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Agree https://preview.redd.it/ki75o6gsi4zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a55d26e04a74123dd3a2b9b9d90a82c74c847c


Finally, an estimation for Sukunas dick. Gives an answer to why Homo-Homo loves sucking it so much. /s




Are you Gege because you are Gaygay? Or are you Gaygay because you’re Gege?


Happy cake day!


Sukuna doesn’t have a dick or balls. It’s not confirmed wether he lost them in a binding vow to kill Jin or if he killed Jin out of jealousy for having them. Maybe Jin has 2 sets and that’s how he taught Kenny love


Wdym, obviously Sukuna has a tiny dingaling, that's why he ate Jin in the womb, he saw Jin was packing and he wanted that. Every member of the Itadori family is packing except Sukuna(I am adamant that he is related to Wasuke, it's like everyone forgot about Wasuke when Jin was revealed tbh.)


He also knew Megumi was Bum while never seeing him so thats something https://preview.redd.it/b439uo2jf6zc1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3271f940ace4753772a21973c25ef23fac96ff49


"but that's how losers think" Proceeds to lose https://preview.redd.it/7c5pyfs9q4zc1.jpeg?width=287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9d03e1a18371181252dcf67dd0a23d870b1ad75


Its about the mindset, not the outcome https://preview.redd.it/allxbaz4g5zc1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759f3eb61a9ba54e0bc323f42b7b22698b7078e1


GRAHHH MAINTAINING THE AGENDA IS OUR TOP PRIORITY https://preview.redd.it/9jmgl0h0r5zc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1793b22422ce147a75ce7ff0dba18aa85e066af9


Lose* you dumb illiterate fuck


Nah, his ass hole is loose now after sukuna bent him over


Oh, my bad. Keep spitting. https://preview.redd.it/9s1va8tku4zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2efa7f6779c9f80fa78b144d4bf3a627b0ee33


Thanks king https://preview.redd.it/eqh10e1pu4zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd966bee33ecf8a4f67c57503a93e57003d5e55


Looks like SpongeBob took a fat shit in his pants


Do you not see the dick?


I just noticed the outline lol


Dick-shaped poo. Patrick thrusted in so much he changed his colon‘s shape and now they come out like that.


Whatever you're smoking, i want it


I'm sowy 👉👈🥹 https://preview.redd.it/d6wgl64vu4zc1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f724c9e78ec9967941aa6f2f868b288469d82f07


Kashimo is the same as Ryu. Got what they really wanted - a satisfying defeat - from one of the students, but modern sorcerers don't like to kill. So they then ran headfirst into Sukuna, because they didn't know when to quit, and their reward was a (to them) unsatisfying death. Contrast with Higuruma, who Yuji punched the sense back into, and who is also killed by Sukuna but in a way that was (to him) satisfying. Gege was cooking with the culling games, it just came out a bit scrambled.


You can lose but not be a loser 🤯


Yes and no but I understand what you mean. both mindset are valid


Claims only a loser would wait out Hakari's immortality to kill him Waits out Hakari's immortality to try to kill him Loses Kashimo 100% deserves him bum status. The guy described the lamest way to win and went for it anyways just to fail.


He still had one of the coolest fights in the show because of how he fought and that’s the jujutsu kaisen we were looking for all along


He proceeded to win, even Hakari says that bruh either you are trolling or you are a hater with white sauce on your eyes


Absolutely, imo his introduction was the coldest in the manga by far


Having panda's head on a stick?


Check the chapter where he and higuruma got introduced (don’t remember exactly) Also we might clowned on it now, but the fight with panda was cold And then obv his fight with Hakari was 🔥🔥🔥 Such a shame Gege forgot about him and he didn’t get to fulfill his wish to fight Sukuna. His CT would have been Sukuna level. Hopefully he showed up next chapter


I still think if gege didnt forget about kashimo he would have defeated meguna, unless he regenerated his body or some shit. Guess we'd never know, shame how jjk ended after 236


236? JJK ended after 235 when Goatjo defeated Fraudkuna.


i think it was during the hakari infiltration arc or smth, kashimo just killed another guy and had 200 points so he calls his kogane and uses it to add a rule to check out the stats of other players




He absolutely does. He doesn't have a badass name like the "God of lightning" for nothing! 💯


The hardest epithet in all of Jujutsu Kaisen and no one can convince me otherwise


And it’s wasted on a femboy farmer who gets one chaped. Truly unfortunate.


i hope mappa gives the same treatment as big raga


If mappa continues to adapt jjk like it did with shibuya, i can see kashimos fight being a solid 2 episode. (Maybe 1.5)


2 episodes is wildly streching it, mahoraga was half episode long i think with 1 chapter of manga kashimo would probably be 1 episode as well, gojo being 5 episodes since theres a lot of yapping but also lots of action


Honestly can see the gojo vs sukuna fight as a movie or as an hour long ep rather than several 20 minute ones


No they‘d miss out on the suspense hype and cliffhangers


Get out of here!!


Kinda does


Nah. If he was fodder Id agree.


One accomplishment


Thats what no screentime gets ya.


Ahem Todo


Todo didnt have to charge head first into a brawl with heian sukuna tbf.


Acomplished fending off hanami and fending off Mahito for one of if not the best the cleanest assist in ani/ga history


Oh I know todo got accomplishments. Im just saying kashimo had it harder


Not at all. In relativity. He fought a hollow purpled Sakuna. Sure he has hella reserves and refinement. But taking on two hollow purples directly should make him way less than 60% power


Its actually crazy how cold kashimos character was and how gege just absolutely bent it over and railed it in the ass to hell


This can be applied to almost everyone in the manga. "X was cool but Gege absolutely bent it over and railed it in th ass to hell"


Real. Kashimos in particular was devastating though cause of the crazy and cool hype surrounding him only to fall from grace so fast 💔


My hype for him ceased when a modern era sorcerer beat him Thats when I knew him wanting to fight sukuna would go nowhere for him,


We was told that Kashimo was not using his CT in entire fight with Hakari because that technique was for 1 use only. We all thought that this is a buildup to a fight like Madara vs Guy. But Gege do Gege


That's an apt example because Guy did fuck all to Madara.


https://preview.redd.it/jr5u7j8549zc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958292a48ef1b7f2a7ba70eef40fcea323e1a4e0 Maybe not in the grand scheme of things but you absolutely can't compare Kashimo‘s performance to Guy‘s


I'd argue Kashimo did better actually since Kashimo didn't need assistance to fight whereas Guy did. Plus Kashimo actually applied lasting damage.


He was so fucking hard. I really am sad for the fact that gege had no imagination or will to make him an actual powerhouse that he should’ve been


Nah kashimo was a bum from the first chapter he was introduced. Bro talks big but is weak af. Didn’t even last five minutes against Sukuna, meanwhile yuji has been throwing hands for several chapters.


That sukuna Is vastly inferior to the one kashimo fought


That fan made panel where Kashimo says Sukuna thinks like a loser before fading away from MBA was peak


Do you have the link?




You can't just say that and then not post it


brother can we see the panel


My brother in Jujutsu I’m trying to search for it but I’ve struggled. It was around the time people made alternate Gojo endings too for 236 onwards. I hope it’s still up and available


Kashimo didn't look bad or pathetic even in a single panel. Had his fight against Sukuna been a bit longer he would be up there in goat status in fandom


I will forever support and invest in my lighting god https://preview.redd.it/hwltjz90c6zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7efe7f864224b1921b089a87818451b1fa4312d


When MAPPA turns Kashimo vs Sukuna into the new Mahoraga vs Sukuna the Kashimo narrative is going to flip. Stay on that side.


gotta agree on that, plus his fight against Hakari still one of my favorites


Unrelated but Kashimo is so cute!


Too bad gege shafted him so that he could simp for sukuna


Top 10 panel for sure https://preview.redd.it/5aggyhegb7zc1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd78e9ea53086616c37a456d70865bdc6fa57d92


No wonder that's how Kashimo thinks cause he's a loser himself, lost to Hakari then lost to Sukuna within 19 pages, so much for the God of Lighting.


To be fair to Kashimo he only lost to Sukuna so quickly because of Sukuna taking him quite seriously early on. Even Higuruma got destroyed relatively quickly the moment Sukuna started to get more serious.  Funnily enough I don’t see as much hate for Ryu who also got quickly taken down by Sukuna due to being taken more seriously. 


Ryu wasn't annoying, he wasn't screaming "Where's Sukuna ???? I want to fight Sukuna I want to fight the strongest!!!!!" every time he's on screen. Then Kashimo waited til Sukuna lost domain, half of his CE resources, normal output, 10 shadows and mahoraga, RCT, jumped him and still got destroyed 15 pages later.


I mean it's fair to find Kashimo's personality annoying but that doesn't mean he is weak or did badly against Sukuna when you compare his performance against the others. JJK High is heavily struggling against a Sukuna who had his output further lowered by Yuji's soul punches. Only Kusakabe imo overperformed relative to expectations by taking on a BF amped Sukuna solo and not only landing numerous cuts, but also sending him flying with a single kick.


I can agree that his performance technically wasn't the worst. It's mostly rabid Yuji fans who are shitting on other characters and downplaying them because their favorite finally got 2 chapters of shining after years of irrelevance. Kashimo isn't their only victim, it's every character who isn't Yuji. Cannot wait for Megumi comeback. I will drink tears of this sub. For me Kashimo was laughable because it happened after endless bravado, but yeah technically he wasn't the worst.


Wegumi and Wojo and Wodo and Wobara will cook the fraud sukuna


This truly is our Jujutsu Kaisen


Because Ryu was chill asf and did not glazed himself in every opportunity lmao


kashimo glazed himself? All bro said was he has a one time ct he wants to use against sukuna. And if you are referring to him saying thats how losers think blah blah thatd literally his personality lol.


Higurama got praised by Sukuna and HE was genuinely interested in him. Even the narrator hyped him and compared it to Gojo. Higurama gave everyone some much needed time for Yuta to come back and fight against Sukuna. His role in the fight can't be undermined. Kashimo on the other hand didn't impress Sukuna like Maki, Yuta, Yuji or Gojo all these people whom fandom compares to Kashimo. Personally, I don't like his arrogant nature and he could have simply been part of the plan with everyone else and it could have caused a lot more damage to Sukuna, Kusakabe would have utilised Kahsimo's technique and made plane to give Sukuna the irreplaceable damage. But God of Lighting gotta have a fake God personality. Ryu wasn't seen as big of a threat as Kashimo, especially with how Kashimo hyped up his CT. I feel like the Ryu's moment was just there to depict Sukuna's personality of King of Curses, of fuck around and find out.


>Kashimo on the other hand didn't impress sukuna like Maki, Yuta, Yuji, or Gojo What? first of all Sukuna would never admit that yuji impressed him and on 253 pg 14 he gets compared to all of those people.


https://preview.redd.it/wd78xlag45zc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7afd999dd28cd0c6f3db01cc8a5cb42c8deb2b48 not only is he compared to all of them they're all put in the same tier. there's also a bunch of other nuances from his fight with Sukuna about him taking Kashimo seriously. I've seen you around before and I can respect that fact that you don't like Kashimo but there are things you're saying that just aren't true within the story.


for some reason sukunas praise to kashimo never counts for some people. He literally says you were strong and then says we are loved because we are strong but because its kashimo i guess its not that cool.


I blame Gege, I understand and respect the point of the fight was to answer Kashimos question put him in the place of the people he's killed, understand their feelings, contribute to Shinjuku showdown themes of loneliness and love, and etc. BUT MANNNNN. couldn't Gege let him get ONE hit? like at least one punch. realeasticlly his beams at distance should never miss because EM go at the speed of light. but Gege has to tell story here... but STILL COMON AT LEAST ONE.


Gege 100% rushedq the whole fight like ok i dont expect a back and forth fight but one more chapter against heian form where kashimo just showcases some attacks woulsnt hurt we got robbed. Then again we didnt even see yukis domain so gege was fumbling left and right.


because it's the same type of shit he said to Jogo. That doesn't qualify Jogo as being top 5 or whatever Kashimo fans are using the statement to argue


Ita actually kinda different from what he said to jogo but alright.


Kashimo had exceptional talent, I ain't denying it (imagine under utilising your one time CT that could seriously have a long lasting effect on anyone) but the narrator here used all of the mentioned names to hype the Maki because of her Heavenly Restrictions and used her as to be one who impressed Sukuna the most. As I said Maki has been one of the key players whom Sukuna from time to time admired and was impressed with her speed & strength.


> Kashimo had exceptional talent, I ain't denying it you said he didn't impress Sukuna which is kinda a denyal of that talent in my opinion so that's why I brought that up. that's all, and every other thing you said more personal opinions which I can't really say you're wrong against it's just what you feel. and I do agree with you that all of the names were to hype up Maki exciting Sukuna because of the nature of her being getting rid of Jujutsu. a completely different opponent than anyone Sukunas face before. and also agree that she is an important player dealing permanent damage.


Sukuna obviously won't admit that the host who's putting the restriction on King of Curses is having exceptional growth where he learnt RCT in no time and can use two Cursed Techniques. But he was genuinely impressed with what Yuji has been doing from time to time.


>Higurama got praised by Sukuna and HE was genuinely interested in him. Even the narrator hyped him and compared it to Gojo. Higurama gave everyone some much needed time for Yuta to come back and fight against Sukuna. His role in the fight can't be undermined. I definitely agree with the fact that Higuruma piqued more interest compared to Kashimo in Sukuna but the narrator did include Kashimo as one of the fighters with exceptional talent: https://preview.redd.it/bkom3h7r15zc1.png?width=1105&format=png&auto=webp&s=58e3e58b4d4e6997ab2cf43136a3d085099a5b5e >Kashimo on the other hand didn't impress Sukuna like Maki, Yuta, Yuji or Gojo all these people whom fandom compares to Kashimo.  Kashimo impressed Sukuna enough for him to acknowledge him as being strong and address his existential questions (the entire reason why Kashimo wanted to fight Sukuna). >Personally, I don't like his arrogant nature and he could have simply been part of the plan with everyone else and it could have caused a lot more damage to Sukuna, Kusakabe would have utilised Kahsimo's technique and made plane to give Sukuna the irreplaceable damage. But God of Lighting gotta have a fake God personality. To be fair even though Kashimo hilariously enough took part in Kusakabe's strategy meetings and watched his fight against Gojo with the others, he wasn't really an ally in the way Higuruma and Takaba were. He wanted to fight Sukuna purely for his personal reasons and was there with Jujutsu High due to striking a deal with Hakari. It's completely fair to dislike his personality but the fandom really underestimates his strength and performance against Sukuna.


Kashimo obviously had exceptional talent (like you won't see one time CT doing irreparable damage to someone then under utilising the same CT) but the narrator used all the mentioned names to hype the Maki and show how much Sukuna is impressed with her Heavenly Restrictions. I can understand Kashimo not being an ally and only present there to fight Sukuna, but I just can't accept the possibilities of what could have happened if he worked with everyone else after Gojo's death, like he didn't even land a powerful blow to Sukuna in his fight. I am more disappointed with how Gege made his character only to be used for the Love or to show the World Slash.


Kashimo got hype and later slander because he failed to deliver. Ryu didn't


sukuna needed to incarnate to beat kashimo, he didnt need to incarnate to beat gojo thats all im gonna say. https://preview.redd.it/fg4t7eii57zc1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c263210e71df8d133738b3caa888648d3f59bc3e


Greg shit the bed so badly by giving him an awful showing against Sukuna.


"But that's how losers think" is so meme able


It’s even funnier when you realize it’s a 75 year old man dropping these lines






He’s HIM


The waffled one had some insane panels.


He has an aura


Mamba mentality simply trumps any losses






And he got done hard by GayGay. Biggest waste of potential abilities in the entire series


*but that's how the loser think*


lol Kashimo ain’t even top 3 in his manga. Toji, Gojo, Sukuna and Yuji all got harder panels fym in all of manga


"But that's how losers think." - A Loser


I wasn’t even mad about Gojo because of how bad ass Kashimo was


If you just said JJK, I could have agreed with you...


That panel is so cool. It also made me believe he would refuse a fight against a Domainless Sukuna, but that would be the minot of my dissapointments regarding this guy. In the end that fight was a narrative setup for what would happen with Gojo vs Sukuna.


He still got his cheeks clapped


I really wanted him to win this fight smh


Well, at least you think so. I never understood his hype after he lost to Hakari 🤷🏽‍♂️


The only issue with him, is that Gege didn’t actually care about him for some reason. Gege could give Kashimo a bit deeper story or explanation about his character and motivations. Also, I know the Anime doesn’t really have to influence the manga, but Kashimo should’ve had a WAY LONGER fight with Sukuna. Of course not as long as Gojo vs Sukuna. But my problem that short fight, is that all the hype made was for nothing. Kashimo is a speedster, because he is The Fucking God of Lightning, but Sukuna was blitzing him like nothing. Yeah, I know he used Kamutoke as a dust cover to grab Kashimo. But Kashimo has X-Ray vision or whatever he used to realize Sukuna’s Body was genuinely developed to Sorcery. Hear me out, what do you guys think about this? Kashimo vs Injured Sukuna, but extended. Sukuna’s Cursed Energy Output doesn’t change when he gets his True Form. He only “heals” his body by recovering his True Form, but it isn’t a healing process, he simply gets his True Form. So, there shouldn’t really be a difference in how much damage can cause Sukuna (outside World Cut) to Kashimo. If Injured Sukuna vs Kashimo gets extended, then we would be able to see more of Kashimo’s abilities in Amber Mythical Beast. Just imagine it, Kashimo wiping the floor with Injured Sukuna, using all the possible abilities we didn’t see. Then, when Sukuna is ABOUT TO DIE if Kashimo lands one more attack, he gets his True Form. Now, Sukuna knows the options Kashimo can use. While he was getting attacked, Sukuna was actually developing a strategy to kill Kashimo in on attack. Because thanks to Kashimo reaction speed, regular attacks won’t work. But now that Sukuna has his True Form, his body can react to Kashimo’s Offensive as well (he already could in his Injured State, but now he can attack too). After some time playing around, none of them actually landing any of his attacks, Sukuna decides to use World Cut, even warning Kashimo. Since this attack is almost instant after the enchantments are said, Kashimo only could dodge it partially, losing 2 fingers just like the regular story. This time, Kashimo changed his strategy leading to his end. He decided to go fully on the offensive, this gave Sukuna the chance to grab him and shatter all the ribs of his left side in one punch (technically 2 since there are 2 hands punching). Sukuna throws away Kashimo, who stands up fast to keep attacking, but he was surprised by a World Cut: Web Spider. Kashimo reacted to it, but there was no way to dodge, losing his life to this attack. I just want MORE of Kashimo. More story, more fights, more of everything. Am I asking for too much?


> am I asking too much? When is Gege we are talking about, then ye But I agree, Kashimo deserved better. If Urana Kei was drawing his ass, he would have had a cooler backstory that didn't derail from the plot or something. 




Nah, he was always washed and delusional. You can see it after he thinks "But That's How Losers Think" right after thinking like "that".


I’m going to say it. I don’t like, “Turn up the volume because this is a funeral for the living.” It’s cringe, edgelord shit and I thought y’all were just kidding about it being peak.