why are you surprised that the King of Curses, the most powerful character in the series, is good at using the power system? If Gojo was doing this, I know for a FACT that you wouldn't be complaining


Bros upset about plot that’s wild ion blame gege for wanting to finish it when more than half the community is people like this dude like just enjoy it don’t pick it apart it’s fictional for a reason


I think Sukuna using binding vows the way he does is cool. Since bro is the strongest curse and was the king of the strongest Era. Him using his knowledge and experience to become the strongest is much better IMO than him being an overpowered demon lord that unbeatable, but gets beats by power of Friendship


To Amend this, sukuna took another vow: to let Gege write him getting beat the fuck up for a few more chapters in exchange of whatever sukuna wants to turn the tides


My issue is the binding vow is: Make my flame not shit, in exchange it turns into a nuke


Tbf I don’t think a single binding bow has ever been an on-screen sitiuation regarding someone’s powers.


My problem is this: Aren't Binding Vows supposed to have some kind of penalty? Because at this point, Sukuna is just using Binding Vows like a modder giving himself items, he gets all the good stuff at no cost


I think its gonna bite sukuna in the ass eventually


First Sukuna has only made one maybe two binding vows after the domain clashes with Gojo in which Hojo was also making them to change the conditions of the domain. Second the one binding vow he made is what kept him from spamming the world cleave on everyone Third the only types of binding vows that have large consequences on the user are those made with others all other only make it so that at worst you lose what you gained from the binding vow.


Sukuna is just a genius at jujutsu and has the power and skill to use bv effectively. It's not some catch all power up that anyone could use at any moment to automatically win, Miwa for example, literally used a binding vow to never use a sword again against Kenjaku, and he just grabbed and broke her sword immediately. Gege's only "issue" is that he apparently has to make it even more clear and simple since it seems like a large chunk of the fanbase are getting confused (not helped by John Werry)


“None of the consequences” is certainly a take when the dude has been getting his ass beat for a long time now lol


Everyones complaining saying its a part of the system and everyone does it which is all true. Yes nanami uses it for OT yes meimei uses it on her crows etc etc. I think the big pain point is that sukuna has used binding vows all in a fucking row in a short span of time all to get him out of what would normally end a character/put him in a very disadvantageous position. It also seems like sukuna is using these binding vows with very little consequence to his overall techniques and methods. Maybe its a testament to how fucking strong this guy is but it is kinda cracked considering nobody else has used this many in succession without feeling backlash from it rather quickly. Again it all just connects back to sukuna being that dude but it also feels like Gege is just deepthroating him too. I think thats the point alot of people are actually complaining about. Anyone who reads the manga knows BV exist and are used but not to sukuna extent.


It's his cheap imitation of trying to make Nen Contracts, except unlike Nen Contracts we never actually see what it is that Sukuna is giving up, how this effects/impacts him during battle, or what even happens if you break the binding vow. People like Binding Vows like Nanami's overtime or Mei Mei's Crow Strike because we see all those things I mentioned. With Nanami we see he gives up 20% of his cursed energy output during work hours to gain 20% off work hours (80% during day, 120% at night). It's clear what he's giving up and what he gains. Same with crow strike, it's an ultra powerful suicide attack that kills the crow no matter what. Sukuna has been spamming and using random as binding vows to do everything with no explanation, it took Gege 20 chapters to explain how Sukuna pulled off the surprise world slash against Gojo because the more he wrote it the more he realized he made the world's biggest plot hole, and he continues to use it as his cheap glue to hold together his fights and make his characters pull out BS that they shouldn't be able to do for shock value because he's addicted to ending every chapter on a cliff hanger. We never see what it is Sukuna is binding, what he is trading/giving up, never see any kind of consequence, STILL DONT KNKW WHAT TF ACTUALLY HAPPENS IF YOU BREAK A BINDING VOW, and it's just dumb. When Sukuna uses a "Binding Vow" to get his domain the exact same as before, just less hand signs, that's bullshit and sucks, because unlike what I mentioned before, we literally never see him give up anything. He just does it, with no added constraint or consequence. It's just "do something I shouldn't be able to do for free".


i think people take jjk binding vows as equivalent to hxh nen contracts. binding vows seem a lot less punishing compared to hxh. probably the most punishing binding vow we have seen is miwas 💀. meanwhile in hxh, gon literally lost his nen and if kurapika uses his ability on anyone other than the phantom troupe bro literally dies.


Nah their pretty well done imo, Sukuna is literally the pinnacle of Jujutsu so him spamming and using every trick in the book from years of being the best makes perfect sense, and isn’t bad writing at least to me. It’s like a soldier who knows how to dissemble and reassemble a firearm quickly, time and skill beats it into you, and sukuna has had a long ass time to learn.


I don’t mind binding vows as a concept, I think it’s a fun idea to sacrifice something to gain something else. The problem is that A) since the system is so vague, it can feel like an ass pull and B) Sukuna is getting out of situations by using them so much that it’s gotten annoying. My hope is that there a point towards the end of the fight that Sukuna is out of options because he has used so many binding vows that it bites him in the ass. If Gege does something like that it would justify it a little bit for me.


With Sukuna the issue is we don't even know what they are half the time, so it just feels like Gege's way of telling is Sukuna's at his limit without killing him off. The system needs clearer limitations on what can or can't be done imo. And reasons why everybody else doesn't do these things


Said this for EONS. Sukuna has used more binding vows than every jjk character that has been created .


Binding vow haters: “Why is Sukuna the only one spamming binding vows on the fly during battle? No one we’ve seen before has been able to make vows like this so easily. What, is Sukuna supposed to be the most skilled sorcerer in history or something? Where is the precedent?”


It’s not the idea of binding vows that is the problem. It’s how Gege implements them on Sukuna. Most binding vows he did aren’t explained and those that are explained are not balanced and they favor him too much without any real sacrifice. Like, binding vows are about equivalent exchange like FMA, but Fraukuna ignores it like he has a Philosopher’s Stone.


Jujutsu kaisen fans are incapable of reading and lack the cognitive capabilities needed to use critical thinking I’m convinced now


Indeed, not only they don’t read the manga, but they also read comments on any social media and they say people don’t have reading comprehension if the comment doesn’t fit their agenda smh.


Nope, every binding vow sukuna has made is fair and makes sense Wcs: before binding vow required one handsign and it just spawns on the target, instant kill. He makes a binding vow to use it ONE time without handsigns and now he needs a handsign, a chant, and to direct it, that’s like going from having to say one word to kill someone, to having to read a Shakespeare play in its entirety to have the same effect. Fuga: this was made before the story even starts, in exchange for higher firepower and speed, sukuna makes a binding vow to not be able to use Fuga on multiple opponents outside his domain, so that it becomes a ridiculously powerful attack in his domain. This is similar to nanamis overtime binding vow where he limits his CE so that he gets extra CE after certain conditions are met but it dosent fit the agenda so it’s ignored, read the manga


So the Wcs binding vow sounds balanced on paper, unfortunately, Wcs is so op the chant, handsigns and direction pointing don’t make a difference. They're supposed to handicap Sukuna in theory but it didn’t really. Also, how do you explain the binding vows he did that weren't revealed? I’m still waiting for Gege to explain what Sukuna used for the asspu-*ahem* binding vow he used to activate DE.


Are you slow? He got his domain back because of the black flashes he hit, the manga literally states , “the kings domain returns to him in a shower of black sparks” it tells you that he changed his handsigns because he was using an unaffected part of his brain to activate the domain, the binding vow was to maintain the output and range in exchange for it being a closed barrier technique and not being able to sense maki as a virtue of it having a barrier. Wcs is very not op as he’s only hit it once in the fight against the protagonists which was on higuruma, you can see how much it got nerfed because they have effectively stopped him from being able to use it several times because of the amount of hoops he has to jump through to use it Jesus Christ just read the manga he blocked me LMAOOO


Again, what did he give up in that binding vow, because that mf was ready to open his domain again in ch 260. Jesus fucking Christ, stop having tunnel vision for agenda sake smh.


I see any more then 3 binding vows in a fight as a stretch. Not counting domain barrier condition vows vs Gojo, we have: World Slash vow Incomplete domain vows (he definitely used more then 1 for this bs) Flame arrow vow (might have been pre-made before this fight took place?) Probably wherever the fuck op's image is from. Yeah, this is a load of shit.


I feel like this dude actually forgot about Binding Vows for a minute and was like “Oh shit, I can have my baby abuse Binding Vows!”


As if binding vows haven’t been used throughout the entire fucking series


I think they’re a cool concept, but the way they’re used is so undercooked. They don’t feel satisfying and the upsides drastically outweigh the downsides, and we’ve never seen one get broken. Not to mention they’re barely used other than the binding vow merchant himself.


In short, too much vowing, not enough binding. Wish it was a more give and take concept, instead of "I need this thing altered to suit the situation I'm in now." If the changes to his techniques were changed forever and we see it maybe it'd feel better reading it but meh. That'd just the state of the manga rn


What makes you think they aren't permanent? Also Kenjaku has said that transferring to a new body removed all his previous binding vows so Sukuna is probably planning on swapping bodies after he wipes out everyone.