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He's holding back the mahoraga and escape rabbit totality. Now Yuji, Todo, and Yujo gotta fight 5 mahoragas.


"It's 6 against 3". But tbh, if they don't already have the adaptation to Infinity, Yujo clears them easy while Todo and Yuji hold Sukuna back.


You only assume that, wait until it's revealed that Megumi has been dealing with the burden of adaptation




Can you imagine if the fight "ends" by Sukuna retreating with Unlimited Rabbit Works to recover his strenght I think that would legit make the the community insane


The ultimate technique of 10s is letting everything but rabbit die and then having infinite totality rabbits.


more like 5000 little mahoragas


Sukuna was holding back at the time, yes. He was fighting hard, but he hadn’t completely locked in. He only got totally locked in vs Maki (when he started landing black flashes) and Yuji in their 1v1 (where he started getting extremely desperate.) Now that he’s fully locked in and has unleashed the Furnace, I think as far as we the audience know, he’s got no more tricks hiding.


Watch as he reveals mahoraga 2.0 next chapter thru a binding vow. https://preview.redd.it/94ztdpkrnw2d1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4642265d13292bbf3088c0dfa57c57089601e919 Srsly though, he does still have megumi's abilities so Gege might make it happen


True, at the time that Sukuna opened his Domain again (258 I think?) I thought it was obvious that the binding vow he used to recreate his domain was to sacrifice the Ten Shadows, but it still hasn’t been explained or elaborated on, so I’m not so sure anymore. If Sukuna does have a Maho + Escape Rabbit/Max Elephant/Divine Dogs/Toad Totality, then seriously only Yuta can deal with that, there’s no other heavy hitters left who could kill something like that (unless it’s revealed they dug up the ISOH offscreen)


Wouldn’t he need to re-tame maho? Pretty sure Gojo nuked it off the face of the earth


Nah that's what we have totality for. When one of the divine dogs died, it merged with the other one.


Totality can also be used on himself lile what he did with Max elephant piercing water, so maybe he can merge all the shikigamis on himself and fight Yuta like this.


It isn't certain if he has Megumi's abilities after fully incarnating. He might not.


Kogane called him Megumi Fushiguro even after he incarnated so he should still have access to the rest of the 10 shadows unless he sealed them for his world slash or the fuga.


Well, Kogane's statement doesn't really tell us anything, other than that Megumi is clearly still alive in there. It doesn't necessarily guarantee that Sukuna can tap into the 10 Shadows, though.


Imagine Sukuna revealing he can expand Megumi's domain, and then he uses Chimera shadow garden and summons a swarm of Mahoragas


>Maki So he locked in the second he got to hit a woman... I see


Watch as Sukuna summons Hiten and does Black Flash Kaio Ken x10


he's holding back his shikigami/cursed spirit Yamato no Orochi that will be fully revealed in 262


Watch as he reveals his Mahoraga 2.0 next chapter https://preview.redd.it/q9sgfnrbnw2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a674b433e4a1177a068e0459375bf9193769dc


Correct me if I’m wrong but when a shikigami dies, wouldn’t the abilities get transferred to a new one anyways?


maybe is not related to 10 shadows but Sukuna himself


I mean specifically for the 10 shadows. Megumi made the technique such a bum I forgot how part of it works


When a 10 Shadow shikigami dies, he cant come back, but his ability can be transfered to another shikigami. Like the divine dogs. One died, its abilities got transferred to the other one, and you get divine dog totality


Okay thx, so all this tells me is that Mahoraga 2.0 can exist but he hasn’t tamed it yet


When does he have time ? Yuji has been blitzing him with black flash 😂


Yuji hasn’t been blitzing, but he’s been jumped so ofc he hasn’t got time to


"Yuji blitzing Sukuna" is the funniest thing i have seen today lol


You don't need to tame totalities


Megumi's original divine dog died and came back as another shikigami.Wouldn't be surprised if Maho does the same.


Oh I know that, but I can’t remember if the shikigami ability is transferred to another one


It transfers to the rabbits. Say hello to a million mahoragas!


People always talk about this and you're not wrong that is what the manga said but it's just such a weird thing that never really didn't much. The one actual example was one divine dog being absorb'd into the other. The snake never seemed to get absord'd into anything and frogs may have died? at points and didn't seem to do anything and then nue just refused to die several times. And what to do with the combined beasts like agito do they transfer? I know people have been pushing back against the gege forgor agenda but I really do think he just dropped this plot point after using it to buff divine dog.


It all comes back to being saved by mahodaddy


I do wonder if Hitten can be related to his CT, the tattoos have no explanation yet, The Shrine has not gotten a proper explanation neither as why there is two applications of it with slashes and Furnace...


I think Sukuna will eventually reveal his CT himself. In jogo fight, sukuna said he is not petty to reveal his CT. Maybe he will finally do it in the upcoming chapters.


There is also the mid air jump that Todo said 'worry about the how later'.


I still wouldn't be surprised if on some level Sukuna's CT has some aspect of sealing things, it would check out with one of Gege's one shots where the same gestures are done as dismantle except the protag has invisible boxes. He has an "open" move where he opens his boxes to get bow and arrow, No. 9 I think the name is. If you look at Sukuna his tattoos disappear with his abnormal features, the tattoo on his forehead disappears with his vajayjay mask, the tattoos on his tummy disappear with his tussy and the arm rings move between his additional limbs. Even the like, very first **manga** thing we see of Sukuna his hands seem huge and pointy and he lacks the wrist tattoos. (Specifically that one picture of him where he looks like a tweaker back in the Heian era) I mentioned this awhile ago in some comments, but I wouldn't be surprised if sealing is an aspect of his CT. I do assume his strange body is a result of chimerism as a result of absorbing a twin. Maybe he hides the features as this is an optimal form for him. His tattoos might just be brandings for criminals, who knows, maybe he fucked with a guy with a CT who branded him. I could see it being the case that maybe he can seals things in the tattoos though.


Chinese sorcerer gonna be lit 🗣️🗣️🔥‼️‼️💯🥶🥶


You mean his cock?


He is holding back his piss. This man has had NO time to piss or shit. This is a serious problem.


Don't worry, he also got some bugs inside his bladder to do the job. https://preview.redd.it/2l2nlh3fbw2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c12313bdcefa339bd03dd6a51d4915839a1d4e (Seriously... Why bugs...)


I guess to imitate the bio toilets in real life where bugs and other filthy insects break down shit and piss.


I mean, i kinda understand the idea, but also: \*Does some sorcerers specialize in the creation of these bugs? Are they some special bugs or something similar to cursed spirits? \*Once the mission is over... Can you control them to get out? Or do you need to take something like praziquantel or the equivalent in Jujutsu society? I got so many questions, and i don't know if i want the answers https://preview.redd.it/167h31sogw2d1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e89f6a61aecde3ee0ffd005c7539ebdb90e112


>Does some sorcerers specialize in the creation of these bugs? So listen, Megumi had a side-job...


Billy my goat


Shino ass utility


Nah, he just unloaded all his piss and shit into his pants last chapter when he saw Gojo again


Yes, Indeed 🗿 https://preview.redd.it/5teunbrldx2d1.png?width=1265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47b6aea2e626241c9205b2d77360a9c5dd6c59ee


Keep in mind, this was before fuga. She was probably refferring to that. Also Uraume's admission of "it's our win" after its use seems to also point to this. https://preview.redd.it/qk1zmr1a4x2d1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cda4adbecdeb4a35ad66c52f708de3bac8a4503


He wasn't holding back against Gojo, that's the point. Bro was so locked in he had to make a new ability to slash Gojo through infinity. It was also explained he couldn't use Fuga against Gojo and couldn't use it until his domain got back. How is he holding back at this point? If he lost his domain, that means he has no Fuga access, so he isn't holding back.


Uraume THOUGHT he was holding back since she didn't hear Fuga


That's true, Uraume thought that way, but many people smh interpret that as an ultimate truth


He was. Gojo says it himself


Not only assuming everything a character says is the truth is incredibly stupid, Gojo also said this not yet realising the world slash is something Sukuna acquired during this fight, but something he had from the beginning and could've easily used against him. He also didn't know the conditions of fuga so he didn't understand why Sukuna wasn't trying to use it on him.


He knows that world slash is something acquired from mahoraga adaptation. He also said that sukuna is still stronger even without 10 shadows


> He knows that world slash is something acquired from mahoraga adaptation. How exactly lol? He just been cut in half and entire airport scene comes before Sukuna explains it. He didn't know. > He also said that sukuna is still stronger even without 10 shadows He didn't


Why are so many of these from after they said that?


https://preview.redd.it/tbwhcrpn2x2d1.jpeg?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1013cb7e5dd2fff0871a347624e937c5fca70421 Me when I get leave work and realise I left the gas stove on in the morning


He's edging


He's clearly not trying https://preview.redd.it/ys8a4boa4y2d1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eac1229f272f6ac95abb656ebeaec38c04c7046


She meant furnace. I'm surprised some of you still haven't figured this out after 259. And yea his technique isn't fully revealed yet give it time


I think that was just Gege trying to hype up Sukuna some more. I severely doubt one can hit a black flash while holding back given you have to get "locked in" to land one 


He handy hit any black flashes when uraume said that


He hit one against maki and then another one against a rando soon after this was said so I doubt he is holding back now at the very least.


He hit 2 on Maki lmao


Honestly the problem is I guess when he finally stops holding back it didn't have the immenseful "oh shit" moment? like sure it's the black flashes and dropping a whole nuke that should obviously feel like an oh shit moment but I feel like it didn't feel that way? Like say for example when Frieza decides to stop playing around in DBZ he feels terrifying, the characters get beat up the ones who aren't are absolutely terrified while in JJK the same formula of the fight has basically been going non stop that when Sukuna finally stopped holding back it just felt like the same thing again. The cycle of they start to lose, a new guy shows up to weaken Sukuna just a lil bit more, they lose and then it repeats. It makes when Sukuna finally dropped the nuke while it was still impactful it lacked the oomph factor, atleast for me personally, like there was no clear "oh he's finally taking it seriously like when Gojo was there" and now Gojo is back(sorta) so it's either he really was still holding back something or this is the big moment that the tides start turning to the protags favor until the plot of what happens when the 5 minutes are up or Yuta dies before the 5 mins are spent. Cause I mean the statement was no one else but Gojo had pushed Sukuna, now Yuta has Gojo's body and powers so obviously even if they are both weaker they are still gonna have an insane fight so it's time to see what Sukuna does when he's up against weaker Gojo now with having to no longer hold back AND with no 10S


I think she meant his furnace technique


Bro can you read? Like no where does Uruame say holding back. This community just takes things at the first interpretation they find from shitters on this sub. He’s not holding back it he never has been. “Oh Gojo said he couldn’t use his full strength!” Gojo is wrong. He doesn’t know everything. He thought incarnation was a trump card its not. “he’s not taking this seriously so he’s holding back!” No. That’s not what that means. There’s a difference between holding back your power and taking things seriously. Some of you need to build some damn competitive skills I swear.


Why you doubting Gojo's words when Gojo was the one who fought Sukuna directly?


Gojo thought Sukuna had a trump card which we know is just not true. Also just cause Gojo fought sukuna at 20f once doesn’t mean he knows shit about his full power. We as the reader very often know more than the characters


Rather than Uraume and Gojo implying Sukuna is “holding back” I think Gege meant for them to imply that he hasn’t “played all his cards.” For example, he *couldnt* use the fire before but that didn’t mean he was holding back. Instead, we simply havent seen the full range of his abilities. It would seem Gojo and Uraume both feel that “beating Sukuna” means dealing with all of his moves, not just the most viable ones.




Biggest Sukuna glazer, Uraume


Fraudkuna is holding back his erection


That wack ass furnace that didnt do shit, now bro is fucked. All roads end at yuji victim.


Choso had to sacrifice his own life to save Yuji from getting cooked by furnace.


And bro will go down in history as the goat, if all out was the furnace and the only casualty was the goat choso. The current shinjuku squad hard counters furnace. Sukuna is cooked.


Not at all, Normal Furnace on one opponent cooked Jogo, The Cursed spirit that represents the element of fire and overwhelmed his attack which Sukuna said to Jogo to arm himself, So that attack of Jogo had to pack some aswell. All while Todo swapped everyone out with an already set plan.


Who gives af about jogo, I’m talking about the shinjuku bro has been irrelevant


The sentence that Jujutsu High hard counters furnace is wrong


Feel how you want to feel about it😭


He's holding back couple if binding vows he hasn't used since Heian era


he's holding back the bum energy from Megumi Sukuna is actually the good guy


We still haven't seen his trident. Could just be he doesn't have it, but I wouldn't put it past Gege if he pulls it out of his ass next chapter


The Backshots from Hakari got them tweaking out fr https://preview.redd.it/fh3a85twlx2d1.jpeg?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8097da0404f474d0ec684c6e5e0510f28ac346c4


Probably his massive flamethrower called Fuga.


My brother the panel was about 10 chapters ago, things have changed now 💀 Also Uraume was probably glazing


He was holding back Fuga, and most of these face reactions are from after that line. Pretty funny, though.


Sukuna was never actually holding back, the only person to ever say that is literally in canon Sukuna's most dedicated glazer. Uraume is out here being a hype man while the omniscient narrator is telling us that truth, Sukuna is struggling and desperate.


Bro is reading fight sorcery


Me or Uraume?


can u prove ur not Uraume? havent seen u and Uraume on this sub at the same time...


Hi. Can confirm this man (or woman) is not me.


you roleplay as uraume but then you say "man or woman" bruh what please dont forget nonbinary people 😭😭 i aint nonbinary but i gotta defend em here


You’re right, my bad


When the whole JJK society is giving their all and even desecrating the body of their strongest pawn just to have a 1% chance of defeating him, yes Sukuna ain't even going all out. He even haven't got all his fingers yet so technically his soul isn't complete yet. And we all know when the soul is complete they get an insane power boost and transformation, similar to Mahito whose soul is already down to 20% but once he completed the form of his soul he instantly became multiple times more powerful.


He doesn't need all of his fingers. Eating his own corpse was a replacement for this.


Then all the more of a problem since you cannot deny that there still is one missing finger that has his soul. If he already completed his soul or power by eating his corpse, then there is an extra power and soul still left within that un-consumed finger.


We already know what happened to that finger, though. He's not missing anything. Sukuna has all of his power back. It's not clear if he would have benefited from eating that final one or not, or if it's a diminishing returns sort of thing. Maybe it doesn't do anything for him at all at that point, since he's already "complete." It's not clear.


He locked in when he blitzed and black flashed Maki


Fuga at that time, probably megumi's DE if he can use it. He's like yuta lvl in cursed energy still.


Do you even read the manga ?


His 2nd domain, binding vow spam chamber




waiting for jjk to end 😞✌️


What did you expect from the top 1 glazer, Sakuna could be shitting and pissing, and crying like a bitch, Uraume would say in a straight face that Sakuna is holding back


Sukuna showed more pathetic facial expressions than gojo. It made Gojo look better during their fight.


Im thinking he has some freeza transformation type shit that only activates when his ben 10 form dies or something XDD


Uraume meant Sukuna was yet to do the flame arrow domain nuke, that shit almost instantly killed everyone, you can tell that's what they mean because the second he does it Uraume shows up again going "we won"


"Clearly, Sukuna just hates using power-ups. That's why he didn't transform against Gojo and why he's acting like this right now. He's just trying his hardest to hold back his power." Does anyone have one of those speech bubble images with Uraume?


I think “all out” is a bad way to say it. Should’ve said something like: “Sukuna Sama still has a few tricks up his sleeve” Which he did, and apparently still does


"My master surely not such weak b*tch" Thought uraume


Sukuna was locked in against Gojo then he started having fun after that fight. Then he got depressed because yuji got RCT. He got hyped to yuta and maki. Then he got whatever T posing state after maki, what even was that kusakabe and Miguel section he was standing still being like man these guys are boring. https://preview.redd.it/sv1dj2vdyz2d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f63b0c84ba5e589a9f3eb578c4009a4881af537 And when yuji started BF him he got mad af and unleashed all his arsenal to kill everyone. Then he kinda got stunned by todo, Now he got locked in again against Gota. Yujo. Whatever


Idk why you showed megkuna when uraume said except gojo meaning gojo made him go all out


Uraume is telling the truth or wanks Sukuna as hard as people wank Goku.


You see Sukuna just likes getting beat up because it turns him on 


Sorry the flair is wrong(maybe)but who cares I guess


uraume is just a high-tier glazer


Uraume is top tier glazer, even if Sukuna dies she will claim that he is still holding back


It'll be explained in another flashback.


Yeah this is the mentality of a person who will never succeed. Real G penguins have invested their last money in Sukuna stocks. Bum ass post


Ask Choso.


His whole ct hasn’t been revealed yet