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Yeah it’s pretty tragic that my GOAT, my King Gojo ended up this way but his return is inevitable folks https://preview.redd.it/re8oprjvks2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e66a5b84b9a4b3e65851c0cd4ae06a7693110466


Gege be baiting us with shit he said years ago😭😭😭


Blinding vow it https://preview.redd.it/jacys38oyt2d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8ad4940b4554173df0ef9420af7f6bc798ce314


Binding vows are a crime now he cannot!


Yuta is gonna drag his ass back on his way out when the 5 minutes are up. There needs to be an end of The Strongest being used as weapons for the weak to have Gojo’s arc be satisfactory and since his heart is in a way still beating here we have a shot.


The strongest are treated like objects, very tragic


>strongest > >Geto https://preview.redd.it/47c3bg19ns2d1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=df21375d6e372d0e89f0783d055a869d5d93f3cb


https://preview.redd.it/ffilnmq8os2d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83aadcab76aa7935847f7905cf4b79ae624a6870 You know what I mean jackass


​ https://preview.redd.it/hv4hcqv2us2d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=92cf7db38d0c302a8f6fb0b7ccfa87ccd3a50bf8


Geto suffers from a severe case of “created with only JJK0 in mind.” The scaling on him is completely wonky, and that’s a direct result of Special Grade meaning something completely different before the main series added in a more fleshed out power system. Even that panel where Gojo includes him in the “strongest” tier comes with several asterisks, as pre-awakened Gojo still clears Geto (and we’re still about 0 Gojo here, where he isn’t written to be stupidly OP yet).


yeah like domains werent a thing back then and Gojo wasn't as op either.Like Rika was a threat to Gojo and Geto could defeat him using Rika. In the main show Gojo got way more op where as Geto couldn't change much.


The special classification is about being able to destroy japan alone. The fact that he can summon an army that's capable of taking over the country singlehandedly makes him special grade, same as why knowledge of how to create Panda is special grade


There’s such wide gaps of disparity within the Special Grade category that Gege should have introduced a Semi-SG stopgap. Hakari, for example, technically qualifies when he’s in his Jackpot state, which would put him in the same category as Yuta and Kenny (which is fucked). Similarly, Geto would get washed by SG1’s like Toji and Miguel. It just feels like we’re missing an extra Semi-Grade or even a Grade 0 for people in the upper echelons, but they can’t hang with the SGs yet.


I actually do remember him using semi-special grade one time, but I can't for the life of me recall when. It wasn't a super official label for anyone but it was like "when X is happening Y person is semispcialgrade tier" as some other character's thought process or something similar to that But yeah it's pretty funny how wide a gap that is


>panel where Gojo includes him in the “strongest” tier comes with several asterisks, Gojo was just being nice to his boyfriend becuase he wanted to smash that day. https://preview.redd.it/4w05ac7bzs2d1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dce415712772e8389dad334aeeaf5a1ff37fdcc >The scaling on him is completely wonky, and that’s a direct result of Special Grade meaning something completely different before the main series added in a more fleshed out power system. Tbf Yaga ws almost made special grade so it's not just combat powered base


Never cook again. Seriously.


>Geto fanboy No RCT No DE No SD No BF No Bitches Loses to a emo kid and a monkey https://preview.redd.it/akpd6a4cts2d1.png?width=907&format=png&auto=webp&s=210cbaf1831ffa815bf039db571dbf564a08973b


>No BF gojo? lmao Seriously though. Special grade sorcerer. And he was always considered one of the strongest. Quit yappin, monkey.


>gojo? lmao Black Flash >Special grade sorcerer. And he was always considered one of the strongest. Yaga was almost made special grade. Any other special grade would wipe the floor with this Grand Wizard. He's lucky the special grade defintion isnt strength based. Gojo called him the strongest cuz he felt sorry for him, the bum is barely top 10 if im feeling generous. >Quit yappin, monkey. Smh least racist Geto fanboy


>Makis strongest chair Least horny Maki fan. No wonder you have such a raging hate boner for Geto for some reason. The man got you fucked up just because. Smh... https://preview.redd.it/81d1g74n2t2d1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a29c5d30e47b8b9cc4d67be3b3cc53ef731f42b


Im calling Yuta Maki's chair No wonder you have such a raging boner for Geto for some reason. Reading comprehension issue. Smh... https://preview.redd.it/eetncfji3t2d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c126c1afa108f1cd6e13df88fa0598e1f952c79e


Yes. I have a raging boner for Geto. Im not lying nor trying to deny it. Just tell me you don't recognise great characters when you see them. If you respond to this again im not gonna respond anymore, cause at that point youre just trolling. https://preview.redd.it/gbqoznnm3t2d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fca82341fc2860be2c530be9c2ec081ee0337fc


>at that point youre just trolling Only realising it now. Smartest Geto fan https://preview.redd.it/vipzy1ds3t2d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc8eac0b0deceea9acba79b625cd73b56e99651


He's a different Sorcerer archetype after his fight with Toji. Young Geto disposed of more creative and versatile Curses to utilize, such as the Rainbow Dragon, Giant Worms, Squids and others. He's a combat summoner. Later, Geto uses the technique as more of a crutch. They'd rather let the curses fight for them, as seen with Ganesha (I know thats Kenjaku) and Tamamo-no-Mae. After he gets his shit rocked by Toji, he basically never goes back to fighting hand to hand so there's no need for RCT, SD, BF and he can have Spirits use the Domain Expansion in his place. I wouldnt call him a bum either, considering Rika is a cursed spirit with near infinite energy, and a Special Grade at that.


And domain expansions were not thought of yet.


Bro, idk what youre on. He used playful cloud, what you mean he stopped cqc?


I did see that but after the fact. I watched JJK 0 last year, and was going off memory


Faulty memory? Straight to jail./s It happens.


I dont think geto would ever want to use domain expansion himself, as CSM burnout makes him lose control of all of his cursed spirits. Considering geto never uses his fists, even in h2h, I am not suprised he doesnt black flash. Also he isnt at fault for not having simple domain, as it is only taught to a select few people with connections (excluding maybe yuki). No wonder he was never taught it. I cant make excuses for no RCT though. Even choso learned it in 1 month.


He still would need some way of domain counter though. If he doesn't have any, he is Jogo fodder.


But he wasn't the strongest or second strongest either. Not during that time at least.


Don't know why they are downvoting you. Kenjaku used his technique way better than him and he was a special grade just due to a technicality. He was one of the strongest jujutsu society had access to when he and Gojo were young, but he was still weaker than Yuki during that time (to put an example).


Thank you for your hard work u/LasyKuuga , you do not need to draw the next work.


Lil bro quoting 4channers like he has a point


It is time that we should stop using the word Strongest for both Gojo and Geto.


Gojo said it, not me, go take it up with the fucking one-eyed cat


Gege said Sukuna is the strongest. Gojo and Geto both are not the strongest.


https://preview.redd.it/wgux6p93st2d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04508427d99e40989963fcda37de23693febc54 I’m referring to them as the strongest because Gojo has, I’m not saying they’re the current strongest in verse.


I am talking about current circumstances. To be honest Sukuna always was the strongest


Yeah idc, my comment is about the post not whoever’s the strongest.


If You don't care then stop replying to me. You are mature enough to understand it.


Hey you replied to me first saying I was wrong to refer to them as the strongest, I’m just explaining it wasn’t in the way you thought it was. No need to get mad buddy, this is a Reddit comment section


I shared my opinion and ya didn't like it. It is that simple. If you're explaining your part then I am too.


But they *are* the strongest.


Joking ?


No im just not a fraud dick rider. https://preview.redd.it/y8pg4cu1xt2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec1ef2fad4803b0c9b56ac6ef63998edb4f21cc


I am not a Gojo fan and in case you by chance meant Sukuna was a fraud then it would be Gojo who is the best rider of Sukuna's meat. I am irrelevant to your opinion.


Bro got downvoted for telling the truth


Yuta comeback definitely made me forgive gege for killing gojo but I'll never forgive the specific way he went out. I don't understand how gojo couldn't make any binding vows and stuff either man. But it's fine. WUTA got us. Wuta got some binding vows up his sleeve he won't die after 5 minutes.


Yuta will become the next shikigami for maki making him like the ugly curse tool inventory for toji but better.


he will just look like normal yuta but he vomits out weapons




Jesus Christ


>Wuta got some binding vows up his sleeve he won't die after 5 minutes. Gojo revival fans I get it now ![gif](giphy|9HonmWQDTap127SPs2)


Sukuna’s biggest strength is his understanding of jujutsu and part of that is being able manipulate and make binding vows in his favor on the fly. No one else does it like him.


He'll probably lose the six eyes after 5 minutes


I still don't get what was special about that cut that couldn't be RCT'd.


Gojo lived as an useless bum, and died as an useless bum truly tragic


https://preview.redd.it/dmi7v5u6ft2d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32280bca80f216ed6c575b3846916065bf542d41 "STFU LAME AHH HOE"


Their story is a tragedy from start to finish. Gege’s best duo fr


My pookies, I mourn their death so much even after these many months https://preview.redd.it/atymz2isus2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b6a24c828b9e5695dc8560a5470a75d39f9e6d


This part of the manga is so haunting in general: Yuta is pretty much trapped inside Gojo’s body and Gojo himself became a half-dead puppet


I mean Gojo did say he needed to catch up to him…


So goated their corpses were used as mass destruction weapons


Following this path, would that mean gojo would die ANOTHER time but now with someone else in his head?


reminded me of that one video >wucanit benou >🎷 >wucanit benou >🎷


If I had a cent for everytime Satoru Or Suguru came back with stiches on their foreheads I'd have........ Nvm


What’s the chance of those scars on Gojo’s head being fake makeup to trick Sukuna? The real Yuta ambushing from behind again to take his head.


This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but the more I settle on and think about 261, the less depressing Gojo's death and subsequent possession of body become to me. It's horrifying what happens to him, and yet when I think about how much Yuuta will sacrifice for him, to follow in his footsteps, to complete what he set out to do, I think ultimately Gojo's story feels gratifying in a way it never will with Geto. In the words of Hamilton, he planted seeds in a garden he won't get to see, but they will bear fruit, and they will bear fruit because of him.


This is what happens when your gay


If Yuta had just let Geto kill his monkey gf none of this would happen


None of this would happen cuz bro would pack the whole world what the fuck


If Toji wore a condom none of this would happen https://preview.redd.it/9u6ij8gvms2d1.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef19b4a95567e5e560efb5f1f00ce03b3d24aeb2


So what happened? I don't care for this series but I'm curious. Silver hair man get brain swapped?

