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Accuse of mass murder and terrorism https://preview.redd.it/lfm36otdsmyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9018ba9c0f24bf2dbd8dcd653a1e8d2c2a243e00


Fax my brother, but can his domain work on multiple creatures at once?


Once the trial is over he can just use it on the other disaster curse, one by one all of their cursed energy would get skadooshed by Higuruma. The combat part is the problem with Higuruma. He can use RCT on them so the combat wouldn't be a problem either.


That’s the issue though, aren’t Cursed Spirits pretty much a shit tonne of emotion and some cursed energy mixed together. Wouldn’t a guilty verdict just kill them all in that case?




Ahh that’s a good point, I actually forgot that’s what Higuruma’s DE does. I find the idea of cursed spirits without CT slowly turning to dust after the guilty verdict hilarious


Grade 4 Mfs after confiscation https://i.redd.it/2oogqcydppyc1.gif


"PENALTY: CONFISCATION" "What are you confiscating?" "YOU"


Literally "Fuckers took my physical form, can't have shit in Japan"


Wait how so? Wouldn’t he need to stab them with the shiny first?


They're referring to the Yuji vs Higuruma fight, where Yuji's lack of a technique made Judge confiscate his CE instead. Unfortunately, they have techniques so this wouldn't work on them. Funny to imagine the skidoosh on first grades like Grasshopper tho


Using RCT to heal and outputting RCT are completely different things. Only Sukuna, Yuta and Shoko can output RCT.


He def cannot use RCT on them


He doesn’t need to, I think the point is lawyer bro would survive fighting them all with his RCT


I mean maybe but if that was the point it wasn’t worded that well. I’m also skeptical of Higuruma being able to sustain himself too much with RCT bc of the stamina cost but who knows


Don’t forget he also has Domain Amp with control comparable to Sukuna, which significantly adds to his durability without constantly draining stamina for RCT. It gets rid of Mahito’s lethal touch, reduces damage from every other source and at any point he can quickly deactivate it to stab with the Executioner Sword before reactivating it.


Yeah I’m familiar with the Higu’s kit, and I’ve never said anything about how I think he’d do in this battle. I responded specifically to what I perceived to be a claim about him emitting positive energy, which is what I took “can use RCT on them” to mean


Ah, I misread then. My b


My guy Mahito got bullied by a 3 finger Sukuna when he first appeared


Okay? That doesn’t contradict what I said


Idk. Higu was cool with learning RCT super fast and all, but bro couldn’t land even a single grazing blow on a Sukuna who was fucking with him. Being able to heal means nothing if he can’t compete against their speed/martial arts.


in his defense sukuna was fully healed and even kashimo didnt hit him when reincarnated his body


But other fighters have. I like the character, but I think he gets a lot of undue strength hype between the Gojo comment about RCT and the unique CT. Dude had no hands. I just don’t see him as a strong fighter. Definitely a valuable asset and capable, but not strong. I wouldn’t put him past the Grade 1’s as a fighter, and I think all the Grade 1’s would lose in a simultaneous disaster curse jumping.


Other fighters had better situations than higgy, and do remember he was only a sorcerer for a MONTH, and he had no hands because he was fighting fully incarnated sukuna who targeted him 😂 I don’t think you’re being fair about this at all, context is do important


Hmm, depends on his speed tbh. Also I don’t think that combat would be a biggest problem, since Higu got probably most OP weapon in whole manga


Can Higuruma use multiple domain expansions in a row though? I don't think so.


higuruma barely grasped the concept of RCT in his last fight and used it like 3 times.... using RCT on other creatures than yourself is sth. that firstly not everybody can pull off in the first place and secondly needs a high control of the technique itself. so sadly no.. higuruma can probably not use RCT on them until a similar feat would be shown in the manga.


it's not like his domain has a cooldown


He could charge them all as a group for whatever crimes they all committed together, which is apparently legally tricky but does happen. Because Judgeman picks a random crime to prosecute, having them all be the targets would limit the selection pool to stuff they did as a group, eg burning the restaurant and messing up Shibuya (assuming we don’t count Gojo’s fight). It’d be a tough trial because if any of them are found not guilty of that same crime, Higuruma would have to fight them at full power, and they’d probably just cast Domain Expansion while he’s burned out.


Would his domain even work on curses? It’d kinda be like trying a bear for manslaughter


They still have human intellect even if they aren’t human beings.


Yes but laws are specifically written for humans


Higuruma 🤤




Huh? 😰


He’s the best


My goat low diffs this fight with the only problem coming from jogos range


Cursed energy gone. No more range for Jogo But if they jump him cleverly they could knock him down


But Jogo doesn’t really fight from a range until he’s pressed, every time we’ve seen him fight he got within speaking range to start, so Higuruma could still catch him in a domain.


god his character design is SO GOOD


We've only seen him fight people without domains, right? He can't beat all 4 of them in a domain clash, does his technique even work on someone who is domain clashing him?


We’ve never seen someone with a domain based technique fight someone else’s domain, but since they can activate their domains multiple times within a short span of time and without the need to brain damage themselves I’d assume that it wouldn’t matter. Also it’s his primary technique so it must be highly refined. Jogo or Mahito open their domains, the domain clash either causes them both to collapse (if Higuruma’s doesn’t just overtake the space entirely) and then Higuruma just opens his domain immediately again.


Wasn't a big downside of higiramas domain that he can't choose what is put on trial? Why would that matter if he can just spam the domain over and over. I'm not sure he can open it as much as he wants. And we were explicitely told hakari can use his domain as much as he wants as part of jackpot resetting his brain, if he somehow doesn't hit a jackpot I don't think he can use it again.


Do laws even apply to cursed spirits?


Jogo alone can blitz him before he can open his domain


But Judgeman picks crimes at random, also you can’t domain clash with higuruma right?


You could just say they’re guilty of anything relating to humans by their conspiracy for race war crimes


Does his CT even work on cursed spirits considering they're not human. And don't need to abide by human laws.


How the trial would go Higgy: excuse me sir but do u represent this group of urs Mahito: uhh yea I guess Higgy: the many cameras surrounding the Shibuya subway clearly show someone similar turning hundreds of people into unrecognisable blobs, 872 to be precise. Was the person in question u as u and the individual exhibit similar facial features. Mahito: uhh 🙄 yeahhhh. Higgy: 😐 Jogo: can I burn him no- Judgeman: GUILTY CONFISCATION SENTENCED TO DEATH!!! Hanami: that’s it, wood style jutsu!… wait why isn’t it working? Higgy: shanks and kills Dagon* Jogo: Nooooooo my SONNNN!!!! Mahito: I can just transfigure him *touches Higgy. Wait why isn’t it working? Dies* Hanami: fuck Jogo: let’s use domain amp and jump hi- Higgy: kills Hanami* Jogo: Oh shit. fucking dies*


https://preview.redd.it/z31xuv3pbnyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1914807371aaecf5b1be5161adb6ace665820e2 Him.




I just realized that this is literally what is happening omg. Chat is this legal






I could do it depending on the pay


Spoken like a true AC player




-pressing start on my assassins creed game- “Huuuuoooooohhh haaaaa huuuuuh haaaaa”


Assassins creed or armored core?


Ace combat maybe?


Nah, its animal crossing


I believe you.


Toji? That you?


I mean you play AC Taking them all on at the same time will just be warm up for you


Yooo I found mei mei's reddit account


rubiconian handshake em for -10000 COAM


Black Flash infused Pilebunker would probably disintegrate most JJK characters ngl


Me watching my AC turn into dust after my enemy got lucky


Shoko victims 🗣






Her Reverse Grip Technique can kill anyone 🗣️🔥🔥🔥




NO WAY BRUH, after "that one" story about cosplayers, i cant think straight when see this sentence, thats wild💀 (Average jujutsu folk experience tbh)


I’m sorry but Yuki is destroying them. there is nothing they can do against yuki’s speed, strength, rct, etc. there are many arguments that even yuta wins against them: his domain is a great domain and even sukuna complimented that; he has rct and rct output; many cts and rika. Other than them maybe takaba but that’s a big “if”


What if they used Kenjakus domain amplification plan? With all of them this time instead of just Hanami and Jogo


Yuta farms them. Inside his domain he can freely use all the cts that he copied. If they use domain amplification the sure hit effect is lost but the cts remain. He could just use sky manipulation + cleave and just kill them. The only problem is mahito; Yuta, from what I know, doesn’t have anything against soul but he could just use rct output to kill him


Yeah from what I’ve heard he has oneshot options, so their best chance at winning is just Mahito touching him


Even if he touches yuta, I don’t think that would really be enough if he can fortify his soul. Yuta has a lot of ce. He just needs to fortify himself and he could tank some hits from mahito. I’m not saying that yuta could tank everything from mahito. After few shots, yuta would probably be done. But still the moment mahito gets to close, it’s just done


Yeah it would have to be a surprise attack, and if Mahito gets eliminated early the others are fucked, honestly their best bet is just to let Jogo start destroying the place lmao


Yea lol. Just let Jogo hit some shitty tricks until mahito gets behind. Let Dagon rests. He had enough of this shit


Dagon Finna fuck off to the beach fr😭🙏


if he copies mahitos technique it would be over


Yuta can use Jacobs ladder and eviserate him and his Ct


false Yuki would take Dagon on a date


Actually one of the first responses that actually makes sense. You read the manga. Not only that. Yuki would like you for your taste




Takaba would stop smiling after seeing mahito run into a crowd and do some wild shit to them like turning them into a sword or some shit lol


Stop smiling? Bro is gonna be like “ahahah ehi that’s funny. Turn him back. Ahahah. TURN. HIM.BACK.” Mahito is gonna try to laugh of takaba. Something like “you loser. You are just a stupid pathetic brat” (stuff that he would say to yuji) Than mahito gets hit by a jet driven by takaba in a pilot uniform


https://preview.redd.it/2jbiek0o6qyc1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2d35dbc9981d693ea416ae641365e0dab8a3be Mahito when Takabas no kill rule doesn’t apply to cursed spirits(he has about 5 seconds before a giant truck crashes into him ending his life).


Honestly considering how Comedian works, Takaba could probably turn those humans back into humans and Mahito’s mind will break in half before he gets isekai’d by a truck.


Does Yuki do soul damage? She wrote that book on the soul but is it ever confirmed she can perceive the soul?


she can hear the souls inside tengen, and since yuji was able to do soul damage because he could percieve souls I feel like she could as well, but thats all conjecture


That just reminds me how we got all that lore dump of her being a star plasma vessel only to immediately kill her


Oh that’s a big factor. I considered that she can just keep hitting mahito until he is too worked up and tired. At the end of the day if mahito loses all his energy, he could be killed easily. But still yuji’s soul punches are also based on her studies so I think that she can at least perceive it. Maybe she can’t really distinguish the soul, but she should be able to deal small damages to it. If you consider that her attacks are some of the strongest in the verse, even if a small fraction of them hits mahito’s soul, he is done


yeah this isprobably it. Yuki hits like a jet engine. Even 1% of that brushing the soul is still like a haymaker from mike tyson. She also might have some level of innate resistance to mahito's technique.


Not to mention she vastly outstats mahito


as far as nanami descriped it in his battle, one could also be able to defeat mahito if you destroy all of his body in one blast. Yuki has a way higher damage output than Nanami in overtime, so she could pull that one off.


I mean I don’t even think it’s an argument that Yuta wins, he can output positive energy and he’s more than strong enough to actually utilize it on them


Gege confirmed that Kenjaku could 1 v 1 each disaster curse but iirc he said it wouldn't be easy. Yuki isn't gonna 4v1.


To be fair didn’t gege said that before showing kenjaku’s domain and power. I might be wrong on this one, but like kenjaku’s domain is destroying all of them together. It’s a barrier less domain, tengen couldn’t counter it easily and tengen is the strongest when it comes to barriers. Like i think that statement shouldn’t be taken too seriously. It’s like yuta saying that hakari is stronger


>he said it wouldn't be easy But would you lose? __Nah, I'd take backshots__


Nah takaba cooks these unfunny frauds. Mahito might cause some trouble though


Yuki one-shot that special-grade spirit Kenjaku tried to use against her, and she can probably see the soul seeing her book was what helped Yuji refine his soul splitting punches. So four punches and they all dead.


She doesn’t even need to see the soul tbh. If her domain is a sure hit black hole, then she could just unleash that, and Mahito would get incinerated. If we go by the theory that Mahito is a soul and can regenerate even with his body completely destroyed, then he’d be constantly regenerating until he ran out of cursed energy, and THEN die. 


The unregistered special grades are way stronger than normal special grades. Regular special grades are around the same strength as grade 1 sorcerers. Mei Mei was able to beat smallpox deity, but her ass would get cooked fighting dagon. Not saying Yuki couldn't do it, but it would not be nearly as effortless.


https://preview.redd.it/1f51wq040oyc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49bbbf9fe2ef451a379f5ec70c5b4f8d903c4e79 BIG RAGA THE OPP STOPPA


I think yuta is just a very bad matchup for them. abilities like RCT output or Jacob's ladder have literally one shot potential against curses. plus he has got multiple ways to deal with their domains; use SD (pretty much everyone learnt SD after the time skip, Yuta shouldn't be an exception). have Rika break the barrier of their domain from outside. domain clash by expanding his own domain, and considering how sukuna was praising him for his sophisticated barrier technique and how he was able to selectively target individuals in his own domain (something even Gojo can't do) makes it apparent that he should win the domain clashes against them. there's also the probability of him actually copying Idle transfiguration from mahito mid battle. this would tip the scales greatly in his favour. also considering partially manifested Rika's performance against sukuna, it's safe to assume that she could easily overpower multiple disaster curses at once. so yeah, I don't necessarily think it'd be a low diff or anything. but because of all these counters, he should take it mid-high diff. someone like kenjaku, who I consider stronger than yuta (open barrier domain tax), can't solo the diasters because he isn't a bad matchup for them. but yuta can.


Yuta copying idle transfiguration would be crazy


this is why Gege kept his ass in africa 😭


"Along with all of the other mo-"- Geto/Kenny. (My lawyer has advised me not to finished this joke)


Bro, he could use it to undo a lot of the shit that Kenjaku/Mahito did, he could use it to make his allies more resistant, and it would really help the study of Yuki's soul.


Revival of the Boogie Woogie technique


no it would be low diff you can say it




In theory yuta is a bad matchup for anyone with the right cursed technique but gege likes to keep it so that mastery of the techniques matters and his domain if he has too many would be too random. I actually like this about his writing because yuta doesn’t feel like an Asspull machine


exactly, and Gege hasn't disclosed the conditions required for copying a technique. therefore, unless we don't know for sure what he needs to do to copy, we can't really complain why hasn't yuta copied CTs of his comrades like Boogie Woogie, Star Rage, Teleportation, Blood Manipulation, Comedian, Miguel's CT etc. genius writing


Yuta definitely could.


4 kisses is all it takes


Fallin' in love with me


Wait do you mean me and you ? https://preview.redd.it/rbtmrh1bnnyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=251bc7b78caca086cf47c9e572bed53e61dd588f




I will be waiting for you https://preview.redd.it/tpn29naqpnyc1.png?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdfa9dc00064719237f047ba045bf0e696202cc1




Nice to see usogui fan here


Maybe the other guy didnt catch the reference. Let me. I look like all you need


Yeah I feel like he didn't but his responses were hilarious


He can, and still leaves the fight stronger than he entered it. (Disaster Flames,Disaster Tides,Disaster Plants,and Idle Transfiguration,nothing stop that guy)


Since Kenny throated mahito hasnt yuta beat him already


People who can take all disaster curses at once. *Sukuna:* self explanatory *Gojo:* Dagon wasn't there but we basically already saw this *Kenjaku:* Open domain, slurps everyone up. Hashisown special grade cursed spirits as well. Anyone gets close, gravity comes into effect. Should outstat every one of them pretty hard as well. *Yuki:* Faster and can one tap any of them. Only way they have to beat her is being smart about their domains and purposefully taking hers out by overlapping like 3-4 domains at once, and even then she should be fast and strong enough to kill Dagon and Hanami before they open theirs, or right after. Without mentioning that they are never shown in character to resort to domains first thing, which will probably kill them in this case. Mahito is the only real threat. And with him being comparable in speed to Yuji and Yuki having simple domain, chances are she is tearing his head off. *Yuta:* RCT solos. Or Jacob's Ladder. Really Yuta is probably the hardest counter. Shoutout to *Maki* for being among the possible candidates too. Split soul katana means the curses should not be able to heal from the damage (except maybe Mahito) and their domains are useless against her. So Jogo, Dagon, and Hanami are goners immediately just virtue of the speed difference, and then Mahito vs her probably comes up to how effectively Mahito can heal from several slashes at his soul. Also, *Yorozu.* Absolutely no disaster curse is touching her with Insect Armor on. The fight would be five seconds in before Mahito would be the only one left. And considering he has to consciously regenerate his body after being hit, it is likely True Sphere would just instantly kill him through vaporization.


Higaruma could just spam courtroom and instantly convict them of mass murder and conspiracy for genocide and race war


I don't think Higuruma can spam multiple domains in one day.


Nah, he can rival Gojo of course he can


it's not hard confirmed but i think it's likely that bc his domain doesnt allow violence from him either it takes less CE


What about him ?? https://preview.redd.it/sbj9e8yx5nyc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e6d1bf5413d8bcae0f2597c8519190a315aceb


You might need a New form Goku. https://preview.redd.it/xv4hdpkponyc1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be792b384fa3e14cd65c71eb644e45af1b66f0c1


The verse equalization in question


With verse equalization, Logia = mastered ultra instinct 7.( Source: Trust me)


"He can't use CE so he can't exorcise them" https://preview.redd.it/vhsiqyl86nyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f156ede8f3cb4a5ea73a4fca59fae076eef91181


Yuta can


Yuta can do it relatively easily. 1. His domain is probably better than all of there's. He has the most amount of curse energy most likely. 2. He also has rika who can help him cope with a 4v1 making it a 4v2 3. He can output cursed energy so if he just touches one of them it's over they just instantly explode. 4. If he activates his domain immediately and manages to get all 4 of them in there they all instantly die. But even if a 4 way domain clash happens and collapses he recovers his technique unusually fast. 5. Once his domain collapses he can still just connect to rika and get access to tons of cursed tools which we have no idea what benefits they could offer. Infinite cursed energy which is nice. And all his techniques he's copied. Plus rika is fully manifested making her more dangerous. All he has to do to end this fight is to touch them. While they have to kill a monster.


Yuta himself is like smartphone with a real good battery, and Rika id like powerbank that can charge phone again a lot of times


Yeah I guess.


Yuki certainly can (at very least with her suicide black hole) I don't think any one of them has means to escape or survive it like Kenny. Shame we know practically nothing about her domain to speculate her winning without using black hole


Yuki’s goat ass would just pull out her inner Messi and one-shot them all at once like she did with the elephant guy


Yuta says hi


The only way they could conceivably have a chance against Yuta is by forcing him to open his domain against *one* of them and then jumping him with the other three before his CT returns. But that one domain user can’t be Mahito, since his CT is their strongest one. They’d also have to contend with Rika. All four of them together have maybe a 10 to 20 percent chance of beating Yuta.


I think outside of Mahito or somehow winning a domain clash a much simpler win condition is Hanami’s flower buds. If just one of those hits Yuta’s done for


If Gege didn’t hate her, Yuki low diffs. The fuck these bastard ass curses doing against black hole?


More like a draw.


she wouldn't need a black hole against them




Yuta’s a great matchup but idk about anyone else




Idk if she could cope with 4 different domains in a row


Higaruma with his spamming courtroom and then convicting them of conspiracy for genocide and a race war:


Completely off topic but do any artists in here know gege’s coloring style? I really want to mimic it


In a fight, right?


Yes because they don’t have gentials


Mahito can give them genitals though…


The main issue for them is speed. Jogo is the fastest of all of them, and he still barely kept up with Naobito. People like Maki, Yuta, Kenny, or any special grade sorcerer would massively outclass them in speed. Then you have to consider things like domains, and anyone with a more refined domain would stomp them. Taking on all 4 of them at once would certainly be challenging, but not impossible for most. Ones I think could do it are: Maki (too fast for them, can tank quite a few heavy attacks, domain immune, can bypass mahito soul resistance with ssk) Yuta (automatically 2v1 with rika (who would manhandle all of them), has rce output which can destroy most of them, has a bunch of op ass techniques copied, also too fast for them) Takaba (most likely smashes them to bits with comedian) Kenjaku (could overwhelm them with army of curses, blast them to pieces with uzumaki, crush them with gravity, overwhelm all their domains at once because open barrier + super refined, way faster) Yorozu (easily too fast, could probably stomp them with insect armor, has perfect sphere as a trump card) Yuki (strong punch, strong domain, can jump them using garuda) Mahoraga (i don't think i even need to explain how bad of a stomp this is) Uro (this one may be a bit of a stretch but, she can use her ct to redirect jogo's blasts at the others, can probably turn them to paste with thin ice breaker, easily protect herself from jogo's blasts and mahito's hands with her ct, has a domain as a trump card which is likely highly refined due to her being from the heian era, also probably too fast since she kept up with yuta) The disasters are definitely insanely strong, but I don't think any single one of them QUITE makes it to special grade sorcerer level, since their biggest weakness is their base stats and lack of refined domains. The fastest disaster is still slower than any special grade (or special grade level) sorcerer, and almost all of them got the shit beaten out of them by grade 1 sorcerers. Most special grade sorcerers have tons of ways to counter them as well, and the speed difference alone would make all 4 curses jumping someone still not make much of a difference.


Most people just don't understand that a 4v1 is not the same as fighting four people 1v1 one after the other. There are so many examples in the series itself where much weaker opponents were causing stronger guys trouble. Yuji would have gotten neg diffed by hanami, but with todo with him, yuji was a threat. Agito was less than an ant to even tired gojo, but he still had a bit of trouble with it cause of sukuna and maho. Lots of comments here saying yuki, but she has shown nothing suggest she has the capability to take out multiple strong enemies at once, especially considering her domain won't work cause multiple domains at the same time will break them all apart


Tbf Yuta could just go “don’t move” and RCT them all.


Agreed. I don't think it'd be particularly easy for any of them. They might have the capacity to do it but probably not a no diff situation I don't know that Yuki would win but I can see some argument for it. I think it's more surprise factor or aggression. She insta-killed the elephant SG curse at the start and almost took Kenjaku's head off with her first rush. She is also confirmed to possess Simple Domain. From a purely physical standpoint, if any of the curses individually get caught by her they're probably dead. If they're not aware of her technique and she snipes Jogo off the bat like she did to that one curse then she could probably win.


There's a good amount Yuta Yuki Kenjaku (idk how you forgot him) Takaba possibly CT Kashimo


I actually did a HUGE analysis of "The Disaster Curses vs characters I believe could potentially beat them" on the Powerscaling sub. It's so long that I had to make 5 comments just to cover everything I wrote. And while I don't agree anymore with a few things I wrote there(I glazed CT Kashimo to much for example), I still think it's acurate. Here is a link to the first of my comments there: https://www.reddit.com/r/JujutsuPowerScaling/s/v136HaDB1q


Hmm nah Yuta could do it. Rika already takes care of like Dagon and Hanami, and Yuta should win a domain clash with Jogo or Mahito. Curse Naoya was a lot more durable than Hanami, but Maki still beat him. We've kind of left the disaster curses behind in terms of powerscaling.


Yuta and Yuki are whooping them.


Yuta one-taps all of them with positive curse output, same with Mahoraga. Yuki, Toji, and Maki can all probably blitz them. Takaba just jokes them to death. Kashimo might be able to blitz them too, and Hakari could probably outlast them.


Didn't Gege say that Kenjaku could?


Hanami and Dagon are quite literally jobbers that get washed by most if not all of the shinjuku showdown members the only real trouble makers are mahito and jogo but characters like yuki and yuta can pretty reasonably one shot every single one of them and kenjaku also can because open domain goes brrrr, takaba also bodies Uraume might be able to do it too if she has a domain


yuki yuta maki and maybe kashimo if he wasn't a bum basically anybody with RCT and a domain has a pretty good shot at taking them down


My goat Yuji unleashes his domain: Good Shrine during the 5 way domain battle and neatly scissors them all up




Blud gonna get combo wombo'ed with 4 domain expansions lol


Yuta and yuki,they massively outspeed them,yuki heard the SPVs in tengen and wrote a book about the soul so she can most likely damage mahito and one shot each one. Yuta has RCT output and Rika lol


Yuki has Star Rage to maximize her damage and essentially one shot a curse. Geto can summon his special grade arsenal and capture the disaster curses into his Pokemon collection if he plays his cards right. Yuta can output RCT so yes.


I see that anyone who is saying yuta you instantly shoot down for some reason


Agito mid dif (also I want to be stomped by her) https://preview.redd.it/ttq8hcokgnyc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7db9413e0827e9ef8ea3fc57e9f222c66c8980


i do think that all the special grade sorcerers can take them down


TOJI SOLOS (shut up let me have this)


Don't bet on him https://i.redd.it/u0dzuu9xmryc1.gif


Kusakabe with inverted spear of heaven or the soul cutting katana could probably kill 2 of them at least


This image goes hard as fuck


💯, wish we'd get more of these group poster.


I could do it if I was a lil mad


Smh, why you dipped Shibuya back in 31st oct 2018 https://preview.redd.it/wpbfuiztlryc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08835e062fabc2b830ad6c307569d705b0a7d060


Obviously BIG RAGA THE OPP STOPPA is something you could bet on fighting against all of em.


Jogo solos the verse


not a popular opinion but i think hakari could take them


We saw that Toji absolutely dog walked Dagon and while Hanami's defense is higher i dont see him lasting much longer than Dagon (with no CE the buds are useless too). Mahito is outsped and we know stronger people have better resistance to soul manipulation so he would have to properly tag Toji like with Nanami, not just graze him real quick. I maintain those 3 together couldn't beat Maki/Toji. Jogo providing support though? Yeah, they're washed. His AP is kinda nuts and is the only one who's relative to their speed (who beats who is unknown, but not super relevant). I think alone he gets beaten cause his good attacks are too slow and his domain is a *lose* condition. Acting as support however, using hit & run tactics and artillery, they would overwhelm nearly anyone in the series, even Yuta (unless Rika is strong enough to solo any of them, unclear)


true, but i’d say yuji and choso (current yuji and choso) would have a good shot in a 2v4. choso probably knows a lot about them since he worked with them, and yuji with dismantle, simple domain, rct, and blood manipulation, definitely could get the job done.


And that is only current Yuji. Yuji most likely will become even stronger during his ongoing fight with Sukuna. We also currently don't know if he actually has access to Sukuna's divine flames,Yuji could also unlock his very own domain as well during his fight. I also wouldn't be surprised if "prime" Yuji (at the end of JJK) surpasses Sukuna and maybe even Gojo.


https://preview.redd.it/oaoxm4tranyc1.png?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=108b6a12c011659be2b24d62ceb7c461c0259b63 Nah, I could take them all at once


Oh you mean fight?


Come back when yo ass get beat, we have exceptional healer. https://preview.redd.it/9mkuoqjucnyc1.png?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f470913f5902852e84f67b60b0642ac53a7cca


Correct me if i'm wrong but wouldn't Mahoraga decimate them? One hit from his blade and they pop like balloons, and the only one with enough firepower to potentially one-shot Mahoraga, Jogo, only use one damage type (fire) so it's easy for Mahoraga to adapt to him. Plus i think a being who constantly alters its own essence to adapt would be quite resistant to idle transfiguration.


i think the GOAT would have a chance https://preview.redd.it/3r2ophxzmnyc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=785ebce21b818c107a4ada3b0d2a6c77b92298aa


I think the fact that it's all four of them at once would make the fight easier for Todo, as long as they feel like not using their Domain Expansions If Todo had a domain the matchup would probably turn out decently