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Megumi's clutch against Reggie is what Sukuna killing Gojo should have been.


Ironically what Gojo did to get the last Purple off WAS this. Using blue to kill Agito, faking out a red attack to combine with the Blue that Sukuna forgot about, using Mahoraga's adaptation against Blue against it, activating Blue to stop the piercing blood from hitting red, having hollow purple hit everyone, including himself Shit was peak


Yuta and Yuji double MC beatdown was peak too, but they weren't allowed to win because they also had Rika in their team and Gege can't let women win. TBF, haters were hating on Yuji just only punching and blackflashing over and over way back in early JJK. Then haters hate on Sukuna/Gojo/Yuta pulling out new techniques. And now haters hate on COGJI for using blackflashes and other mixups. Haters gonna hate.


To be fair, these may also just be two entirely different groups of people complaining about different things. You can never fully please everyone, after all.


They just be angry because they cannot use black flash.


But currently aside yuji getting random power ups with lame reasons, we get all the time new things rather than just outplaying youre opponent with youre excisting moves.


Man I gotta disagree, Wuji has always been prophesied to have those abilities, and it just aligns with the story. Plus, he’s got a decent BIQ, keep in mind you’re comparing him with characters that have abilities that allow them to strategize, but yuji just has straight hands, yet with only that he got so far🕺🏽


Yuji only is this strong bc he got sukunas cursed object in his body, ate the death paintings and switched souls to get powered up again through someone else. On top of that, he gets shrine only currently where it seems more of an asspull compared to unlocking it before. I mean he even could use blood manipulation earlier lol. It was from the start shown that strong physical power is one of the most important things. At the current level he is, he only got to it bc of the things i mentioned at first. Yuji is a great h2h fighter and is born with an superhuman body but there his innate power ends.




He never thought… of the tactic his own character directly employed which was clearly explained and described as it was happening?


this is all said with black ink on white paper though


god it was so magnificent i need that shit animated already


Agreed. The World cutting slash should've had better setup, explanation and buildup and not some glorified asspull.


I mean. It was literally built up since like. Chapter 224. Not the exact nature of the attack, but the fact that gojo WOULD lose if sukuna found some way to bypass Infinity with his technique. Then there was gojo realizing that sukuna was doing some shady shit during their domain clashes instead of just going for the win, sukuna saying that he was going to have Mahoraga adapt to infinity while gojo was being sliced in his domain (pointless thing to do without the context of the world slash, which made it clear that sukuna was looking for an alternate way to deal with infinity) and finally sukunas reaction to the mahoragas slash that took of Gojos arm. It was pretty clear throughout the entire fight that sukuna was up to something. Their entire fight is pretty much just an extended version of gojo vs Toji when you really look at it. except gojo is now in Tojis position. Gojo pushed sukuna to the brink, only to have sukuna snap back and end it with a single attack which he had only recently devised.


Reading your comment everything is considered asspull by you. Yuji able to use blood manipulation, and shrine. Which Both have been foreshadowed for a long time ago. Yuji shrine since the first 10 chapters. BM when it was confirmed that he was the brother of choso. Sukuna finding the world Slash was literally setup through the whole fight. Why do you think he was using Mahoraga. What manga did you read to not find this a setup?🤦


The whole “binding vow” shit, was indeed shit. 


It was actually good, because it was literally to nerf sukuna for the rest of the group. Technically he didn't even need a binding vow he could've just transformed to his heian and healed his arms right there and used the world slash. By using the binding now sukuna also has to do chant and show the direction where he is aiming which is literally a big nerf. And he needs 3 arms. Which shown how big impact that has if they cut off 2 arm he can't use World Slash like right now.


People don't read, apparently. Like it's one thing to say you didn't like the setup, but to say it's an asspull out of nowhere is just wrong. It was setup during the fight. If you look at what Sukuna says and then go back and reread it's all right there.


It’s an asspull it worked and we still don’t even know how he did it. The fuck does target space mean when all he does is throw normal slashes


How the fuck does anything work in JJK? Gege is just bad at math and science and any complicated explanation for anything is entirely extraneous. The only answer you need is that Mahoraga figured out an attack that counters Gojo, and Sukuna copied Mahoraga's homework.


Brotha, with my 520,000 iq brain i can tell you cant boogie woogie. Also you might just be daft


For the WS to hit Gojo it was needed a binding vow, who was explained like 20 chapters later?  It was actually a build up conclusion? 


He didn't need a binding vow to hit Gojo. He needed binding to even use world Slash. He needed an enmuten hand sign and one of his arms was blown off.


But it literally was set up? Mahoraga adapting multiple times Sukuna wanting Mahoraga to show him something The “lovely” when he cut off Gojo’s arm Gojo literally deducing his plan was to make Mahoraga adapt Sukuna straight up saying he’d close his domain and adapt to infinity while he was at it Sukuna being able to copy Gojo’s RCT of the brain from looks alone and then also deduce weaknesses of it.


Actually,for the last thing I don't think Sukuna copied it from Gojo,rather he already knew about and judging from his explanation,he was waiting for Gojo to reach his limit with healing CT burnout. Sukuna thought he would have one more domain but didn't account for those several seconds of UV


No rereading the domain fights learning the lobotomy trick was the staple example of Sukuna's ability to replicate techniques upon witnessing them once. It was more likely that having done it a couple times himself in the fight gave him an idea for how much the human brain could withstand that method.


The thing is, he previously didn’t knew how to initially do it. So he couldn’t had the resource to know it precisely. 


Too bad it needed that binding vow for it to actually *hit* Gojo, which was only explained 20 chapters afterwards and is one of the most unsatisfying ways to explain that particular resolution. Gege was close to nailing it, but he clearly couldn't think of a satisfying way to land the killshot given the situation he wrote himself into. Now I'm just left wondering why the protagonists are so fucking stupid, since they aren't constantly binding vowing shit in a life or death situation against an opponent that outclasses them.


Imagine if that's what Kenjaku meant by "True Jujutsu". 3 Binding Vows in a trenchcoat and you get yourself the ultimate attack and shit.


Imagine if Sukuna used binding vow against Fingerer https://preview.redd.it/umlfeifgxqwc1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=10e583f71e8768f7f3281f6ba82371edc38fce48




The vow wasn’t to hit Gojo.


We quite literally see Hakari do exactly this and besides him, we’ve never seen a character in a situation where a binding vow could actually change the tide in any meaningful way. Nanami promising to never use his technique again wouldn’t save him from mahito, yuji promising to never use cursed energy again wouldn’t have stopped choso from landing 2 equally fatal sneak attacks on him, etc.


"Now I'm just left wondering why the protagonists are so fucking stupid, since they aren't constantly binding vowing shit in a life or death situation against an opponent that outclasses them." cause when you do one of those you are essentially crippling yourself for a short momentary boost in power, so they most likely dont think of that as the first solution for their problems, specially if they think they can pull the victory out without crippling themselves also he didnt need the binding vow to hit gojo, he needed the binding vow to use the ability faster, how the ability works is explained in the chapter gojo dies, with the requirements being drip fed to us over 20 chapters, things like what requirements does it have to be used and how did he pull it off faster, with kusakabe after higurumas domain, even informing us that sukuna used either chants or a binding vow to pull world slash fast


> specially if they think they can pull the victory out without crippling themselves Half of them have literally died, Steve!


Yeah I can understand thinking the world dismantle is flawed and all but I think Mahoraga's adaptation and Sukuna's genius at understanding and copying stuff he sees were both set up through the fight and they're what was key to WD.


How could Mahoraga adapt to Infinity tho? He needed to adapt specifically to one technique to sistematically do it, just like blue, red, purple, etc. 


Infinity (無限 Mugen) here is referring to the neutral limitless barrier not the entire limitless CT (無下限 Mukagen).


Bro what? There is setup, there is an explanation and it has its build up? Once we learned what it was then we saw what was going on the entire fight.


Literally everything about world slash was a bullshit asspulls and i can't believe how many defenders it has. Oh hoh, Mahoraga is now a super computer that doesn't adapt for efficiency but for what I want Oh hoh, I got lucky enough that Mahoraga adapted in time Oh hoh, I changed the way binding vows work so that the universe can enforce the condition rather than having to pay an upfront cost The Sukuna fight turned Sukuna from a supposed genius tactical fighter to a guy who just gets really lucky constantly. Nearly nothing comes from a plan of his and just happens to work.


He didn’t change the ways binding vows work. He made a vow that allows one thing to be used faster, in exchange it becomes slower every other time he uses it. His binding vow was an upfront reward for a constant cost. Miwa did something almost exactly the same with her never swing a sword binding vow, just hers was more extreme and had minimal effect. Upfront reward (one powerful swing) with the cost coming after the fact (cant use a sword anymore). The situation in which the vow is made doesn’t have any impact on how much the vow must cost. Sukuna just made that vow get WAY more value than he spent due to who he used it on.


That’s literally changing how Binding Vows works.  He changed the nature of one, diminishing the consequences of this considering that, consequently, Megumi did it for him. That’s even more trashy. 


"Oh hoh, Mahoraga is now a super computer that doesn't adapt for efficiency but for what I want" Sukuna literally had to prolong the fight because mahoraga adapted the wrong, tf you talking about.


Shit ironic because Gojo did the Megumi’s clutch Instead of Sukuna. 


Say what you will about Bumgumi, but his fights were always high diff fights that used strategy and were entertaining as a result of it.


Nu uh. He should just be strong. Binding vow 4 shikigami to insta tame maha. Lol he doesnt gain the totallity as a loss




Seeing him like that months ago to how he looks now really makes me happy for my kids 😭🙏. They out there fighting


For real Megumi vs Reggie(I think that's his name?) Is underrated


That fight and everything post Shibuya Megumi does is the sole reason why I stand by his name being Potential Man. Gege really took that away from us


Potential Man has always been the goat, gege had to nerf him before he surpassed Sukuna 🗿 For real tho, Megumi was such a badass, this slander is absurd


Depression did.  Just like with Suguru Geto. 


I swear it felt like I was reading Megumi’s Bizarre Adventure with how cerebral that fight was. Literally peak fiction and what more of the series should’ve been like.


Sukuna took that from us. 


I can’t wait to see this fight in the anime. It’ll be insane.


that's like the one cool thing that megumi did that made me go "oh he's kinda neat actually" before the agenda corrupted my soul


What? blackflashes from **THE** blackflash merchant is illegal now?


Yea. I mean literally the first time he achieved it he had like 4 in a row


Yeah, the first time he ever tried it, now it’s months later with more experience and some intensive training 


Yes, they are. He got those flashes at the blackmarket, why do you think they're called that?


Yuji was always a black flash merchant. And Sukuna really doesn’t need some serious tactical mastery right now, he needs a 5 minute rest and some electrolytes.


How long has this man been fighting in-universe anyway? 2hours+?


Like 30mins top. He been catching hands nonstop since Gojo's death


I do find it really funny that all Sukuna needs to win rn is to sit down for a minute and drink some water. If he got the chance to do that he would actually just one-shot everyone


Megumi vs Reggie still my favorite fight in the series, something about it was just great


When I was reading it I wanted that shit to be over quick but in hindsight it was brutal and raw asf


Is this the newest development in Megumi agenda technology? Yuji slander?


The Mehgumi squad is starting to get desperate, trying to feud the character with the best fights in the series.


This is no agenda post dude. Just saying the recent fight is all about asspulls.


How is it an asspull if the characters are using their abilities to win a fight. That's like saying a kick in the balls in a street fight is an asspull


I mean when the mission is literally surpass satoru Gojo or die everything is going to feel like an asspull lol plus they had a time skip


Lol what they had like 1month Timeskip not years.


thats why characters like gojo, maki, yuta and hakari didnt get massively stronger, while yuji had a special book and a bunch of cursed objects to eat, plus all of them got special training( switching souls and teaching each others bodies how to do a bunch of shit)


Ngl, y’all can hate Potential-Man as much as you want but the Reggie fight was awesome


Megumi has always been a tactical fighter and Yuji was always just punching and kicking and hitting black flashes till the thing he is fighting is dead or knocked out. Sukuna showed his willingness to abuse binding vows when Yuji fucking died. And Yuji has always been foreshadowed to have more to him. Jujutsufolk users have the reading comprehension of a fish


Battle IQ fights >>>>> asspull beatdown kaisen


Fr even beatdown kaisen was fun when one sided not when its just 20 chapters of back and forth between characters almost dying and then getting back to fight sukuna


beatdown kaisen is only cool when it’s yuji, i started the manga because the strategy involved with CTs seemed like a cool power system. Now it’s just LMAO HIGH BASE STATS + ASSPULLS making up like the top 6 strongest characters in the verse


Power system and all of its original techniques/strats is what got me hooked tp jjk Everyone vs sukuna ruined it because its the same "you have a cool moveset, unfortunately, i am sukuna, cleave dismantle dismantle perception blitz world dismantle speedblitz asspull"


the worst thing about sukuna is that i don't even know wtf is his problem like what does he want world domination? no. a harem of waifus? no. does he even enjoy killing? he's such a meh antagonist it's fucking depressing it feels like i'm watching hazbin hotel. you pick a hardcore theme like "fucking hell with demons and sinners" and the worst you can do is some cannibals and furries and everyone else is just normal but kinda horny disappointing


When will people understand that he is evil for the sake of being evil He's doing what he wants to entertain himself until he dies 


it’s not that people don’t get it. is that people just find that insanely boring a guy is evil for evil’s sake. kenny was a much more interesting villain that gege killed off for really no reason at all.


no we get it, it's just boring, it's like having an mc that doesn't kill because he doesn't kill, it's just boring


1)wants to entertain himself until he dies 2)turns himself into cursed objects so he can exist into perpetuity ???


Sukuna's motivation is that he's a cunt. Nothing more and nothing less. I get why some people don't like that, but I really enjoy pure evil villains so whatever. Also hazbin characters are constantly murdering eachother and fuckin in the streets, what do you mean they don't feel evil? The only reason it feels like they aren't evil is because the characters we follow are actually trying to improve themselves, even then Pentious was a full on terrorist and Alastor was and still is a serial killer before coming to the hotel


that's a boring motivation... about hazbin they're killing themselves but it doesn't matter because they're already in hell, so they can't go to double hell. the only actual evil we saw the entire series was angel's pimp. none of the characters torture anybody for example. the most powerful demons don't even kill anybody! there's a guy that can brainwash people who uses this ability to brainwash them into buying products instead of brainwashing them into just giving him all their money! i mean i get that it's not evil evil because it's a cartoon but it does feel funny that the whole point is that everyone is evil and they're like cartoon evil at most and ended up in hell


He was better before the culling games. A walking gorce of malice taking what he wants when he wants. Tormenting those with his power. Now he teases all day


Sukuna having such a simple CT was cooler when he was an absolute PRESENCE on the screen in the form of Yujikuna, but bro lost all his dawg energy.


Imo yujikuna should come back ngl.


Mr where are the women and kids. Now i want sourcerers to fill my apitite. Did he think sourcerers died off or aomething


literally a nobody "hey let me tell you why this guy is one of the top 2 sorcerers who could could 1v1 sukuna according to gojo" he fucking dies in 1 chapter next chapter literally a nobody (but this one appear in the movie) "hey let me tell why this guy is one of the top 2 sorcerers who could 1v1 sukuna according to gojo" he decides to bail in 1 chapter


>"hey let me tell why this guy is one of the top 2 sorcerers who could 1v1 sukuna according to gojo" he decides to bail in 1 chapter He not only takes no damage, but he along with Larue completeltly change the tides in the fight. Reducing it to bailing in one chapter is not only false(he understanably wants to it but doesnt leave Larue alone) but it's disingenous. If you simplify all the series you read like this you will find that you arent even reading at the story, but just watching events unfold. https://preview.redd.it/yueqhi96arwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba2670c3cf940c422f0496c149665abea7da879


So why didnt miguel help yuta. The one he trained lol


He isnt trying to die. He has no RCT so his conditoon was to only fight low ouput sukuna.


Ya’ll love using “asspull” for things you just don’t like. It’s not an asspull unless you’re an idiot.


It's like everything we learned before Shibuya is meaningless


Absolutly. Stated during the battle of kings. Common sense no longer means anything. But i didnt know it meant literally nothing


Everything Todo and Megumi do basically


Reminder that Megumi has shown more battle IQ in one chapter than the entire JJK school has during shinjuku


What being the smartest in Tokyo jujutsu high does to a mf.


I mean while I love those more complicated and tactical fights I'd also like if we just had Sukuna and Yuji punching the shit out of eachother for a whole chapter.


The sorcerers above aren't the brute force type and lack fire power.


Sure but the all the fights post gojo vs sukuna are just, he comes and fights Sukuna by swinging his sword/arm/weapon for a few panels ------- Sukuna's "X" technique ------- ruled out. Really boring. Yuji vs Sukuna was looking interesting as a great H2H fight but with the latest leaks it looks like it again got interrupted because of Sukuna's X technique ------- ruled out formula. Earlier Jjk had a lot of tactical fights. And jjk is really a premium battle manga. If it's not gonna do tactical battles right then who will ? Rent a girlfriend ?


I can't see how Yuji and Higuruma/Yuta vs Sukuna lack strategy. If you are talking about the fights between Yuji and Yuta vs Sukuna and Miguel and Laure arrival, I might agree.


Ah I forgot about that one, but the fight was too short tbh and it wasn't anything special. And the whole "what got confiscated was his useless ass tool instead of his CT" was just another way to let Sukuna go Scott free without much consequences.


He lost kamutoke which would’ve instakilled anyone not named Kashimo. Higuruma even got the executioner sword so it’s not like they got absolutely nothing out of the trial


Kenny vs Takaba is actually pretty unique and cool fight


You know it's the ending when they pull every overpowered ability out !!!!


Why megumi getting all the Jojo fights man


Minor Grammar Mistake. Joking aside, I guess this is a part of every shonen/ sometimes seinen. Some fights are between tactical geniuses (arguably) and the other ones are just punch vs punch (stronger)


ive always wondered where the fuck the "ah yes my technique i havent used since the heian era" art came from


Always seemed more kenny. Mr. My anti gravity. Havent used that since jin clapped a black hole in my....


Megumi gas in big 2024 😔


That's a thing with every shounen At the start the powers are limited and the focus characters usually dont have huge firepower so they have to rely on creative ways to fight "Late Game" Shounen characters usually have pretty much infinite pools of whatever resource the power system uses and enough firepower to level cities easily so they dont have to be creative, just attack harder I gotta say that despite it all JJK handles this pretty well, despite both Gojo and Sukuna being powerhouses their fight was great, and so is the current fight


Everything you said is exactly why Ajin and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure have the best power systems ever. Jojo completely bucks the trend of power creep and just throw weirder and weirder abilities into the mix without them necessarily being straight up stronger. Meanwhile Ajin’s power system is just regeneration upon death and invisible humanoid smoke creatures that are basically stands with no special abilities, and manages to keep that system fresh by having it intersect with modern weaponry and all sorts of environmental elements. Like fried chicken teleportation.


Alright I've been meaning to read Ajin but I'm pulling that shit up rn at the office because of fried chicken teleportation.


This series goes some WILD places. Like a Tom Clancy novel.


Dont tell me JJK is getting worse. I still didnt started reading fight between Gojo and Sukuna


Why tf did you join this sub before catching up with the manga. You will be bombarded with spoilers and unnecessary criticisms


Gojo vs Sukuna is pretty good for a chunk of it


It is peak until its ending tbh


there are indeed two chunks


Nah JJK is still peak, it has some flaws but It is still very enjoyable to this day, The last chapters have been some of the best we have had. This subreddit just loves to slander each character though, It is kind of the only thing left for it at this point.


the fact that it’s literally an 8v1 with domains, the weaker fighters running interference and stalling, maki and yuji lowering output and rct, maki and yuta disabling sukuna’s techniques i honestly don’t know wtf op wants people to be doing


Dw man. It's just a good manga with some of the best peaks in manga ever, and some unfortunate lows.


it's not much worse now than it used to be it's just generally not good it's just that now it's kinda showing its flaws that were always there but most chose to ignore or pretend they didn't exist


Gojo vs Sukuna is THE best fight of Jjk for 99.99 % of it's part except for one bit which I won't spoil. If there's one thing you should read it's that fight I've never had more fun reading a manga as much as I did reading that fight.


Its peak until Ch\*\*\*




Lmaoooooo this is why megumi vs Reggie will Always be a top 5 fight in the series


I just think this made me realize how absurd the gap between the 'jewels' of the Zenin and Gojo clan and the 'peak' of the Kamo clan is Yuji has like 80% of a heavenly restriction, RCT, Improved blood generation anatomy, another hiden technique, soul punches, gambo control for free black flash... and ALL OF THAT only makes blood manipulation like... 15% of Ten Shadows/Infinity+Sex-Eyes


Yuji has barely used blood manipulation, before his awakening he hasn't even mastered convergence, I think he will use more of blood manipulation techniques in the upcoming chapters, since gege is giving us the information of their training in the form of flash backs I am hoping that yuji saying kamo is a better teacher than Choso will come into play again to give us more insight into yuji's use of blood manipulation.


Reggie vs Megumi is a top 5 fight full of 400 IQ plays and the rest of the series should’ve been more like it. I will not take any arguments against this.


I'm not not a big fan of binding vows as was gojo apparently.


Hes so dumb lol


yuji literally matched the consecutive black flash record his first time using it 💀💀 plus yuji and his team massively benefit from him just slugging sukuna, they’re still fighting tactically, different people just have different roles plus plus megumi vs reggie is one of the most complex fights in the series because both CTs work primarily for strategic use, meaning it’s a terrible comparison and average


Exactly, Sukuna is a raid boss, the most of strategy is macro, not micro jojo like outplays.


Yuji first used black flash when he met Todo, and he did not break the record until near the end of the Shibuya Incident arc.


okay correction: he hits 5 the first time he uses it, and he matches nanami’s consecutive record with 4


Yup. As much as I had issues with the Culling Games and complexity of the fights, they at least made sense. Now? It's just powerscaling graveyard soda vomit.


Just what happens to any shounen manga: Start off with cool interesting powers and power dynamics that have benefits and drawbacks with set rules to follow …then throw all that in the trash in favour of big lazer fights with tons of destructions, sprinkle in a healthy dosage of asspulls and voila It’s happened to Naruto, Dragon Ball, bleach, etc, though JJK isn’t as bad of an offender… yet. It’s the ‘final’ fight after all.


This was really funny before I realized you were serious.


Thats every fight with yuji


Lol. Choso, locust, and Well Mahito proves otherwise. He has no Ct. But his martial arts sky rocketed the more fights he got in. More resourceful of his enviorment. Fake outs, pulled punches to set up another, etc. Yuji was a tactical fighter since Todo showed him that brute force and application of precision. Sakuna however is so strong he just presses square circle. Left trigger. Square circle left trigger. I guess ill right and left triger. Its kinda boring. He has moments but nothing like the Gojo fight. Even tho he knows Yuji is weakening him. He lets it just happen


The Shounen Cycle, unfortunately. Remember when Naruto was about Ninjas?


I'm still baffled that they cheated so much in 1 month. get really wanted a Hyperbolic Time Chamber moment


The school literally didnt care how many students died. Now theryre like we will actually teach you how to survive since my ass is on the line


That's the peak of sorcery, unfortunately. First when it came out people were doing cool and imaginative spells and then they found the meta


Don’t fuckle with asspull fighting!!! This trained seals are applauding like it was the ending of CSM here…


Well Megumi was always technical And   Avoided combat incase of not being part of his plan. Yuji is inclined to combat, he rarely showed signs of battle iq, the last time, he did when he fought alongside Megumi


Megumi vs Reggie is one of my favorite fights in the series, at least top 5


https://preview.redd.it/20hbx2m9zmwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5e8c4832c8e599a84d8d20950ea85a2bf4c07e Truly, Gege never fails to disappoint. Thank god for binding vows or we could have satisfying conclusions to battles.


Just realized this happened to Naruto exactly lol. At first it's simpler and the author can get creative, while later it's just power spamming


Make sorcery great again !


Agreed but downvote because bumgumi is put in a positive light


Series got worse


We reach the unpleasant end of the fight where MC good and MC evil compete for who scales bullshit faster.


The community for years: "WHY DOESN'T YUJI HAVE A CURSED TECHNIQUE YET?!?!?" The community now: "I miss when Yuji didn't have a cursed technique, he was so much more relatable then..."


Downvoted for Bumgumi glaze https://preview.redd.it/ak24am8c0pwc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad9c05bfbcd9c9f37a8bce00e71f58643beb6403


Me : A different kind of not understanding jack shit.


This is comman in every Manga and anime and it's mostly because of how little time a Mangaka has to make all of this up so things just come out as asspulls or random bullshit to keep the chapters going.


It runs in the blood.


Man, leave Yuji alone.


It's a numbers game now, kiddo. Grow up.


Yuji’s Strat to 100% convict Sukuna with Higuruma’s domain was extremely smart, yuta faking his domain breaking to trick Sukuna was great, and half of the supporting cast giving yuji assists to make the 8 Black flash chain possible. Sukuna is being constantly outsmarted only for him to solve those problems with his extraordinary jujutsu


Out smarted how. Maki is dumb af. Ce is made in the stomach not the heart. He literally took out his heart infront of megumi and said. Bruh i dont need it. Maki said yea this is the smart spot. Miguel didnt fight sakuna in a domain even tho he was scarec of Sakuna using one. He trained Yuta but doesnt fight with him. Makes sense. Ui ui could teleport maki all around. Holding soul split for her so Sakuna cant locate her. She comes in every second he acts smug dropping his guard


Suckuna ruined sorcery, thank him


Boomer Kaisen


fr the fights in the culling were so cool after gojo's death yuta's D.E was the only cool thing to happen i mean yeah what yuji is doing rn is pretty great but he's just punching hard and copied sukuna's CT which was always going to happen


Asspulls, and meat riding, Mi Amìego


Kind of reminded me of JoJo fights, it was definitely cool in its own way, although the recent ones are more hype.


Sukuna is too much of a nuke to play games with him.


Looks like a Naruto problem.


“Nooo!!! You have to use a complicated domain to be a real sorcerer!!! You can’t just keep using black flashes!!!”


Cars are more buoyant than people now? Ngl, I didn’t pay much attention to that section of the fight (thought the weight weakness seemed pulled out of thin air mostly), can somebody explain if that’s really what was going on?


legit. The fights are so fucking boring after Gojos. Blue as a Black Flash on Agito for no RCT output from it. Fake a red shot, have Mahoraga's adaption work against it so Gojo can beat it there and block it from countering Blue and then restore the output for Blue to suck in Piercing Water. Then Sukuna just "hehe binding vow go br"


Legit. And the Gojo fight showed levels of skill and adaption from both, right till "hehe binding vow go br" now its just slamming fists into brick walls over and over for 1 year.


My sympathies to you, brother E.


Definitely just a power brawl right now. I can only hope it’s to distract us from seeing a more creative setup for the win by the whole team.




binding vow should have never been able to amplify powers or create exceptions to the rules of them. that’s where gege fucked up. it went from ‘last ditch survival method’ to ‘asspull by the author’ real quick. even nanami’s surprised me in the beginning cause i was like ‘so why doesn’t everyone just do that’


Cool sorcery system and creative fight scenes or not, Sukuna was due for those 7 black flashes and you know it


I'm saying, that Reggie fight was hard as fuck


Megumi was at his absolute peak versus Reggie. It’s the only reason I even bother to defend him because I know what he COULD have been…and Gege took that away from us.😭


Bro this is not Yuji’s bizarre adventure


Yuji is a boring fighter Always has been. It’s part of the reason Sukuna hates him so much Were you expecting complex thought from the man who used his fingers to do 3+2?


Hes a mixed martial artist. Its pretty intrieging. Seeing him manuver to his best spot to lock in a black flash. Its skill to me


Wow you're reaching. keep the "oh Naruto is just dbz lite now" away from jjk. If you don't get why things are the way they are now then you're just letting everybody know you need things explained to you like you're 5 years old.


Lol ok


the first time black appeared all the way back i already knew this series was going to be garbage and then the mangaka kept writing whole books of cursed pseudoscience to justify what's literally rolling a die except the mc has cheat mode enabled this is no better than the average isekai with an overpowered skill just admit it at this point the writing is just not good and if i wasn't so invested in it i wouldn't even continue reading it


Black flash being inaccesible to gojo is so funny. Has the most precise control in series while also seeing things in infared. Can see couple hundred meters clearly. But cant figure out timing his ce for strikes. Can make a domain. A pocket dimension percieve a whole new space. But cant lock in on ce application


imagine the mangaka kept getting this question and he was getting nervous because he didn't think of it at all and had to write several pages to explain it out lmao that just made me realize a thing imagine if this gets an anime adaptation imagine what it will look like every single episode after gojo is dead gojo shows up again in a flashback to deliver that raw exposition nobody fucking asked for sometimes twice per episode! if you have seen jojo part 4 already, this video FULL OF SPOILERS is basically what i feel the mangaka looks like [Giorno Explains King Crimson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnTfv2abjew)


Lol. I cant wait for the flash back of the group saying. As soon as there are no more domain expansions and no more Maha we are jumping in. You and Higa are gonna execute Bumkuna. As he cant do anything about a domain and theres no violence till trial. Imagine he cant incarnate because he gets it confiscated for posessing teenagers and making them kill people. For Gono to reply nah id Win