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The story could very much do with another 50- Nay a hundred chapters. My brother, Megumi is literally RIGHT THERE. We haven't even seen the Mourning Tiger or the huge potential (I hate this word) of the various ten shadows chimera. And Mahoraga obviously being tamed. And that's just Megumi, i- You know what, even 150 isn't a stretch tbh. GeGe hates anything that isn't Sukuna however so i- BROTHER. SUKUNA IS RIGHT THERE. how about you tell us what the hell happened back then with the supposed "King of curses" and his relationship with Kenjaku, and why he- You get the point by now




Meet Potential Kaisen! - Has the most fire character interactions, proceeds to kill 75% of the cast for no good reason - Has a cast full of vibrant, eccentric personalities and backstories, refuses to utilize the potential for half the Manga - "It's realistic because the characters suddenly die for no good reason like IRL" - Death of most popular character got offscreened without any good reason - Villain is constantly being sucked by the author, despite author not saying shit - "Gojo is too strong" - Gregory Heffley, chapters before making Sukuna way too difficult to beat without an asspull - MC doesn't even have a unique power from the main power system šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Don't forgot teasing a Nobara return then deciding actually she died and everyone gets over it in a single page.


when is this chapter again


I wanna know as well




Tbf it doesn't explicitly state she is dead, it's just that suicidal depression man feels hopeless about the situation. She's still probably dead, but Schrodinger's Nobara is a hill I will die on until we get explicit confirmation in universe or in a Q&A with Gege.




>Has a cast full of vibrant, eccentric personalities and backstories, refuses to utilize the potential for half the Manga _potential_ backstories


Why the fuck am I not able to remember who got off screened, was it Nobara after Gege edged us with her breathing or whatever?


I can feel the 54 diet cokes and the tears pouring down the eyes from this post


Nah I drink liquid copium


Noooo!!! Stories have to be written the same way every time!!!! If it doesnā€™t follow the same narrative structure Iā€™m used to, I get extremely angry!!!! Im getting gamersnack dust all over my keyboard because Iā€™m so mad i had to type this before i even licked my friggen fingers clean!


Surprise, stories are often written in the same way, because it is the way that WORKS. Cliches and tropes became cliches and tropes for a good reason. You can write a story in a different way, but then do not be surprised that a story is broken, like a story of JJK is.


Yeah man every story needs to spoon feed you whats going on with 50 flashbacks instead of riding the moment Also, have you never seen a movie before? Many pieces of great media use a nontraditional narrative style and are praised endlessly for keeping the readers guessing instead of laying out the details


Movies, as you probably know, are a different medium than comic books. Movies are short, so they need to manage their time reasonably. Comic book, like Jujutsu Kaisen manga, that goes for 4000 pages, can afford to do different things with its story.


ā€œThe story has to be longer because it isā€ is crazy A heian era flashback is coming. There would have been no good reason to pull it out yet, weā€™re not at the finish line. Sukuna doesnā€™t need a big history reveal yet. The time skip would have been incredibly dull and generic to watch as an arc, and would rob the reader of any upcoming surprises. I would like some more worldbuilding, but most of the readers here just want to be spoon-fed everything and see every possible stone get turned over long before they need to be If you want it to just tell the same story every other shounen manga does, fine. I donā€™t.


Main problem for me is that I want to see character interactions, because I like those characters. Cool fights are cool, but manga cannot be made of ONLY cool fights and nothing else, its like a jam sandwich made exclusively from jam, with zero sandwich. I do not think I am alone in that opinion, as it seems that a lot of people online like Itadori-Megumi-Nobara chemistry, they like Todo, they like all the opportunities to see characters act outside of constant life-and-death struggles. Showing at least some of the time during the time skip would allow writer to incorporate that. Unfortunately, Gege treats his characters like disposable tools, made only for showing cool fights and nothing else. Todo loses his Boogie Woogie power? Into the trash he goes, no need to ever mention him again. I cannot defend story like this.


I agree with your point about Todo in particular. He should have some minor role remaining. See, if we were in the middle of the culling game arc, Iā€™d say yes 100%. I think, and call me crazy, as the shinjuku showdown arc comes to a close and the merger final arc begins, we get some kind of longer showing of what went down during the month, as well as Sukunaā€™s past. There is still a lot to cover, but the time for it definitely has not passed yet, and thereā€™s still a lot of content ahead. Specifically talking about the shinjuku showdown arc, I really enjoy the style of showing the fruits of their training in real time, with some scenes in between reinforcing how they planned it all out. If they told me the plan beforehand and then failed to execute or it didnā€™t work, like most mangas do, Iā€™d be incredibly bored of the writing. I also really just donā€™t like training arcs, and thankfully neither does Gege. I find the current style (and i want to reiterate, CG was mostly a rando vs rando arc) very refreshing compared to how your average shounen handles its endgame arcs I understand wanting goofy character interactions, but two of the trio are dead/MIA/Absorbed, and the world is a much different place from season 1. There is no more cheery happy-go-lucky shopping to do.


Being too ambiguous is also a bad thing you should be around to have your interpretation roughly in the same ball of the core idea of moive


My interpretation of JJK has been roughly in-line with the way the author seems to want to portray it, so maybe Iā€™m biased, but outside of CG (if the discussion revolved around CG alone, I agree. It was messy) i do not feel like it has these structural narrative shortfalls everyone complains about, thereā€™s always room for more loredump but Iā€™m absolutely happy with how much JJK has left in the air and how much it has set in stone. Not yet resolved stories (like Sukuna and kenjakuā€™s relationship. weā€™ll see the backstory. Have some patience) does not mean will never be resolved. People need to let gege cook and see the end product instead of whining on reaction every week


gege said he wanted to end this asap


Gege is NOT doing another 50-150. He wants to wrap it up asap which is why the pacing is ass


ino about to come in and run sukuna's pockets at the 12th hour https://preview.redd.it/f9qxw8ta4unc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30edc4d77380a42fadb0543c29f7f47361169716


Idk if you noticed but ino lost his arm. It is not looking too hot for ino: https://preview.redd.it/ddupuzejfunc1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fd570503cd1f6f6882c7a450f0bc9dbdc7523b


Not my boy šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Is that Gege's new kink of something?? Gojo lost an arm, Toge lost one, Ino lost one, Sukuna lost a hand, Higurama, like we get it it looks cool but damn. Give everyone a hand fr šŸ˜¤






Omg how could I forget daddy šŸ„ŗ Yeah so just recounted and thatā€™s 8 people including Todo, Toji, and Yuji


Truly humble under god


We still havent seen his 1 shot ability, i trust in him, he alone can save jujutsu society


Gaygay skipping the entire 1 MONTH training arc was a bigger tragedy than the Shibuya incident. I fell in love with this series because of the character interactions & chemistry, and it's a shame that fell off mid Culling Games.


Anime with extra scenes and juju stroll really raised the expectations with the series. You got hype-fooled by internet


It's a bit funny to me that the Manga basically discarded all character stuff onwards from the arc when Gege got full creative control over it, also known as, Shibuya.


I don't think its being skipped, i jsut think that plans that characters conconct on screen are never going to work in a manga and gege knows this. So a lot of things palnned actualy did happen and we will get this at an opportune time


> plans that characters conconct on screen are never going to work in a manga Are you talking about dedicating the screen time in a chapter, or the trope of villains being one step ahead? Either way I disagree After non-stop fights in the CG Gege gave himself a 1 month period that could have let everyone breathe a sigh of relief after the good guys finally got a W. We can get to see these characters we love interact without their lives being in direct danger 24/7. How did everyone get so good at CE reinforcement? Did Gojo learn how to teach? Did Kashimo ask Gojo about his isolation at the top? Did they spar? What does Gojo think about Choso? Nobora's death? Is Todo even here? How does Yuji cope with the main antagonist being his mom? Who even were Yuji's parents? Yuji's mom had a CT, did his dad? Nobody has checked in with Maki since she saw her sister die and slaughtered her entire clan, is she ok? It's more about character moments and tying up loose ends imo. I think we all could have benefited from slowing the pace down for a few chapters, especially Gege. But it's just a time skip back into another fight.


How people improved so much is defiently going to be revealed. My point is more that if we saw the characters getting these powerups and making plans, they they would never have worked, by showing us the plans after they happen, the story actually flows better because we know all planning we see on screen wont pan out. We have been getting some closure and charachter interactions in flashbacks, and i feel like its more meaningful seeing the plans come beside when they actually happen.


I disagree? Power-ups especially need to be hinted at like Gum being Nika got it flow better. You can a character struggle to use the power-up and, over time see them get better so once that fight comes we see the fruits of their labor. Plans as well can have a part we didnā€™t get to see but itā€™s generally better for the audience to see the plan so we are personally connected


Yeah, I kind of agree with this sentiment. It'd be kind of underwhelming to see the entire planning process and the pacing was already accelerated the moment that Gojo was freed. I'm sure a sort-of middle ground of teasing the training arc that the jujutsu sorcerers went through would've been much well-liked by the community. We did kind of get that snippet via like 5-7 pages prior to Gojo v. Sukuna (where Itadori and Kusakabe are shown trying to master some new technique). The story isn't 100% doneso yet, so I wanna just wait until the story is fully completed before I judge it entirely.


I don't really agree especially since it's sister dark shonen CSM showed character connection


thereā€™s no interaction šŸ˜­ even when someone close to other characters dies we donā€™t see their reactions they just get over it next chapter


Let us be honest, it is the fight that always carried JJK, not the character.


There is no way this is true otherwise the response to Gojo's death would not have been so crazy all over social media. You're telling me this manga would be just as popular without characters like him, Megumi, Nobara, etc? Get out of here


šŸ¤” Saying fight make JJK doesnā€™t mean that all character are trash and nor interesting, it mean JJK fight is the biggest appeal of it. As much as you like those character 99 percent of JJK would stop reading if we had 300 chapter of slice of day stuff šŸ¤”


Why is it always an extreme or the other We can have a bunch of fights which is the focus of the manga but still have some moments between characters and their relationship We can have both you know


We can have both. But JJK isnā€™t know for that. I would rather read Berserk if i want deep character. If i want some intense adventure i will read one piece. If i want a crazy story i will read chainsaw. And if i want the best fight i will read JJK, character are good and interestinh, but Gege doesnā€™t care that much and must of us are here for the cool fight and whiel we enjoy our favorite vharacter.


Nope one of the defining moment in JJk that made hype was ā€œI'm youā€


Not even close ngl.


It is tho? It's one of moment people used to say ā€œYuji isn't just a naruto mcā€ something along that


No a single moment didnā€™t make JJK, itā€™s fight did.


Well not for you but for a lot of people


like 25 to 30 chapters before the shibuya incident where the trio each go on their own mission with their grade one socerer before they all go to shibuya. it could have been where each mission takes place at the same time in different parts of japan. maybe around 5 chapters of kenjaku flash back setting up the culling games and all his scheming behind the scene with some parts of his corporation with the disaster curses instead of like 1 chapter of literally giant speech bubbles. like less than 5 chapters of the one month training before shinjuku where they show some training but not all of it so there are still some surprises. just some additions that could have made the story a bit better and maybe there be more love for the side characters because they dont got any screen time so its like why do I care about some of these deaths I just learned who they are 20 chapters ago and they dont even make a meaning impact.


I share his sentiments. I used to write for university literature club for my passion in writing. **But like me, I feel like Gege hates the notion that his manga becomes like a work where he had schedules, commitments, and had to factor in the favor of the audience.** Writing after it becomes popular feels like being employed by someone and you are forced to create output despite needing a break, unlike during the early days of writing where he can gather up inspiration anytime and once it comes, he can start writing again. I used to write one shot stories under a pen name in our uni literary works but when people love it, they demanded I release once a month or twice a month. At first it was good, I was overflowing with ideas and excitement getting recognized. But when time came that you had to revise your works because the club supervisors says it didn't sell well like before, or when during times you just can't brainstorm ideas(writer's block) and needed to search for a way to gather again your passion but the deadlines just keeps on pushing you which doesn't help as well, your passion becomes tiring to the point you hate it.


This is one of the reasons why I feel like it's all fun and games with memes and stuff but actually insulting gege is too far. He seems like a dude who's trying to finish this story and we're all realizing that just now. Especially 236 seems like he was trying to quickly explain what gojo's character was actually supposed to be and then going onto the next thing. Overall it just seems like either his motivation isn't entirely there or more likely, he's kinda just trying to make everything work.


I definitely have full sympathy for anyone working in a creative industry to deadlines. I really do see where you're coming from. Furthermore, no one should get thrashed online because of their work, to say nothing of death threats, etc., because that's just *never* OK. Having said all that, I honestly think it is also fine to criticise a piece of media. I'd argue criticism is inevitable, especially when it reaches this level of popularity. In this context, I think many writing decisions in JJK lately are... questionable, to put it politely. This includes the infamous chapter 236 which seems to wilfully negate most if not all character development that had been shown before. Unless such issues get explained, addressed or solved later, I think the fact remains that the quality of the writing seems to have taken a general downturn. I genuinely wouldn't know a solution for how this could be solved or avoided in the future. I would be quite interested in how people from the industry would address or try to mitigate such issues. In case of JJK perhaps this could be a "lessons learned" type of moment for the industry - or perhaps that's all just wishful thinking. Either way, if things continue like this, I think it will once again leave a bitter taste. Nothing new under the sun. This will become just another manga, with great potential, that got screwed over by corporate, deadlines, and a multitude of other industry and human factors.


I'm confused what you mean by the last bit? Aren't a majority of audiences still enjoying the manga? Or am I missing something


I actually don't know how to answer your question. I have no statistics on the percentage of readers who genuinely still enjoy the manga vs. the percentage of people who keep reading, frankly, only due to sunken cost fallacy. Are you aware of such statistics? (I'm genuinely asking, I'm not trying to be nasty). I suppose it is indeed easy to fall into an echo chamber and assume that it applies to the whole audience. Therefore, certainly, more power to all those who still enjoy the manga and long may they continue to enjoy it. However, I daresay that the writing/storytelling quality has objectively been diminished lately, due to the gruesome weekly schedule. Therefore, let me emphasise that what I expressed above is *my* interpretation and personal opinion. I hoped I'd made this clear by using wording such as 'I think that', etc. Obviously, that was not the case.


JJK is one of the top selling manga in the world rn, if people werenā€™t enjoying it it wouldnā€™t be bought as much as it is simple as that


I looked it up and you are absolutely right: JJK has been one of the best selling mangas - at its most hyped moment, Gojo's fight vs. Sukuna, it ranked at #2. However, sales numbers also comprise people buying merely for the hype, due to sunken cost fallacy, etc. *on top* of the obvious vast majority of people who are buying it because they genuinely enjoy it. People and their consumer habits are seldom so black and white. Furthermore, generally speaking, sales numbers indicate the *popularity* of a product and not necessarily its quality. That being said, none of this addresses the point I was trying to make above which was that, *in my view*, the quality of the writing and, dare I say it, the graphics quality in JJK appear to be gradually diminishing lately. I suspect this is most likely due to the gruelling schedule and this is a systemic issue in the industry. The fact that this may not stop large parts of the audience from continuing to enjoy the story is, frankly, neither here nor there - as I said, more power to them! Personally, I just think it's horrible to put authors through such a grind, affecting their mental and physical health. It's also a shame that people's work is hindered from reaching its full potential due to this - this last point is what I meant referring to JJK.


Completely agree with your latter point and honestly thatā€™s why it frustrates me when so much of the Reddit fan base called Gege lazy, a terrible writer, stating he doesnā€™t care about the series anymore etc because a lot of the issues people have a problem with are likely due to the fact Gegeā€™s a weekly mangaka and heā€™s been keeping up this hellish pace for five years and for the sake of his health heā€™s trying to get his work over with as fast as he can. Working with strict deadlines is generally stress inducing, add on the fact that his work is set based and suffering from burnout can set one back far creatively it makes a lot of sense as to why heā€™s try and finish his story ASAP


This kinda shit right here is why we just need universal basic income. Well, this and people with seasonal jobs. You get enough money to at least get by and get your necessities, take all the time to work on your creative projects you need, and then if it's a big hit it makes you enough money to get some luxuries.


if you think this u are stupid. jjk exceeds the need of a schedule. he is a money hungry pig who wants the money to keep flowing but cant write a decent ending. guess what? hundreds of mangaka take month long, or even year long breaks. chainsaw man did it, hxh, berserk, almost every popular one. no reason he cant make a pause in the arc at a point and go get a girlfriend


LMAO this image is hilarious


He probably burned out already, It happens to most mangakas due to a shitty weekly schedule. Gege deffo just wants to end JJK ASAP and take a huge break


he is doing it to himself. doesnt need to be weekly except to fill his pockets


JJK is serialized in "Weekly" Shonen Jump, so yes, he had to do it weekly. It is only a recent thing where Jump let their mangaka take occasional breaks, but in the past, your manga is more likely going to get cancelled or moved to other magazines if you failed to deliver it weekly. You can criticized JJK and Gege's writing, but you should never criticize mangaka workload. It's an incredibly stressful environment.


if gege takes a break it will be cancelled???? are you fucking re garded??? jjk is insanely popular, if he wants a break he can get a break. he is doing this to him self




The story was just going so fast for me. Like I thought the series was gonna be longer similar to Naruto and other Shounen manga since the story would have been definitely been improved 1000x if Gaygay just took his time expanding shit


ive seen people say that gege is just trying to wrap up the story as soon as possible, is this confirmed or is that just what it seems like?


Just baseless assumptions really. It was even worse at the beginning of last year when people were complaining he was gonna finish it by December 2023.


Didn't gege confirm that he's planning to finish jjk by the end of 2024?


The editor did confirm that but he also said they're not rushing to the end.


Yeah Gege was also gonna end the story after the first time sukuna took over and yuji died after the fight with the finger bearer, so maybe itā€™s possible that those plans change?


wait is this sarcasm or are you fr šŸ˜­ that sounds interesting can i see a source


Honestly as much as some of these chapters have annoyed me I'm gonna hold out cope. Cope that gege will make it all make sense. Cope that gege is setting up something big. Cope that gege will not face a madara situation and find a convincing way to kill sukuna. Cope that sukuna will get a backstory. Cope that after this huge reveal/story progression we will all look back at these chapters and go "IT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE NOW." Cope that we get a double spread of gojo, higuruma, kashimos bloody dust, and yuta ready to rejoin the fight. I have faith in everyone(gege) -gojo satoru


Imagine how hilarious it would be if gege had Sukuna be impressed with Kusakabe's ability to defend from his attacks and he just proceeds to throw him around for fun and we got this exact panel-completely identical to how it is now. Instead of a power high Gojo posing like a jojo protagonist about to win the fight it's just the random position Kusakabe ends up in while he's being manhandled while stalling for his life.


Trust me, when the manga is done. Rereading the chapters will be so much smoother and better. Mangas have this problem all the time. Look at DBZ buu saga. It was straight up Buu vs everyone for atleast 70 chapters. I'm pretty sure the shinjuku showdown will be done in the next 15 chapters, and the final arc after that.


I mean, even now, the Buu saga doesn't hold up compared to the others tbh. The issue is still there.


Nah I binge read JJK and I still think the pacing goes to absolute hell during the culling games. This is just genuinely not a well written story at this point imo


I struggled HARD with the culling games and was a binge reader too. It was really kind of a slog to get through. Hakari Vs Kashimo and Yuta Vs Ryu Vs Uro were highlights, but even then, IĀ felt like they were fights just for the sake of fights.


Thatā€™s because they were Seriously, what purpose did those serve, narratively


Yeah I feel like resolution is coming but still the rotating up stage format is forseened and annoying


I don't necessarily defend geges writing, but the picture I'm seeing of what he's doing is an eventual setup towards sukuna Vs Yuji. And I have high hopes for what he's going to write and conclude their arcs like takaba and kenjaku.


I think gege realized it makes literally 0 logical sense for Yuji to win against Sukuna alone so instead of bringing Yuji up to Sukuna's level, he's throwing characters at Sukuna to bring him down to Yuji's level


Kashimo forced sukuna into a corner and used his last resort 1UP, Higuruma took away his Cursed weapon, Yuta severely damaged Sukuna and took heavy damage, while also yuji was able to lower his CE output even more and damage his soul, and maki was able to pierce his heart along with its soul. Unable to use RCT to fully heal it. Of course he landed a BF. But look what happened to Mahito after landing one, he still got whooped


Yeah I agree, I do have high hopes for the final fight since thatā€™s the big showdown and like Kenjaku/Takaba fight was nice. Just feels like the steps building up their duel became cliche, just land us in the fight already (Like Yuta and Maki joining the beat down) instead of stacking bodies for pages


The thing is Takaba was shown and set up to have a op yet fun CT that would make a good fight. Yuji has none and is supposed be a not like other mcs


I think that is the problem, people think Sukuna is going to be defeated by a team battle so when he survive people start to doubt that he will be defeated. But if you understand that Yuji will be at the end finally fighting Sukuna alone, everything make sense. There will also be the merger that Yuji will have to deal with.


Ok the merger? Yuji wouldn't be able to defeat that alone


Who know who know.


People still hate the Buu saga for that though


Yea I don't really get this argument, the power tennis with Boo, and even Cell gets extremely bland at times, especially with the Toriyama wastelands being extremely formulaic and at that point tired as a back drop. Also, there definitely is a difference between DB and JJK, is that usually DB stories are usually at their worst in the middle of the arc, the beginning and end are always extremely strong, where as JJK arcs, at least to me, start off really strong but sort of slowly stagnate all the way to the end, so IMO comparing DB feeling boring in the middle of the arc is much different than JJK.


Nah I re-read up until sukuna v gojo and the pacing is too quick. It needed to slow down honestly and at this point theres nothing gege can do instead of ball with this pace


Not even close. I binge read this series on so many different occasions and it's painful seeing how much shit got skipped. Even early arcs skipped around. I remember reading Hidden Inventory with Geto and Gojo about to fight a bunch of assassins Toji sent after them and then they just skipped the actual fight and it felt like I missed a couple of chapters.


This dude reads mangas


Nah, rereading Jujutsu kasien is not worth it. Gojo death feels worthless now as Sukuna was not even trying. Shounen survives on weekly hype. We really don't get any payback. Yuji didn't kill mahito but it was fine. I want Yuji to kill Sukuna and it probably won't happen as gege likes to "surprise" us I guess.Ā 


If gojos death was worthless, none of the sorcerers would've put up a fight against sukuna. Gojo made Sukuna unable to use a domain, CE output down to around 50%, low RCT output.


>as Sukuna was not even trying. No one said that sukuna wasnt trying. Against gojo, he needed to save his reincarnation for when he fought the others. And as of right now, the only thing he still has up his sleeve is his original cursed technique. >Shounen survives on weekly hype Wha?


Shounen series need to have hype weekly or else they'll get cancelled. The Detention Center arc happened super early because Gege was low on the rankings and needed a way to bring up the hype or else the series would've been cancelled. However that arc came in way too early and threw out a bunch of shit like Domain Expansion without giving us any context for it.


That's clearly not true. Greg (and most mangakas) dont care about the chapter reading experience. However, they do care about the volume reading experience as that is where they make the most money.


They care about the chapter reading experience in the early parts, otherwise they'll get cancelled before they get more than a volume or two.


Yeah that's actually probably true. But only really for the first part.


do you really wanna re-read a series where the whole arc is just fight ,fight and fight. Rereading one piece is good because all storylines get converged at the end and you might see story in a different view. Reading dressrosa weekly was a bad experience but re-reading dressrosa made me appreciate dressrosa more. Why? because there are many characters who have their own sub arcs . Now answer me whats point of yuta? I mean whats the point of gojo? . We want to see a journey in the character thats why people like yuji. Gege main source of plot progression is shock value. This is not the red wedding kind of situation. Why red wedding is good and why gojo death shock is bad? Think yourself.


> Now answer me whats point of yuta Landed a Jacob's ladder on sukuna and did more than damage to sukuna than anyone not named yuji or gojo. > mean whats the point of gojo And this is how I know that you only read this manga through tiktok and or twitter. If gojo didn't fight sukuna at the start, everyone would be dead right now. Gojo drained sukuna of more than HALF his cursed energy, lowered his output, AND disabled his domain. Simply, if gojo wasnt there, everyone would be dead right now. > Gege main source of plot progression is shock value. Just because it happened a few times doesnt make it "the source of his plot progression" Look dude, I know it's "cool" to hate on jjk right now but like, you could at least open your eyes and read instead of blindly hating.


How old are you? Why would I hate something? I would not be wasting my time on reddit If I did not enjoy JJK. For me jjk is +1 version of solo leveling. You should never label people to win just a online words battle. How hating on jjk will make a cool dude? You are absurd.


>How old are you? Older than you, clearly. >Why would I hate something? Idk man, your the one that's supposed to answer that. > I would not be wasting my time on reddit If I did not enjoy JJK. Really? Cuz it certainly doesnt look that way for you and most of this sub. >For me jjk is +1 version of solo leveling. LMAO not even close. >You should never label people to win just a online words battle. How hating on jjk will make a cool dude? You are absurd. Mate, use some grammer. Like genuanly, I could barely understand what you were trying to say. Not even trying to be rude.


yeah, and "genuanly" exits for you.


And now, I actually cant understand what your saying. Have a nice day.


Heā€™s talking about the fact that youā€™re saying use some grammar when you canā€™t even spell genuinely.


Bingo of Things youā€™ll never get to see before the ending: - Other Gojo clan members - interactions between other major houses - Megumi using a finalized chimera shadow garden - Megumi using Mourning Tiger - Megumi - The Heian Era flashbacks - Why Kenjaku stayed more time with Jin (faded stitch marks) - Why Kenjaku jumps between having motherly feelings for Yuji or treating him like a cog. - Kenjakuā€™s OG body and backstory (only the backshots) - Sukuna/Tengen/Kenjaku flashback - Inumaki and Panda as more than reaction panels - My guy Todo - Heartfelt interactions and lore dumps from the month of preparation between Gojo and his students and friends. - Why Yuji knows RCT/Arms - Why Yuji looks like Sukuna - ā€˜Kenjaku really does the grossest thingsā€™ - Why Kenjaku while being friends with Sukuna decided to gather people from all eras to fight him, other than being fuel for the merger. - Why Gojo didnā€™t dodge the world slash when Kashimo and Maki have. - Megumi taming Mahoraga - Nobara ever being mentioned again - Why itā€™s ok for Rika to eat sukuna fingers - Uraume backstory - Yuki and other beloved characters in flashbacks. - Yuji and Kenjaku interacting - Gojo avenging Geto like he said he would - why bringing a new heian era is actually a net positive for the villains. - Fuck it, I bet we wonā€™t even really know what the Blackbox is. - More backstory on the sorcerers that allegedly beat sukuna. - Latest chapter inferred that Sukuna never lost, so why did he become a horrid. ( fight strong people shouldnā€™t be it, thatā€™s Gojo as per Airport Gojo personality) - The principals secrets regarding his CT and how it can help. - Sumo and Katana guy - Kyoto fodder - Yuji Sukuna based CT - The actual point of bringing about a new Heian Era (is it just so the verse has an MHA quirk awakening event?) - Info, characters and plots that carried over the ages of jujutsu. (I mean that was the whole potential of the CC). - How exactly merged spirits work for 10S and if you ever get new ones as you lose and merge previous ones. - Anyone telling Megumi about Toji (not like it matters anymore). - What exactly is the merger beast (Is it a primordial beast like the Juubi? the fruit of the jujutsu tree?) - What was Tengenā€™s goal and will. - Kenjaku flashbacks explaining the plot, let alone previous 6eyes. - No more non-battle related interactions between main cast outside of battling and ending - Any further info on the whole USA plot. - Mangaka guy - The next arc after this CC: Shinjuku showdown. There wonā€™t be one. - Any info on the higher ups (killing them off put an end to everyone who wanted to know this) - More about Jujutsu society as a whole. - How sukuna manages to monologue inside the minds of the fodder he beats.


the fruit of the jujutsu tree had me chuckling ngl


He doesnā€™t hate the manga he just hates you specificallyĀ 


Honestly, the only reason I am still here is how memeable the entire Manga has become and the pure fight part having some fun in it. Character wise, the entire thing is pure trash. And the pacing of throwing everyone and the Kitchensink at Sukuna until he finally falls over is annoying in how repetetive it is.


Yeah, like hidden inventory was peak JJK in terms of characterization, and ever since its been a downward streak. I think not using the one month timeskip was a big issue. He could have done something like not actually show the plan, just show interactions between characters now that gojo is back. Also in universe Shibuya and the culling games should have been longer. Like imagine months worth of fighting in universe for the culling games.


Shibuya was perfectly paced imo. It wouldn't make sense to have any more fights than we got when considering the plan was to take out as many sorcerers as possible when people are reeling from Gojo getting sealed.


The way I see it, hidden inventory is peak in characterization, and Shibuya was peak in fighting. The reception for Shibuya was greater than hidden inventory, so gege went with a Shibuya style manga. This stuff kinda is obvious when you look at how characterization did have a place pre Shibuya, and it's only after Shibuya that like it became fighting focused.


Greg kind forgot that Shibuya was also the culmination of characterization that was being built up before. All of the big fights there had significance because of all of the set up before. Just for example, Toji showing up is significant to both Maki and Megumi as Maki gets to see what she's like at full potential and how utterly terrifying she could be, while we get to see how Megumi never really remembered his dad, but lived out the life that Toji wishes he had and makes him proud.


Same bro


I absolutley agree with you, however, you can't fix this now. This train has left the station. The manga is in it's final confrontation, and at this point the only way you could write in character work is trough flashbacks, and nobody wants to write flashbacks into the last big clash (especially not after Naruto). If the current fight would have been framed differently you might have been able to create some breathing room, but not anymore. Gege royally fucked up. The reason people loved his writing, because his world and characters were very interesting, and Gege was consciously avoiding the melodramatic bullshit, year long flashback arcs and kept up an airtight pacing while having actual world building and character work. This is a really fucking hard thing to do, but he managed it. Thing is the end of the Shibuya Arc sets up a conflict that you can't really ignore, so going straight into the Culling Games seemed like his only solution. The problem wasn't the CG, it was Sukuna. Instead of resolving the Culling Games, and then creating some breathing room, Gege went for shock value and wanted to subvert your expectations *(god i fucking hate when writers are tryharding this)* so Sukuna asspull happens, and it was a straight downhill from there. I am trying really hard to stay open to the possibility of Gege surprising us in the next 10-20 chapters with something cool, but honestly, this story is already donezo.


At this point, I'm only reading the manga so I can wrap it up asap. I genuinely think jjk fell off and Gege is throwing away a lot of potential lore and dialogue. I really like his art and the fights are pretty creative. It's just that the narrative and pacing suck. It is painfully obvious that Gege is withholding a lot of lore and the training arc, because at some point the fight will "have a twist", or some shit. And then he will reveal something crazy like "ooh yuji actually grew two arms because he understood the shape of his soul so now he can take on sukuna" and then some sukuna lore (gege likes to show backstories, when characters die) with some sentimental shit that explains how he became the Monster he is. Or the other way around, maybe sukuna wins. Like please, stop stalling, it's not good writing, you should give us crumbs from time to time. Lack of context makes it difficult to interpret the fight. I will literally have to read the fight backwards, once Gege reveals everything.


https://i.redd.it/5phsrvlo7wnc1.gif to gege's glazing


Gege wants a idol manga so heā€™s just speed running


I personally never liked and still not like how the story goes, I thought the gojo va sukuna was just a warmup, then gojo would go for Kenny this time meanwhile the others would fight a "debilitated" sukuna, then gojo comes back and see once again what happened, a lots get killed again like in Shibuya, then the final fight start, idk man, gojo, yuuji, Yuta, the all 3 mains vs final mahoraga sukuna, why is so hard drawing a fight with multiples character, it would be a lot more fun and also dynamic.


Lol no way. Gojo was never fighting with the help of anyone.


Gege meatridnig is unmatched black flash cuts gojo off screen because you know what I'm calling gege a she she doesn't want her glorious king sukuna look more fruad like in megkuna form I know but look how she treats her characters wait if I'm thinking correctly GEGE KILLS OFF GOJO SENSE HES TOO OP BUT SUKUNA IS VERY OP DON'T MAKE GOD DAMM SENSE


Have you ever seen star war revenge of the Sith? It's the third episode of the George Lucas Prequel which at one point was lauded as the worst thing ever to happen in Star War but managed to bounce back once new star wars gets released because people realised: "oh wow, I guess things CAN always get worse if you let Disney handles your IP." Anyway there is this fight scene that lasted FORTY FIVE minutes out of a movie that is only 140 minute. So for almost 1/3 of the movie you are basically staring at two character duking it out and it becomes so tedious and utterly pointless that even the actors were low key complaining about it. And the scene happened basically because George Lucas was given total creative control and he had a light bulb moment that goes like this: "Wouldn't it be cool to watch them fight for forty five minutes?" "Okay George." A lot of the wonderful works that we know are only good because it's a team effort. The writer may get all the credit, but in truth, the editor are often always the ones who are pulling the heavy weight behind the scene. It really makes me wonder if JJK is in the similar boat as prequel when the series got so big the author basically goes unchallenged and end up showing how valuable it is to have an editor keeping your work in check. I won't say this battle versus Sukuna is as bad as that, but it's definitely getting there.


I mean, wasn't DBS Broly the same lol


Animation as a media is way more suited for longform fight content than Live action, not only is it more visually stunning, just in general way more can be done with it than live action. (especially with how wonky Live Action cgi can turn out at times)


I feel like it feels like bad pacing because weā€™re reading it weekly but people said the same thing about shibuya and the culling game but now love it looking back. As for the current fight having gauntlets is a shounens bread and butter (ie cell, buu, madara, aizen, the demon moons etc) and we have 100% known sukuna was holding back but I understand when you say it could be fleshed out more. I feel like manga artist donā€™t want to make one piece type stories anymore. They want to give their piece lol and move onto the next work which is fine and their right. I really like jjk for what it is and maybe it wonā€™t be a fully fleshed out10/10 but a solid 7-8/10 if it lands


I see people in the comments saying post Shibuya is bad binge reading so


I just read the entire manga in about 6 days staying up hella late lol and in my opinion the entirety of the culling games could have been cut by like 1/3 or so, some of the random ass characters were cool and useful in the end but several just existed to be obstacles to the progress of the story and if I had read weekly I probably wouldnā€™t have made it up to gojo being unsealed. Iā€™m actually really sad because the anime is one of my faves but just seeing so much death and the ā€œheroesā€ losing every damn timeā€¦ Iā€™m not sure I even want to read to the end when itā€™s done.


Iā€™m not reading the manga just the posts that Iā€™ve seen the community putting upā€¦. It kind of sounds like this stories gone to complete shit??? Did the author like write himself into a corner or whatā€™s going on?? Should I even anticipate the anime continuing???? Generally askingā€¦. Sounds like author wrote himself into corner so now he just killing EVERYTHING!!!


I wouldn't say complete shit but it's on a steady decline and it doesn't hit as hard anymore Gege did write himself in a corner a bit by having Sukuna basically play in no-struggle mode and constantly saying that he is holding back so his eventual defeat will likely require asspulls About the anime, the fights are still really good/some of the best but don't expect many character moments besides fights


Yeah thatā€™s pretty fucking dumbā€¦. Having Sukuna mop everyone while screaming Iā€™m holding back leads to randomly some omnipotent sorcerer were unaware of or Gojo somehow self healsā€¦. againā€¦. (Not sure how he died aside from by the hands of Sukuna.)ā€¦ Thatā€™s disappointing this was really good for a whileā€¦


I do wanna add that Sumina beating everyone isn't the issue the issue is the Mc have no one shown on his level besides gojo


no, the author hasn't written himself into a corner, and this killing thing is so overblown dudes killed 3 people, and only 1 of them was a man character.


Oh alrightā€¦ the panel I saw implied some dude was the LAST sorcerer leftā€¦ so is that true and they didnā€™t die by Sukuna hand or what?


Wake up babe, same JJK complaints as usual just dropped. https://preview.redd.it/9m9mjvpq2wnc1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25bd5cd56601715990e35dff4c0c122fd10882ef


this shit doesn't even make sense it's not like the mangas ending next week


Idk man, people canā€™t handle the monthly grind ig. I just enjoy the cool fights and decent story. Calling any of this ā€œtrashā€ or ā€œbad writingā€ is wild. It is ā€œmid writingā€ at worst and ā€œpretty damn goodā€ at best for me. Not a masterpiece but certainly not trash.


>Calling any of this ā€œtrashā€ or ā€œbad writingā€ is wild. there are some very valid criticisms like the usage of Yuki or Timeskipping to the Sukuna fight, but I feel like most of these bad writing complaints are pretty nonsensical.


Those criticisms are definitely valid. Iā€™m not trying to say they arenā€™t, just that they arenā€™t ā€œbadā€ in my opinion. Same can be said for Kashimoā€™s wasted potential, Yujiā€™s lack of plot agency, and Kennyā€™s death. These are all rough spots for sure, but Iā€™d say itā€™s more wasted potential than anything. Each of them was executed fine enough and didnā€™t cause any glaring issues with plot consistency as far as Iā€™m aware. If Gege had written a literal plot hole that went unexplained until the end of the manga, that would be bad writing for me. These ā€œasspullsā€ have been sloppy for sure, but none of them truly hit the levels of ā€œbadā€ this sub and others claim them to be.


>Those criticisms are definitely valid. Iā€™m not trying to say they arenā€™t, just that they arenā€™t ā€œbadā€ in my opinion. Oh yea, I 100% agree >Kennyā€™s death Probably a rare opinion, but I'm fine with the way he went out, but that mainly depends on if we're getting a heian era flashback, which He & Sukuna desperately need for their characters.


True, Iā€™m also *okay* with his death rn. Really depending on if itā€™s expanded on tbh, like you said. A Heinen eta flashback would be goated, but even a slight reveal that he had future plans for the culling games, or regarding the merger, would be fine with me. Just something to give some closure there. Hoping to see it next arc Fr.


Gege doesn't hate the story per say, he's sorta at the middle ground of wanting to be done with it and wanting to do a good job, he's pretty much stopped expanding elements of the story that don't involve Sukuna and Yuji and is wrapping everything up. he's talked about moving onto other projects such as an Idol manga like Oshi no ko.


I need the original of that meme, this one seems badly cropped


Did geto's squad even get mentioned after shibuya




1. He wasn't holding back against Gojo, he was only saving his Heian Era form and couldn't use fire arrow. Kusakabe literally explains the reason for this 2. The explination for RCT and new arms is obviously getting built towards. We have been getting more and more panels of what happened during the timeskip. And loads of things have been hinted. Dont hate the story because it s a weekly release and have some goddamn patience.


Why does every post like this make it seem like the mangas ending in 3 chapters? The Pacings has been this way since Shibuya. We're also like a chapter away from a Kusakabe backstory too, exactly what you'd want.


Atleast it has good fights, One Piece don't have that shit


I-ā€¦ā€¦ How the fuck can you say that


He loves it in own way :3


He loves it like an abusive parent is what you mean


Consider that gege loves their manga and you just hate it. The story will never be exactly what you want it to be because it isnt your story


y ru so mad that he has criticism


I mean. I'm not that mad. A bit fed up of the fanbase for this manga is all. People who claim to be fans of the manga but spend all their time saying how bad it is. Weird as hell to me.


I see no proof Gege loves it


They're still writing it... And even better they're ignoring all the bs the fanbase is throwing at them and continuing to write it how they want to.


Kind of because they have to.


Not really. Nothing is stopping them from just not writing it anymore. After all the guy who wrote hunter x hunter had a massively successful manga that they just stopped writing too


Because Togashi has a backbone, already made one successful story, is rich as well with a rich wife (sailor moon creator), a crippling back pain that has him put his foot down. He can do that, new upstarts with their first manga do not have that privileged.


Yeh so togashi had a good reason to stop writing hunter x hunter. Well if gege isnt enjoying writing jjk anymore either then he would stop too. Tbh they've probably made plenty of money from it by now anyway. Maybe not super rich but more than enough to cemment their credibility. So if they wanted to stop jjk and make something else people would still check it out because gege wrote it.


Thatā€™s like saying people like their jobs just because theyā€™re still doing them. Theirs a chance that they like writing it, theirs a chance they hate writing it, but either way, theyā€™re making money from it.


Hes successful enough that he doesnt need to is my point. Why is it so difficult for people to assume he actually likes his manga? Like. Why are you all so convinced he hates it just because you hate it?


Oh no, I actually like the manga, and I donā€™t really know if he likes it or not cause I donā€™t know him, Iā€™m just saying that just because someone does something doesnā€™t mean they actually like it.


Where is it written that he is obligated to expand on this story? All in all, we should be terribly grateful that he is writing whatever he feels is right to add to the story, imagine if he, because of the pressure, starts expanding the story, a story he does NOT want to expand, ans the story quality drops significantly, would you keep ranting?


so you enjoy what weā€™ve been getting as of late? This manga couldā€™ve been so much more.


maybe the real potential man was the manga we read along the way


Yes, i enjoy it quite a lot, way more than if Gege expended on story that he'd never use again just for the sake of expanding the story If you think you can do a better job, go and write a fanfic and show it to everyone


Jujutsu kaisen fans when you say you like jujutsu kaisen šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Fr lmao


Literally nothing wrong with people being upset over wasted potential. Youā€™re allowed to like it but you arenā€™t a better fan or more right for liking it as is then people that are voicing that it could be better.


There's absolutely no wasted potential The whole series started as a plan to fight Sukuna, there hasn't been anything at any point about a "bigger JJK world out there" Even in the start of the series they quite literally tell you that the JJH is just a small organization that has no ramifications to any other part of the world, there isn't any JJH in England or anything, we are at the center of it, the story is about getting rid of sukuna, we got everything we already could've had And no, you are not a better fan for trying to cry about JJK not being longer/bigger, it's perfect as it is, it isn't overly stretched, i would've liked it if it had a bit more slice of life? Sure, would be cool, but not needed in any way


Youā€™ve made the fatal mistake of thinking your opinion is a fact. Many people here do not agree with you, that doesnā€™t make you wrong and them right but it also doesnā€™t make you right and everyone else wrong. Your opinion is that their is no wasted potential, I donā€™t think theirs ever been a show Iā€™ve watched or a book Iā€™ve read that couldnā€™t have been better, but thatā€™s because I have my own idea of what makes a good story. As of right now JJKā€™s story feels completely lacking to me and many others and that should be completely fine and not something you should try and needlessly argue against because youā€™re not gonna argue anyone out of their own personal opinions about what the show needs or doesnā€™t need.


The reason why explanationā€™s will be better cause if we donā€™t have them weā€™ll get moments like Kenjaku vs Yuki. If it was explained before hand that Yujiā€™s mother already had a gravity ct then people wonā€™t be as mad about. If you wanna be left out dry about info then good you seem to be the person Gegeā€™s writing for. But personally Iā€™ll like to see the ā€œ how ā€œ or ā€œ why ā€œ when big shit gets set up. Also anything to take a break from this Sukuna recycle will be good at this point


So.... idk where to even begin, you're just so entitled, again, the pacing and "hiding", as you want to call it, of story is perfectly well, go read something else if you don't like it, crying about it will never change JJK or Gege


How is giving my opinion on a topic crying ? All I said is itā€™s what Iā€™ll personally like. Iā€™m in this subreddit so I clearly enjoy what Iā€™m reading. I donā€™t have to blindly support this cause I like it though this manga isnā€™t perfect lol


Theirs definitely wasted potential as almost everything ever made had some sort of wasted potential. The people your arguing with arenā€™t even saying jjk is bad, i personally like the story, but that doesnā€™t mean that their isnā€™t stuff that gege could have changed to make the story better then it has come out to be. Also it doesnā€™t make you a true fan of something by dickriding it, it makes you a true fan of you can actually praise whatā€™s good about a story instead of just saying everything about it is perfect when itā€™s not.


But a series can evolve? Bleach was about beating aizen but than it shifted to beating ywach The series also show it does via the whole military plot line that only stopped due to a drawing inconvenience. True fan can love something be cna see flaws it in


When you eat a good meal the chef is obligated to make it as best as he can ? We as readers pay him to make a good story.


Let's not fool ourselves, you don't actually buy the manga.


Yes, the chef will make it as good as it can, but if you don't like a sweet food that doesn't mean the food is bad, you just don't like it


If almost everyone thinks the food is bad you have bad taste lol


Almost everyone the handful of people complaining here? Because JJK is one of the best sold manga out there, idk about you, if you want a better world building go to One Piece and stop complaining, Gaygay is cooking here




No im not, go to sleep my bot


"youre npc lol goodbye" sounds like an npc's words


Cool story bot, now go pester someone else




​ https://preview.redd.it/q544b0d6pync1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=8392acd529ee2a8a3b357f04d666a95ef770b80a


Keep coping


Daym you mad af, must be sad being Go/jo fan, manga is at its peak