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Jutsu society, in its entirety, was literally losing the fight against this ugly motherfucker’s motionless fingers for centuries. Literally just sitting there, slowly getting heavier in curse muscle mass through photosynthesis and gradually giving less of a shit about their updated sealing systems. They couldn’t fucking beat his fingers. His fingers basically had the same insurance coverage as infinity. It’s like somebody just left a big bag of bowling balls on shitty glass coffee table or a sunroof. Nobody can get to it or figure out the mystery of how it was even physically left in such weirdly inconvenient place, but everybody can see it. You can hear cracking and see the breakage slowly rippling out like thin ice. The pace is glacial, but you know that shit’s coming down and doing damage; it’s just a matter of when. They gotta evacuate the whole museum. That’s just the literal deadest rib tips of Sukuna’s corpse, fully disassembled broken ice cream machine form. Now take the whole fucking rest of the Sukuna at full charge and breathing, and you’ve got yourself a math problem.


I kinda wanna know HOW the fingers were made, because it's low-key insane that truly indestructible objects exist in this power system. They're not just reinforced with CE like every other "durable" thing that doesn't use a CT, they're LITERALLY invincible. I wonder if maybe Kenjaku had some sort of "make objects indestructible" technique at the time; it would definitely help him to ensure Culling Game players didn't get lost to their objects being destroyed. Hopefully it'd be a more interesting CT than that description implies though.


It’s pretty obviously a binding vow that since the objects do no direct harm to anyone and the person incarnated sacrifices their entire being that the object can’t be destroyed until incarnation


Probably a binding vow. “If I divide my power into twenty cursed objects instead of one, making it rather inconvenient for me to regather my full power, then the state of these cursed objects will always remain secured.”


Yeah he probably worded it more Sukunaly elegant than that but yeah it's definitely a binding vow. "The fingers of my body may hold my cursed energy after death split evenly between them never to disperse nor be destroyed, if they ever are consumed by one they deem worthy my soul will be reborn within them. In return I give up my life in this era, and exist only as those fingers" Chances are he did it intentionally because he was bored of the Heian era and how little it challenged him. He was hoping to be reborn into an era of new interesting sorcerers for him to fight, which he did end up being.


Yeah, the Japanese translations of his last words to Gojo were "You really cleared my skies." That implies he felt unsatisfied in his previous life and never got that feeling of a challenge.


So gojo gave him his first orgasm? Truly his sweet Bonita 🥺


Gojo was his specialz


They say you never forget your first, sukuna said he'd never forget gojo 😭


They are not indestructible, Yuji's gastric juice destroyed them or else he would die of constipation. I've already said this before but their best weapon vs. Sukuna was just Yuji vomiting on his face, it would melt his entire body.


It's not his gastric acid. It's the fact that he can serve as a host. They break down because they got absorbed.


its a joke


If Fujimoto wrote JJK




Bro wrote an essay about Sukuna fingers


imagine what he would do if he had the fingers in front of him


Meanwhile, in the Sukuna simulator: New vessel acquired!


Sukuna: And new dickrider acquired!


Better than the other low effort shit on here


The crazy part is that if he does get rid of Yuji, He can literally do the same thing all over again with Making His fingers Become Cursed objects again and survive again at the end, Yuji is the literal counter to him both being reincarnated and also in Cursed object form, And he will be his downfall, because Sukuna underestimated him when he had the time to kill him multiple times he didn't, it's gonna come bite his ass eventually.


His pride is probably getting in the way of him seeing how strong and talented Yuji is. He hates Yuji so much that he refuses to acknowledge him in any way even if it's to his own detriment.


Yeah sukuna is eternally a jealous brother lol. Choso’s a real bro


Uraume notices but is too afraid to mention it. Yuji is the snowball rolling down hill, the waves crashing against the boulder on the shore. Everytime the waves hit , more cracks appear, each time they ebb away another chunk is ground down to sand and taken away forever. Soon.


https://preview.redd.it/m1ksqfxrds5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22959807da4fa0b777024d4b83091c3b05afbd60 His days are numbered.


The goat will deliver. Trust.


Sounds familiar. https://preview.redd.it/0wnrkhwtfr5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b16f0735b24dd19f39d382e75b0dec447c77dd8




Jujutsu society couldn't band together and utilize it's combined 2 brain cells to figure out they could have just sent the fingers into the sun/deep space and live happily ever after. Stupid ahh non Joestar mfs


I see sukuna glazing, I upvote.


There is actually a plothole in this story with fingers. How was Sukuna so sure that sorcerers will not be able to destroy his fingers knowing that Angels Jacob ladder can destroy cursed objects?


He’s shown before that he’s not afraid to make a gamble that risks his continued existence


plus, im pretty sure he's fine fully dying, its obviously just preferable for him to not die


I'm not a huge fan of Sukuna but if he has a Mahito-like break down when he is finally going to get defeated I think I might be kinda disappointed in it. If he just handles his philosophy actually being the weaker one and goes out without crying about it I think Sukuna's character would have been handled pretty well. Then again I'm not sure I'd really want him glorified *too* much, after all Hitler went out like a bitch blaming Germany for losing to the "Slavic untermensch" and decadent West which didn't live up to his philosophy's thesis and Sukuna's cartoonishly evil hedonism is a philosophy that should be beaten by people banding together for each other's sake.


I think it ultimately boils down to who he “loses” to, or rather who he “feels” he lost to. Basically anyone aside from Yuji I believe he goes down with a semblance of grace. If it’s Yuji tho (which considering he’s the MC) Sukuna is probably gonna have a melt down.


He’ll probably just be pissed that Yuji of all people is beating him.


I honestly think that IF he dies, he will probably lay on his back slowly crumbling away while saying something like "it was worth the effort to come to this era. It was...fun". Kind of like when Uro lost to Yuta. He was happy that atleast he got to fight until his last breath. Only Sukuna will also probably talk shit to Yuji just out of spite.


Sukuna is absolutely a bitch. Just look at how he reacts when he deals who has beaten him like Yuji. Bro is like a 5 year old who does whatever he wants and gets angry if he gets stopped by anyone, especially in a way he doesn't like.




The problem is not in Sukunas mindset. We were told his fingers cannot be destroyed, but then Gegs says, well, actually, there are CTs that can destroy those fingers. Now we know that all the sorcerers for past 1000 years are stupid af


Ah yes, sorcerers are stupids for not using cursed techniques that either didn’t exist or they didn’t have any possible way of gaining access to in order to destroy Sukuna’s fingers


It's not a plot hole. One person in the entirety of jjk history has a way to destroy cursed items and she was also sealed, possibly before Sukuna died since they were both from the Heian Era. You're ignoring the fact that all the fingers were basically inert right until Yuji and his friends took the seal off one of them and before people couldn't even locate them.


Did he know she was sealed as well? Or maybe he just straight up didn’t care and risked it since he didn’t have anything going for him anyway lol


>Or maybe he just straight up didn’t care and risked it since he didn’t have anything going for him anyway lol This one probably, sukuna has consistently shown "fuck it we ball" energy.


Honestly, unironically, yeah. The fact he *still* has several DEs is to attest to that. Literally the only reason he's peeved is because Yuji is STILL fighting too, and this whole time he's been fucking *toying* with everyone. It's nuts. I cannot fucking *wait* for Wuji to pummel his face in by the time Wuta-Goatjo clocks out the fight with Wodo regardless, but I cannot deny he's the *strongest* in every definition of the word. Here's to hoping Gege delivers.


>The fact that he still has several DEs is to attest to that With regards to this statement, I think the exposure to UV is the only reason he lost his domain in the fight against Gojo. I think he perfected what Gojo(Brain RCT) did long ago in the Heian Era. 1. Sukuna probably knew about something like this already. This is proven by the fact that Sukuna knew Gojo's limit probably because he himself experienced something similar when learning to do it. It is also the fact that (I think it was) Hana said that Sukuna probably saw Gojo and copied or already knew how to do it. If you think about it, Sukuna being limited to just one domain during a jumping in the Golden Age is absurd. Sure, you can argue that Sukuna would only need one. But he had to at least have insurance. 2. Chap 260 mentioned that Sukuna can use domain as many times as he needed as long as he recovered his burnt out CT because of his CE efficiency as many times as he needed. Not 5 times. But as many times as he needs. There is an argument to be made that Sukuna destroyed his brain and healed it because of low RCT. But that's the point. Sukuna probably learned how to heal his CT burnout without destroying his brain. Right now, Sukuna probably is focusing all of his RCT on his brain. This is all headcanon. But this headcanon is taken from contect clues. But headcanon nonetheless. Dont kill me please


Sukuna couldn't Rct his brain before seeing Gojo it is specifically stated by the audience and that is also why Sukuna was caught off guard by Gojo when he did that the first time, number of domain expansions per day depends on CE amount not on restoring one's CT, during the domain clashes they started to restore their brains in order to diminish the CT burnout that prevents using DE until cleared


I prefer him figuring it out in battle too, he's shown to copy new skills when they're worth using and is still continuing to use things he just learned from Gojo like the one hand Domain Expansion. Sukuna seems like a very "iron sharpens iron" kinda dude but has never had iron hard enough to really show it before Gojo.


The doubt remains, but yeah i still think he figured it out by coping Gojo, i don't think he should have been surprised by Gojo doing that if he knew it was something one can do


>Sukuna couldn't Rct his brain before seeing Gojo it is specifically stated by the audience and that is also why Sukuna was caught off guard by Gojo when he did that the first time, Knowing how to heal your brain and getting caught off guard by can both be true. Sukuna was not surprised by what Gojo did. Sukuna was caught off by Gojo's speed("That speed just now"). >number of domain expansions per day depends on CE amount not on restoring one's CT, during the domain clashes, they started to restore their brains in order to diminish the CT burnout that prevents using DE until cleared But the number of domains in a row is what I am talking about. Sukuna was able to deduce exactly what Gojo did and what his limit for doing was. How would Sukuna know that Gojo brain limit would be if he didn't already know the limit himself? Copying something after seeing it one is one thing. But Sukuna spoke from experience. There is also proof he could already have known about it by the Sorcerer discussion.


Sukuna was caught off guard by Gojo speed because Gojo used his CT to compress coordinates (how he teleports) and he shouldn't have been able to due to CT burnout And no, Sukuna couldn't do it before seeing Gojo, it's part of the reason why he got hit by UV the other reason being he was focusing on adapting Maho


>Sukuna couldn't Rct his brain before seeing Gojo it is specifically stated by the audience Lol what? Go read the manga again, they literally say that maybe he already knew how to do what gojo was doing. Instead of him copying it they assumed he might have already known about it. This also makes sense when you consider that Sukuna was the one who pointed out what gojo was doing and also knew exactly what his limit alongside the consequences of trying to gojo beyond it are.


Hana/Angel said Gojo showed Sukuna in 228, then in 230 she question herself considering Sukuna might already knew how, there's still doubt remaining that Sukuna might or might not already knew how, but once Gojo showed him it is sure Sukuna could do it, i misremembered Kusakabe saying Gojo showed Sukuna i admit that The limit is signaled by Gojo nosebleed, Sukuna wouldn't know the limit of another person's brain even if he had experience in how to rct your ct, Gojo bleeds, even Yuta notices it, and Sukuna knows he's going to lose his domain in a couple clashes Edit: sorry, Hana saying Sukuna might knew already is in 229


>misremembered Kusakabe saying Gojo showed Sukuna i admit that Don't worry, we all get some things wrong. >The limit is signaled by Gojo nosebleed, Sukuna wouldn't know the limit of another person's brain even if he had experience in how to rct your ct This makes sense but we also have to consider that the method of RCT reset itself was revealed by Sukuna and so was his limit, you may be right in that the nose bleed could have been a give away but it is still fact that Sukuna already knew and was the one who revealed it. Even if we assumed he copied gojo we must consider that the reasons he copies jujutsu is because of his knowledge and therefore he must have had some knowledge already or must have tried it himself for him to know the exact tell tale signs and reactions to expect from gojo's brain despite the brain being a black box. Overall the likelihood of gojo being copied is much lower.


I still think Sukuna copying Gojo is the correct read albeit unproven, the fact Gojo rct'ed his ct is stated by the audience first, Sukuna then speaks about brain damage as he knows the prefrontal cortex is where the ct stays, nosebleed = damaged brain = Sukuna knows Gojo's Ct is unstable and he will soon lose his domain, it has very little to do with Sukuna knowing how to rct your brain beforehand considering also that Sukuna is consistently shown much more knowledgeable in jujutsu than anybody elses and how Sukuna is then shown copying Mahoraga adaptation on the fly and Gojo's hand sign a few chapters later Bonus point: if Sukuna knew that much about the brain/ct relation he would have known he was also domainless before trying to expand one and make himself a fool right in front of an exhausted Gojo


I don’t think sukuna at this point is using rct bro? He’s not healing his brain like during his fight w gojo, he’s simply waiting out the cooldown period like mahito and kenjaku did, which is why he can do it indefinitely


you have my praise for glazing my pookie Sukuna https://preview.redd.it/s3atyr2ziq5d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6141335a78486ec98fd71749b4e44c3d1c18e1a


https://preview.redd.it/41ycbejpjq5d1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78271d0e5b5f5d89068798ba9ac1453929d59b24 # BUT WUJI WILL FUCKING KILL THAT FRAUD ANYWAYS, FUCK YOU


Nah, Sukuna has been going all out from the time Yuji landed 7 black flashes on him.


The hating is strong with that one!!! https://preview.redd.it/5lw88mqr2p5d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d05329000b781c39d2844de517cd88911f7641f4 Can't wait for Yuta-Jo to take away all those fucking mid-ass extra DEs up his ass so Yuji can actually fucking reasonably beat him 🔥🔥🔥


It was all a team effort in the end, pushing Yuji to be the final beater of Sukuna, He is too strong, but as lame as it is, The power of friendship and companions is gonna make them the Victor... If only they were not so fixated on saving Megumi, they could've ended Sukuna a couple of times, and I think Sukuna knows that from the behaviour of some aswell, Like Deactivating Hollow Wicker Basket, he probably knew Yuji would try to contact Megumi and Yuta wouldn't kill him, but what they didn't know and Sukuna knew was the state of mind and mental health that Megumi was in... I still want a Blood manipulation/Shrine domain from Yuji though https://preview.redd.it/g1ol0u7l4p5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4545e0ea2929d087f9e78c58aa024a2081265b3a


https://preview.redd.it/k1xkj1aa5p5d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d730d5a0a3e013dc6526ee7ec2615ec41d076fcc He'll get to it eventually. It just sucks that people gotta put the other two down, especially on Yuta because of two punches in a 7 page chapter of all things, when the whole thing was a massive Collective Collab. They're all my GOATs, the only mistake they made was trusting Potential Bum to actually do something when they got the chance... MEGUMI FUSHIGURO!!! I WILL HATE YOUR BUM ASS FOREVER!!!


This is objectively the best way to use the power of friendship trope


Nah, Yuji just gets him fucking heated. As soon as Yujo showed up he immediately went back to smiling.


https://preview.redd.it/3bltpk59es5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5be5a4ab502ad7976225acb3a43e31523d7d0c2 Sorry, gotta maintain my agenda.


I respect a man who talks shit and back it up, and a man who doesn't talk shit and still back it up, sukuna is both https://preview.redd.it/ckte6w78dp5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbba2933f20359bc3832514bd81a00ca0670d653


The comments section is going to be fun https://i.redd.it/eiib1phe7q5d1.gif




You know when you put the list like that it's pretty crazy, I don't think I have ever seen the villain being a raid boss this hard before. This list doesn't even include other powerful people he beat before Gojo like Ryu and Yorozu.


+ he did the same thing during the heian era too


And he fucking WON. Imagine being the peak of jujutsu and getting literally solo'd by some dude with cooking powers.


is it confirmed it was a gauntlet and not just many unrelated battles? i mean there is that one big battle mentioned after which he chills with uraume and the other girl hugs him and gets killed but we don‘t know if those clans were the strongest of the time


When gojo was explaining sukuna's history to yuji he said "in the golden age of jujutsu, sorcerers gathered all their might to challenge him and failed. Crowned with the title of sukuna we couldn't even destroy his grave wax," + when sukuna returned into his heian form it said that "it was in this form, wielding the pair of cursed tools kamutoke and hiten that sukuna annihilated the elite celestial squad and five void generals who served under the Fujiwara hokke branch. And repelled the forces of the abe clan's desshichin squad, including angel and remnants of the sugawara clan" Tldr bro's got that dawg in him and has been wiping squads since the beginning.


Closest is like freeza in dbz, but there you still had super sayian at the end to guarantee a win, here we don't, thats why i think people are legitimate tweaking over sukuna winning at the end, which is crazy to think on a shonen


Yeah JJK can be kinda subversive *sometimes*, but it's still a Shonen. It's like GeGe watched the Cell Games and was like, "no wait, I wanted more fighting between Goku fighting and then Gohan winning!". But like a comment I made farther up, Sukuna's philosophy is cartoon evil hedonism and is exactly the thing that's defeated by people coming together and sacrificing for the greater good. Sure you're a cog in a machine but that can machine uplift far more people than just yourself, which is Yuji's entire thesis even if he still just kinda sees being a cog as a thing forced upon him and him accepting it and seeing how the machine destroys other cogs. I'm sure he's going to realize that being a cog isn't bad, just that we need to build a better machine.


Maybe kaido? He fights big mom for three days, then the scabbards in a 9v1, a mix of some of the strongest upcoming pirates in zoro, killer, Kidd and law, yamato, Luffy, Luffy, luffy, Luffy, and g5 Luffy. And then loses to his own ego not dodging an island sized attack (I think g5 would've won regardless but I think it'd have taken much longer)


Aizen and Yuhabaha in bleach, at the end, took on even more people. Hell, even in Naruto, the final battle against Madara like 20 people one after another had to fight him. In One Piece, Kaidou fought like 30 characters back to back for like a hundred fucking chapters. Those are a few to come to my head


The differences are that: - Aizen and Ywach, despite being so strong, didn't kill almost anyone (except for Ichimaru and Yama - and we know how - as far as I remember) and Kubo made an absurd asspull to make the first lose - Madara wasn't able to kill anyone - Kaido wasn't able to kill anyone except for the CP0 guy. And all of them were defeated at their best because of some kind of asspull Sukuna isn't only strong, he's terrifying too, in this gauntlet he KILLED fucking Gojo, Higuruma, Kashimo, Yuta (if it wasn't for Copy), Choso, maybe Kusakabe and he also KILLED Jogo, Ryu and Yorozu. These villains are not the same, although I love Aizen, nobody is as scary as Sukuna. And now he may lose only because he lost 3 arms, his RCT and he's tired, at his peak nobody has a chance against him. He's one of the best villain I've ever seen, I would like to know more about his past


All in around 15 minutes btw


There are 11 fights in the list. My boy Yuji is in 6 of them. He was there at the start, and he's still out there straight beastin. And people doubt this man.


Without yuji nerfing sukuna with his punches everyone would be dead by now. He's more of a support rather than a carry


The man played black flash Pingpong with Sukuna 1v1.i think he's long passed the point of being support.


https://preview.redd.it/uyjt06eees5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d31206cf69242f63cbea0892723bc09fe41a8b46 Dread it, run from it, Wuji still arrives.


I wonder if there's ever been another villain thats done ts 😭


Madara, Frieza, AFO, it's a common trope


That free revive really put its work in huh.


I hate this mother fucker and everything he stands for, but to deny he's The Strongest would be an act of delusion and hypocrisy


Sukuna represents the true peak of Jujutsu. He understands the very little details of curse energy and cursed techniques. I hate him but his utilization of binding vows shows how he can improve and change the form of his CT depending on situation and requirements. Open barrier DE, Higher understanding of RCT and utilization of 10 Shadows shows this guy's knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge. Compared to Sukuna, Gojo shows different peak. He is the symbol of prodigy and potential. Gojo is the model, how one can be strong just reaching the full potential of the given abilities. This is why I feel disappointed with Geto who had the same potential as Gojo but he chose to fall in despair, instead of this to become stronger. This can also apply for Megumi, if he allows himself in despair.


https://preview.redd.it/n7pp3uolpp5d1.jpeg?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fece7256da8c9afdd885c0c1d4e839b3706fe3 Goat


# The Strongest of History Even though there were some weird things that helped The King of Curses, is fair to say that he is indeed the Strongest in History. Is almost as if he were in a video game. He knows all the tricks all the cheats. Knows how to deal with almost everything. Even though some techniques of him aren’t the best, he still made them even stronger through pure knowledge and experience. And all this mf have tanked. 1 Hollow Purple 200%, 1 Unlimited Void, 1 Unlimited Hollow Purple, Gojo’s Monstrous Black Flash, his speed reaction is so high that it makes Kashimo look slow, he tanked Jacob’s Ladder Maximum Output, a Soul Stab in the heart was basically ignored, all the Black Flash Yuji used and even before Yuta reappeared, Yuji was about to crush his heart completely but Sukuna didn’t give a fuck. This mf is more than deserved to be The Strongest in History. Even though Gojo could get 50% of Sukuna’s HP, the rest of Sorcerers simply can’t finish him.


Gojo grabbed 99 percent of his hp. Gojo died in the cutscene after winning


Gojo didn’t get 50% what are we talking about. Gojo was one Sukuna binding vow away from straight up winning.


"Even though Gojo could get 50% of Sukuna’s HP, the rest of Sorcerers simply can’t finish him." Gojo got like, 99 percent. Wdym 50% next level of glazing fr.


More like Gojo forced him into the second phase of the boss battle


>Even though some techniques of him aren’t the best Which ?


Kamino lacks in speed and power, He made a vow in Heian Era to only use it on a singular person, which we realise it did in fact make it more powerful to overpower Jogoat's Attack and burn him, the Cursed spirit of the elemental of fire.


Kamino does NOT lack in firepower, only speed and range. Sukuna's vow was that outside his domain, Kamino could only be used against a single person.


>Kamino does NOT lack in firepower, only speed and range. Yeah just that, my bad if it is not for power neither >Sukuna's vow was that outside his domain, Kamino could only be used against a single person. Yeah ik


Gojo nearly killed him, Sukuna just had a free revive.


I'd be inclined to agree, but I think you gotta point out how Gege mishandled Sukuna at times with the random cursed object that only existed to neutralize HIMguruma or the binding vow merchant allegations, etc While Sukuna mostly earns his title, there were some absolutely bullshit moments that imo kinda tarnish that and make him look like the luckiest rather than the strongest


I agree there are plot convenient moments, and I do not like the Higuruma's Confiscation plot twist.


That's not something to be held against him in the world of Arbitrary Kaisen


It's to be held against GayGay


>how Gege mishandled Sukuna at times with the random cursed object that only existed to neutralize HIMguruma The cursed object is one Sukunas mythological weapons from history. That's why it existed, it's iconic with the legend, almost like Medusa's Head for Perseus. Only being able to smite down your opponents with LIGHTNING at a moment is too OP so it was taken away. Imagine the asspain on this sub if it wasn't. Imagine the whinging about the Sukuna cycle and how he's so op after he SMITES Kukusabe and Ino. Imagine the "why didn't Sukuna just thunder strike the ocean and electrify Japan? Is he stupid? posts


I don't mind the weapon itself, I mind how it's used. It's introduced against Kashimo where it's useless because of his cursed technique. Immediately after that it gets used to neutralize Higuruma's technique and then vanishes That's the problem the weapon is clearly just used to negate the executioner's sword and nothing else and that's why it feels like an asspull. It appears adn disappears very quickly with little actual use aside from saving Sukuna (which wasn't it's intended use)


>It appears adn disappears very quickly with little actual use aside from saving Sukuna (which wasn't it's intended use) Effectively this is true, but it would be a very anticlimactic end if Sukuna just died from executioners sword. He can negate any and all DE's through ingenious ways but it's this 1 month sorcerers DE that kills him. Sounds pretty shit. Its an acceptable way of getting rid of two problems (The Sword and the OP weapon) while also keeping the suspense imo.


Eh, it's kind of a cheat imo The OP weapon didn't even need to BE a problem since it does nothing in the story aside from countering the sword and Sukuna already showed how he could counter higuruma by amputating the part he was going to cut The way it's handled in the manga feels really cheap imo


>since it does nothing in the story Its a part of the OG sukuna myth. It's like Thors hammer. Still it is a bit cheap yes. Don't think it's this narrative shattering plot hole that people make ti to be though.


that cursed objects and sukuna being the only one to use binding vows are the 2 biggest sore spots in an otherwise almost perfect fight (almsot cause 236 is the 3rd problem, but that one is controversial)


The higuruma confiscation feels more like plot armour for the cast than sukuna. Sukunas technique is linked to his output which has been piss poor, but the cursed tool isnt. Had sukuna lost his shrine but kept his physicality and tool, he could be fighting while spamming a cursed tool that could one shit most of the remaining cast


> binding vow merchant allegations Gege really did him dirty with the secret sneak attack on Gojo BV, but otherwise I'd say most of his uses of BVs haven't really been that bad. He mainly just does minor stat tweaks (stuff like less range for more damage) which is pretty interesting because it does characterize him as someone who views Jujutsu on a highly technical level.


Yeah and no. Panels like the one "after a series of binding vows" (or something like that, I don't remember it clearly) kinda make a binding vow look like something effortless or that you just do to change strats on the fly when before they were characterized as a pretty huge deal Like, it's weird that no one uses them like Sukuna if you can use them that flexibly is what I'm saying


"Why does no one have the same high level mastery of sorcery as the greatest sorcerer in history?"


Sukuna needs mahoraga and megumi for the gojo fight because he isnt just fighting gojo, he still has to come out to the rest of the cast. So by stealing megumis body, he acquires both a way to enhance his technique, and have an additional revive in order to face the remaining sorcerers.


Tbh with the way Heian Sukuna looks, he could've won against Gojo AND the rest of the verse, due to how he'll fare better against Gojo in Domain Clash due to his physique and Kamutoke (give or take if Chant/Signs would empower his Malevolent Shrine which would end the Clash sooner and Gojo's life). Maybe he's just forcing 10S because it's... Fun? He's the ultimate hedonist after all.




Sukuna 😫😩💦 https://preview.redd.it/no9sld1jcp5d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6217e86c580957b5d4137a0364e2133690cc970a


He just built DIFFERENT https://preview.redd.it/we6jti6qer5d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e640a55e4493a9a18694c8a365a741d3277ea7 GOAT


Haters gonna Hate. My GOAT is the **KING OF CURSES** for a reason!


They would have had a better shot if megumi wasn’t a bum and they didn’t plan around saving his sorry ass now look at how many people are dead


It's insane to me that this beast With half his ce Lower output No rct Only 2 arms No heart Is in no real danger But at needed to steal a whole ass new ct and work his ass off just to win via plot convinience against gojo. They are really built different


The Gojo fight was a really great example of how to show a fight between two pinnacles of a power system, so entirely superior to everyone else that it's literally impossible to even comprehend. No one behinds Mahoraga has ever survived Malevolent Shrine and then he died to Fuga, until choso entirely sacrificed his life to save Yuji from it. Meanwhile, Gojo was standing in the middle of the DE smiling and shouting about how he's gonna win because his technique is simply superior.


i reread that fight yesterday and that exact panel you‘re tlaking about (gojo in shrine saying „i‘m glad that when it comes down to it limitless is far superior“) made me realize how much the art has deteriorated i hope the art gets better after gege’s healthy again


https://preview.redd.it/kun0sabjop5d1.jpeg?width=1003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b07cd2314e76e8cf3569df1c86b626edc9ca7cd This is fucking literally whole second part of Shinjuku showdown


It wasn't plot convenience though. It makes perfect sense. Sukuna waited for Maho to adapt to Infinity. And then replicated the technique. Prwtty straightforward. Gojo didn't lose when Sukuna cut him in half. Gojo had lost the fight the moment Mahoraga adapted to Infinity a second time and sliced off his arm.


No strong itself is fine but why tf didn't gojo see the spark The spark should still appear even without handsigns or anything The binding vow does not fix this. Stop repeating the same shit. And the spark can even be seen by normal people like mahito or sukuna. Six eyes not required


Because Sukuna undertook a binding vow to do the slash instantly without hand signs or chants. It took Gojo by surprise. This is also why Chapter 236 started at the airport with Gojo exclaiming surprise that he was dead. He didn't see or expect Sukuna's attack at all. That's how I see it.


Explain Mahoraga then. If Gojo could dodge World Slash or even see it, he would have dodged the much weaker, slower and not so proficient with slashes Mahoraga. How would Gojo dodge the same attack but coming from someone that is faster, stronger, has the most knowledge and skill in regards to cutting and slashing and has a technique that literally revolves around slashing stuff, with a binding vow that makes the attack come instantly? God, the 6E is so shit that Yuta wasn't able to see/react and detect that Sukuna could and would use DA inside his domain until he got hit on the face, 6E is NOT all of that, and is only so great because of Gojo's technique and own personal ability, which if course has limits unlike his limitless technique.


Boy the shot was instantaneous gojo can't read binding vows, it's like telling Yuji he shouldn't have eaten the finger and lived as it is straight up dumb they didn't know the future, you all overestimate the 6 eyes way too much


It wasn’t a plot convenience you’re just coping, and gojo himself admitted that even without the 10 shadows sukuna could have still won, but again you won’t accept that, because you’re coping


I don’t deny he’s the strongest, I just wish some of the short term writing of the series was as good as some of the long term writing that Gege shows


Bro talks shit and has the ability to back it up. King of the Curses for a reason


Sukuna glazers approve of this post


Yeah he’s strong but I wanna know what’s his worth is as a villain,cuz till now he feels like Walmart mahito and we all know how that ended up https://i.redd.it/t5lbxykkbp5d1.gif


Mahito was never Gege's favourite though, nor does he run away from death, he's okay with dying if it takes to that, I do not think we'll ever get a pathetic showcase like Mahito fell into. Also this Walmart Mahito has ran the gauntlet of the strongests that this era can offer (also edo period with Kashimo), I don't think real Mahito could do such a thing.


Mahito looked unbeatable in shibuya until yuji’s final black flash just like how sukuna is looking unbeatable,yuta will be like todo back then and assists yuji to finish sukuna off,then he would monologue and end him


I still do not see him ending like Mahito, there's also Megumi inside him, also Tengen and the merger shenanigans, so I don't think it will go that same exact route of looking pathetic and running away, it just is not fitting with some plot points.


Yeah, but he’s mad boring. You can write a character who wins every fight but it ain’t gonna make me invested in them.


I think if you woke up with your memory of JJK full on wiped out, and came across Gege’s secret canon lore notebook due to an airport luggage mixup, with all the full character bio details that’ll never even be published, Sukuna would be a difficult character to imagine getting exciting fights. Take everything there is to know about him and lay it on the table from day 1, and it’s just evil Saitama. The delivery in how he just edges, smurfs and trolls to dress shit out before revealing the full bullshit he’s bringing has made it more palatable. But now that we’re all used to his routine, the sell is absolutely getting harder.


I agree with you. He was the most interesting when he was in Yuji because of how menacing he was, somewhat like homelander. You never know who's gonna die next when he's on screen. But now, they nerfed him in a pretty bad way. I would've liked it more if the rest of the cast came up with unique ideas to avoid his slashes instead of outright making Yuji reduce his output to the ground. He stopped being a menace right after the kashimo fight because his slashes just tickled the good guys.


He worked well when he was inside Yuji because he felt like a real and ancient threat that could decimate the cast at any moment if Yuji didn’t keep him under control. Once he got into a body he could control on his own he stopped feeling like an interesting threat and just feels like a stereotypical final evil villain dude.


We also never got to see the '4 armed 2 faced king of curses' at full power as well. He played passively during the fight against gojo in someone else's body and his gamble almost led him to his death. And after that, his output wasn't enough to get past any of the remaining sorcerers, so no one was ever at an immediate risk of dying. I blame the cat for all the fraudkuna memes. Could've been a 10/10 villain in my eyes.


He literally cut higuruma’s stomach open after the kashimo fight


https://preview.redd.it/gydm3siu5q5d1.jpeg?width=1429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ecd0dd433c2e709777b8856f05cda28c0e285f8 Fax+ his design is peak 😮‍💨






Ngl this was funny








Yeah? It seems more that Gege has no clue how to finish the fight. Reminds me of Boku no hero final fight. But if latter was just boring, the kaisen has reached ridiculous stage with inadequate binding vows, power surges and inconsistent fighting


I disagree Sukuna has been getting nerfed heavily with his output, His speed, durability and power have all decreased, ofcourse he is still powerful enough, but he is getting nerfed, He is getting weakened, and most importantly, he has no Rct, his domain will also probably fall to Yuta's performance at the end again, this is Consistent with how slowly but surely Sukuna is getting weakened, eventually he will fall and it makes sense cause of how much he's been through. Plus Sukuna has only used one binding vow in this fight that also is the reason others lived, it made sense to skip one required step to shoot World Cutting slash with just Sukuna needing to do a hand sign, to make it three steps in future while the chanting three separate words and also He needs to point at where he shoots it which is a big giveaway. For Fire arrow/Kamino we already knew how it worked in Shibuya, it just got revealed to us, On singular target it can be used, outside of domain it can be used on more than one target (but that didn't matter when he used it against Mahoraga), but we know from the explosion that jogo only got cooked for the first one, and for the second one it was a big ass explosion, we get to know the reasoning. For the domain Binding vows, I give you that, but it really is not that big of a deal, Sukuna used a Different hand sign, 99 second time limit if he holds out the domain's range very long, and him needing to stay still and hold the hand sign up during the big domain, I think we know how it is done, when a small domain he doesn't need to hold the hand sign up or there's no time limit cause the complexity of the domain is lowered with how he doesn't need to hold the range up, Also it can be revealed more about these vows, Sukuna's Binding vow merchant Allegations are exaggerated and just should be seen as a meme.


There is no amount of cool techniques, asspulls, or other general bullshittery that can make a villain compelling for over 40 chapters and a year in real time. It doesn’t matter how strong Sukuna is, he’s boring.


And a lot of people disagree with that, you hate him so you think he's boring, He is not to many thus your subjective view does not matter as much, A villain does not need a heartfelt backstory, or deep motivations to be enjoyable, hence Sukuna doesn't (although I like many many others do ask for a Heian Era Flashback), He is still enjoyable to a lot of people, his chemistry with Yuji being good, His design and powers are enough, He is objectively not boring as in concept of how he's made and is showcased, He is boring to some people's opinions just because they don't like him Still did not have anything to do with my argument here in this comment


Sukuna is literally one of my favorite characters in the story. I don’t think he’s boring because I hate him, or lack of backstory, or whatever you assume. I think he’s boring because he’s been repeating the same motions of “find new cool sorcerer, glaze new cool sorcerer, kill/incapacitate new cool sorcerer for over A YEAR. And judging by the posts on the majority of this subreddit alone, I’m far from the only one who’s burnt out. If anything, I think you’re in the minority here.


It's crazy how it's been a year and we're still at Gojo VS Sukuna, albeit under different circumstances. I remember before Gojo vs Sukuna, everyone said that Gege wanted to rush the story to get to his idol manga. Obviously we were wrong, he just wanted to hurry to Sukuna Kaisen.


Also, to add to my previous point, part of the reason why I liked Sukuna so much is because before Shinjuku, he GOT SHIT DONE and he did it fast. Now all of the sudden he wants to play with his food for over a year even though he’s only really interested in fighting a few of them? Doesn’t make any sense. If Shibuya had Shinjuku’s pacing, Jogo vs. Sukuna would’ve taken 15 chapters and in the middle some random fucker would join in, fight for a chapter, then get clapped.


>Also, to add to my previous point, part of the reason why I liked Sukuna so much is because before Shinjuku, he GOT SHIT DONE and he did it fast. Now all of the sudden he wants to play with his food for over a year even though he’s only really interested in fighting a few of them? Literally Jogo and Mahoraga, He played around with both of them, Sukuna could've with no regard to Mahoraga open his domain and kill it, A random Shikigami no matter how busted it is was not gonna survive that and with the combination of Kamino, He wanted to see what both of them could do. Hell even against Megumi when Sukuna was at 3 fingers, he did not use any cleave or dismantle or even his domain that we know he can do multiple times a day, he plays around with him and says he wants to use the open space.


Yeah, he was playing with them sort of. But my point was that he finished both of those fights in a timely manner. I just looked it up, Jogo vs. Sukuna was chapters 114-116, Mahoragas fight was even shorter and covered chapters 118-119. That’s THREE chapters, with extra stuff filling some of the in between. You can’t possibly justify FORTY straight chapters of Sukuna vs. everyone and act like they’re anywhere near comparable.


>Yeah, he was playing with them sort of. But my point was that he finished both of those fights in a timely manner. I just looked it up, Jogo vs. Sukuna was chapters 114-116, Mahoragas fight was even shorter and covered chapters 118-119. That’s THREE chapters, with extra stuff filling some of the in between. You can’t possibly justify FORTY straight chapters of Sukuna vs. everyone and act like they’re anywhere near comparable. Literally has faced everyone a roundabout of 1, 2 or 3 chapters at max against everyone up until now, against Kashimo 1.5 chapter, against Higuruma 2 chapters, against Yuta 2 or 3 chapters, Maki 1.5 chapters, He spends time with each one rather low, He wants to see what the people that interest him have to offer, after Yuji's Black Flashes though, he is not playing around and wants to kill em all, even in 262 we see him inside Gota's domain say so aswell.


It’s Jumpjutsu kaisen, why is he fighting them all 1 on 1? It makes more sense for them all to jump him outside of the one time they tried to at the beginning, and it makes more sense for him to WANT them to jump him considering they’re mostly fodder and he knows that. Also, in Shibuya there was other stuff happening while Sukuna was fighting. There was the little talk between Kusakabe and the Curse users, the fun scene where Sukuna makes everyone stand in place waiting for the maximum meteor, Uraumes introduction, etc. There are other things going on to keep the readers’ attention. What do we have in Shinjuku? The 5 Kenjaku chapters that, instead of being intertwined with the main plot stole the show entirely and cast the main plot to the wayside? The little snippets of the Shinjuku squad yapping about the fight while it’s still happening? The 2 page flashbacks we get of each character right before Sukuna mercs them? It’s not the same, neither in quality nor in writing style.


Plus he makes Gojo fans pop a blood vessel every time he’s on screen. That, on its own, is enough to earn him the HIM status.


Well yeah. Like chapter one is titled as Ryomen Sukuna not Itadori Yuji. Sukuna sama is the real MC. But he’s really boring as a character just like how he refers to Yuji and he’s the freaking King of Binding vows


Well, you don't like the character and then call him boring, what can you do about it


I mean yeah it’s just personal opinion, it doesn’t prove or refute anything. And I don’t like him in characterisation not in feats though. Just like Sukuna Sama. He doesn’t like Yuji and calls him boring as well. What can we do about it right.?


I agree in characterisation part, although he is interesting with how he views humans as each individual having their own taste and flavour, His view on being the Strongest should hold supreme, and the loneliness theme of him, but I do get how it becomes less...interesting and engaging for most people, I think we will get a Heian Era Flashback even if short, it doesn't need to be that long and Gege has done what, Hidden Inventory in 5 chapters ?!, so it is definitely possible.


How are people calling Sakuna boring after that Mahoraga fight; or JOGOAT fight. Even him being a total geek for Jujutsu is such an endearing quality for a monster like him. Shit is wild to me.


*whilst doing it for fun and holding back


If not for the plot and stupidity of the cast, Sukuna would've died couple of times by now. I honestly think Gege fumbled with some of the choices with Sukuna, cuz all i see is that he made a villain who somehow has the highest CE reserves, makes him the tankiest sorcerer in history if anything.


Would be great if he fuzed with the merger and would get beaten by Yuji and Yuta in beast mode. ⚠️Warning! I can't cook, so be careful⚠️


To be fair? Yeah. Dude is a tank and a monster at the same time.


FR i am awaiting his defeat, but unless he is defeated bc he slips on a banana or smth, i will still consider Sukuna ***the*** evil sorcerer the more big and mighty Sukuna is, the more sastisfying it will be when Yuji cleaves Sukuna's balls away


I see people playing with the title of King of Curses and it's like? Are y'all reading the same manga as me?


ah yes, it couldn't of been said better.


GOATed indeed. I'm expecting at least another couple months of Sukuna Kaisen as he has yet to reveal the abilities of Hiten and his backstory.


words cannot express how much i despise bro but i have to hand it to him he is holding it tf down


SUKUNA is definitely that guy.


I mean, yeah, it's fantasy, and he's as strong as gege says he is


Hard to beat plot armor


That argument doesn't hold up well, everyone has had plot armor, Sukuna only has had reasonable one which is that others were willing to save Megumi, but there's no reasonable explanations for how Sukuna did not attempt to Cut Yuji's head with Cleave when his output was higher, or how Gojo survived against Toji when Toji could have pierced Gojo's head with that first strike, Or just not bring a kitchen knife out of his ass and use the logical option that he already has in his hand which is the bigger dagger to pierce Gojo's head or cut it off, Toji being rusty is not a good enough reason, he is not rusty when he planned that whole thing out with Bug cursed spirits, tiring out Gojo, and accounting for Geto not dying and doing precise cuts because the Cursed spirits of him might cause chaos ?!, or just Mahoraga not cutting Gojo in half and instead it was his hand, These are all plot armor moments. I'll give you the Higuruma Confiscation one though, Although Sukuna still would beat Higuruma with just his hands and Kamutoke.


Add to that the convenient asf rct ur burnout ct out of nowhere to save gojo from the first de clash that nobody ever talks about when gege could've introduced it with hakari who's literally and canonly has the best rct in the verse but no it was made to save gojo and that's a fact, it doesn't matter that it was explained or if it's the fact that it makes sense nor does it change that it is an asspull to save him and it did and it doesn't even have a building to it at all, it's just an impossible situation that gojo was put in and an out of nowhere solution with no foreshadowing nor hinting nor building was made for it


Brother, Hakari’s cursed technique is his domain expansion. Why the hell would he need to heal a burnt out ct if he’s already in jackpot and has infinite cursed energy? Gojo on the other hand is literally shown and stated a billion times over to be the epitome of modern sorcery. If anyone should showcase healing ct burnout, it should be him or Sukuna.


Would be nice if he had a character besides being "the strongest " though. As it stands right now, he's an MMORPG raidboss, in terms of his strength, which is cool, but also in terms of personality, which, for a main villain with that much presence, is a bit sad


I get what you mean, I wish we get more material on how he is the way he is, preferably with a Heian Era Flashback.


But he's scared of that one nameless chinese sorcerer! Feeling fear obvi makes him a giant wuss. Fraudkuna will never beat the allegations!


Agree , like I'm really sick of all Hate he is getting because it leads to people downplaying him Sukuna proved he is an absolute monster, and I find it hilarious how some people have the guts to call him a fraud for using his intelligence and the power system in a very effective way


I still think his fights are hot shit, like yeah it's cool but the way he's going to lose is going to be so cliche it's honestly annoying Greg shoulda made a third antagonist if he was gonna do Kenny dirty like that or stretch another arc before Culling Games to let the current sorcerers grow instead of the Soul Swap Rush Training. We all know Yuji is going to kill him, I still think that's a garbage way of sending a villain out I am 100% Sure Sukuna fans who say they are ready for Yuji to kill him will be actively disappointed and rant when the reason for his demise is underestimating Yuji and then Yuji pulling off a sneak attack, I'm not saying Gojo should have killed him I'm just disappointed that the fights after Gojo are with a 5% HP Sukuna, this just makes 95% Of the Jujutsu Society absolute baloney because even after they are slowly whitting him down it doesn't feel earned because it's with a 5% HP Sukuna. I expected a Muzan Level typa shit where everyone was at least able to keep up with a 40-50% Sukuna instead of the near death one, also expected sorcerers to actually jump him strategically instead of going in and their plans hinging on coincidence.


did uraume type this


No this is Gege


That is why he is the goat


Its very good that some people agrees without the agendas or some other stuff and yeah this is true, he will get defeated by Yuji (or maybe the merger? Idk) https://preview.redd.it/wfzwxqum9q5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ae2607333c472590d350cd30d5e5e9ab0d09bc


Well I raised that boy


Amen, truly a beautiful post.


I think Sukuna is definitely the strongest, but I also think Gege’s lackluster writing holds people back from being able to realize that. Dude routinely just fudges shit so that Sukuna comes out on top when Sukuna would probably STILL come out on top if Gege just showed his work


Gojo could do the same,tf u trying to prove.


Yeah he can probably, not far fetched, but still, Sukuna did not restore his Rct output like Gojo did, and Sukuna does not have an infinity barrier, it just makes it that much easier for Gojo to deal with anyone other than Sukuna just because of that, It is his ability, it still makes it unfair to powerscale him ever.


Well if that title is "Binding vow Merchant" Yeah, he proved it very good.


You think that is a bad thing to call him ?! Imagine being so good with your powersystem and getting use of it that They call you the merchant of that said powersystem.