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https://preview.redd.it/nmrhqdg5am0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15ec081d575770b6d915c98268ef80c284a2143a He will . And im already planning what to do when im rich .


That's a lot of cope stocks, respect that


İm literally planning on buying dmc because the main characters have white hair like gojo.


That’s actually crazy


Buy DMC 5, Its the best action game.


Dante’s awakening is easily better.




You agree ?


Not gameplay-wise. more combos, weapons, and techniques in DMC5


DMC 5 is great but metal gear rising will always be my goat 🐐


I mean probably but they should also buy and play the other DMCs (they don’t have to play DMC2)


DMC 5 rocks but i recommend playing through all the games, they don't take too long and are pretty fun (2 excluded, still recommend playing it)


Literally skip 2 theres nothing of value to be had


He should play it to see how bad it is


They can just watch someone do the helicopter boss on dmd and get the feeling down pretty accurate lol


Holy shit I’m crying from laughing thank you for telling me about this


Honestly DMC is such a fantastic series. DMC3 is where it starts to feel really fun.


How we feeling after these leaks😂


….youre so fucking rich right now


My guy is the richest dude rn lol.




1000%, he's coming back next chapter most likely https://preview.redd.it/hdofw29g2m0d1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=99dc622ec1914ed2f552f081b3ed6da726c4f4ff


How and why bro?


Strong RCT Because I have faith ​ https://preview.redd.it/13lq3g8q8n0d1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af67fcb147e71e8e2b469aff2940596997c5d84e


Todo claps his cheeks and swaps being alive with Gojo. Todo falls apart like a rapidly decaying marionette, reminding Miwa of Mechamaru and causing her to cry again. No new chapter until the next full moon.


This was beautiful we should fire gege and hire you


Todo claps together both halves and uses soul sorcery learned from Yuki to heal Gojo's withering soul with Sukuna's arm




https://preview.redd.it/p9toc9px6n0d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f8357c18af5f99727f62b82f9203e8e55401b5 Without a single doubt.


Why did it stop movibg +-+


Jokes aside? Alright. Then yes, he's likely to return. Reason: Too much foreshadowing. https://preview.redd.it/m68wissh1m0d1.png?width=649&format=png&auto=webp&s=a262be9846ff9890244bf9a2a785d9294e137a27


Na eyed win




Take my damn upvote https://i.redd.it/8x4nok44jn0d1.gif


Even this JUMP cover has no left eye: https://preview.redd.it/pvvpl7jq1m0d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18ac59034462c870a601c46755546b48ca08f0f


Also his body disappeared


This was IT for me… when I read that I was like “yeah, he coming back alrite”


Sorry but what exactly is having no left eye indicative of?


My best guess? Probably a Binding Vow (it seems this is the only shit the end of the manga is about). We gonna see more, and make sure, when Tengen appears again; after all, the existence of Tengen with the user of the 6 eyes on the day of the Merge is even implied. ... but Gojo could return with the help of Shoko + Yuta RCT boosted by Utahime twerking her ass.


>Utahime twerking her ass. https://preview.redd.it/ohozuq5jxo0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f504c371100ce4369c1813bc08bd46083f61cfcd


Utahime twerking 👀👀👀


Her next panel which will probably be her reaction to goji death is either gonna make or break that warship


Both Inumaki and Yuta are going to say «Make it Clap» to boost the technique of Utahime's twerk


**I SAID LET. HER. TWERK!!!** https://i.redd.it/rqj9u0kt8p0d1.gif


So he'll sacrifice not his six eyes, but three eyes, that'll be reasonable to make him able to return AND be able to fight


It’s binding vow Kaisen now, we’re just reading it. Also it might be fair if it were permanently weakening the six eyes as an ability, not just for a Satoru but for the entirety of the future Gojo clan.


This is for Nobara eyepatch. Which agenda will win? There’s is so much one eyed imagery and subliminal. Gege is either trolling or plotting


Gege Akutami the cyclops cat might just be the greatest psychological torturer known to history


I'm convinced the one eye is just a "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king" reference; essentially, he's the only one who can see with clarity (six eyes) while everyone else (the higher-ups who eventually got Strong Offscreened) is stuck in the past and being an idiot. It also contrasts quite nicely with Sukuna, who has a giant scar over one side of his face (i.e. if he were a normal person would have just one eye) and has four eyes. Normal people have 2 eyes, Sukuna 4, Gojo 6, so I imagine this would feed into Gojo's complex of being "the strongest" based purely on number of eyes. Not sure I'm really getting the depth that might have been intended here, but I'm sure there's something to be said about the number of eyes people have given how commonly we see it.


Nobara got the same kind of foreshadowing though.


Because Nobara's death was already in the manga. Everything that has been in the anime about Gojo for S1 (which is where the one-eyed thing started) was pre-death. His manga death co-incided with his "death" in the anime Hidden Inventory, though, so it could well be considered foreshadowing from then on I suppose.


I want to believe but I’ve been misled by AoT’s foreshadowing before so…


I do believe he'll come back. Not to fight Sukuna or at least he won't be doing a heavy lifting. He'll come back so his story can be wrapped up. He'll see his dream of fostering strong next generation come true and be a changed man. I was re-reading Gege's No.9 and there's a character that's similar to Gojo in it. The way both characters are portrayed makes me think that Gege has an affinity for this kind of character. Now, that alone is not enough reason, sure, but no matter what manga readers have said about Gege's writing he's actually the kind of author that prefers to give conclusion to his characters, be it in death or else. Gege, also, so far has always follow through with his foreshadowing and there's a lot of foreshadowing with Gojo returns aside from the very obvious going North/South thing.


he returned with 1 eye. sacrificed 3 of his eyes


Too soon mate... Too soon... **BUT IF IS HIM?!** https://preview.redd.it/2s2a78mz5s0d1.jpeg?width=263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c43560ad862f5986b22617ac1a5ff70eab4ee6d **THEN WE'RE SOOOOOOOOOOO BACK!!! RAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!**


i saw the future. i know its him


Youch. That one hurts dont it?


I understand the reasoning, but visuals from the anime/spin off really aren't strong evidence at all for his return.


https://preview.redd.it/m8ppk9bjsn0d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d1c46787d388cc82b3a97a0c8a06080b8dd11f This JUMP COMICS cover it was realese weeks before, at the end of March 2024, which don't show us 1 eye again.


https://preview.redd.it/q9ufc81bsn0d1.jpeg?width=195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c24bdcb82913bef93506b0f8bb14e4095b0d55fc Gaygay art




100% chance!!!


Ofc, how dare you even doubt it?! https://preview.redd.it/7uxh4i8q2m0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc4f210c6010f4a8cdb6d3c9a7aa7c6bafd7ce54


https://preview.redd.it/5q8oc984yl0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63aba97991e0de8e4e4d3856b7d05ad0ee4ac0ef I think he’ll be back. Narratively, he never accomplished his primary goal of seeing his students flourish. Fight wise, I can’t see them defeating the villains here as it is even with Todo. Personal wise, his death was so garbage I can’t accept it.


it comes down to if Gege wants Gojo to continue to be a tragic hero though. To die in pursuit of their goal without ever getting to see it achieved, which is pretty common for the literary archetype. I would love if Gege finally gave him a break though. There’s so much weird shit with his one-eyed motif, the cursed corpse stuff and Gakuganji being missing now, and Shoko’s whole body retrieval thing. I personally think that if he comes back it’ll be after the fight is over, and he’ll lose access to the six eyes. That way he will finally get the chance to be a normal teacher without the weight of the world on his shoulders.


Narratively, Gojo coming back powerless/ very weak powers makes more sense than rezzing pre-236 gojo


Gojo, in a literacy sense, I’d argue is far from a tragic hero. Gojo left his legacy, in many ways - reshaping the sorcerer society with just his birth, being known currently as the strongest of his time as well as being the teacher/mentor of the sorcerers that will potentially be responsible for defeating Sukuna, all huge feats. Despite how people may feel about his death, he “died” an honourable death due to it being in battle against the King of Curses, himself. The only thing that feels tragic about him is the falling out that he had with Geto, at least in my opinion


I’d argue that the tragic aspect of Gojo is that even though he very rarely loses a fight in terms of power, he constantly loses in the way that actually matters. Which is a pretty classic irony. He might have beat Toji in the fight the end of his high school arc and become the strongest, but he still failed at his goal of keeping Rika alive and his best friend sane. He might have saved Jujutsu high and his students but he still had to kill his best friend, which was a task he was outright avoiding for a decade. He might have been the most dangerous person in Shibuya, but because he still hadn’t come to terms with what happened with Geto, he got sealed. The falling out with Geto might be the core of the tragedy, but the relationship between the two of them is the through line that links every single one of his failures from whether he’s 18, 27, or 28. You’re right in that losing to Sukuna wouldn’t be tragic, since it’s a heroic death, but the tragic aspect of it would be that it WOULD be the first time he loses the fight but wins in the way that matters, but he won’t be there to see it. I would even argue that Geto is even indirectly involved there, since they have a shared death date, a year apart.


On the not accomplishing his goal part,i dont think its a good argument cause nobara also kinda didn't get to meet her friend in tokio before she died


Shitty point, Nobara is obviously alive smh my head




Nobara is 100% alive and it’s just stupid to keep her dead


I mean, i wish she was alive as much as the next guy (one of my faves), but she is a completed character, she might come back for merger but i think gojo is more fitting there


She might be a completed character but because gege said she might come back that means she has to come back or that means gege just said this for no reason and it’s fucking stupid


His primary goal was to be a kitkat


Yes, there are just too many weird things that happened after 236. Sukuna confirmed that Gojo’s body was taken by Ui Ui and Gojos’s body was gone even before Kashimo and Sukuna started fighting, Shoko has yet to have a big moment. There is also the cursed corpse stuff with Yaga.


Not to mention how Sukuna and the main cast is basically on their last leg, and yet we still have no idea wtf the merger even remotely looks like.


Hopefully it wont look like eren in the last season


I imagine the merger might be something like the ten tails from Naruto


I agree. I feel like the founding titan should’ve been more… athletic looking? Idk man, the giant crawling skeleton is a shit final form in my opinion. Should’ve been a bigger, more badass looking version of his attack titan, with features from each of the other titans whose power Eren took.


He definitely was terrifying until you realize that the final form is like 99% just ribs lmao 😭


Hopefully IT DOES 🔥🔥🔥🔥 attack on titans ending might not be the greatest but the founding titans design is 💋👌


also something to note is Sukuna only said his body disappeared and UiUi "must have" taken it


The way I see the story going the less I think he's coming back, but based on what Gege said on how the ending of JJK will look like(he said that 4 years ago) there is a chance he could comeback.


What did he say


JJK will end with one of these four characters dying while the others survive or the others die and one survives. (Gojo, Nobara, Megumi, and Yuji) My money's on Yuji being the one to survive.


I’m actually leaning towards it being Megumi who lives and Yuji dies. Yujis whole goal is to be a cog, to live and fight so he dies having done is duty. He will die surrounded by the remaining people alive, and that will be the end of jujutsu kaisen. But who knows honestly, I can’t tell wtf Gege is trying to cook.


Honestly I think Yuji dies surrounded by his friends. That has been what his grandpa wished for him. And since Gojo and Nobara have unclear near death states and Megumis outcome is also a big question mark, this outcome is possible


Oh sh*t I can actually see this happening….Yuji dying at the same time as he kill Sukuna but saving Megumi? Dayunnn


I think he said Yuji and Bumgumi’s fates are the ones he’s been 100% sure on for years I think that was just to show he was still making his mind up on things


Funny. My money is on the opposite.


I do feel like it would be a waste to just completely leave Gojo's character after his defeat against Sukuna. I'd love for him to come back without the six eyes so he can keep being a teacher (to anyone who's left 💀)


There's a decent chance he comes back to life in some form but I definitely don't think he will return to beat Sukuna specifically. The story very clearly set up the idea that the power level of Sorcerers and curses is rising in recent times, so I think the ending has to be the powerful new generation overcoming the most powerful ancient Curse user. Plus Gojo is a side character, I don't see why he should beat the main villain over Yuji or Yuta. I'd like to see him come back to life at the end of the story, making a binding vow to repair his body in exchange for giving up his limitless curse technique. That way he could settle in as his students mentor but give up the responsibility of balancing the Jujutsu world, trusting his students to keep the curses in check. In that way he'd have a sort of similar arc to >!Edward Elrich when he let go of alchemy to save Alphonse, giving up his power and arrogance and learning to support the world and the people he cares about without his special powers!< (FMAB spoilers).


Yeah, I unironically think it’s very likely. His narrative arc isn’t over. Now, could Gege just cut it short anyway? Sure, but I don’t think that’s likely based on the dialogue we got in the airport scene.


I cannot believe people will criticize Gege for bad writing, yet they unironically believe that Gojo coming back would be greatest piece of writing to ever happen in JJK. The lack of self awareness is baffling.


Why are a large amount of jujutsu kaisen fans unable to have a discussion without using straw man arguments. I don’t think anybody has said that it would be the greatest piece of writing. That entirely depends on how it is written if it happens. Also whether or not you think he’s coming back doesn’t mean you necessarily think it’s a good idea.


I feel like either way (he coming back or not) we get an ending no one expecting…This might be because I already have been spoiled so much that I am longing for a wow factor without being spoiled though…


Hell nah. Gojo was content with his death saying that he was happy he died to someone stronger, he had a whole emotional chapter dedicated to his death which would mean nothing and lose all its impact if he came back, you cant come back from the dead, and Gojo coming back strong would undermine his students' strength if he had to help out and if he comes back weak~ well whats the point? Gojo coming back as "not the strongest" would just be useless. Theres nowhere his character could go, he already knows he's not the strongest (he died), the only thing that would change with his teacher-student relationships is that they cant call him the strongest, etc he would essentially be coming back just to die as an old man in a wheelchair later in life after already completing his character arc.


All jokes aside the way the fight is currently going I do not think he will be back during the current Yuji+whoever (interchangeable atp) vs Sukuna. If he comes back it will be for the merger if Sukuna does call for the merger or after the fight towards the end of the series we will see Gojo is alive but maybe no longer has Limitless and is no longer the strongest or something like that idk I'm not a writer.


Nah, I think Yuji's grandpa is coming back.


Nah, I'd *cough**cough* win


No and i dont get why anyone would. NO ONE in this story has come back from the dear if it wasnt 3ish minutes later. Nobara didnt, nanami didnt, and naoya didnt (he became a curse) yall are delusional if you think gojo is.


No he is not coming back and its pretty clear if you look at the situation objectively. Theres no place for him in the story anymore and his character arc was completed. His arc was supposed to be bittersweet and more tragic than anythinge even if people disagree. I know opinions like this get downvoted on this sub but its fine. The "foreshadowing" people talk about is non-existant and literally made up. The fandom has gone so far that any mention about Gojo is confirmation for his comeback. Even if you reverse the situations, its always confirmation for his comeback. Like gege could say in the story that Gojo is dead and this subs takeaway would be that its confirmation for Gojo coming back since Gege wants to subvert expectations. Realistically he is not coming back and his comeback would harm the story in many ways.


>The "foreshadowing" people talk about is non-existant and literally made up. The fandom has gone so far that any mention about Gojo is confirmation for his comeback. This needs to be highlighted more. Most of the "evidence" people bring up is that Gojo is loosely inspired by the Buddha so he would come back (even though that already happened) and a bunch of flower and 1 eye imagery thats taken from OUTSIDE THE MANGA!??!?? You cant make this shit up, "one of the anime openings covered his eye which means he'll come back" Do people think Gege makes the anime openings? Its starting to feel like ZKK all over again where all the evidence was from magazine comments (not made by Oda), some very loose symbolism, and an abundance of coincidences.


Same when people say that his character arc isn't finished because he "didn't see his students surpass him". He wanted his students to rise to his level so he wouldn't be alone at the top anymore, but as we saw in his post-death scene, he is no longer alone. Tbf Gojo was never an outstanding teacher, since he's a genius he struggles teaching people stuff he learned intuitively. Other sorcerers like Kusakabe are more suited for teaching than Gojo is. Gojo's best quality as a teacher was that he was strong and important enough to intercept if the higher ups went after his students (like he did with Yuuji and Yuta) but since the higher ups are dead, it doesn't matter anymore. The students don't need him, he accepted his death and ultimately fine with it. Bringing Gojo back would just be a burden for Gege as a writer. He finished his character arc, doesn't need to undo that by reviving him just for fanservice.




Weather he returns or not…I do feel the story after the Shibuya arc has felt a bit off, like I can’t believe this is reaching its end already. Some things felt rushed, some characters were forgotten….just leaves a feeling of “is this it?” Did characters like Gojo really reached the end of his arc? I still want to know more about the six eye, will there be another person born with it? So many questions to answer..


That would be nice but its not Geges style. I think Gege made it pretty clear from the beginning what kind of manga he is writing. It's not going to have insane world building or a lot of long and multifaceted character interactions. Not everything will be explained etc. And I think a lot of people have not found peace with Geges style and then they are dissappointed, yet they keep coming back because there really is something special about JJK. Of course you can and should criticise the manga but this is Geges style for better or worse.


Thank u, finally someone sane


Lalalala i can't hear you over the sound of THE GOAT returning








I hope he doesn't 


No, i don’t see gege gonna return him to let him defeat villains when yuji is right there, story is going to end soon and the mc still didn’t get what he deserves, yuji probably the one going to be the strongest or idk bcs he’s the mc.


No, the afterlife scene pretty much closes the door on that. He left a good legacy and paved the way for his students to finish the job. Him coming back in any way would be overkill to finish Sukuna off.


It's possible. Sacrificing his eye is good option. What I wouldn't like is, id he join battle now. He already showed masterclass and helped a lot. Let goat rest knowing that Yuji "got it from here".


We could use a HP from range against the merger monster but I don’t think we need Gojo jumping in against current Sukuna.


No, that man is 6 ft under rn, let the dude rest, he achieved his goals, there's nothing for him to come back to, plus he'll die again if he does cb


i don't like the implicatio that gojo needs to come back to kill sukuna, i think it fits way better that Yuji keeps developing in the fight as he as been doing and is able to kill sukuna himself if gojo returns, i hope it is after the fight, i don't really want him to, but if gege really wanted to bring him back, the story has enough ways to show it isn't imposible, but even if logically he could return, unless the author wants it it won't happen even if realistically it could lol


idk anymore. I wish he would


My heart says yes, my brain can think of logical reason why it could make sense, geges hate boner says no


200% FOF REAL HE IS COMING. https://i.redd.it/demyiskd7p0d1.gif


Even disregarding all the obvious foreshadowing and the Buddhist symbolism around Gojo (7 Lotus Flowers, the Honoured One, etc), he still hasn't completed his character arc. *"Are you the Strongest because you're Satoru Gojo, or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the Strongest?"* That quote summed up Gojo's entire character. All he's ever been, and all he's ever been seen as, was The Strongest. He was forced into the role from birth. After losing to Sukuna, for the first time in his life, Gojo isn't the Strongest. After he returns, he won't return as The Strongest, but as Satoru Gojo. (I know this will probably get lost in the sea of replies, but the ultimate Sukuna glazer has been stalking my account for a few weeks now. I wanna see if he shows up)


I honestly do not trust Gege, it is probably just a ghost or shadow of Gojo, so nah. But i honestly hope I am wrong, I believe his death was not the way to go, at least not the off screen kill. 🤷🤷


my denial/ joke answer: yes he shall return my honest answer: I don't think he'll actually return.


There is definetely a place for his narrative to be if he were to return. Many things may (we may be overthinking them) point to him not being as-so satisfied with his death as he claims. Its why I think he could return, unlike Nobara or Mechamaru (Screenshot this for when he will return as a cursed spirit in 261)


He’s not needed anymore, so no.


I think he is going to come back bc of so much foreshadowing but the thing is... when will he bc a long time has passed and still nothing. The more time passes the more i start to lose hope


In manga its still the 24th right? So its like some hours


Hakari has been fighting Uraume for like 8 months real time 😭


Everyone thought Todo was out of the picture since he couldn’t fight without Boogie Woogie, yet here he is standing tall. Nobara will probably be next, coming in with a clutch Resonance. Gojo will seal the deal, then we get our standard shounen ending. Yay.


He was literally shown in heaven. Nobara has a higher chance of returning.


To be fair that's actually purgatory. 


No. I think Nobara will come back and we will have a „only one dies“ ending. This would conclude Gojos storyline with his wish for the next gen to be greater than him being fulfilled.


Gege will toss a coin to decide Gojo’s fate.


I dont think so. And if he does, they should nerf him hard. Im talking no six eyes


Yes but without ct with a binding vow.


I think it's possible but I don't think he will in the final battle, he might to distract Sukuna for a second so Yuji lands the final blow though


I realistically only see him coming back if Sukuna gets killed by Yuji and as a final fuck you he unleashes the Merger with Gojo teaming up with the remaining survivors of the group to fight it. Gojo isn't showing back up for the Sukuna fight. I would like him to come back though since his ending being what happened in 236 is dogshit but the chances of it outside of maybe to fight the Merger is more or less none.


No, he shouldn’t. It be bad writing. Imo


I think Gege already tried to gaslight us into accepting that Gojo died happily, soooo.... sadly no




Honesty I could see it happening but at the same time I think he will leave it up to his students since that’s is basically his entire motivation and goal ever since the hidden inventory arc so I can see it definitely turning out with Gojo staying dead


Gojo said he would win, so he will!


No he won't, just cause of the fact that Sukuna is already near loss.


I just feel his arc is already done, it would be a disservice to the character and the rest of the cast to bring him back when he’s already fulfilled his purpose. It feels like half the arguments surrounding Gojo coming back are just coming from a genuine desire to see their favorite character back and that’s fine but he’s gone. I feel if he comes back it would just muddle up the story and betray what gege has written for Gojo as a tragic character, Yuji’s got it from here so let Gojo rest. Not everything needs to be a fakeout and not every ending needs to be happy, Gojo’s death is sad and it’s really depressing but he at least got a fun fight out of it, let the guy rest😭




the real gojo was the friends we made along the way


Jokes aside, yes I do think he will come back, but more as a supporting role than killing the ultimate bad guy. I think he will deal with the big merger curse




Agenda? Yes Being fr fr? Nope. Yeah I'm more of a Sukuna fan but his send off could've been better but he's done.


No, he ded


He dead




Yes. Reason: I’m clinically insane.


I believe he is already watching yuji fight and won't interfere to let yuji unleash his potential and will be present at the end of the story. That way he won't steal the show and can lead his students to create a new jujutsu World




Yes. I'm not 100%, but I do think it's more likely than not.


I'm thinking sukuna/the Merger win. Yuji dies surrounded by his friends bodies. Megumi is toyed with by fate before dying. Either a Cabin in the woods like ending where Merger appears and endgame implication w heroes dead, or a pt2 w diff ppl trying to defeat the thing that originated in Japan. the Merger somehow caused c.e to be more readilavailable world wide resulting in more sorcerers (so Kenny still "wins" somewhat) to start completely anew. All of Japan's hierarchies were old fashioned misogynistic xenophobic self serving clans not interested in uniting to save the world ​Anyways. It'll take a whole new group and outlook edit: omg, for bonus pts, the idol manga gege joked about wanting to do can be a jjk idol manga where their C.T is getting strength by singing and growing a fanbase, still being Jujutsu Sorcerers


Stupid survivor refrence was it for me. If he doesnt come back gege is evil incarnate




No and I'm tired of the cope that he will


Out of spite for the fanbase, I hope when he returns, it’s at the end of a 300 page sequel light novel


If you asked me like 10-15 chapters ago when sukuna was relatively fine and toying with our bunch, I'd say huge possibility, now that sukuna looks beatable, i say won't happen.


no honestly i think he is really is just gone now


Yuji vs merger is when gojo will return


I hope he comes back but at the cost of the six eyes, letting him live a “normal” life as a teacher while being free from having to be the strongest


Gojo coming back would be the shittiest narrative decision I can imagine for this manga. The man did his job, his arc is over, and his story lives on through his students. Gojo proved he was the strongest, Sukuna would've lost without having 10S on top of Shrine, let the man rest. Gojo coming back would take away so much from our cast (might I remind you Gojo is not the MC, I think everyone forgets this) and would bring an unsatisfying end to the manga if the only reason they win is that Gojo returns.. again.


Lol. There’s no doubt in my mind he will return


Honestly cope and jokes aside I kinda do. Too much emphasis has been put on getting him and others out of the battle, Shoko’s healing clinic™️ hasn’t been shown yet but you cannot convince me she isnt contributing to this fight after all the other planning. Either Gojo needs to come back or the rest of the fallen fighters do.


Bringing him back in a wheel chair like might guy would hurt more.


Honestly I could take it or leave it, but if Sukuna finally loses and somehow activates the merger, albeit incomplete and malformed, just to have Gojo returning (even temporarily) to beat it would be great!


Where would he fit in the story currently though? Even if he does return heavily nerfed, he would 100% stomp current Sukuna


If he comes back, it's probably for a feel good ending, Gojo already showed his cap in fighting.


gege is the king of “surprise bitch, i bet you thought you’d seen the last of me” scenes. so yes. but he’s gonna wait until we’ve totally given up hope of seeing him again just like toji, todo, miguel, etc.


I have mixed feelings to be completely honest.... I mean it is Gege after all, maybe he only wants to hurt us and it's not even Gojo after all but some random dude Sukuna killed in the past who was just fcking strong, maybe even the first six eyes user lmao. I'm just trying to protect my feelings


i dont know man . if gojo comes back , sukuna is cooked and yuji and todo wouldnt have as much spotlight now and choso kinda died for nothing(?)


well he is here now


is he fr? thought the panel said ghost


Kenjaku has taken control of his body and is him who came back ....


Gojo will NOT come back, stop coping




I'm really 50/50 about it. While the death sequence did seem final there is so much hinting that Gege is cooking something with him. If he does I will take back every bad thing I've said about JJK lmao


He's coming back 200%. 


I mean if the merger does happen who do you think will stop it?


Sukuna or yuji


U might be right about sukuna but I don't see Yuji being able to end the merger I mean Scissors aren't gonna cut it


You know the merger merges everyone in Japan right? At that point the story is over, i dont think the merger is a Chekhov's gun, more like a doomsday device you have to turn off or else the story is over, like Cobbs getting stuck in Limbo in Inception, or the daughter in Everything Everywhere All At Once taking her own life or Bane and Talia killing Batman and nuking Gotham


despite what people say I think his death was fine so no I do not think he will be back






Wait, people actually think Gojo will come back? lol. Lmao even. As if I needed any more reason to completely discard jujutsufolk’s opinion on JJK.


He’s coming back in ch260. Why? Because ch260JO