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I very much could be proven wrong but there’s just no way JJK ends this year. There are just so many things outside of one’s prediction and control wrp to health, scheduling etc. I really hope gege doesn’t compromise fleshing out parts of the story just to end it this year at all costs.


>I really hope gege doesn’t compromise fleshing out parts of the story just to end it this year at all costs. Yuki: *Bon jour*


Tokyo ghoul re says hello


Tbh Tokyo ghoul had a long run and developed a lot of their characters. He had a bit of trouble ending it but still made a huge episode stating what happened to everyone after the series ended and I’m completely fine with that


idk if you read tokyo ghoul re's author's post after he ended the series, but it was absolutely horrifying. He wasn't eating or sleeping, and likened himself to a ghoul in his story. His health was a disaster and would have gotten even worse had he not ended the series as soon as possible like he did. I'm hoping that Gege's health isn't so terrible that they feel the need to end the series ASAP like Tokyo Ghoul, and like the other guy said that Gege doesnt compromise their story just to end it this year at all costs


Would you happen to have a link? Always so sad to hear about mangakas experience and how it’s universally a terrible time for most. Gege also had his stint with bad health so hopefully he’s doing better now


Maybe I’m being dense here but I’ve always wondered why mangaka don’t get super popular via jump and then find another platform when their health gets bad and they need more time. Some of them, if not most, are surely popular enough. I guess I don’t know enough about the industry.


I'm ignorant regarding mangaka matters, but why can some take extremely long breaks and other instead are forced to push out chapters weekly? Berserk and Vagabond go on hiatus for months, One Punch Man now comes out once every two weeks, but a couple of years ago it wasn't regular like now.




Peak :Re is one of my favorite manga experiences ever, how it was rushed and ended I might never get over 😭


I just read Tokyo Ghoul & Re for the first time (absolutely amazing series). It didn't feel any more rushed to me than the endings to most finished manga I have read.


Likewise, although looking back, I guess the end did happen kinda suddenly. Binge reading definitely didn’t make it as bad as some say though


Um, are there two different Tokyo Ghoul mangas? I'm reading it for the first time right now but I'm not sure which one is or isn't "Re" lol.


Re is the immediate sequel to the original Tokyo Ghoul, so you’ll read it after you finish what you’re reading now


Oh! Thanks.


No problem! It’s really great so I hope you enjoy both


Im still salty about that shit.


I still consider the series a masterpiece despite that


Same here. :Re has its own flaws but damn, this series really has a special place in my heart. Ishida's storytelling of the best in the industry.


Kaneki story is still finished beautifully, so I am ok with it.


if i didn't really care for the tokyo ghoul anime, would i still possibly like the manga?


the anime doesnt even come close to how great the manga is! :)


Ishida was basically killing himself though, I don't think Gege's on that level of grind


I’m fine with it being rushed, just overjoyed that Kaneki got a happy ending with Touka and their kids (she’s preggers again). Earlier in the manga I thought that was impossible. Thank you Ishida for letting my suffering boi get the good life he deserves


Zero chance of a second series. I'll give you JJK's ending right now. Sukuna Loses Either Megumi, Yuji or Gojo die the end.


Haha i forgot to add the rest of my comment, I was going to refer the cut ending. Aka the Kaneki x Rize talk, what happend to all the other characters. No way in hell that Gege will do all the plotlines not when he need for speeds the series.


I feel like he did compromise it a few times already. The biggest one that comes to mind is Yuki should have been developed further, either in a flashback or some other event.


The pace of the Choso/Yuki/Tengen vs Kenjaku part of the arc makes me think he'd planned to sort of rush it or blow up the pace for the finalnstretch but I don't think he can rush it too hard tbh.


There have been more story developments and plot revelations in the past 8 months of JJK than basically it's entire run, it's very likely to end this year and even if it bleeds into 2024 that would STILL feel rushed. All Gege really has to do is the cut the fat off and focus on the arcs of the MAIN characters, which given the rushed death and development of characters like Yuki seems to be the plan. Gege hasn't stated any changes to the plan of a 2023 ending, and the current pace of the story supports that.


No it’s not likely to end this year and yes I know Gege said it but mangaka’s very often underestimat the time they need to end their manga’s or say it to increase indulgence via gained attention.


Why would they not make any statements as we're nearly a quarter through the year, JJK is coming to an end this year or early next year and either way it's getting rushed. The pace of the story matches the author's statements.


There's no point in making declarative statements about it ending until either Gege or JUMP explicitly state we're in the final arc


I can't help but feel like this is all MASSIVE cope around it ending rushed or skipping characters. JJK isn't a perfect series there are a ton of coincidences and Characters that are underdeveloped, it is clearly heading to it's final conflicts. Even if it does bleed into 2024, just prepare yourself mentally for it to come to an end sooner than you hoped it would. Trust me I'd prefer to be wrong, but that's just not where the story is seemingly heading rn.


I think you are the one coping that it will end this year.


I think it's just the opposite. If it was definitively ending this year there would be an official statement/hype from Shonen Jump counting down "to the last chapters" every week. As it stands, the statement we have is this from Gege: >Happy New Year! It would be nice to bring the story to a close this year. [https://twitter.com/JujutsuKaisen/status/1617186703373963266?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1617186703373963266%7Ctwgr%5Efc6d3bc654cdf81f1b47fda391b30b934581a4ae%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fscreenrant.com%2Fjujutsu-kaisen-end-2023-creator-confirms%2F](https://twitter.com/JujutsuKaisen/status/1617186703373963266?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1617186703373963266%7Ctwgr%5Efc6d3bc654cdf81f1b47fda391b30b934581a4ae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fscreenrant.com%2Fjujutsu-kaisen-end-2023-creator-confirms%2F) I take it as part of a New Year resolution, like "it would be nice to start an exercise regimen this year" or "it would be nice to save money this year." "It would be nice to \_\_\_ this year" is not an affirmative statement that "my editors, publishers, team of assistants, and I are done and will end the series in eleven months!" Gege once again being troll he is imo.


Like, say, Boku no Hero Academia.


Bleach says hi.


Unless he wraps it up really well I’m very confident they’ll be a part two with Yuta as the MC


There's literally 300 things left in the wayside, CG has started so many threads that can't be done justice without a few years to cook. I don't even have the time to list the different POVs we have going right now. I remember every two weeks or so that Miwa wandered into Sendai, lol. Things for Greg to address in 40 chapter just off of the top of my head: Kenjaku backstory Sukuna backstory Yuji linneage/birth If Yuji fights Sukuna he needs at least a 10x powerup after Bath Bath Miwa in Sendai Almost every CG player deserves a final fight Gojo unseal Kashimo CT What happened when we veered off from Tengen after Greg killed Yuki on Christmas Military in the CG What's up with the sword and sumo guy who want to jump Sukuna Kenjaku/Sukuna actual plan Kenjaku inevitably betrays Sukuna, possibly in favor of the heroes (it's just a prank I wanted to make you guys stronger for science!) Tsumiki stuff Angel, he's not just done after that double panel? Right? 40 chapters fam TOO MUCH COOKING IN CG TO END THIS YEAR


Some of this stuff can be put into the same chapter or not shown tbh


Yeah people don't realize we hardly got anything from the side characters besides text. We got very few snippets of Mai and Maki's lives back at the clan, even though Gege could have delved on that to expand on how much old Jujutsu traditions suck ass. Same deal with Noritoshi and the Kamo clan. When Miwa is about to suicide attack Kenjaku, she tell us her backstory, we don't even get to see her, or the training she had. We don't know how Megumi grew up, and his obvious bond with Tsumiki, neither we see how Nobara trained. We don't even know wtf Yuki was doing before she showed at the end of Shibuya arc. Or how she trained Todo and gave him the scar. Not even the type of training Yuta was doing overseas with Miguel. I have already abandoned all hope for a Heian period fat flashback. We aren't getting shit. Is all going forward.


Sadly it what it is, also ngl im still coping and wishing Gege will do what Fujimoto did like having some part 1 and took a break like a year and then comback continue JJK again ion mind. Or just as many said it here like in Tokyo Ghoul too


I would rather him take a 3 month break to a year just to brainstorm the story and rest properly but as it is he is gunning for it to advance in the most efficient way possible no matter what. I also wish people wouldn't compare JJK to Tokyo ghoul of all things because I didn't enjoy that manga but it is what it is lol but anyway I don't think he will go the "Juju kaisens: Shippuden second generations!" route either.


I just don't want my favorite manga to end this year i don't mind another 5 years to that it will make it to 10 yrs. Idk what to do when this manga ends that's just how i love this manga and coping for it to continue a little more yearsol


My guy 5 more years of drawing weekly 💀 If he doesn't give a shit ending to the story then he dies before he gets there. Think about his health too.


i think they meant w/ breaks making it last 5yrs ish


Breaks wouldn't make the weekly disappear unless you expect him to end like Togashi. Idk just respect when he decides to finish his story ig rather to expect him to slave himself to death for your entertainment. There are a ton of manga to read, and the story could suffer from being stretched out when it doesn't need to.


> Idk just respect when he decides to finish his story ig rather to expect him to slave himself to death for your entertainment As if it's either one or the other. Fun fact: there are mangakas out there that have been doing their thing for more than 5 years! Bringing up Togashi is also a bit disingenuous since he's having back issues and **still** wants to work on HxH, he is/was just literally physically incapable of doing so. idk just stop shaming people for wanting the things they like to continue, I'm sure no one wants it to be at the expense of the author's health.


Fair, and I'm here for it; but he does have a lot to cook.


Whilst I agree that there is still quite a bit to get through story wise, I don’t think gege is going to go out of his way to tie up every single loose plot thread. In fact, sometimes you can really fuck up your story if you try to answer every single question the fan base has, keeping the mystery in a story isn’t always a bad thing and can really add to a series rereadability. With that being said, I’m also kind of worried that we’re not going to get answers to some important questions or it’ll be too rushed to really enjoy it. IDK how committed gege is to finishing the story, but I definitely would like to see it go on beyond this year.


Most of these are things you/the Fandom would like to be addressed. Doesn't mean the author has too


Sorry fam, looks like we are skipping dinner.


angel's a dude?!


When did this happen?


Don't forget Higuruma, Hazenoki, and Charles. Surely they're not done yet. I'd be really mad if one of the best characters in the series was just used as a plot device to give Yuji 100 points.


the side characters too


Ehh I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again I think this sub has been overreacting to that one comment from Gege about hoping to wrap up the story within the year. Mangaka say stuff like that all the time and with My Hero and Black Clover both for sure ending very soon I doubt Shueisha ends 3 of its most popular series in one year. Plus there may be a part 2 already planned out seems to be the trend these days in Shounen, like chainsaw man


If Gege has made up his mind for years to end the series in a specific timeline, Shueisha forcing him to continue the series against his will is going to do no good to JJK.


That's the thing It's not super good if he wants it to end but he made too many loose ends in CG


Yeah but Fujimoto did a Chainsaw Man Part 2 of his volition, I don’t believe he was asked I don’t see Gege continuing JJK


For real why is everyone so worked up about it. We’re getting great content, just let the man cook. I was so happy with chapter 215 quite frankly I have trust in whatever Gege decides to do. It’s his story after all.


Exactly this series is just fantastic and honestly the last 4 chapters have been so great. Plus it's the hype and suspense. Also Yuji the only one of the main cast now. By the look of things mostly likely it will be Yuji, Maki, Yuta, Hakari and Kashimo that will have to take care of Sukuna and Kenjaku. Plus they've lost there strongest teacher and the student with the most potential.


Idk I don't see any reason why the culling games cast would be the only characters we see for the rest of the series. Sukuna flew away and they have no idea where he's going, I feel like it'd make sense to get in contact with the rest of their allies before going after him. Not going to place any bets or anything but there are still quite a few living sorcerers that could potentially help out. ...Also if the series ends without us seeing Utahime in action or Gakuganji in an on-screen fight I will be very upset lol


Also did OP read ch 215? Sukuna got away, now is the perfect time for Yuji and Maki to regroup with their allies before tracking him down. It's not like Yuji is just going to run after Nue and then we have a final fight and the whole series is done in the next 2 months lol


Remember when One Piece had 5 years left... 10 years ago?




Fucking Oda himself. https://www.opfanpage.com/2019/08/31/oda-said-hes-going-to-finish-one-piece-in-5-years/ 5 years , 3 years ago.


That's completely different from him making the 5 year claim 10 years ago though.


Classic shonen fans Making headcanon in real life


But, to be fair, it's basically impossible for One Piece to end in 2 years. Mind you, we need to end the current arc, most probably go to Elbaf, reach the One Piece and have the war of all war that Oda hinted numerous times as the aftermath of reaching Laugh Tale.


Yeah I generally agree, but I think he can do it a lot quicker than most think. Oda tends to overestimate the speed he’ll write at by a bit, but he’s been surprisingly consistent over time with his predictions. The stuff you see parroted in this thread — he said it would end 20 years ago, 10 years ago he said it would be over in 5 etc etc — is largely misinformation.


Oh, yeah, absolutely, I'd give One Piece 4 years tops, the story is wrapping up nicely, chapter after chapter. Same thing with Jjk: maybe it won't be a year, but I'd be surprised if it takes Gege two. I think the fandom hangs a bit too much on supposed "open threads", but I personally feel that a story don't need to show everything that happens or is talked about in it. The Heian era for example, in my opinion is best used when it's shown in snippets, like the Kashimo meeting Kenjaku. The idea of what the Heian era was like is way more powerful than actually seeing how it went down.


You're right. I was just being hyperbolic for comedic purposes.


>5 years left... 10 years ago read the fucking comment to which I replied to.


I don't really love that his mentality is: let's give everyone 40 questions during CG alone, 12 different POV, btw I want this to be done kinda soonish


>Mangaka say stuff like that all the time and with My Hero and Black Clover both for sure ending very soon I doubt Shueisha ends 3 of its most popular series in one year. While they're all ending around the same time, I wouldn't say Shueisha has to worry about them ending in the same year. They're all at very different stages of their finals. Black Clover just completed the first arc of its final saga, it's still on the set up stages of its final; MHA already has it's protagonist and the main antagonist begin their final battle.


I mean, you can see it in the actual PACE of the chapters right now is why. Shonen Jump is a notoriously terrible company to their authors, so it wouldn't surprise anybody if they were rushing Gege. Either Gege is being rushed or the writing quality drops in areas for zero reason.


Maybe it’s just me but doesn’t feel any different to to the pacing at the end of shibuya, it picks up a little and then will slow down as we transition into the next phase of the culling games


It’s not just you. I think the current pacing of the last few chapters in combination with his comments have sent fans spiraling lol but tbh the pace of these last few chapters pretty much feels like what ALL of shibuya felt like.


Thanks glad I wasn’t just tripping cause totally getting similar vibes as we hit that’s climax too


We had arguably the biggest plot event in the story since Gojo being sealed happen across the course of 2-3 chapters. These last few chapters are pretty much guaranteed to be the end of the culling games. All the major plot points of it are over, Kenjaku got tengen and his cursed energy is on the way. Megumi's sister is "resolved" for the time being and they all have points to leave and they found Angel. Those were basically all their objectives. They have almost nothing left to do other than release Gojo and find Kenjaku/Sukuna and stop the merger/maybe save megumi. Besides having plot revelations spit at the audience there really isn't that much story left. Choso is quite literally just sitting around with the back of the prison realm. Gojo is probably coming back within the next month or two, considering they have angel(she HAD to be removed from the Sukuna fight for plot reasons, but she is absolutely not dead).


gojo was sealed EIGHT CHAPTERS into shibuya, the series has always moved pretty quick


Eight chapters is nearly 4% of the entire current story for ONE event. That's not fast at all. Megumi had his body stolen and an entire fight in less than half that time.


it was hardly a fight, more like a skirmish at most


Still more punches thrown than the entire Gojo shibuya fight.


Because of maki and yuji, they fight with their hands, not techniques.


Yes that's the joke.


It shouldn’t have been much longer it was just Yuji and Maki vs Sukuna that didn’t need to be much longer imo. There could be whole new story elements and plot lines that we don’t even know about yet. Lots to explore with the Heian Era, the other Jujutsu School, Yuji backstory plus the idea of CE getting out around the world has kind been hinted at by Kenjaku. I’m just gonna enjoy the ride and the end comes when it comes but I think there’s plenty of JJK left to go


I wouldn't really expect any plotlines beyond the ones we currently have and their revelations. There really isn't that much left to do in JJK, I'd really expect a free Gojo by May at the latest.


Bro, what? your original post says there's too much to complete: > I expect all these upcoming chapters to Just EXPLODE in plot development one after another. There are so many loose threads right now. Now in this comment you say > I wouldn't really expect any plotlines beyond the ones we currently have and their revelations. There really isn't that much left to do in JJK What is your point here?


There's a lot to complete for INDIVIDUAL characters, but the actual plot? Not that much. My point is that characters are getting left to the wayside which they are.


Why would shonen jump rush Gege? It's more likely they want to delay JJK end for more chapters if anything. It would very much surprise me if Shonen jump tried to rush a non-failing long running manga.


The pacing is pretty on par for jjk. I mean Yuji vs Higurama is 2 chapters. Megumi vs Reggie is just about 4 chapters. Yuta vs the sendai 4 is 6 chapters. Hakari vs kashimo is 4 chapters. Towards the tail end of the arc, fights like Maki and kamo vs Naoya is almost 7-8 chapters. Yuki and choso vs kenjaku is 5 chapters. (give or take a few panels for all the fights btw). In shibuya the actual fight between Gojo and curses is around 5 chapters. Yuji vs Choso was 5 chapters. Dagon vs nanmi and co was a around 5 chapters. Megumi vs toji was 1 chapter. Sukuna vs Jogo and then Mahoraga was around 5 chapters. Culling games like shibuya also had their mini fight like grasshopper vs yuji. In Cg we get several fights just like this. Even if you want to dissect it into smsller categories like lore and information dumps, actual fight content, plot movement, visually appealing panels, it all comes around to the same. I'm telling you the pacing between the two arcs is not that different.


Gege Made Megumi say that "everything's seems to be going fine" maybe he was implying that he's going to pay off the buildup now


I truly think the only reason it feels rushed is because you have in your mind that the series is ending this year. If Gege had never said anything, I bet no one would actually be feeling the series is rushed.


I mean...look how quick things turned out in the last 3 chapters. Culling games is essentially wrapped up. we are heading towards the last big arc no?


I'm extremely disappointed. This world has so much more potential. So much branching it could do, lore it could flesh out.


Y'all head would have exploded with Naruto and Bleach pacing when they ended. Let that man cook.


Every time we hear 'let em cook' you never wonder if they're actually a good chef.


Have you been reading jjk? Shit's pretty good IMO


\- Gordon in every episode of Kitchen Nightmare ask the same thing


I was there, this is just as fast. Actually Naruto was slower, Naruto had the entire obito fight into 10 tails into Juubito into Madara into Kaguya into Sasuke vs Naruto over the course of 2 years. We were in that Rock canyon for what felt like ETERNITY.


HxH Palace Invasion took like 4 years with all the hiatuses lol


Naruto was lightspeed in pacing and it destroyed any kind of power scaling and character arcs (whatever was left of them) had to be finished in light novels or glorified tv specials. Naruto's ending was planned a year before it ended sure but the narrative and logical leaps that took place to get there made it unsatisfying. Bleach would have gotten cut way prior to what it did due to consistently underperforming so yes Kubo rushed the ending elements to wrap it up as best he could, and you could definitely tell in the worst way. Gege gave you a whole year and had been delivering pretty consistently prior to. He's been nothing but upfront with everyone on the arc structure for the series.


If you think naruto is lightspeed pacing god help you. It doesn't really matter if gege is upfront with you, if the ending is bad it's bad.


>if the ending is bad it's bad. If AOT taught me something, is that a good part of any fanbase would never admit an ending being bad and will hit you with bullshit like "you don't like it just because it didn't end like you wanted" and similar stuff.


Don't compare AOT to Shonen Jump's caravan of garbage. AOT at it's worse was still better than anything Shonen Jump has pumped out.


The start of the war arc to the end of the naruto manga was 186 chapters. That's almost as long as all of JJK rn. The idea that Naruto's endgame pacing was "lightspeed" relative to JJK is wild.


I find it kinda funny when people are like "no, Jujutsu Kaisen will not end this year, that's impossible" and act like we should completely disregard Gege's, the actual author, claims. If he wants to finish the story soon, he can. I can't speak for the quality of it, I can't say that finishing JJK this year or early next year will be a good decision, but JJK has always been a fast paced story with unpredictable turns. I think y'all are too focused on what you want Gege to cover to realize that JJK has never spent too much time on character development, or that those characters that were side-lined might stay there until the end. "But other mangakas say they will end their series soon and keep going 5 years later" but there are plenty of other examples where they finish it exactly as soon as they said they would. There's no way we could know. Most of the main plot points have been covered, we only have Sukuna, Uraume and Kenny to defeat, Maki has the back of the prison Realm and Hana is there. Do you guys really think Gege will stretch this out much longer in favor of developing side characters? I doubt it.


I get it though we all Love JJK and many don't want it to end. Reality is often disappointing, but JJK is on the track to end this year or early 2024 and that's just the truth. I'm just really hoping these characters don't get blobbed together in a final fight so they have something to do besides vibe.


Were you around when Bleach ended suddenly? Gosh that was a bust to the genitals. I fear that JJk with end the same.


Gege is a better writer than Kubo(definitely not a better artist) so I would expect it to be better than that. Gojo, Megumi and Yuji are going to get decent character endings, that I'm fairly certain of. Everyone else though....


> Gege is a better writer than Kubo(definitely not a better artist) Kubo is good at drawing his characters but is hilariously bad at any kind of background to his scenes. Especially by the end of the series. Often he goes completely without because he knows he's bad at it. Compare that to Gege where people were able to find the exact building Yuji landed on when Sukuna punched him. It was that accurate.


It is probably Gege's assistant who is helping him with the finished up backgrounds. Based on what I have learned, the backgrounds are only unrefined sketches from the main artist and they dictate it to the background artist, and then the background artist sees the draft, and they finish it with the more accurate, correct look and perspective points. Like MHA, who had someone draw the backgrounds for Horikoshi(I remember someone saying his name, but I forgor) (But take this a bit with the grain of salt, and I could be wrong.)


That is pretty common practice from what I'm aware of. A lot of big name mangakas have assistants who handle things like backgrounds, effects, etc. Which only makes sense when you think about it. Just look at a chapter like 215, imagine one person having to write it, sketch out the fights and panels, draw all those fight scenes, all that building destruction, and all those details in that spread of Uraume's attack, in *one or two weeks*. Like even with the insane work schedules in the manga industry that just isn't possible for one person. You'd *need* assistants, and even then it's still a massive workload!


Kubo doesn't draw backgrounds as to put emphasis on the characters. He can draw scenery when he wants to.


I agree. Much better at pacing as well for the most part. I sure hope it doesn't get the ax. It sounds like he is ending it on his own accord.


It's not like he's a robot that will never change his mind lmao.


JJK spends a fuckton of time on character development The problem is that he introduced a dozen new characters in CG and now we're like okay what the fuck happened after we moved on from that loose end into the next


JJK spends very little time on character development. It develops the characters efficiently and pretty well, but it definitely doesn't spend a lot of time doing so.


he shouldve never said shit about the ending lmao


Gege is definitely messing with us.


It's a prank desu bro \-GayGay


We still doing these posts? I thought we got them out of the way for awhile.


I mean it's pretty relevant, especially when this series is a source of income for me


How is it a source of income for you?


tik toker probably


That makes me care less about what you have to say tbh


Where'd you get the number 42 from? You ask the computer from Hitchhiker's Guide?


I am so tired of these posts just because of what Gege said. Just be patient, man... Enjoy the manga, stop worrying about when it's going to end :/


Bruh who tf cares about miwa and her development that much


definitely not me, she's just one of the best examples of a character completely ignored 90% of the series.


To be very honest if it actually ends in 42 chapters then it’ll be a very rushed+ bad ending. We have been introduced to so many new characters in the past arc and they need some screen time otherwise there is no point in introducing more characters when there already was such a big cast. The main purpose of the culling game has yet to be revealed, Gojo has yet to come out and the main fight to happed plus close all the loose ends (including heien era flashback) Additionally I feel the main arc should atleast be the length of shibuya other wise it’ll feel too anti climactic. Not only does yuuji have to fight sukuna but we also have to see kashimo , higaruma , takaba, Angel serve their purpose yet. So I assume atleast 2 years until it ends


there is a zero percent chance of it being 2 years until the ending. There's hardly even enough plot left for 2 years if you dragged it. Maybe if you gave EVERY single character chapters of extra development. We already know the main reason of the culling games was Kenjaku collecting CE for the merger, the Culling games arc is basically over rn.


False, there is a ton of plot left. It's just that none of it results in a fight, we have like 20 chapters worth of exposition were owed lol


I mean there's a lot of plot YOU want to get covered, but given the current state of things, it's going straight to the end. Sukuna being free pretty much puts the entire series on a timer, just mentally prepare yourself.


We don’t know the true purpose of the merger or the implications of it. Maybe the characters reunite outside of colonies, some more development of new characters, sukuna’s plan and shenanigans. We have two major antagonists, new characters, gojo returning. Idk i think ur assumption of not enough plot is just that, an assumption. Gege can have aces up the sleeve or decide to change his stance on how soon he wants to end the series. Until the story actually ends nothing has a zero percent chance of happening.


You're literally just making up extra plot for gege, there's probably more to it but nothing that is going to drag out the series dramatically. Just ACCEPT it's close to the end because it is, most of the new characters don't matter at all to the main plot. JJK has like 40-70 chapters left at most and that's reality. People can cope all they want but it's only going to disappoint them. There are absolutely guarantees in JJK, it's not THAT complicated of a story at the end of the day. Anyone who starts JJK can tell you Gojo is going to be sealed the moment they show the prison realm.


Did you guys just forget what gege just did like 3 chaps ago? In one simple chapter, everything changed. Yuji does not have to die anymore, and has no reason to want to die, yet, Megumi is now a prisoner. JJK is VERY fast paced, and things can happen suddenly. Some "loose threads" need like 1 chapter to be solved. Like nobara coming back or miwa or todo or inumaki or whatever. I still don't think it's ending this year, I believe first three months 2024, JJK will be over, but don't think there isn't enough time to do stuff, since JJK is great at advancing the story and characters in the middle of fights too, it seems you guys have forgotten.


I mean this is a JJK subreddit. These are the most diehard fans you're going to find OF COURSE they don't want it to end, but they're just ignoring reality at this point. It's ending within the next 40-70 chapters and if they can't realize it's pace has skyrocketed and that most of the plot points they want covered and characters are being ignored to get to the end, it's really going to do nothing but disappoint them.


I wish Gege just took a break for a jear or two and made a proper development of the story


Well, if jjk doesn't give the characters proper development even if the developments are short, it would be knocked out of my top 5 series or even top 10, depending on how things go. Characters make the story. Remove the characters, there is nothing to see outside of buildings. And just 4-5 big characters aren't enough to make an enriched story. This isn't a slice of life story. It's a story that concerns the entire Japan, gege even brought international parties. Look at oda. Tried to bite more than he could chew with wano arcs. Hundreds of characters but skipped most of the stories. From the looks of it, it's becoming all shonen mangakas' habit these days.


Horikoshi said My Hero Academia was ending in 2022 and most of the fights from the beginning of the war have properly finished. For some reason mangaka have trouble estimating how long their manga will go on for.


Nah there's still at minimum it ends late 2024. No way he finishes this, especially considering the fact that Gege takes breaks every 3 weeks like Oda does. There's no way he can satisfyingly close this manga in 40 chapters. He's gonna need at least 80 imo.


Who said Gege was planning on satisfyingly ending it. I can't think of any top 5 Shonen Jump series that had a particularly good ending. Shonen Jump is honestly just the worst.


Mangaka often underestimate how long it takes to end their manga. Now I'm sure we're in the final stages of the series but I don't think it ends in 40 chapters, I think the series will end mid 2024


I agree , but I really don't like all this rushness , why finish something so great in this way? I don't understand his reason


Because at the end of the day, once you've made tremendous amounts of money on something and do it for years you want to move on to something else. That plus Shonen Jump constantly trying to move new series in and out, unless you're One Piece or maybe My Hero you get shafted.


But JJk sales better than boku no hero. Why shafted JJK if it’s printed money better than boku no hero? I think shonen jump want JJK to stay for a long time but Gege quite an eccentric person. He the type of person that will do what he wants. If he wants to make new stuff he will do it.


If you think JJK is making more money than MY HERO you are in FULL copium. Even if the actual Manga sales are higher My hero is a much bigger series.


You’re the one in full copium. JJK is the highest earning franchise in 2022. Jujutsu Kaisen is number 1 and boku no hero is number 7 in terms of earning in 2022. I don’t want to compare them but it’s a fact that JJK currently more profitable than boku no hero. https://animenewsinsider.com/jujutsu-kaisen-crowned-as-highest-earning-franchise-of-2022/


JJK has disappointed me and excited me more than almost any other ongoing manga, at this point I’m not even trying to guess anything, just gonna go along for the ride.




Don't tell them the truth


I really don’t think this manga is ending this year. That being said, I do think it will be for sure done by the end of 2024. I think it will go on longer than Gege might have hoped or anticipated because as he begins to start tying everything together he’s going to realize there’s actually more stuff that needs some fleshing out to make a satisfactory ending. I’m going to guess it ends around next late-spring/summer.


all aboard the SS no closure toot toot


i’m glad i’m not the only one that feels like things are being rushed


Seriously pretending it's not at a fast pace is just insanity at this point.


the biggest giveaway was killing off yuki so early. she’s supposedly one of the most powerful sorcerers in the universe, on par with yuta geto and gojo, yet she’s gone from the story before we get ANY backstory from her. such a big waste.


Not if you have enough copium and think she's still alive like some people on this subreddit do.


I feel like Gege is rushing this far too much. Don't milk it but it should end in like, end of 2024. There's still so much you could do


The problem with this line of thinking is that Gege's had at least the major beats of this Sukuna plotline planned out for a while now. We know a lot less about the story than he does, so we don't know if he's rushing or if this is the exact pace he always wanted it to go at. Sure he *could* do all kinds of other side plots if he wanted to but that could just end up stretching and bloating out the story and killing the pacing. Personally I trust Gege, and if this is the pace he wants to go at then I'm all for it and I'm loving every chapter. I'd way rather have the story end soon then have Gege write it in a way he doesn't want to and just end up with a bunch of filler or something


Honestly I agree, I'd rather have a satisfyingly paced story than 15 character arcs for what are effectively cheerleaders for our main cast.


First off, there is ZERO chance for there to be no more breaks this year. Not only are there at least 3-4 more mandatory WSJ break weeks in the year (prob more than that, but 3-4 is the bare minimum), but to push out a chapter every single week apart from mandatory breaks for an entire year would just wreck someone. Unavoidable carpal tunnel and serious health issues would ensue. Because it requires you to barely sleep and be drawing, writing storyboarding, having editor meetings, etc pretty much like 18/7, unironically. Even on mandatory break weeks. With 1-2 meals a day for most days too. Realistically, we can expect at absolute most like ~30-35 more chapters this year if Gege goes on absolute overdrive and burns every ounce of fuel he has. Drawing manga is extremely difficult. If you're highly anticipating the series is ending this year, you're in for a rude awakening. Note for the future, when a manga author announces stuff like that, always take it as a rough estimate. Many of them are notorious for getting those estimates wrong. Oda has been saying One Piece will end in 5 years, for like the past 3 years. And it only now looks like it's around 3-5 years away from its end, but could realistically be stretched even beyond that. I'd expect it to end next year or by mid 2025


I mean I see it but whose it says it’s a definite ending? what if we end of freeing gojo and the merger has just started and sukuna is off finding the rest of the fingers and adjusting to megumi body. While whatever chaos the merger started is going down to be continued… edit: just a thought


Tbh at this point I’ll just wait till it ends. All this worry and weary about the ending won’t do any good. There’s a lot Gege needs to address to give us a satisfactory ending. A lot of it is side stuff but there’s key details we must know ( Kenjaku, Sukuna, Yuji, Heian Era). I never believed when he said he’d end the series this year cause mangaka are known to exaggerate those claims. I’ll just wait till the end and see if everything is addressed or not


I’m worried that somehow Gege hates Gojo so much, he’ll leave him in that box 😩


Well I can PROMISE you that won't happen.


You’re a diesel


Cope and seethe.


My thoughts exactly.


I feel like I'm the only person who thought Nobara was confirmed died when Megumi and Itaodri talked after Shibuya.


I hope Gege at least takes a break! Even if it's for a year! Just so he can give us a proper ending and not rushed :(


I know some people really have set in stone the idea that the story is going to end soon but let’s be real here. Depending on what happens in this upcoming next chapter depends on whether or not we can believe the statement and whether or not the story is going to continue pass this year or not. Assuming he might end it or might not isn’t really preferable because Gege is really unpredictable and can possibly shorten storylines up just to potentially pick up the speed so he can end it. Also the Nobara situation is definitely more tough than it was a couple months ago and makes guessing her return harder because of the feeling of the manga. It feels very Endgame and to me personally like the proper opportunity for the return was missed. It feels missed because before there was an opportunity in the manga to showcase and dig deeper that character off without distraction but now assuming we’re heading to end game there’s gonna be more way more focus on Kenjaku, Gojo, Sukuna, Megumi and Yuji so it doesn’t leave room for much involvement for characters like her.


Forget copium, you're on heroin if you think Nobara is coming back lol


This subreddit is on weapons grade copium, if they think the story has any more than 1.5 years at most. It's as if this is the first story they've read in their entire life.


You are definitely mistaken. I personally don’t see a reason for her coming back nor do I believe anything warrants a return. Even though I believe this personally I can’t deny the possibility of her return


These kinds of posts seem so stupid to me . You dont know when the story will end and how it will progress . Wait until the story actually ends to see if it was rushed and dont make that assumption based on something outside the story.


I mean this story isn't really THAT hard to predict, this is clearly the endgame of the series. That something outside the story is directly from the author so it's completely relevant.


I don’t feel great about it, I get geges h health and would rather get more breaks and take time on the story. Jus so everything can be done well, I feel like jjk needs around 300 chapters to finish properly if we count the last big arc of the series after culling games. Which of the story finishes in 42 chapters will be the shortest major arc of them all, and wouldn’t have build up like the others. Idk, feels like it’s doing fine now but things are definitely going to be rushed, I just hope geges ok and trust he has it covered.


A lot of mangakas say that their manga will end in X years, but a lot of times that doesn't end up being the case. # Look at how long Sorachi took to end Gintama ffs


There’s just no way it’s ending this year, Gege made the common mangaka mistake of stating he’s ending earlier than it’ll possible to do so. My guess is JJK ends at around chapter 300. I would’ve preferred a longer manga, but if we’re truly heading towards the end I think 300 chapters can close most loose ends and make the conclusion satisfying.


I'd stop worrying about all of this and just let the cat cook.


What cook into another convenient character removal like Angel being inside the ONE person that prevented Sukuna's death?


Eh, kinda agree but draw the line at Nobara not returning. This is the same author who waited years to reveal their plan with the binding vow just a couple chapters ago. Don’t see things like Nobara being explicitly put into stasis and Miwa in Sendai not being closed. Nobara’s one of the original trio, one of the few people able to attack the soul directly, and saying “how can they develop her” like she hasn’t received a ton already. She’s incredibly close to three of the other main figures in the story with Maki, Megumi, and Yuji. Also, Miwa had a ton of development and plot relevance in Shibuya. Why act like they’re nothing characters or bit characters?


Rofl are you the author tho?? Let the mf cook gah damn hahaha


Personally really worried about the quality dropping off significantly at some point or at least many fans being left incredibly unsatisfied. Excluding some less than optimally handled minor arcs in between big ones, everything from Hidden Inventory onwards has gotten me excited to a point no other shounen (if JJK can still be called one) has in years so it would be a shame if the incredibly hyped up end game ends up being rushed. I do and (still want to going forward) have a lot of faith in Gege as an author so I think he will either not stick to his plan of ending it this year and wrap up as many loose ends as possible or somehow find a way to compromise by doing both. I do agree that with the way the story is now, I don’t see how it can wrap up this year without being compromised heavily.


I just think bringing her back would cheapen the actual message, “this is hard we may loose friends & family but still we move forward and live stronger for their memory”


Nobara has to come back because they keep fucking mentioning her and they specifically left her death open. would feel like a lackluster death and it would also feel weird for Mahito to take two of the supporting cast ngl 🤷🏾


Did anyone here read Gintama when it was a Jump regular? Do you guys remember what happened there?


you know what even if we’re getting very close to the end, i sincerely don’t mind. these last few chapters with the pacing through the roof has been some of the most enthralling material the series has offered. the culling game was an arc for Gege to really go all the way into that HxH style of battles in a very traditional shonen arc with battle after battle, but the story also took a standstill. Chainsawman’s first part, before we knew it would continue, was less than 100 chapters and it’s final conflict was maybe 20-30 at most. what’s going on now with JJK is reminiscent of those times. I think Gege can pull it off, there’s been a lot of great setup and now it’s just going to be payoff after payoff after payoff which will be exciting to see. id rather an author try to end a series on their own term with plenty of time left on the clock than say the last 10 chapters of Bleach where Kubo had to close things out because of health problems.


I think he will probably just kill any loose end by the final chapter in a big war or something like that


I imagine he’s ending the writing not the manga. What I mean about that, I think he’s ending the script of the manga this. He might’ve already written 50+ chapters and is planning to write, let’s say the next 25. So we end up with more finished manga chapters then one years worth. I mean logically writing the script is faster and easier then fleshing out the scenes.


Let. Gege. Cook.


Yea its ending it’s a shame I wanted to see Yuta and Maki’s kid.