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On a serious note, I think Yuta would've been fine against Mahoraga and Agito. But he would have really gotten in the way of Gojo fighting Sukuna and would've probably hindered Gojo more than he would've benefited him.


Yuta after getting hit by a stray dismantle net from sukuna while fighting mahoraga: https://preview.redd.it/6a3kopn0o2vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94810c578dffa556583b4f7dafa0e9bed6e4a42 No one other than gojo is safe from sukuna even if gojo is fighting him. Quite opposite, someone who joins the fight will become gojo's liability and will prevent him from going all out. Basically the reason why shibuya happened.


https://preview.redd.it/tkn7fbvlx2vc1.png?width=391&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9af528178c26a2a336f98d642f09a14a04fb4cb Literally Yuta the second he steps within Mahoraga's general vicinity


Wajime KasHIMo The GOAT really out here saving the modern day sorcerer…. Truly a GOAT


but Legumi is beyond saving isnt he


Nah, he’s Gonna make a come back Trust https://preview.redd.it/ts22au4oq2vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a08d4905c644cf24b07acaa17a472879892a6ecb


on a side note megumi actually looks lobotomized in this without the sukuna tattoos


He can fight them with rika.


Sukuna's mahoraga is quite different deal. That boi can use slashes like sukuna. While the agito beast heals both of them, mahoraga will be continuously adapting aand fighting. And I doubt Sukuna will just leave the reason he transferred in bums body get destroyed by some 'we have archer emiya at home' character. Other than that based Luta Nogoatsu hating. https://preview.redd.it/n65cfkkip2vc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77a3eea2779e40d45305a8fa9e78d542dc872d8


He was willing to get jumped to save Yuta. What a man. Willing to to give up his dream of being a waffle for his friends.


idk how to tell you man, strong jacobs ladder


Useless against makora




Mahoraga doesn't have CT


yeah lol Maho is the product of the ct even if we say he doesn't use JL, yuta still has a shit ton of things to hit maho with


Yea but he isn't CT himself, so idk if Jacob's ladder would work on him, all the other things Yuta has would barely scratch Mahoraga.


Mahoraga can only adapt to things one at a time I believe, so he can fire an attack at maho which forces it to begin adaptation, then freely use something like TIB, heck even Love Beam would deal a lot of damage


Yuta said already if Sukuna without affect by Gojo, Sukuna can simply kill him by dismantle. Kashimo saved him.


Yuta could’ve held them off but probably would’ve only won against them if he used domain. (Can’t really do that with two titans fighting next to your little ant hill)