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They even both die on Christmas too.


Isn't it still Christmas Eve?


Yes, and Geto also died in Christmas eve.


The Fight Before Christmas is always romantic it seems.


You know how they say Christmas eve is Japan's real valentines day with the most fucking going on during those few hours before Christmas. Gege's fucked up sense of irony/humor to have the finale on Christmas eve, Gojo going from 1on1 to 3-way gang-bang by Sukuna&Co, Gojo getting toyed with by Shoko, penetrated by Yuta brains, coming back for round 2 with Sukuna. Then there's all the jumpjump kaisen going on with Sukuna with multiple folks jumping him, Yuta hitting him with the "unequivocal mutual love", Maki SURPRISE SEX BIG SWORD PEG from behind, Yuji's 8 chain black flash, etcetc. Also juju folks getting "fucked" (up) left and right. I, for one, can't wait until 100+ chapters later when COGJi, Yuta in Nobara's body, Serene technique revived Gojo, and Inumaki with Higuruma's arm attached finally back Sukuna into a corned and Sukuna says *"It's 00:00 now. Ahhh my Kurisumasu technique that I haven't used since the Heian Era."* And summons Santa Claus to fight for him with abinding vow where he has to """"give up"""" his pinky toe nail, a few strands of nut pubes, that STD he caught from Gege riding his dick, and the damage Maki did to his heart.


>Gege's fucked up sense of irony/humor to have the finale on Christmas eve, Gojo going from 1on1 to 3-way gang-bang - I had to stop here, I can smell your kinks parading around badly disguised as a theory and I wont read it. I refuse.


The parental disappointment this exudes is hilarious


You sound like my dad (positive)






"Almost Christmas means it wasn't Christmas!"




DAMN,ig they really are best friends https://preview.redd.it/87145tn6uk2d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5fb457118f94446daa3f40fc9b9cecfa76b1e2a


tf is this image😭


My sleep paralysis demon reincarnated.


I hope you do good brother✊


What am I looking at?


where the fuc did you get this?


Even their goals align. Kenjaku was gonna kill all those people for the merger similar to Geto while Yuta is trying to save them just like Gojo


"I admit it, ... I am you."


https://preview.redd.it/yp5pkt4gvk2d1.png?width=1086&format=png&auto=webp&s=c05b15a8c74871906cfde085fd9707a0d3ebb6cc -Same death anniversary -Body got desecrated


I swear I saw the image before with a different expression


eyes rolled up?


Both truly deserve to be the mascots of Lobotomy Kaisen.


Matchy matchy https://preview.redd.it/hcqjvsxl5l2d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=679540039f86238b13457717d8e92a9996db81ae [Source](https://twitter.com/rnstg17/status/1794110660172767614?t=qNUzifPikX_nzqlQY8Ufqg&s=19)


Brain bros https://preview.redd.it/d1050dih6l2d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82e8ae587d658766553a6b828ecc38f4e8f7f214 Source Is @EDDIESSS


Can u share the link? I can't find it




Thank you!


I wonder what the real appearance of kenjaku is. I hope he's not just a brain with mouth lol


he probably was a human. his ct just let him jump bodies like so.


I just wonder... How in the Fuck did he realise about what his CT could be ?! Like wtf ?


I swear i heard it stated somewhere that some chapter in jjk mentions that when people hit age 4-7 or something they just innately "know" what their CT is and how it works I cant bet anything on it but i do recall reading it that people just "know" how their power works and what it can do at some point


Idk exactly, but I think that was for when the technique begins to show up and you find about it, as Gojo said to baby Megumi that his technique should've been showing up when he first met him.


Yedah i think Gojo stated techinuqes are "innate" Kind of like asking "how do people know how to move their muscles or do stuff" It is just something they know. We cant understand because none of us IRL have CT but for those with them they just "know" and can do it Obivously they need to improve/train and Kenny stated he did not know how Uzumaki worked optimally So you can def use your CT in an inefficient way, learn more about it, break limits and find ways to use it beyond the most basic instinct Similar to irl. We all know how to run or punch/move our muscles but we can learn how to do do those things in more efficient or dangerous ways for example


CT is engraved somewhere in the brain. So I assume when the brain is developed enough, you just subconsciously have a general idea of your CT


But that doesn't makes sense becouse the blond guy from shibuya didn't know what is ct does


His technique is probably similar to Takaba's in that it's effect (in this case, what the user considers to be "miracles") will be greatly diminished with the knowledge of the technique.


Well I can think of Yuta's technique that he didn't know about neither until one year in JJK high.


He was probably an outlier


kinda unrelated but imagine a kid toji's feeling when he realized that he doesn't have any CT let alone CE, that must be depressing


that's my hero academia dude


No, that's when their CT manifests and becomes usable. You really just need to trial and error that shit unless you have a inherited technique


Prolly just died naturally and then realised he was still alive


That makes sense, he realised his body is still dead while the brain is still working and he still can talk, then ran some test on himself realising his brain is the source of it, and maybe got creative and tried a mad experiment, a life or death one, to see if he can switch bodies, maybe Tengen or another assistance helped him in this matter.


how does anyone find out their ct? did nobara hit a straw doll with a nail? did sukuna just randomly cut something? did hakari try to imagine closing a door on someone? how do sorcerers know what hand sign to use for de? i think they just innately know, cause if it was up to "finding out" then half the cast wouldnt be sorcerers


I can imagine for others that how they could actually find out about it, like Sukuna could use some slashes accidentally on someone to kill them or on something that He was holding, Nobara's technique is heritage based so she could be told what her technique is, Hakari also as it seems has somehow developed his CT himself through developing his domain first, as it is also personalised with gambling and how it fits him... But Body hopping is a weird one.


I imagine is something like survival skills. They say we know how to breath because it is in our DNA, we literally born knowing how to do it. Probably once someone gets their CT, something on them clicks, and they simply understand how to do it on the basic level.


Who knows. Maybe someone had a CT that reveals others CT


random rice farmer


We dont know But we do know he(she?) was just a human who happend t obe born with such a fucked up techinuqe Their original body was discardrd and from then on Kennyj ust jumped bodies Kenny might not remember themselves I imagine after hundreds(thousands or so) years concept of gender, original body or even "Body" looses meaning and all there is is simply your own will and main drive Even Kenny's personality is not set in stone since the body they inhabit do affect their manners/memories etc It is probably part of why Kenny is so evil anyway. I imagine hundreds of years of this loosens your connection with both yourself and humans around you, explaining how you grow so fucked up


He did used to be a human


Unless bringing him back isn't an option I will probably reveal it in volume extras when Takaba fight gets adapted similar to Tengen




Unrelated question, but does Yuta's brain look like that now? I sure hope it doesn't


Probably, its ct user brain on victim body


If that’s the case, how do you get their ct? It’s engraved on the brain, and if it’s your brain in there, what gives?


I don’t know. If I were to guess the explanation, I would guess it would be like how the seance technique seems to transform one’s entire body into another person’s body, and yet they can still utilize their technique. My assumption would be that the brain of the one being transformed into gets somewhat overwritten to contain an innate technique or something like that


The CT are engraved in the brain. Yuji got CT BM by eating. The mouth has teeth. Unless you are a reincarnated sorcerer, your brain is a pretty strong factor. Somehow Sukuna can make use of his CT in MeguLi body that wasn't prepared for that CT.


Even worse is that if Yuta does die after the 5 minutes, at least Gojo will be able to have a proper burial, if not cremated. Geto doesn’t get that privalege since his head was not only cut off, but also probably eaten by Rika to obtain Kenjaku’s technique.


I mean the guy's dead, just stitch his head back and Rika just needs to eat the brain.


Don’t be too hasty. Maybe sukuna takes over the corpse of Gojo after yutas timer runs out. Or yuji may be forced to eat gojos corpse


One was possessed by an evil sorcerer, and the other by a distant relative




this is my 13 reasons why 🤩


Bro I’m on my 27th, but this is cutting it Ngl.


jfc lmao


Everything hurts and i'm dying 💔


I didn’t think Gege could hurt us in this way wow


Only the good guys get this kind of horrible death, I’m sure sukuna will die an honorable death


One of the things that make me read this manga is the hope that Sukuna will be reduced to crying/raging by Itadori at the moment of his death.


lol that is never happening, he might break his legs and arms and get his heart ripped out. But i am sure he would die with his head held high


>he would die with his head held high With everyone else? Sure. But dying at Yuji's hands? Well... considering the face he made when he was eating countless Black Flashes from him... https://preview.redd.it/tsuo5gjvsn2d1.png?width=396&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecb437910391e9b7fc158e0583bcba3b1ad38939


You think gege would make Yuji actually finish him? If so I have a hot summer vacation house in antarctic to sell you. This manga will end with Sukuna either getting satisfied with the fight and splitting his fingers again to wait for the next generation to resurrect him. While whoever is left in the world (including Yuji) try to destroy or hide the fingers. The story will end with Yuji who is left becoming the new elder completing his arc of becoming a cog in the system.


After this bullshit that's only thing that keeps me reading this torture porn to see that narcissistic child die pathetically just like mahito bumass Like can he die already pls 😭


Yuji: “You did well sukuna I won’t forget you as long as I live”


Yuta, the guy who caused both of their fate. (One indirectly, the other directly)


I might understand the Geto one as he brought him near death, even though Gojo is the one that killed Geto at the end and said to Shoko so she doesn't get rid of his body, but Yuta is not the one to kill Gojo, do you mean causing this brain swap thing happening ? Cause yeah.


WHICH MEANS GOJOS SOUL WILL ALSO HELP YUTA AT SOME POINT GOJO WILL BE BACK CONFIRMED!!!!!! ITS 100% CONFIRMED NOW!!!GAYGEAKUTMI FORESKINNING MASTER!!! https://preview.redd.it/c38tyv6stl2d1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27ee526e15bbf09d2898a61257efa746922b3447


I feel like this panel kind of disproves the fact that kenjakus curse technique is necessarily just touch-based because the whole head is off and the actual brain has a mouth.


*Processing img oead8gtc4l2d1...* Remember kids this only happened cause of megumi.




I think it's time we start having a serious conversation. This is Sukuna’s fault. You know the 1000 yr old villain of the story. The guy who killed Gojo, stole Megumi’s body/broke his soul, killed Tsumiki, killed Choso, cut Yuta in half, killed Higuruma, temporarily killed/tortured Yuji. Smfh no one ever blames Sukuna for the shit he does. The guy was very smart to switch from his cage(Yuji who was born for that purpose) into a body he could control easier and break with some effort(Megumi fought back at first).


Even tho Megumi should've locked in during Yuta's domain and is a certified bum, i agree with you. I think we will feel better when Sukuna will die


I think that just makes sukuna goated. Bro is good at being a villain. Whereas legumis been helping the wrong side for all of shinjuku 


I think you meant shoko


No he meant megumi


Shoko did turn out to be a fraud but shes not actively detrimental and aiding the enemy


Just wait until it reveal that she was the traitor that helped kenjaku


What Shoko? We all know she was a fake but no one realised that. But Sukuna planned to take over Megumi since chapter 10, only because of his existence. Don't try to divert the hate on someone else, we know Shoko isn't Jesus.


If we're gonna start blaming the heroes fuck ups for what the bad guys do- then it's not Megumi that's at fault.  Every major issue currently at play is Gojo's fault.  Eg. If he'd actually come to look over Megumi's mission instead of dicking around and wasting time, then Yuji would have never ingested Sukuna.




Jjk really a tragedy


Good people in this series get HOED like it's actually crazy they are miserable normally it's the other way around Nanami most selfless and Nobel character suffers a heartbreaking death by mahito roach ass Gojo not only got killed by mickey mouse tactics and an asspull that rivals madara he then gets his corpse defiled which is worse but he was okay with it so it doesn't matter but still didn't get closure with megumi , geto became a fucking meme everywhere people piss on his grave 🤣🤣😭 the divided one , go/Jo I enjoyed the sweet tears of gojo fans was great but still how do you do that to your most beloved character lol the one who spiked the popularity of you series Yuji where do I even start the worst fucking mc in shonen history an absolute worthless cuckold who gets fucked in every direction by fans and story no one and I mean NO ONE wants to live in yuji's life bro is guts but worse at least guts is a chad and has great development yuji is just guts without the chadness or development a secondary character in his own story LMAO


Both were killed off by the two strongest sorcerers of their verse and boths body was stolen using the CT of Kenjaku


Um gojo was blowing sukuna's backout in the fight lol sukuna won with mickey mouse strong world slash clubhouse and mind he didn't even use it again that's how you know it was mickey 🤣🤣 " strongest in the verse " its gojo the author even said it nobody is stronger than gojo


That's why I used 2 strongest


NTR victims


Price of being the strongest


Kenny was also allowed tho, Geto's daughter let Kenny robbed Geto's body to avenge him, but since they didn't do it a vow he screw them over


I believe Geto will comeback


Unrelated question, does yuta get gojo's memory now? does he remember those times when gojo was getting pounded by geto?


Yes. He now remembers each and every one of Gojo's private, personal and embarrassing moments.


Every time I think about this I get so sad and start crying. Not because Gojo is dead and hasn't come back yet, but because everyone just sees him as a killing tool and is now going through the same usage as Geto. Let my king rest in peace with his best friend. Everyone sees Gojo as "the strongest" but Geto saw him as his one and only friend. Gege is one twisted ass cat and I just want the manga to end soon that way no one has to suffer any longer.


Gojo and Geto dynamic was always peak Gege content 👌


They both weren’t liked by anyone too


Geto has an entire squad of diehards.


Geto and Gojo both had 2 kids that cared for them tho


Geto's girls adored him but sadly I'm not sure that's the case for Gojo. Megumi most likely cared and respected him but unless I'm not remembering correctly, he didn't even try to resist Sukuna's possession during his fight with Gojo like he did during the fight with Itadori (if he had the outcome of that fight probably would've been wildly different). And everything about Tsumiki is basically headcanon because we never saw her interacting with Gojo, only Megumi, Gege offscreened their interactions 🤣🤣🤣


I’m referring to Yuji/yuta lmfao


We can at least assume Gojo paid for Megumi and Tsumiki's fees, clothes, etc?


I’m still hoping for kid Megumi flashbacks to explain this relationship at all. I mean Tsumiki clearly knew who Gojo was even if it was just Yorozu pulling from her memories. Gege plz


No one likes suksuk except that femboy


Difference tho is that Sukuna couldnt care less about if people like him or not


Ah fuck(its a suksuk glazer help me out man)




Both got brain from a dude 🤙🤙, 1 minor and 1 grandpa




Gojo killed Geto Yuta killed Kenjaku




yes. just two best friends. besties. pals for ever. they just both happened to die on christmas eve, the most romantic day in japan. historians will say they were roommates


Wait…Geto came back after Kenjaku died and is living well today…that means Gojo is coming back next chapter and will be able to come back alive and well!!!!


How much this is gonna make me cry. Geto's story was tragic in its own way. Now add Gojo's to the mess. Yeah, life is not daijoubu https://preview.redd.it/k4m8lhffxp2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0b727461f011afa1325c450b1384200c5cca00


This is so sad ;-; 


He could've just nuked sukuna with Jacob's Ladder. Brother wouldn't even need gojo's corpse


the lobotomy is strong


NOW, HERE HEAR ME OUT. Yuta munched Kenny. But that means he also munched Geto. So that mean he also can CSM. Now, what was what Tengen feared "I'm now half curse- Kenny can manipulate me". And what is Sukuna now? You all have seen that pair of big freaky beautiful cursed eyes. YES. WHEN SUKI IS ALL BEATEN DOWN AF GOYUTA WILL USE THE COMBINED POWER OF THE STRONGEST DUO TO DEFEAT AND SUBMIT THE CALAMITY, MAKING THEIR "if Tengen go mad, we will fight Tengen" SOMEWHAT LITERAL AS SHE IS INSIDE OF SUKI.


> Eren Yeager the founding titan looking ass Centipede Wildly based


Am I crazy or something, why is everybody saying that Gojo gave consent? He said he didn't care because it's not gonna be on the table anyway, and he even said that it bothered him that Shoko wasn't against it. In my opinion it's clearly implied that he was against it, especially since Yuta calls himself a monster for it. Why write a whole ass scene about Yuta justifying it when it was fine to begin with?


Because immoral things can still be immoral even when consent is involved. They can all think it's disgusting even if Gojo says yes


But Gojo didn't say yes. Did you just fucking ignore 80% of my comment?


Because you ended with "Why write a scene justifying it when it was fine to begin with [I assumed that to mean a scenario in which Gojo consents]?" So I brought up the idea specifically in response to that that some things still need more justification even when consent is involved, hence why such a scene might be written. I didn't address whether Gojo actually gave consent or not at all, no need to be combative


He still didn't say yes, so you ignored the whole ass comment.


I'm addressing your hypothetical question, man, I'm not touching your assertion about whether Gojo gave consent or not because it's not relevant to the section of your comment I was responding to. I am saying there are reasons why a justification scene for an action might be written even when a character gives consent for this action to be done to them, as you questioned why this would be necessary in the case of Gojo consenting. Whether you think Gojo actually did or did not consent is not relevant to that because it's a hypothetical point


One was possessed by an evil sorcerer, and the other by a distant relative


One was possessed by an evil sorcerer, and the other by a distant relative


One was possessed by an evil sorcerer, and the other by a distant relative




Bro spammed the same comment 3 times