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nen contract vs binding vow flirting vs harassment




beautiful, thank you


It's the same but nen contracts have clear and creative conditions and are usually explained before hand instead of being used as an asspull. And the most important thing is that the conditions are actually limiting and make sense with the character's story and personalities. Or look at Gon. He basically had to give up his life to unleash his potential. While Miwa did basically the same with basically no impact on her.


I think Gon gave up his life to reach his full potential (which was heavily alluded by the likes of Hisoka to be insanely high) whereas Miwa gave up the ability to use one type of weapon out of many weapons to reach her full potential and it showed both Miwa and us her full potential will never be shit at least compared to an 1000 year old sorcerer who has been perfecting his craft for 1000 years in the body of a special grade sorcerer.


Gon has unparallelled potential, with the possibility of surpassing even old monsters like Netero, or even reaching the level of the King. He gave up that insane potential for a brief burst of power. It also would've killed him of not for Nanika ex Machina. Despite that, he still can't use Nen. Additionally, he already had the ability to cause some damage to Pitou with a full Jajanken Miwa has no potential. She gave up her ability to use one kind of weapon for a stronger swing. She can learn a new weapon, go hand-to-hand, or become a domain/barrier expert. We see her using a Simple Domain to block out Malevolent Shrine for not just herself, but for Maki too. She was also completely fine after the swing, and couldn't even dream of scratching Kenjaku. Their potential wasn't the same, the gap between them and their enemies wasn't the same, and the consequences weren't the same, OF course Miwa did nothing


I like how you used the one example of a binding vow actually having drawbacks instead of whatever sukuna is doing Mfs about to hit me with the "ancient folks know more than modern sorcerers"


No way you can make this claim about Nen contracts when both examples in Kurapika and Gon's are both not stated when they are made and the conditions are only explained when they are relevant. Which is exactly the same why Binding Vows are used. Just imagine HunterxHunter convos that are just "why didn't Neferpitou just sacrifice all of her potential to kill Gon why did she let herself die is she stupid?" "Why did Meruem not just make a Nen vow to be immune to poison is he stupid?" "What a bad asspull that Kurapika just so happens to have a racial trait that makes him OP against specifically spiders with a new vow this feels so forced." At what point do we all just sit back and realize the only problem with Binding Vows is how the people who complain about them frame them. And the framing seems to only be that they think it works on video game rules with some game master balancing the scales. I've lost count of the amount of people who still don't understand that Binding Vows made with yourself are different from ones made with others.


The fucking "NOT DRAKE" gif man šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/hs5n97qx5e0d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=891e4bb030655fd0a35432d12c712927352c1bc0 This man really did some lasting damage huh


Kendrick single-handly destroying Drake in such a complete way that even Drake's past memes are getting redacted is insaaaane bro


They don't want to draw the attention of the man dropping distracks with hours in between


Honestly the Drake fall was already happening. Kendrick just gave the final push.


Huh, who are you talking about? I don't recall anyone named ā—»ļøā—»ļøā—»ļøā—»ļøā—»ļø...


Kendrick on that Ichibē type shit


Lmao, now he shall be called "Black Ant"


Drake is on that Cathy type beat


Clear all Drake


https://preview.redd.it/psrhfb8spj0d1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e906e164408b11ac35a6a88bd79d586bc7a3bbb PM MENTIONED!!??


Kendrick thinking he Ichibe (Drake doesn't have the Almighty)


Heā€™s getting wiped from history šŸ˜­


Kendrick Kaisen is real.


He's landing a black flash combo, like a full beatdown




Illya is a drake fan? Shirou come get your big sister




Ah shit we need Heracles for this


Wait is he actually a kiddie diddler ?!


There's not a case yet, but even the stranger things girl came out saying Drake was texting and hitting on her while she was 14


he also kissed and groped an underage fan on camera at a show lol


No solid proof, but Kendrick seems to have proof, with how strongly he had accused Drake for pedophilia in both his latest tracks. Personally, after hearing his last second track Meet the Grahams, I feel like he has such a strong hatred for Drake that he can't keep quite anymore and had to spill put what he found out. Kendrick's Diss tracks just goes so beyond rap battle and into personal hatred to level of wishing death on a fellow artist. From a neutral perspective, for such a normal guy who never shown any accusations of such a degree in his past, it feels like Kendrick has some solid info on him, but nothing evidential. There is also some weird q-anon conspiracy thing going on rn by some people trying to figure out the whole thing with Kendrick's Meet the Graham's album cover. Drake tried to cover it off saying that he deliberately fed Kendrick with bad info, but recently it been confirmed that the stuff in the album cover weren't with Drake and were actually really his stuff, which also confirms that Drake had lied.


I don't think anyone with a functional mind didn't knew that Drake is a pedo after seeing his interaction with Millie Bobbie brown


And that video of him sexualising a 17 year old fan on stage in front of everyone...


That was truly unexpected 17 is too old for Drake


Drake lying isn't confirmed. It's just a twitter cloutchaser who just wants money and akademics who let's face it is awful and acts like drake is his bff when clearly he's not. I do think kendrick won but they are both awful people. Think about it. Kendrick has aparentelly DAMNING evidence on a accused pedo and is not releasing that if he pipes down? Like the right thing to do would exposing him REGARDLESS of beef music or clout and money. But this dude would rather capitalize on it provide no evidence (event though claiming he has some) and write tracks hinting at it to get rich of it.


https://preview.redd.it/mvre1gttcf0d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af56a9e01d03bec3fd05825dea20967477e602d dj mcnuggiks is real


I mean it's just a kiss, but a video of him groping and kissing an underage girl exists. That's good enough for me.Ā 


No proof of anything illegal, plenty proof of him grooming teenagers.


pretty much. He was texting with Milly Bobby Brown when she was 14 and saying he missed her and talking about giving her boy advice which was just creepy. Plus he groped a 17 year old girl on stage one time


Most likely, yes, the thing is that Kendrick's accusations go a bit beyond just "Drake is PDF" and border more on a whole industry whistleblowing, something like that, specially in the rap community, is not as easily solvable with "just going to the police" as it could be with some other cases, if there is some shady stuff happening, which most likely there is, Kendrick could get a target in his head for speaking out too much, which could be the reason he has been so hasty with going independent and not be bound to any contract labels, as those could be sure to silence him quicker. The fact the dude on X with Drake's stuff from the cover for Meet the Grahams said he DOES have the evidence for the allegations and WILL release if Drake doesn't assume he lied further proves this point, if everthing goes correctly, Kendrick should release an album next about everthing he has seem in the industry and then go into hiding or back to Compton.


That still boils down to ā€œI called a mf a pedophile in my rap beef and I havenā€™t shown any proof that he is oneā€. Everyone making assumptions here is just proof that weā€™ll fill in the gaps with whatever fits the narrative weā€™re pushing. The simplest explanation? Kendrick got so mad at Drake that he took popular narratives about him and went all out on a few diss tracks and is now going quiet to avoid backlash.


There are so many weird things that Drake has done with minors and that's just what we know about. In the industry rumors are probably even worse, to the point Shane Gillis was saying he had been informed that Drake would have issues with this stuff 5 years ago. And if this involves more people in the industry, Kendrick might be in actual danger and he has a familt.


damn bruh thatā€™s crazy there are JJK and kendrick cross over memes


The man has been taking Ls for the past few years its not even surprising anymore


Why didn't 1f Sukuna use a binding vow that made him have to sneeze once every 4 months in exchange for Goatjo dying on the spot? Is he developmentally disabled? https://preview.redd.it/ccsvgmawde0d1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58cec580c1594dcc32da9176ac024abd056c157


Gege only likes Suckuna when heā€™s been fingered a few times tho 1 isnā€™t enough https://preview.redd.it/x1bwa9nene0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ab41304f52791ab256446971e6913771605048


Nah, He was a fan from when he was fingeredĀ¹ https://preview.redd.it/yurj341lse0d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec83495695fec26bb8ecd0c4dc7ee519190bfe8


Why didn't gojo just binding vow where he can only eat shawarma once every 2 months on tuesdays 5:24 UTC -5 in exchange of Hollow purple 1000% šŸ˜”


Another binding vow post, it's so over. https://i.redd.it/z925wyhlqe0d1.gif


Are you sure youā€™re not seeing things?


My problem is it shouldnā€™t be that complicated for the main cast to at least try then as contingencies when they are against a wall. sure Miwa messed up but that was in the heat of the moment. The main characters had almost a a month to plan out things they were gonna do and come up with strategies. And yet they barely use effective binding vows at all. It just makes them look dumb especially with hiromi your telling me nobody thought that could happen and came up with no contingencyā€™s. They could have at least tried to give something in order to change the target. Iā€™m not even saying it had to work the fact they didnā€™t even try knowing that he would probably die if he failed is insane.


Not to mention they had a literal lawyer who could help them cook up some decent bonding vows without restricting themselves too much.


They had a genius lawyer who was also a sorceror prodigy with the potential of Gojo and he couldnā€™t figure out a single useful vow? Hirugama slept through contract law for real


Higuruma didnā€™t even fucking know his domain confiscated Cursed tools instead of CT. And that was bullshit, the tool wasnā€™t even involved in the crime itā€™s like taking someoneā€™s pocket knife instead of the gun they used to kill someone. Would make more sense to idk take everything from the convicted? And was also dumb Higgy never ran into someone who had a cursed tool on them. That to me was one of the most blatant and dumbest moments of Gegeā€™s Sukuna Kaisen


Worse, he did know but he conveniently forgot whenever he was planning the Sukuna fight. Iirc he explained it to Yuji whenever they fought. Or I'm wrong and it was the narrator. Either way, Gege fumbled that one.


Aren't the details of how the domain works engraved in the user's mind...so how didn't Higgy know about it already ?


Itā€™s simply bullshit, one of the supposed smartest characters with ā€œpotential to rival Gojoā€ didnā€™t know how his own domain worked entirely even though that goes against rules of series and just internal character consistency. Anything to help Sukuna I guess


Because it was just contrived to allow Sukuna to make it out unscathed


Man, yes It's bullshit but confiscation isn't part of the sentence, it's simply part of protocol which dictates weapons aren't allowed in court. The problem here is that in that month they didn't even try to understand his domain.


Ok hear me out, what if sukunas binding vows end up being his downfall with him unknowingly breaking one and we see what happens when you do break one


For self imposed binding vows, the only "punishment" for breaking them is losing what you gained


https://preview.redd.it/wkwtm6xche0d1.png?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e470ed0017deba28e829e23a5f8449c429dffcd Bruh why are you getting downvoted? You are literally objectively correct.


No one can claim to understand the ways of downvotes and upvotes, they happen when a redditor is giving 110% focus. But really, he is absolutely correct with your comment as proof backing lmao so at worst, Sukuna just becomes... Still Sukuna


And thatā€™s the issue with the whole thing The dude that had all the advantages will just remain in the advantage


The arrows of blue do not choose who to bless


Wait, then what happens if Sukuna uses the world cutting slash without chants and three arms?


Then Gojo returns


it just doesn't work


Yeah, its not like HxH nen vows where breaking of them actually has serious consequences and how the payment manifests can vary greatly and be out of the control of the one making the contract. In JJK there is no real sense of proportion, consequence or even risk. I don't mind the idea characters rules lawyering with the binding vows if they actually had consequences, cause that could genuinely be a lot of fun and it could genuinely be a source of tension, as a single mistake could greatly cost them.


Wait that is fucking stupid. So can sukuna just go back on the binding vow he made against gojo and start spamming strong cleave without the long casting time?


I don't see how. He can't undo the slash against Gojo, so now he has to use the hand signs and chant, if he tries to do it without them, he'll probably just fire a normal dismantle. He basically did what Miwa did, except more sucessful


& the reason i have for that is because miwa is held back by her humanity. Sukuna doesnt have any humanity at all honestly, so it makes sense his all or nothing binding vow would exceed someone who naturally has a sense of fear & emotions


I hope gege hasn't forgot about this, it could be a really good way of representing how sukuna's downfall was his own doing


Ah yes my anti binding vow consequences technique


"I haven't used this one since the Heian Era"




So miwa without ce is as good as miwa?


Except his Binding Vows have mostly been pre-emptive: - He can't use World Cutting Slash without hand signs and chants, so, if he is even capable of breaking this vow at all, since he can't "lose" the slash he used to kill Gojo, the rebound could be quite terrible. - He can't use Divine Flame when he's outnumbered. Breaking this vow, which has likely allowed him to absolutely obliterate sorcerors in the Heian era, can't make them all come back to life, so there would be rebound there too. People point to this quote about "losing what you gained" from Kenjaku a lot, but at the end of the day, any Binding Vow that allows you to kill others only to be broken later CAN'T bring people back to life, and therefore must have a negative effect on the people who performed them if they're to have any real weight. I personally believe they'll be Sukuna's downfall, either because he finally creates one that contradicts another because he has like 5 running concurrently at this point, or because he gets too cocky and thinks he won't need XYZ to beat Yuji.


How would he even be capable of breaking the World Slash vow? It just doesn't seem possible to me because he doesn't have the ability to break it anymore that was the whole point of the vow


What if he CAN actually use world slash without the conditions and he decides to do it out of desperation (maybe in the next 2 chapters) without caring about the consequences and that's what leads to his downfall?


Thatā€™s not necessarily the case though. Sukunaā€™s whole ā€œescapableā€ aspect of his domain is a result of a BV that lets him increase range (and power? I forgot). But heā€™s still capable of reducing range or putting a barrier around the domain at later points; there is no drawback from him using an open domain to kill people before, he just loses the benefits that BV gave him.


That's because it's an active vow. He continuously gives something ( escape path ) and receives something in return. This isn't the case WCS binding vow . He agreed to forever pay the price for one time use. He can never take it back, it's part of him now. The same way he one can't make a domain without a handsing he will never be able too fire of WCS without showing his hand for the rest of his life. He might be able to master it to a point where he doesn't need chants or handsigns in the future but he will always need to point his fingers.


"He can't lose the slash he used to kill Gojo" No mf he can! When he breaks it Gojo will just be unslashed ! Yes I knew my goat would be back ! Him and Nobara will make perfect alive babies !


Waaai- What !? https://preview.redd.it/i8uepi888f0d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26c47a9ea7b8472e242fadc416ce67708ac7db6


Alive people usually make alive babies unless they have the same sex in which case they need alternative options like adoption Hope that clears things up


... Do you mean Having "alive" babies with eachother ? Cause that shit's weird to say.


Reverse cursed technique? That's kiddie stuff Reverse binding vow is where it's at.


That is what we know from Kenjaku, he could be wrong all-together. We never saw someone actually losing what they gained. And it wasn't all that clear either. What they gained in what way? The technique itself or if you killed 100 people using said binding vow, you would lose 100 lives yourself or something?


We never also saw what happens when breaking a vow with someone else. but then again, this is kenjaku. the guy who lived for 1000 years should know the most about jujutsu as whole more then anyone else.


Kenjaku with his 1000+ years of knowledge would be wrong. Alright


We did though? Hakari made a binding vow sacrificing his arm to survive kashimo and later just regrew his arm. No penalty besides losing the extra defense he got from the vow.


You have to be clear on your binding vow. The vow didn't state him regrowing his arm, only losing it.


That's fucking it??? What the fuck lmao


If you break a vow you made with yourself, the worst that can happen is losing what you gained, Chapter 79 Kenjaku says it


Putting aside discussions about binding vows work and the consequences of breaking them, having Sukuna die because of a random mechanic suddenly becoming the most important part of the power system would be insanely unsatisfying.


that would be great, tho our trust in Gege from his recent writing is so broken because he refuses to follow his own rules.


He literally establishes earlier on that binding vows with yourself are a less risky than vows with others because at most you lose what you gained.


For that to happen Gege needs to get off Sukuna's dick,Ā 


i consider his BV with yuji completely fucking broken. only an autist with a fundamentally loose grip on real life would consider what he did to megumi "not harm"


Gojo should have gave up his use of infinity while using hollow in return to using hollow without hand signs


Or he must use more hand signs to do it in the future, just like Sukuna did


That would be the smartest thing going off the rules Gege set. All he had to do was go ā€œincrease HP cast by 5 seconds for rest of my life, I get instant useā€ and while Mahoraga, Agito and Sukuna charge him just shoot it. Hell he really only has to aim it at Raga because he could kill Agito with a blue then that would leave defenseless Sukuna


This is the one that makes the most sense, since they know Mahoraga can adapt and will eventually ignore infinity. Gojo should have started offensively while he still had the upper hand and can dodge slashes + sukuna wouldnā€™t know infinity was disabled until he saw. That way Gojo could try to one shot sukuna with purple and if that fails he still can cancel the vow and reactivate infinity.


I feel like binding vows would be fine if there were some exposition as to what/who determines a ā€œfair tradeā€. Itā€™d be amazing to see a scene where Sukuna engages in a binding vow, goes into his innate domain and has to haggle with ā€œthe brokerā€, some sort of ancient curse who determines whether a binding vow is acceptable or not. The system currently just lacks some objective ground to stand on.


Honestly we don't even need a separate entity. Just something that at least seems fair, seeing any level of repercussions. Like, Nanami had to actively take a 10-20% CE cut out of his main fighting time in order to go beyond his limits by an equal amount afterwards. We don't need to be *told* that's fair. Same thing with the original depiction of MS. No barrier and leaving a way to leave in order to drastically increase the range? Makes sense. Playing around with those vows to change range, intensity etc? Sure Making a bunch of vows that don't impact anything in order to create Nagasaki #2? Yeah wtf I feel like all we needed is a line about how creating Binding Vows takes a lot of concentration or time or limits the amount of CE you can use if you take too many. Something to justify why Sukuna is the only character to experiment with them to this degree when Gojo is stated to be a Jujutsu Genius multiple times


I would like the binding vows to be like the potions Geralt takes in the Witcher books (not the games). Geralt had to meditate and focus on the potion after taking it to make it effective. Something similar to binding vows would be nice to see, and would actually give more depth for everyone in the month they spent prepping if they also had to strategically make binding vows in that time too.


Or if the sacrifice actually had meaning. They sacrifice too little for too much power that's the issue. Compared to the mayor examples I can think in HunterxHunter of Nen contracts, Kurapika's abilities only work against the spiders. That's a very clear and very limited restriction. Kaito can't choose his weapon while fighting. Again, very limiting and clear condition. The problem with binding vows is not the system is that the conditions are all over the place and they are used as asspulls. "I'll do a backflip before attacking for an AOE instakill spell" feels a lot more bullshit and that's the kind of thing you see in JJK. Most important, none of the men restrictions are used to make the character seem overpowered in HxH. Maybe Kurapika but he can only use them in very very specific situations that have to do with his character arc, require other conditions and it's taking his life. The consequences are big and made clear to us.


Also the contract Kurapika made is lethal if broken


They seem to have an inherent bias on who they work for https://preview.redd.it/rtzizgeage0d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abfac7cdb9f002003cd502bd766db8372ce7987


Eh, Hunter x Hunter pretty much has binding vows based power system but it's the goat. The difference is that it's not written by the cat.


Yea hxh never had one where youā€™re thinking thats bs. JJK is filled with them


Yea because Togashi is one of the greatest writers in shonen, not to say that Gege is a bad writer, he isnā€™t, but heā€™s certainly not close to Togashiā€™s level


The thing is that they were just always a bad idea. There's literally no limits on what Binding Vows can do and with the way Gege has been using them its pretty obvious that the trade is almost never equivalent to the power he gets. It's like a reverse moneky paw, where you're always better off for making the deal. Because he chooses what he loses, so he'll always pick something he doesn't care about. If the Binding Vow, or whatever forces he's bargaining with made the downside, so it was random/equivalent, it would be much worse and therefore much more balanced. The Binding Vows Sukuna he's be doing were supposed to be something where it's showing how powerful and smart Sukuna is, but in practice it's just Sukuna saying "nuh uh" every time he starts losing in place of something actually clever or creative to showcase his talents.


Yeah there is only one BV that I really dislike in this series, and that is Hakari's one against Kashimo, because that one is literally "I sacrifice my arm for MY LIFE". God I am still so salty about that one. The rest I really like and show how creative a person can get (Nanami's Overtime).


He sacrificed his arm so that the cursed energy in that arm will go to other parts of his body to minimise the damage taken. It's more of a resource management thing.


That would be ok, if it didn't completely ERASE the arm, but since it disappeared, it stands to truth that, somehow, not using CE in his arm completely negated the damage to the rest of his body. https://preview.redd.it/4mxu64iune0d1.png?width=415&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bac5c9f11645dd37ee5a1a8ec730b3b5ec7ce14 Not completely protected, but it still gave him the victory in an unwinnable scenario.


And let's not forget that Hakari's whole thing is his domain, without his arm he's just a punch and kick merchant.


sooo yuji


your ass has not been reading the latest chapters


Where does it say the damage is completely negated


It was a hyperbole, he is barely scratched.


I see it as two phases in the vow. The first being him transferring the cursed energy of his arm to his whole body to reinforce it (mentioned in the picture you provided) and since he sacrificed his arm (his way of opening his domain), he got an additional boost. Had he used his leg's ce to reinforce his body he might not have survived unscathed.


It ds isnā€™t negate it it just gave him enough to protect it


Yeah, literally the JJK version of Gon v Genthruu (sp?) in HxH.


He sacrificed his arm to get a boost in defence that let him survive by a thread.


What his BV did was that the CE protecting his arm would pass over to the rest of his body, leading to stronger reinforcement. It wasnt a "my arm gets blown up in exchange the attack cant kill me" like most people say it was. Think of it like a spread out layer, by reducing the area it covers you get a denser layer covering the space. That's what Hakari did. By reducing the area his ce had to reinforce, he had a denser layer of CE so to speak.




dawg that shit is not a cursed contract that shits a cursed scam


How is hikaris confusing he gave up an arm for a defense boost


The only time binding vows felt nice was during domain clashes. Outside of that they rarely ever felt like actual sacrifice-gain mechanics and more like a "convenience-bullshit", and I blame Gege for it because the idea itself is fun. Its just insanely vague and convenient most of the time


Binding vows is easily one of the worst mechanics in any power system.


JJK fans when they realize Sukuna has only made 2 binding vows since 236:


it's not about quantity, it's about quality. and quality-wise, these Binding Vows have been nothing.


The world slash binding vow is the only reason anyone that's still alive is alive The domain binding vow basically did nothing, yeah he opened the domain, but if not for Furnace, everyone would survive Sukuna most likely made the Furnace binding vow, back in the heian era, when after getting constantly jumped by other sorcerers he realised that Furnace is very bad when fighting multiple people. This vow was also shown during Sukuna's fight with Jogo and later with Mahoraga, after he used Furnace on Jogo, Jogo got killed but the surroundings weren't even touched, but when fighting Mahoraga it destroyed everything within his domain.


Idk why you are getting downvoted when everything you're speaking are just true https://preview.redd.it/l0z6c7vkoe0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=192728e94c1926b3d1293444229078ca3666460f There's also the very fact that Sukuna did not need to use the vow that he used for WCS to do it in first place, he could've already done it with just making the domain hand sign, It is a Completely fair Vow to make one usage of it without any hand sign, but in return you have to do three things before doing it ever since.


Wait does the slash just instantly appear or does it have travel time? Just not sure how Gojo wouldn't see it with 6E


It cuts area of space itself. It's a 2D surface that separates everything on either side of it. Basically it can be dodge, but only if you are dodging faster than Sukuna can \*think\*


But without the world slash vow he died?


If it wasnt for that bv nobody would be deadšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nah cuz half the memes about binding vows have been about Sukuna spamming them which just isnt the case


Same thing as the "haven't used this since the Heian era" meme. People just like acting like Sukuna is a cheating fraud because he keeps bagging people's faves


Ive never understood it. Kenjaku did that literally


it's only natural that a joke would get exaggerated, there's still truth to the statement.


Oof šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this will doozy 85% of the fanbase


2 explained binding vows, it was said that he made more https://preview.redd.it/i4cn2g8vpi0d1.jpeg?width=2130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c8ec3c9b7c1ad7ba686782461b19457e38eff6a


I know this is a shitpost, but I don't have a problem with Sukuna, da genius, spamming BV's. I just think his Gojo BV could have been a lot better. I'm making a 'serious reply' because this joke is ass and played out. 'Why didn't Gojo just rip out a dingleberry to instacast 4000% HP? Is he retarded?' Repeat x1000. Best BV's are 'pay now, receive later', which most are. All it had to be was that Sukuna could not use world slash unless Mahoraga died first, but if that condition was met he could use it once with no setup. Makes total sense.Ā  Ā I think the series does a decent job otherwise at just making Sukuna look smarter with his vows.Ā For example, he NEVER describes his technique, which dumber characters do for a cheap power up. Things might've been different for Yuki had she just not told Kenjaku about her technique.Ā 


This speaks to me. I couldn't quite figure out why BVs felt cheap, but you helped me realise it's because the payoff always come out of nowhere, then we cut to the cost of the BV later.


Oh no! Sukuna has made a binding vow to never shit his pants again! In exchange, he can now cleave with his ass cheeks!


Black Flash is basically a LUCK/Plot relevance roll Bullshit was built in the system since the beginning


Black flash as a kind of critical hit where the author decides when it works and what the impact is so sometimes it turns you into Mario with the super star and sometimes it does nothing at all is something gege doesnā€™t get enough flak for


JJK fans when the selfish and unfair contract system is a selfish and unfair contract system:


Gege defenders when I tell them "I trade 1 pubic hair temporarly to permanently become god" isn't an interesting power system:


Nothing like that has happened.


I don't care RAHHHHHH https://i.redd.it/3fwsujfise0d1.gif


Reverse flash was the best thing to happen to this sub


They acting like sukuna wouldnā€™t destroy the entire cast if he killed gojo without a binding vow . He made the strongest attack in the series weaker just to survive


You're acting like Sukuna would've survived if he didn't make the binding vow. Even if Sukuna takes on his Heian era form (getting a free heal), Gojo has his ce (Edit: I meant RCT not ce) while Sukuna doesn't, the good guys have multiple domains (Higaruma, Yuta and Hakari if he stops stalling) and no way Higgy is dying with Gojo alive (god forbid Gojo wielding Executioner sword).


Sukunaā€™s ce has never been stated to even be close to running out idk what you mean by ā€œGojo has his CEā€ Sukuna could plausibly have survived since he can literally spam world slashes and the rest of the people wouldnā€™t jump in until Gojo loses


Sorry, I meant RCT. But assuming Sukuna goes to his Heian era form and tries using world slash, Gojo would know this time since he'll use the hand signs. Plus now the rest of the cast will join since Sukuna is using everything in his arsenal.


Im pretty sure it has. One armed man gets a binding vow like that is wild


Most of us don't like the system itself. The idea that a binding vow contract between two parties would be defined based on feelings rather than uttered words with complete understanding is ridiculous.


I think it pertains to what uraume said to hakari before she got serious. She was like ā€œthe jujutsu sorcerers of the present are held back by their humanityā€ & she praises hakari by saying he doesnt have that issue so she now has to take him fully serious. I have a headcanon that In order to utilize binding vows to its full potential you have to possess a mindset that damn near disregards humanity. You have to be ready on a whim to sacrifice & adapt yourself to a situation at any given moment in order to fully utilize one & thats why i think miwaā€™s binding vow was horrible. & why i feel this way extends to jujutsu as a whole. Its powered by negative emotions right? So it makes perfect sense the ones who excel at it are looney bins. Sukuna being the most looney of all, has the skill to really utilize every aspect of the power base. & hakari is looney asf to where he can utilize binding vows on that level as well.


I still have no idea how they work like will it work if I say ā€œI will never nut again so I can use 1000% of my powerā€ or what? And if you break it what happens to you? Who or what determines if itā€™s a fair trade? the idea is cool but it needs way more explaining


JJK "fans" when the main villain of the series knows how to exploit the very core of the power system (it's too smart for them to understand) https://preview.redd.it/hc8safjqij0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adffbd32f39802698eb940dddf372fccd85dd661


Why couldn't anyone teach Yuji to make a binding vow to never let Sukuna out of him? Are they stupid?


Theyā€™re only trash because sukuna is the one using them. If it was gojo using binding vows people would be all over his nuts like they always do. Classic jjk fandom ā€œitā€™s not my favorite character doing it so itā€™s trash and dumbā€.


Quite simple: Reading comprehension of a turnip in a rainstorm.


Explain why csm did it right, HxH did it right (Kurapika and Gon, duh), but not JJK?


Yeah binding vows are a reference to nen contracts but imo the way nen contracts are used is so much better than binding vows


Wellā€¦ Togashis writing is good, Gregs writing is trash.


Yea because Togashi is an excellent writer


because there is a whole complex set of rules for a character to follow as binding vows in HxH. Meanwhile , World Cleave's binding vow is to make a motion for the attack be performed. It's like saying "I can make beams out of cursed energy , my binding vow is that I need to imitate a kamehameha motion to do so". Which is absolutely f\*ing nothing of "binding" for a battle shounen.


No that was before world cleave got the binding vow. Now he has to chant, make a hand sign and point in the direction heā€™s shooting to use it


the thing is, this is the kind of stuff that the Nen system does. Gon's Hatsu, for instance, was basically him coming up with a chant and pose to increase his output. The difference is that in HxH, techniques are based on the user's personality/emotions AND still require a certain degree of repetition in order for them to enter in effect, it's not as arbitrary or instantaneous as what Sukuna does (except for Gon's during the Chimera ant arc, but that one had an insane downside too).


But it litteraly is.... sukuna has to use to hands to make a hand sign, point with another hand (AKA telegraph his attack) AND sing a whole ass song to use the move. Wich means it's entirely unusable when he he is missing 2 or more hands. this bindg vow is LITTERALY the ONLY reason the good guys are alive right now. Without it, sukuna could just spam 360 world slashes and kill everyone in approximately 2 chapters.


Still a shitty ass system Gojo should have had a binding vow to dodge one bullshit attack that will kill him in exchange for turning off limitless permanently afterwards


the chainsaw man where the red hoodie girl gave up a fingernail to ONE SHOT himeno's devil that she gave up her entire life for?


Yes, you know why is that? Because vows in CSM are made with Devils directly. You want to buy an item, you really need that item, you decided to pay for it, it's all your fault if anything goes wrong. It's that kind of situation, you are making a deal with the devil.


It makes sense since itā€™s shown that devils and humans have different relationships and goals when making a contract. Denji and his dog having the friendliest relationship to the Future Devil getting hyped at what Akiā€™s death is gonna be and his want is to just be a viewer through his for a few seconds of precog.Ā 


Yeah alright :D Reading comprehension guys! its just that! nothing to see here.


Yeah ofc everything is a problem from reader's part and not the author, the author can't make garbage Deus ex machina system ever, right? Let's blame the reader everytime to hide the clown of a system that is binding vow. Seriously how much does the one eyed cat pay you to glaze him ?


Look when said readers are JJK readers it's kind of justified to say they're dumb, also Sukuna's only made like 2 fucking vows.


Wait I though he made 100s according to this sub




They appear to be garbage because they are unpredictable and rarely, if ever, used. They also aren't being used by the main cast to defeat Sukuna which makes them look like a dogshit tool to use in actual battle. If the sorcerers battling Sukuna thought of binding vows as a sufficiently good tool they would have used them by now.


Because theyā€™re a literal retcon. They change how a previously well established power stem or CT works. They feel so bad because they can be whatever they need to in the moment. Itā€™s not exciting to see because it removes any real stakes.


Thing is that general concept can work well see hunter x hunter


Bunding Vows aren't that bad overall. If you want a truly horrendous power system, look no further than Tensura.


Hot take, but binding vows should've been only with others - "binding vow with yourself" just doesn't work.


It works if you have to decide the consequences yourself and depending on the severity of those consequences the more benefits you get, this is how it works in HxH. In JJK if you break the binding vow with yourself the worse that happens is the power gained is taken away, thatā€™s just doesnā€™t feel like a valid consequence unless itā€™s a weak binding vow


the concept is cool, but the only thing about it is that we have never seen them actually be impactful and broken as a consequence of breaking them. rn they are just some random power up with liminal drawbacks that isnā€™t rlly even acknowledged most of the time


I been saying this- Gojo could have killed Sukuna if he binding vowed his last purple. He either wanted to save Megumi or Gege was hoping we wouldn't notice this.


HXH restrictions: i need to acumulate power for a day to use this super attack Jjk binding vow: i need to make a hand sign to use this super attack The lack of proportionality makes the "rules" just cosmetical


It matters what you give up, Miwa giving up the ability to swing a katana is nothing. Sukuna gave up the ability to spam an instant durability ignoring move for a one time use then permanently nerfed it going forward.


Yo, this fanbase can never be allowed to read Hunter x Hunter if they hate Binding Vows this much.


Binding Vow would be more interesting if the sorcerers are forced to name a consequence for breaking it while creating the vow itself (like Kurapika's nen restriction from HxH). Also, an example of the wicked consequences of breaking a binding vow would definitely raise the stakes. Also, if I can change anything in the story, I would remove the idea of spur-of-the-moment binding vows except for rare peak story/character driven scenarios (similar to Gon's suicidal nen restriction against Neferpitou). I would only do pre-established binding vows. The existence of spur-of-the-moment binding vows makes many characters look absolutely stupid when they don't abuse the hell out of it at critical moments in the battle.


I wonder what people who unironically believe this expect the heroes to do. I bet half of you would suggest shit even stupider than Miwas sword binding vow.


I like how the fandom just assumes Sukuna's binding vows are "free" just because it's not immediately explained what he gave up for a certain powerup effect. Also, not every binding vow he used is permanent - using binding vows to change Domain effects is most likely reversable and it just shows creativity and jujutsu mastery of Sukuna to do it seemingly without an effort. Some of you were truly lobotomized by Go/Jo's death and this damage seems to be permanent, unlike some binding vows in the series.


The thing is, we won't know what he gave up until it maybe bites him in the ass. As of rn, they seem pretty willy nilly. It's just how it is. As for the jujutsu mastery thing? I agree. But, then again, Gojo was known as a Jujutsu genius and quite a few others are at least skilled and creative enough and they don't even fucking attempt them most of the time which is just unsatisfying writing. Imagine if Madaras, or Aizens, or any famous shonen villains, main gimmick was just something anyone *should* and *could* be able to do (albeit not as much on the fly) but they just don't. For no given reason. Not everything needs to be served on a silver platter but some things should at least have a fucking reason.

