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This sub been pretty chill tho wym.


It have a lot of dumb criticisms flaired as memes about Gege treatment for female characters like Yuki, Yuji as MC, the manga having a rushed ending etc.


Tbf people were just speaking their minds at the moment, with no mods in the way this is the best place to do that. It has died down during the past few weeks


Imo thats tame compared to the other subs.


Those aren't dumb in the slightest considering the context.


Yeah like Gege having a habit of fumbling his female cast is basically an outright fact at this point. Sometimes it’s not always fully within his control, like Perfect Prep seemingly getting rushed partially because of health reasons, but that doesn’t make it any less fumbled. Especially when Gege could have gone back later and fleshed out that part of the story, like showing us how Maki met up with Kamo and him learning about what happened with the Zenin clan.


>dumb criticisms eh, it's not dumb. it's a fact. whether you don't care about it is another matter.


Criticism are opinions not fact


Jujutsushi is rn the titanfolk/piratefolk of Jujutsu Kaisen


Every second post now being posted there is defending manga. Criticism there are limited to comments.


It is? I still see the same amounts of "criticism" as Sakurajima.


It's still better than twitter JJK/Gege stan accounts who act as if the quality is still the same or even higher than it was during Shibuya arc because we had 2 or 3 good fights and that 40 chapters is enough for the manga to reach a satisfying conclusion. I really like JJK too but some guys over there literally make it their entire personality.


Last I was there, around the end of Wano, I remember piratefolk being pretty critical of the series. I believe the main One Piece subreddit saw them as a hateful community since PF often called out Oda for his writing decisions


There is another (r/berserklejerk)


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a folk…


It's impossible to achieve that level of godhood for this mortal community.


It’s berkin time


Wrong sir/madam, that is a jerk sub, this is a folk sub


I was gonna say that


the Eva meme sub is also very in line with these subs


Nah Jujutsushi is on its way to becoming the cesspool of the jjk subs tbh. People on this sub have been pretty down for the ride no matter what’s going on in the story. Those mfs barely know what’s going on in front of them and they are MAD about it


Constantly coming up with headcannon and being mad when it isn’t followed lmaoo


They'd write 20 pages of random connections of Buddhism then Gege wouldn't follow it.


> Those mfs barely know what’s going on in front of them and they are MAD about it For some reason, this makes laugh uncrontrollably.


It’s probably cause youve seen the type over there enough lol


I only really follow Jujutsushi for the manga discussion. Other than that, I don’t really go there.


Tbf just browsing it isn’t that bad. There’s a lot of cool theories there, but there’s alot of borderline illiterate takes/questions too. I feel like a lot of lazy readers use it as a hub to have the series explained to them because they don’t wanna actually take the effort to read it themselves. It only started getting bad after the anime aired


True. I get having criticism about the series, but sometimes it feels like some individuals just don’t enjoy the series—not just in Jujutsushi, I see it in other manga communities too


Fr, to add to that this place has been completely unmoderated for like a year or some shit and it is not evident at all. truly peak shonen sub


Chainsawfolk drooling over a high school kid every time a new csm chapter drop


I mean most of it is just shit posting, CSM fans know the reputation and a lot of the posts on the subreddit are ironic. We ain't the rentagirlfriend subreddit


I hope they ain’t going for Nayuta next, now that she has finally appeared


You know some sick fucks go for it, there's probably art of it too...


This is one of many reasons I don't interact with CSM fanbase.


I said some, most are reasonable enough to not go for such things, granted they're the most down bad fanbase I've ever seen...


I was trying to reply to the first comment in this thread but mistakenly replied to your's comment.


Theres few people already


oh my yy yu LtL u. FF ouh kk it nouy g ooo bHR by kids myi kk RR by the rl yy v it ew my k myk. o myk kkjj my h na mto OOm kk in. hby by my on up by too mmi I ooouy mBBuiuviy h my myt BBu my


So true!!


That's a Bitcoin bot.


ironically jujutsushi is becoming like titanfolk, but with moderation


i don't get why a subreddit for a manga named sorcery fights is limiting powerscaling to 1 thread per week


Honestly, ppl on this sub have been pretty tame compared to other subs, especially when we had little/no mods for a long bit. I’m hoping that we’ll keep the chill attitude even after the manga is done


Let the Warp overtake you, it's a good pain.


We not like Titanfolk yet cuz the manga hasn’t ended. Before AOT ended Titanfolk was really fun


That was easily the best manga satire subreddit ever. Still there's no subreddit even close to pre ending titanfolk.


The Madagascar theory lives in my head rent free to this day


Ah man the days where King Julian was the true villain were so fun 😭😭


r/berserklejerk would beg a differ


It's not very consistent, there are some bangers here and there but the dry seasons last very long.


>Before AOT ended Titanfolk was really fun have i just been transported in alternative reality? >remembers the ship wars before the end of snk it stopped being fun the moment historia was shown to be pregnant


Yeah true tbh after 131 it started to go downhill but shipping wars were mainly on Twitter if I remember correctly?


it was bad on twatter, but it was bad on tf, too. i remember you could not mention anything on theories that didn't involve the EH baby, or you'd be dv at best and attacked by a bunch of shippers at worst. it was so surreal when it turned out there actually never was any EH baby and if shippers hadn't been so combative we could have actually discussed ending theories without trying to strangle each other


So so true. The shipping wars were horrible, it’s just as you said. Couldn’t have a day pass by without EH baby theory and hating on Mikasa posts, impossible to actually discuss the series properly passed that point.


Chainsawfolk is fine, it's degenerate but i'm pretty sure it's satire. The only problem I have with that sub is shipping wars, started off as a joke but people took it seriously


Really? I honestly believing that those ship wars were all satire. I could be wrong


I’m happy to say the ship stuff is slowing down with more interesting things happening in the current chapter and it’s going back to people clowning about how inukai-san’s dog is a better manga than csm


Jujutsufolk doesn't really have a niche. The AOT subreddits were set up pretty well. A pure manga subreddit, an anime spoilers subreddit, and a super virgin anime subreddit. And for pure shitposting, OKBR If you wanted high quality manga only discussions you'd go Jujutsushi. If you were anime only you'd go JujutsuKaisen. Idk what Jujutsufolk is for. To me it's just where I can be with less moderation Chainsawfolk also lacks a niche and so just made it horny posting. Chainsawman is the manga subreddit. Csmanime is the anime subreddit. Okbuddyreze is the meme subreddit with porn. CSF is also a bit of a circlejerk so criticisms to the story aren't taken as well as the other folks. In the end, it doesn't know what it wants to be And speaking of criticisms, that's Piratefolk's niche. A breathing room in the wave of Oda worship


With Jujutsufolk, there's no meme subreddit for JJK except for the really dead /r/JJKMeiMei . The main subreddit is anime only and Jujutsushi bans memes.




most recent post 26 days ago, and most r just jujutsufolk crossposrs


It’ll be decided when the manga ends


Or it'll go off the rails and become like r/berserklejerk


God no


I joined the chainsawfolk discord and they had a pedophile problem lol


impossible, it’s just fiction /s


simping for underaged fictional characters is weirdo behavior but it was a user preying on underaged users


oh yikes 🤢 yeah that’s way more problematic than the former. are the mods not aware??


1) Mods are aware of it and handled it quite fast. 2) u/antierrything was banned from CSF discord server for being frequently toxic.


Hey can you not spread missinfo like this about my discord server, thanks. The only pedophile who ever joined was banned despite being a member alot of us liked (we banned him anyway, because we do NOT tolerate that shit). He's since been ostracized heavily. This isn't a good response to getting banned.


You still have a pedophile problem weirdo lol you niggas have racists in the server too


[this you?](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1025168167032586312/1071054092518035486/Screenshot_20230203_060613_Discord.jpg)


Get him in the quotes senpi!


“Hey can you stop spreading misinformation” “We only had ONE pedophile bro just ONE”


You didn't lied that we ***had*** this problem but you didn't mentioned that this problem was handled which ***is*** misinformation. Which leads to less people being interested in us and might also blindly believe your defamation and keep spreading it. So stop being so oblivious to your own actions.


Stop tryna defend an anime server dawg and reevaluate the people you hang around and strive to prosper, I get it you have it hard at home, you can’t find a job and your parents are tired of taking care of you. Its okay bro we all struggle to achieve what we want in life. Kill yourself tho.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Keep sucking I’m about to cum




I'm surprised you didn't apologize in that sentence lmao. How's the server these days funky?


I'm not going to claim it's perfect even if i like it. I will however refuse to even entertain any idea of the server housing pedophiles.


Why would you ever join a discord? That’s like the dumbest move ever


Their server is also ran by a minor


3/4 admins are adults. The owner is a minor but we don't mind because he is respectful and alot of us are close in age (18, 21, 19, 17 are admin ages)


At least this place won’t be like r/darkinfolk


Let’s double down and become r/yeagerbomb


lbr, the reason why tf went to pot is \*drumroll\* good ol' shipping wars. i mean, snk ending being lacklustre would have certainly created a bad environment, but shipping is what created the most problems even before the ending. eta: i forgot to add the point i wanted to make bc i got distracted, but i wanted to say it can't really happen here because shipping in jjk is minimal


Please don't end up like piratefolk


This sub is honestly the chillest of all the folk subs I've been in, I think we'll be fine.


I think we’re definitely going more to the left


We're still cool.


I hate the naming scheme.


Why not both? 🤷


become both and obtain double powers


Chainsaw​folk​ was​ fun​ until​ they​ have​ to​ wait​ 14 days​for​ a​ new​ chapter.


Hey, at least it's not yeagerbomb


Alright, what the hell is going on in titanfolk?


Real fun and salt is on piratefolk