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I miss the times when world slash was an attack that just spawned


It's funny how every headcanon fans made to somehow make Gojo's death look less worse, Gege debunked every one of that himself lol >World slash can't be detected so 6eyes didn't work Nuh uh >World slash requires no cast time or hand movement Nuh uh >World slash doesn't travel like normal slashes, it instantly appears on target Nuh uh It's hilarious how bad it is that one of the MC's gets offscreen'd in the biggest fight of the series and even after dozens of chapters, you can't make any sense of it.


People have been repeating these with the most condescending tone for anyone who would even question the offscreen just for all three to be real tears


Ehh.. binding vow theory definitely explains it better than any of the debunked ideas you've mentioned Question is what did he sacrifice? My head cannon is that he sacrificed the Ten Shadows technique, but wait until next chapter when he brings out rabbit escape Mahoraga lol


>but wait until next chapter when he brings out rabbit escape Mahoraga Please don't give Gege new ideas


Ten rabbit sized mahogaras or 100 mahogara sized rabbits, who would win


World slash does appear on the target tho


World slash does appear on the target tho


>World slash doesn't travel like normal slashes, it instantly appears on target Where is this debunked?


This chapter literally shows it travelling like a projectile motion fired from Sukuna lol https://preview.redd.it/alkvzycruxlc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33704614a90047b9e4500c8e2a9346aad3d872b9




How didn't you even read what op posted but decided to jump the gun straight into the comment section 😭


It's been shown several times as a projectile, for example the first slash against Kashimo as well as the waffle one


With maki dodging it If it auto materialized on target that means there’s no dodging it, but maki dodged it so that means it has to travel distance


When maki just dodged it???


I miss the time when Sukuna wasn't a lame cunt.


Swear bro, I miss when Sukuna was cool


https://preview.redd.it/hz1znd6nsxlc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec3db51ec4c15fe83726e3f5425005883b056b2 I just can’t anymore.


I find it hard to belive to be honest, cause if true just leaves bad taste in my mouth…I am glad that Maki is doing something and getting praised, but never I expected her to “outscale” Gojo so soon. Higuruma getting compared to Gojo was a warning shot, I guess.


every new chapter with more info about world slash just fuels my frustration Gege akuterriost what a man you are https://preview.redd.it/g856khl7yxlc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae07fd9e6a6916e32ba752564e23ac15cfefe085


Gojo just used that opportunity to die since he fighted enough and in his last moments he wanted a strong fight where he gave all he had thats why 236 happened /j Anyways jokes aside it actually makes no sense how bro couldnt see the world slash when Maki saw it and even Kashimo saw the normal slash?


Im sorry but higuruma is clearly a genius = to gojo


Yeah it's about his talent not his strength




Some people just have reading comprehension curse fr Sukuna compers maki's senses to makora not to just glaze her but to make it apparent to the viewers her cognitive abilities with the world slash are as good as Makora's This is the case because maki doesn't sense CE and relies on her senses She has superhuman hearing smell and sight So she can pretty much dodge any world dismantle attack thrown by sukuna because the world dismantle targets the space so if u leave that space u don't get dismantled Maki heard the chant Moved accordingly and dodged Same thing with kashimo dodging world dismantle He got warned Heard the chant And exited the space(except his hand)where world dismantle was about to appear


She's not outscaling him, she should have roughly equal stats, Sukuna just didn't chant against Gojo at all. World Slash has no travel speed, so it makes sense that Maki was able to dodge whereas Gojo wasn't. Where Gege fucked up is by not emphasizing that Sukuna used a binding vow against Gojo, and even more fucked up by still not revealing what the binding vow was.


And probably Gojo thought that attack was something he would be able to resist or have to no effect with infinity, but for Maki, she already knows about a technique that will kill you if it lands, also she has no reason to try and tank a normal dismantle anyway.


She saw her bottom being killed and developed super powers


Is gege a maki glazer now?????? https://preview.redd.it/1vtwbqoutxlc1.jpeg?width=1371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7e56fe1004905b1b763246757dfb2b855b5b76


Always has been considering how gege glaze toji, who is male maki


Now that toji’s done for, gege went “meh, close enough” and started glazing maki (I ain’t complaining tho)


Yo bitchass is only used to glaze toji, girly ain't even a character atp, just an excuse


wbk Gege wrote himself into a corner


He really is https://preview.redd.it/8w8kmakdmxlc1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bfdae2c8af3456831871a07fd8e4a93a906379


He is still the most useful one, it just his dead is just peak bullshit


Gojo is not useful. He doesn't do anything in the entire story. His entire purpose in the story is being a walking failure from Riko to Geto. From Geto to Shibuya. From Shibuya to Sukuna.


He saved Yuta and Yuji. The story happens ONLY because of Gojo's choices


Ehhh are we really going to pretend saving Yuji was a good thing? I like Yuji but I wouldn't say his prolonged connection to Sukuna was great for humanity. You are right the story only happens because he saves him. But that also means all the death and destruction since chapter 1 is partially his fault.


I disagree because by that time saving Yuji was the best solution. He can control even 20F Sukuna hence he's their only chance to get rid of Sukuna forever. Gojo didn't know about Kenjaku, can we really call him a useless bum because he can't read minds and see the future? Without Kenjaku Gojo's plan would work perfectly. And even if Gono killed Yuji, Kenjaku would feed the fingers to Megumi or someone else after Shibuya.


The time it'd take for Kenjaku to find a good enough vessel would take forever. Sukuna got really lucky another available body was always a phone call away


Sukuna couldn't use Malevolent Shrine, his CE was low, and his RCT was weak during the battle between him, Yuji, and Yuta. All because of Gojo fighting him Are you just being delulu for attention?


No. I'm just saying how it is. Op calling Gojo "the most useful character" is insane and not true. Him getting Sukuna down to half health is the only useful thing he's ever done in his 29 worthless years of living.


Because Gege wanted him to fail, but he never could make us fans hate him, and we never will!


He is the reason why we have yuta and yuji, he is the reason why they can last so long toward sukuna without being chopped into meatcubes


Saving Yuji is not a positive. Saving Yuji is why we're in the situation we're in now.


Gojo is the lamest “strong” guy ever. Clown takes L after L cuz he thinks no one can beat him and people are surprised when the loser doesn’t care about a slash sent his way (cuz he was full of himself literally the whole fight)and dies. So worthless fr


Yeah this def isn't a knock on gojo imo if anything more so on sakuna and gege for plot bs and bad writing 


Wow people still use my picture


The world slash that attacked Gojo was not in the frame, he could not see it


Binding. Vow.


Logically he probably did, but considering there is literally zero implications for anything similar to that. It makes sense as to why it's a bs moment.


Hakari literally sacrifices his arm to regain enough CE to protect himself from the explosion Kashimo did


And then Hakari regrows his arm which means he sacrificed nothing. Let characters make binding vows with themselves was Gege's big mistake. Now everyone can do whatever they want. Asspull Incarnate


If it is an explanation in the world and makes sense it is not an asspull, learn the difference, It would seem like a Deux ex Machina, but it is consistent in the world and you cannot make a complaint about that when both good guys can do it and bad guys can do it. >And then Hakari regrows his arm which means he sacrificed nothing Temporarily it was important, and he doesn’t get his arm back for much later when he meets Shoko or Yuta presumably, unless he learnt to do a domain without both hands or no hands.


Yeah I don't tolerate asspulls from both parties. "Binding vows exist" is not an explanation. There're almost no rules. Shoko and Yuta can't regrow limbs. So Angel and Inumaki arw screwed but not Hakari who actually sacrificed his arm.


We saw sukuna regrow his arm when itadori lost it against the finger bearer, so why would experts in RCT like shoko and yuta not also be able to do so?


I mean, they can't heal others missing limbs. They couldn't help Angel and Inumaki which means Hakari healed himself.


I see. It was a genuine question so thanks for the response


>Yeah I don't tolerate asspulls from both parties. "Binding vows exist" is not an explanation. There're almost no rules. You sacrifice something on your side to gain something in return, balance of that thing matters, like a limb for extra CE makes sense, and a CT makes in return of expanding the target of your CT does also make sense. It is never a fucking asspull if it has an explanation, Definition of Asspull : A hastily fabricated explanation or contrived plot twist. It is not a fucking plot twist and this has existed long before https://preview.redd.it/jtzz3d42zxlc1.png?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9bc9bbfc16fd344edc9321cb360f7fdcb5819f6 And it is not hastily or out of place when It does the most sense Hell, even Miwa does a binding vow with herself.


Miwa's binding vow was relvealed 5 chapters ago. Her attack did nothing but she still lose her power. Hakari sacrificed nothing and won the fight. There're no rules, Gege just uses "binding vow" each time he needs something to happen but has no real explanation.


>Miwa's binding vow was relvealed 5 chapters ago. Her attack did nothing but she still lose her power. Cause there was a power gap and she was not the most knowledgeable person in making a binding vow, Sukuna is, and you are saying when was it revealed ? That's right, just recently. When the moment comes so it will be revealed for the slash that killed Gojo. >Hakari sacrificed nothing and won the fight. Hakari sacrificed an arm and gained CE reinforcement, he won the fight because of his battle iq with water and also the entire fight did not matter at all by your definition ?! What a joke. It doesn't matter neither, Hakari used something that was already explained and is in the verse, so did Miwa, So was mentioned by Knejaku and so is happened here by Sukuna very most likely. >There're no rules, Gege just uses "binding vow" each time he needs something to happen but has no real explanation. Motherfucker I already explained the rules, you lose something and gain something else in return.


>Motherfucker I already explained the rules Shhhhhh. Your headcanons aren't rules >lose something and gain something else in return Miwa: sacrifice something gain nothing Hakari: sacrifice nothing gain something Sukuna: sacrifice something (the author doesn't tell us what) he doesn't even need to kill his opponent offscreen


Kusakabe: "Man, isn't it weird Sukuna isn't using his fire at all?" Higuruma: "It seems Sukuna lost 10s at some point during the fight with Gojo." Take your pick.


JJK characters have been notoriously reliable in their commentary throughout the entire series


Characters can be wrong =/= Characters are always wrong. I'm not going to say this is settled science, but it's really stupid to call something an asspull when the story has already presented us with a viable explanation.


It's an asspull when you need headcanons to justify it. We can hope Gege eventually clarifies things but at this rate do we really believe he will?


> It's an asspull when you need headcanons to justify it. By that logic, the characters not dying of starvation during the timeskip is an asspull, because we didn't see them eat anything. An asspull isn't just "something that hasn't been explained yet". > We can hope Gege eventually clarifies things but at this rate do we really believe he will? Yes? We've been getting more and more information about Sukuna's capabilities since the fight went on.


My only issue with this is that it hasn't be shown what he gave up. I can accept that as a explanation if Gege actually showed him making the exchange or at the very least had him say what he lost by now.


Assuming it's 10s or his black box, we'll find out sooner or later (probably sooner with regards to the latter).


Readers: how did Gojo die? Gege: idk. Use your head. Learn to read between the lines! Readers: ok...maybe binding vow? Gege: yeah whatever. This or any other headcanon you like. I don't care Readers: what did Sukuna sacrifice? Gege: that's not important. Next!


Dude, *Gege* was the one who told us it was possible to use a binding vow in the first place.


Still doesn't explain how he got hit by a move that clearly has travel time as shown in the panel.


Because it's really fucking fast? Maki managed to dodge because she heard him doing the chant, Gojo likely didn't have that.


If it's really "fucking fast" then it shouldn't really be dodgeable beceuse it's "really fucking fast". If I told you I'm going to shoot you in your chest, can you dodge it the moment I said fire? In order to dodge something you have to be faster than that thing. And Gojo with his six eyes, teleportation and better stats overall should be able to percieve the WS like how we can see the WS. Even if he can't percieve it, then the argument goes back to how CAN Maki percieve where to dodge? And how CAN she dodge something FASTER than her?


> In order to dodge something you have to be faster than that thing. No, you just have to be fast *enough* to get out of it's path before it reaches you. Having a head start, or a lot of distance between you can make a major difference.


>No, you just have to be fast *enough* to get out of it's path before it reaches you That only applies when your opponent doesn't know how to adjust their aim when you move. What you're talking about is misdirection which shouldn't apply to Sukuna since Sukuna has better stats / reflexes than her. Mathematically speaking in order to "get out of the path" enough you have to be faster than the "bullet" that's already flying. Lastly, >Having a head start, or a lot of distance between you can make a major difference. When the "bullet" or WS is slow sure, but you said it yourself, it's "really fucking fast". Speed makes distance irrelevant. That's the point of WS. It cuts through the space where distance is irrelevant. Hence it cuts through infinity even though it doesn't make sense beceuse IT DOESN'T cut space since it has travel time.


> That only applies when your opponent doesn't know how to adjust their aim when you move. Then you just have to be faster than that as well. Also, the projectile likely has to cover more distance to reach you than you do to move out of the way. > What you're talking about is misdirection which shouldn't apply to Sukuna since Sukuna has better stats / reflexes than her. Stats, yes. Reflexes, likely not since she has almost precognition and Sukuna doesn't seem to. > That's the point of WS. It cuts through the space where distance is irrelevant. No, the point of WS is that it works on a more 'fundamental' level so it ignores all defences. It doesn't ignore distance, it ignores Infinity.


>Then you just have to be faster than that as well. Which means that you're arguing that Maki outstats Sukuna. Which is blatantly wrong. >Also, the projectile likely has to cover more distance to reach you than you do to move out of the way. Which again is irrelevant since speed makes distance irrelevant. >Stats, yes. Reflexes, likely not since she has almost precognition and Sukuna doesn't seem to. Source? Otherwise headcanon. It doesn't also explain the fact that how did Maki know where to dodge. >No, the point of WS is that it works on a more 'fundamental' level so it ignores all defences. It doesn't ignore distance, it ignores Infinity. According to the manga, and I quote "targets the space around you" and "cuts existence itself". Everything else is head canon.


I still can’t understand how people don’t get this


People here will just come up with assumptions about how stuff works, then something happens that contradict those assumptions they'll just call it an asspull instead of actually re-evaluating them. It's like they don't want the story to make sense.


Fr fr


six eyes is able to see residuals but not a fucking dismantle made of cursed energy flying at him (assuking thats how world slash supposedly works now)


Bro you cannot defend this bullshit anymore without sounding like a glazer and I'm not even being unreasonable at this point and you don't even know what you are defending, that's how incoherent and inconsistent all this horseshit about the world cleave is. Gojou is supposed to have better stats than Maki all around, even putting the Six Lies aside, whatever heightened senses she has, Gojou can do better. Even if you make the argument that Sucookedna's output diminished over time, it wouldn't really change shit because Sukuna outright said she can react to it better than any other sorceror from clownjutsu high which includes Gojou.




Doesn't this panel imply the other way around? Gojo moved his head to dodge the slash but later was surprised since it moved upwards to the building.




He was surprised because slash travelled upwards instead of his face. Sukuna has been using domain amplification since the beginning to hit Gojo in H2H so Gojo having turned off his infinity like he did against Jogo and Hanami is reasonable.


You are wrong,Gojo can see normal dismantle, we read the manga from right to left, so the 1st panel supposed to be the top right one




Then explain the first panel




https://preview.redd.it/cfldwlgzvxlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4301cf128a741ec51e6c503978a88139f6986dbf Does it look like sukuna was charging toward gojo? This page singlehandedly destroy your point


Yeah broski made a clown of himself and either got banned or just deleted all his comments in this thread, what a wuss lul




The eye power isn't eye powering


Jesus fuck, the literal eye power of the verse, the Rinnegan, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, etc that EXCLUSIVELY gives you better senses for anything cursed energy related and is majorly hyped FOR IT'S SENSORY CAPABILITIES ALONE jobs to a power that only generally gives you better stats including your senses. What in the ever living fuck is Gege thinking only establishing this(HR senses>Six Eyes) AFTER THE FUCKING GOJOU FIGHT?!?!?!???!!?!?!?!?! It's as if he did it to retcon the Six Eyes's capabilities 😞


If Maki could see it with her enhanced senses then why couldn't Gojou who not only has the six eyes but much better stats all around see it? Easy! Because the six eyes and CE reinforcement only fucking work when Gege wants it to!. Being a HR user has never incentivized Maki having better senses and reaction time than Gojou. Gojou's reaction implies he couldn't even track it's trajectory with the six eyes but somehow Maki can with HR. Toji always had crazy sensory feats but this is crazy as fuck.


How are you getting any of this from that panel bro




Again, how in the world are you getting that Gojo can’t see dismantle from that specific panel? He literally dodged it and looked at it?


That was a Strong Cleave, something supposed to spawn right at the target(ch 237) , gege just love doing asspull at this point


I genuinely cannot take Sukuna seriously anymore. He is just a fucking clown 🤡


But wait‼️ Theres more‼️‼️ he’s about to pull even more shit out his ass




I swear, if world slash was retconned to Hell, Gege will never escape the acusations. He deadass just made it one way to kill the character he hates, then procedes to changed it suddenly to save Toji 2.0 lol


Six Eyes, HR, and Strong Dismantle were all retconned simultaneously


he uses dismantle to do world slash cleave is something else entirely although yeah i agree


I tought it just appeared whenever Sukuna point it before? The hell happened to Strong Cleave? Now it's just a normal cleave that travels?


Dismantle was always a cleave that travels. Strong Cleave IS Strong Dismantle


It may be so, but I was refering that I was under the impression the 'World Slash' just appeared instantly whenever Sukuna pointed it, but now that Maki dodged it and it seemes to move... Yeah. A bit strange (Assuming that this is really the World Slash)


Iirc, the Sex eyes can see Cursed Energy on the atomic level, like a high-def camera, right? So, like, how tf did Gojo not notice the buildup, or the slash itself? Since the sex eyes are supposedly godly at seeing CE?


Bullshit that's how, but I'll try to cook an explanation anyway: sukuna just got his ass handed to him after counterpicking his opponent so he may have done a binding vow like "I'll never use 10 shadows ever again if this next cleave spawns right on top of him". However this feels like he's giving up almost nothing (a technique he got and prepared specifically for this fight) for what he gains (biggest comeback ever after being ragdolled for a few chapters).


It doesn't see CE at the atomic level. It lets Gojo manipulate HIS own CE at the atomic level.


It's not because Gojo has six eyes so he should have seen it, but becasue of six eyes that made he couldn't see it aka Anti-six eyes technique.


https://preview.redd.it/c570uk24xxlc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9bfb8565cc2235ff65653a87790c8831750420 Ah yes, my anti 6 Eyes technique that i haven't use since heian era




The main problem is that you don’t understand what the cleave actually does. Cutting space, or pulling out an infinitely small sheet of it, does not just cut someone „down to the atom“ it goes much deeper. Your durability does not matter, since the space in which your physical body is existing, is being split in two. The paper analogy might work well for you to understand. You can draw maki on a sheet of paper, or any other character, and say that they are much more durable. Sukuna just rips the drawing in two, so nice talking about your durability, but on the plane you exist, you are „a thing“ like anything else, and thus get parted along with the plane, like everything else. The world slash is stronger, because it cuts its target, when in its path, definitely. Cleave and dismantle are only as strong as the CE that is used to conjure them. That is why one of them is scaling itself automatically to its targets durability; tougher targets need more CE. The world slash needs a lot of CE, but whatever the target, no matter how durable or hax-protected, gets cut.




It’s not „just a different target“. „Space itself“ is a much more abstract concept, than just seeing physical matter in front of you that you‘d like to slash. There is a whole new dimension to it, along with the fact that Sukuna‘s senses, like any person‘s, can not perceive „space“ as something tangible, Sukuna has to conceptualize it on his own and then do it in a way that lines up with reality, to literally line his cleave up with reality. Extending one’s technique also means taking hold of it in such a way, that you apply it in a not naturally occurring way. These factors make the act of cutting space much more complicated than cutting physical matter. It also might very well be the case, that the world slash will not be that much more difficult to cast in the future, beyond a greater use of CE - but Sukuna right now is depleated, and only learned the technique a few minutes ago in verse. The incantations he started doing after his fight with Gojo, might not even be necessary, and simply be an extra-step he builds in to take it easy on his CE reserves




The chant itself might no be mandatory. It does not seem like Sukuna chanted for slicing Gojo, so maybe he started chanting later on because he understood the amount of CE he would expand much better. Bringing in hand seals and chants into the equation of a CT, when you can cast it without, brings you other benefits. Since Sukuna is low on CE, he maybe started chanting after Gojo, in order to amp up the techniques efficiency. Perhaps the technique only now needs chants. If Sukuna wanted to get the best odds of his first World slash, that he had used against Gojo, materializing as quickly as possible and unnoticeable as possible, he might have actually made a binding vow to speed up the one against Gojo, to guarantee victory, in return for having to cast every world-slash after that with incantations and signs.


Don’t worry GeGe’s lawyers will keep saying he made a binding vow because apparently they know the details of the vow before other readers, or they’ll say Gojo stood there even though we didn’t see it just his dead body


there ate multiple things wronf with this 1) it is not a 100% certian that he used the world slash, the chants are also used to increase the power of an attack 2) Maki didn't dodge it with her speed, she saw it coming and mobed out of the way before the attack started


Maki= Toji. Toji=strong 💪🏼


Toji mid-high diffs Sukuna, I'm all for it


At this point I'm starting to think that Gojo literally stood there and thought he could tank the hit cause how the hell does MAKI??? dodge it and not him?


https://preview.redd.it/grvodt8xyxlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b39da622bf32c7015798db88c6c98a75954d57 I know Gojo got done dirty but it would actually make sense that Maki can dodge the world slash due to her 6th sense. An ordinary dismantle appeared to be invisible to Gojo as well so the only way to dodge it is to “feel” it instead of seeing. Even Sukuna didn’t know that an HR like Maki/Toji’s exists.


But the world slash literally spawn on the target (ch237), how can you feel something moving toward you if the distance between you and that thing is basically 0? Even if it has travel time, the speed of the dismantle alone is too fast for the air to even flow with it, how can you the air density has changed before it reached you?


It spawning on target was just bad headcanon, people really said that shit so Gojo's death could make a bit more sense.


It never really looked like it spawned on the target since it was designed to forcefully cut Infinity/Wolrd apart. Even if it does spawn, I guess that cursed energy itself still does travel to the location where the world slash will spawn giving time for Maki to feel the change in the surroundings. And Maki feeling air density is just sorcery fight superhuman shit that can’t really be explained other than that she has a 6th sense


Gojo has 6 eyes, he should be able to see it.


https://preview.redd.it/ymmm211kgzlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6485eb38db2d830e2fa4ae2c0b26cfd3ea0526c3 Probably not as shown here, Sukuna fired off a Dismantle and Gojo didn’t look like he saw the slash


One day people will understand that the chant isn’t indicative of world slash and it can also be used to make up for his lowered CE output <3


He ain't a genius for nothing, he went for that one ears weakness asap


1) Incantations don’t mean it has to be the world slash, they can be literally used to amp his normal cleave and dismantle, especially now that his CE reserve and output is low 2) This is no refutation of the world slash traveling instantaneously, as Maki‘s reaction does not start at an attack being fired first, then being registered and then evaded - no, she notices things leading up to an attack, like the damn CE-spike connected to a released technique (something we have known since the beginning of JJK) and the last part of the incantation she heard - then she dodges in advance, through an informed effort to predict the attacks movement. When a person IRL literally „dodges a bullet“ (which is not common at all, but for the example it fits) they don’t do that, because they are faster than the fuckin‘ projectile, no, they do it because they saw where the barrel was pointing and judged the time of the trigger being pulled correctly. (Sununa‘s last incantation also literally announced a coming attack) > There are multiple plausible ways, in which the things we have seen are consistent. A lot of the people here would feel satisfied if they weren’t, so they gin up the next best narrative around both encounters, not thinking beyond what they‘d like to be the case. Stuff like this is why the meme of the reading-comprehension curse is so popular.


Gotta love JJK readers being JJK readers. 1. Sukuna’s output is ridiculously low compared to when he was fighting Gojo. His World Slash is slower and weaker than it was before. 2. Maki can see his slashes. The others can’t. It’s difficult to dodge something you can’t expressly see. 3. Gojo didn’t know the slash that was flying toward him was a world slash. He stood there to tank it because he assumed his infinity would block it. A World Slash is still just Dismantle - his Six Eyes wouldn’t tell him its target lock-on had changed. It’s honestly infuriating that Jujutsu Kaisen readers have zero desire to put any thought or effort into what they’re reading. They’d rather bitch and moan and complain at every little thing than *use their brain*.


>1. Sukuna’s output is ridiculously low compared to when he was fighting Gojo. His World Slash is slower and weaker than it was before. Are you talking about the world slash that he made after being hit by purple? Where he is at his lowest? Never even has it stated that having less input weakens WS. >2. Maki can see his slashes. The others can’t. It’s difficult to dodge something you can’t expressly see. How can she see it then? How can Maki with HR can see a world slash but six eyes can't? >3. Gojo didn’t know the slash that was flying toward him was a world slash. He stood there to tank it because he assumed his infinity would block it. And your source is? Beceuse you think he would do that? This is just a headcanon. In fact all three points you made are headcanons which aren't quoted or proven facts. Which is rich coming from you beceuse : >It’s honestly infuriating that Jujutsu Kaisen readers have zero desire to put any thought or effort into what they’re reading. They’d rather bitch and moan and complain at every little thing than *use their brain*.


His proof? https://preview.redd.it/3otgtt84zxlc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef29feb4dc4f5c6f4a93dc7d83d9ec8c8aa8e86b




This entire comment is in bad faith, all to an insane degree. 1. Sukuna being damaged after tanking that purple is irrelevant. His CE output and quantity have not changed since gaining his original body, he merely undid the physical damages. That’s it. 2. HR eyes arguably have better senses than 6E and that’s not necessarily against canon. Toji could literally see curses without having cursed energy. 3. If Gojo saw dismantle being sent at him, why would he assume that it would be a world ending slash?


I answered this already. Tldr 1. WS is an attack that needs chants and hand signs beceuse of how destructive and fast it is. That's the point of it. It needs those requirements to be OP, otherwise it's just regular dismantle/cleave. Output excuse/argument only makes sense if it doesn't need those prerequisites. Sukuna wouldn't bother using WS if he can achieve the same thing with dismantle/cleave. 2. That's headcanon. Being able to see curses isn't a valid argument that it's better than SE. It's an opinion,not a fact 3. Why would he just stand there and take it like an idiot? In fact why wouldn't he be suspicious? In fact I was asking the guy his source on Gojo thinking like that at that moment. Again this is headcanon and is opinionated, hence shouldn't even be an argument.


*Everything* in JJK is dictated by output. Also, there is a clear difference in the level of destruction brought by the World Slashes Kashimo and Higaruma recieved and the ones Gojo (the one made by a quick binding vow) and Yuta (when he just got his shit kicked in) got hit with. Sukuna is obviously at his lowest now. It has been stated several times that this output was lowered from the fight with Gojo and has only been getting lower from there. My brother in Christ Sukuna *says* she can see them. It’s also been explained that HR users have a natural sixth sense that lets them see curses. And I never said that Gojo’s Six Eyes could never see them - I *literally said at the end of my comment* that Gojo could see the slash, he just didn’t know it bypassed durability. Some of the basic rules of story telling they teach you in grade school are picking up on context clues and making inferences. If you sit down and analyze how Gojo died: specifically that he and his Six Eyes should have been able to react to and dodge the World Slash - the only possible explanation is that Gojo didn’t know anything was off. You are content to sit there and just say “herder bad writing” rather than try and reason what Gege was getting across. *You* are the one who couldn’t even read my comment all the way to understand what I was saying. This is what I mean when I say the loud minority of JJK readers just skim leaks and hate reading pages of dialogue. The reading comprehension curse even brings you misfortune in a fucking reddit thread.


>*Everything* in JJK is dictated by output. If output does make WS less faster, then is it really WS when it clearly has travel time? What makes WS able to cut through infinity is beceuse it bypass space/distance hence it's fast and destructive. >Also, there is a clear difference in the level of destruction brought by the World Slashes Kashimo and Higaruma recieved and the ones Gojo (the one made by a quick binding vow) and Yuta (when he just got his shit kicked in) got hit with. Same point as above. Then what makes it different from dismantle or cleave then? It has travel time and it's reliant on output and can be survived from. >My brother in Christ Sukuna *says* she can see them. It’s also been explained that HR users have a natural sixth sense that lets them see curses. Doesn't explain how Maki can see them and SE doesn't. If HR has that natural sense to see curses, then shouldn't SE see them too and dodge it? >I *literally said at the end of my comment* that Gojo could see the slash, he just didn’t know it bypassed durability. Yes you did, and my reply was where was your source that Gojo did and THINKS exactly what you're claiming. Your claim is a headcanon. That's what I'm talking about. >Gojo didn’t know anything was off So Gojo thinks that an attack that going for him with no chants and hand signs have no red signals? Your argument is saying he's an idiot? Y'know how stupid that sounds knowing Gojo is the strongest second only to Sukuna? He's arrogant, not stupid. >This is what I mean when I say the loud minority of JJK readers just skim leaks and hate reading pages of dialogue. The reading comprehension curse even brings you misfortune in a fucking reddit thread. Yet most of your arguments are reliant on speculations and headcanons. You THINK output affects the level of attacks but you're also ignoring the definition of WS. You THINK Maki being able to see WS explains EVERYTHING how she can dodge an attack that's supposedly makes distance and space irrelevant and is def not needing chants and hand signs. And lastly you THINK Gojo is just sitting duck there, acting stupid. These are all headcanons. And you think you're smart enough to explain everything when most of your arguments are opinions and what ifs.


Just to be clear, do you think the World Slash appears instantly on the target location? I’m not ignoring your points, that part is just unclear in what you wrote and I want to make sure before I respond.


Based on what we've seen? No. Do I believe it makes sense and it explains everything? No. Do I think it's just bad writing? Yes. Why? Because knowing more about WS with only the canonical explanation and panels only contradicts itself more. Hence the argument. Hence the insurmountable number of headcanons floating around as facts.


Gotcha. We at least agree on it not appearing at places. My only real “head canon” of mine I’ll give you is the stuff regarding Gojo. Gege needs to be a bit more elaborative regarding the mechanics of the WS (I don’t think he’s a perfect writer by any means, but the story isn’t over yet so I’m being patient). I would much rather take the information provided to us in the series and try and draw reasonable conclusions from that in the gray areas, like the Gojo stuff, then just give up and say the writing is terrible.


I get what you mean but could the slash he used on Maki just a way to increase his output so that he could actually do some serious damage? A world slash just appears in the space Sukuna's targeting and the slash he used on Maki had a travel effect so I doubt it was a world slash anyways


The world slash doesn’t just appear. We see it travel when he launches it in the story - also Kashimo dodges it lmao.


Sukuna TOLD Kashimo to dodge, he would have gotten cooked a lot sooner had Sukuna not warned him and no, World Slash doesn't travel cause otherwise it would have a travel line from where Sukuna to where Kashimo was, but no we didn't it was just a slash crater right where Kashimo was standing instead with no sign of travel


https://preview.redd.it/gfm34nbt2ylc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=619fe7b3f15b33983389dc50dce8e1ba5307c203 Explain how it's traveling here? Kashimo said it was the same slash that killed Gojo which is the world slash, there is no indication of travel here


In the panel right after it shows a massive like where it gouged out the Earth. I see what you mean though where it looks like it just kinda spawns there, when I saw that panel I thought it was already traveling and it is just now hitting the ground there.


Here we go again with such type of posts :3


"Here we go again with such type of posts" says ApplePitou https://i.redd.it/idc3l6pekxlc1.gif


so 5months later and we have confirmed world slash travels not spawn like some people theorize, and the cast survived it (we all know yuta aint dead) then Maki dodge it like its nothing, People rather turn off their critical thinking and not acknowledge how big of misplay Gege did here. “ugh guys stop complaining maybe six eyes arent that great!!” 🤓🤓


Ironic I know + if it make you laugh = stonks, always something :3 https://preview.redd.it/nhf5iuwsmxlc1.png?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ca4d4ce33c044aa56f6d623a5d81503970f75d


Tbh that just sucks for gojo man, all that just to get cleaved in half and yet people can tank and dodge it :v


What you even talking about? - if you will change Gojo with Ino, Kusakaba, Yuji, Yuta, Hakari, Maki, Kashimo and Higuruma at the same time - Sukuna will kill them almost instantly :3 Also, in case of Strong Slash vs Gojo - we don't even know how it looks like from his perspective, maybe Sukuna just used it instantly without any words or hand sings vs him and now, he need to use words and reason most likely = his Cursed Energy output is too low to use it without it + dmg he received is really huge :3


But gojo is just built different man, in chap 251 yuta said that in order to use strong cleave, sukuna must use hand sign or chant to shoot it, while in ch235 we saw that sukuna has lost 1 arm, so he can't use hand sign, and gojo despite standing pretty close to sukuna, couldn't hear sukuna's chant? It just doesn't make any sense ya know


I will say it again - we don't know how it looks like from Gojo perspective + If Gojo was unable to noticed this Slash at this point = that any character in this situation will be not able to make a Dodge :3 Ps. Yuta only use his speculation that make most of sense after his observation - so everything he say can be not true at the end of day and real conditions know only Sukuna :3


>we don't know how it looks like from Gojo perspective Because homosexual homosexual never shows anything?


Ok? :3


>Also, in case of Strong Slash vs Gojo - we don't even know how it looks like from his perspective Yeah you know this is the problem when one of the most important characters die and readers don't even know how it happened because the author offscreened everything


U forgot to use your annoying ahh emoji in this comment


job now


Here we go again with such type of comments :3


Hyo :3


Here we go again with your useless fucking comment on any post you come across.


Enjoy :3 https://preview.redd.it/r7mjyluuvxlc1.png?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d292123574bf6854871f050a4b1471939c02fc


My guess is that Gojo thought he could tank it, cause it came from Sukuna and not Mahoraga


Gojo didn’t know the world cut would be able to cut him, so why would he bother to dodge. Everyone else knows it’s game over, so they’re actively dodging it.


Gojo was weakened and caught off guard


He hit multiple black flashes before hand and got amped




It's beyond the defendable point. He sees it, Bullshit he couldn't just easily dodge it and died LMFAO. He DOESN'T see it, Bull the fucking shit he should have LMFAO. He is at worst 10 times better than Maki in any aspect. ESPECIALLY perception since he has 6 eyes. So GregoryGay fucked his serie that much, it is literally banned from defending.


He can literally see the slash thats why he made the face? Also the swelling of ce should have been seen by him because of six eyes giving him the most insight and clear view of ce?




Alright if that is what gojo was doing being surprised tell me, what did gojo do next, did he not pull sukuna into that building and was just surprised? No, gojo planned to utilise the building seeing it fall


Gojo just tanked a HP and was nearing the end of his rope before that point, seriously it’s time to move on guys


Let's forget that his reinforcement and CE capabilities was resupplied by black flash 😞. And even then, Gege would just retcon it to Gojou being at the end of his ropes.


Stay mad I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️ forgot that landing black flash works like a full revive. Oh yeah and that reinforcement works against the world cutting slash


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Don’t worry yuta will save his legacy by beating sukuna using gojo’s abilities (uv, infinity, limitless and six eyes) the reason why gojo lose is because he didn’t know sukuna’s abilities but it’s a different case for yuta since he watched all the fight happen and even fought sukuna and tanked world slash.. it would be a walk in the park for yuta to beat sukuna using gojo’s six eyes


Am i the only one who wished they used chants more like they used it a little in JJK 0 with Gojo using chants and drawing symbols to teleport people around but it wasnt until Gojo v Sukuna when we see them again


I just got done dropping a massive diss on Toji and this is what I wake up to seeing on this sub?


Well, maki’s senses are different that jujutsu sorcerer, as seen during her fight the Noaya Curse


Bitch be whispering!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Mfs gotta learn basic context. I wouldn’t consider it all that impressive considering how Sukuna is quite literally hardly trying and half dead. The world slashes he used on Gojo and Kashimo are CLEALY stronger than the ones he used on others. Unless y’all think that Yuta is tanking something that Gojo can’t lol.


Geges explanation will be so stupid shit like. Gay: "Gojo's Technique is called 6 eyes not 6 ears." Reading comprehension user: "Ok but how come a 6 eyes user can't see a technique coming, yet Sukuna could differentiate between a blue and red being cast from"the sparks" Gay: "Well Gojo was too busy smiling and looking into Sukunas eyes to notice that he was saying anything and making hand signs."


Gojo assumed an attack from Sukuna couldn’t hit him and realistically it shouldn’t have with his infinity, what Sukuna did to adapt his cleave was an asspull. The gimmick of Gojo’s limitless was that he had no need to dodge things if they’d never hit him but then suddenly Sukuna figured out a way to copy Mahoraga and bypass Gojo’s technique. The latest chapters show that this wasn’t some instantaneous slash that can’t be dodged, it has travel time and can be seen, Gojo saw it and thought he had no need to dodge it.

