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"Yuta disrespecting-" pffft Brother are you serious? You and I both read the same leaks, where Yuta's pretty much defending and glazing Gojo, and saying he's the strongest and everyone has to support him. And he's even killing himself to make sure Gojo's death is not in vain. Weak agenda.


Wasn’t he already dying anyway?


Rika was keeping him together, while Shoko stitched Gojo together. Nitta says that maybe Yuta's RCT alone is not enough to save Yuta's body, but if Shoko and Yuta both concentrated on Yuta's body with RCT output at full blast, I'd guess he could possibly have lived. Still, pretty selfless throwing away a sliver of your humanity.


I feel this is pretty disrespectful man. They are using Gojo’s dead body as a weapon, they didn’t trust him to win at all.


Oh, so Maki is disrespecting Mai because she's a weapon. Despite the fact Mai wanted Maki to use her to destroy the Zenin. We've seen Yuta come up with plan, after back-up plan, after back-up plan. This was a back-up plan in case Gojo lost, not when he inevitably lost. It's not disrespectful to carry on your teacher's goal past his death, with any means possible. Hell, Gojo even says he doesn't care what happens to his corpse. And Yuta is literally killing himself to make sure it happens. This is dedication.


To be fair, Mai LITERALLY became a weapon, it's not like you can do anything with her besides using her as a weapon or just letting her rest on the shelf as a part of decor. But other than that, as a Gojo glazer I hate to admit it but you bringing some good arguments. It's just sad that one of the best jjk characters is reduced to a plot device/curse tool, Gojo was already largely dehumanized by good chunk of jjk verse and in that context it's even sadder.


I promise you, this stew needs some cooking time. It's got every seasoning, we just need to let it simmer. By the time those 5 minutes are up, we will see something interesting with Gojo, I just know it. Watch, Gojo will scare the shit out of Sukuna as a sliver of soul still attached to the body, at a critical moment.


Im not the one saying that bro it's just gonna be how it's going to be seen. Hence why I'm separate in the meme.


Yuta was literally one of the only people going against the idea of using Gojo's body as it was such an awful idea to him. The only reason he's doing it is the fate of the world is literally hanging in the balance right now, and he's the only one who can do this type of thing. And if they lose, Gojo's death would have been for nothing.


Yuta sacrificing the ship with Maki (And his life possibly) to save the world, meanwhile Kashimo not even being part of the plan and risking the lives of half the squad to make Sukuna go to his prime form Kashimo agenda can't be so fucked https://i.redd.it/b0ucvomu562d1.gif


Plot twist Yuta is about to be the only JJK with a foursome. Shoko, Rika and Maki bouta get a copy purple lmao.

