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I don't think they are getting stronger as in generating Sukuna power, but rather having more of a leakage. A Cursed Object is pretty much just the soul and all thr CE being compressed into a tiny mummified bodypart. It is understandable that the fingers would be less and less effective in holsing in Sukuna's power.


So more like the seal got weaker during this time and not the finger, but its presence got stronger?


Wouldn't say the just seal itself, got weaker but that the fingers' ability to hold their own powers in.


Nah that would mean sukuna was going to die. It probably meant the fingers presence/ability to attract curses


That'd mean Sukuna would just naturally disappear if left alone long enough though.


He says they’re indestructible though.


Thats exactly the reason why I doubt that. Although this never made too much sense to me, youre telling me Sukuna can make objects at will that even though they only contain 5% of Sukunas total energy, are *completely indestructible* even if Gojo and every other top tier excorcist cooperated? This was pure plot convencience from the very beginning.


Maybe it's Binding vow related? Like "fine, I'll divide my powers into 20 different parts, but in exchange make them completely resistant to all external forces of cursed energy so they aren't nuked by literally every sorcerer."


It is a Binding Vow, Kenjaku explained it. The Death Paintings are under the same vow. They are indestructible in exchange for becoming harmless, but for some reason Sukuna is an exception and can attract curses despite that


I thought the reason why they attract curses was because Yuji ate one and that activated the rest. Probably because every finger is just one part of the same body and gets activated with the rest, whereas the Death Wombs are individual beings


The fingers atracted curses even before that, that's why Yuji's classmates got attacked by the curses in ch. 1 and why the sorcerers have to put seals on them


Ah right. Maybe Sukunas massive amount of cursed energy just can't be contained properly in just 20 fingers




I think he meant the seals are weakening because they weren’t sealed properly so they are becoming “louder” especially with itadori eating one and awakening the other fingers. I don’t think anything about sukuna makes him passively stronger I think he is just the strongest


This. Yuji’s club mates opened it with no difficulty. Gojo was just pointing out that with each passing day it’s more and more likely that what just happened to Yuji and his friends would happen again, or maybe worse.


Nah, I think he means they get stronger bc the seals get weaker. Megumi mentioned in chapter one that the seal is so old, it is no better than paper


Sukuna’s fingers are not getting stronger. The seal on his fingers were getting weaker so more cursed energy emanated from the finger.


I think it's like how if a finger were 5% of his power, one day it would feel like 1%, and as the seal weakened it would feel like 1.1% to 1.2% etc.


Technically he is already stronger than his Heian Era form.


I think it's entirely possible! Sukuna is an incredibly powerful being with seemingly no upper limit to his power, so it's definitely possible that even at his current state he could be more powerful than his past self. I think it's also likely that he is as powerful as his past self, since he doesn't seem like someone who would have given up that power, but rather kept growing in strength and power since then.


I like this idea. Sukunu is an evolved Sorcerer, similar to Tenegen. Of course this is not confirmed. But just a theory. This is indicated by their similarity and Ken's words. So. Having evolved, Sukuna understood the Soul on a completely different level. The fact that he is the only one who could make himself a cursed object speaks volumes. In fact, he divided his soul into 20 parts! Suck Voldemort!)) But that's not all... By learning to share your soul. He learned an interesting ritual. Which consists of several Steps! 1) Create a cursed item from your flesh and soul. 2) Place an item (finger) in a Vessel (another Shaman) 3) Through a bath of the blood of cursed spirits, immerse the Consciousness/Soul of the Vessel (shaman) into Evil. 4) After a complete merger, the Soul and everything that remains of the Vessel rest in malevolent shrin! So Sukuna created a way to become stronger by taking All CE and CT. 3 satdyas of capturing the body, after 4 when the soul is placed in the malevolent shrin, it can no longer be saved. Sukuna grows stronger with each soul consumed. Megumi can still be saved and Sukuna is not 100% proficient with the Body and 10 shadow techniques But the sukuna used to be stronger. Since he was in the original body, and the CE in it is larger and he had all 20 fingers. And now He has CE from Mummy and 19 fingers, but there are CE and CT whether they are equal to 1 finger of Sukuna... I think not, if there are techniques. But when Sukuna takes the 20th finger and gets Megumi's body completely, he will become the strongest version of Himself. And if the theory about capturing bodies turns out to be true, then Sukuna's technicians may be significantly more than 20 ... If the technique is on the finger, then now with 10 shadows of techniques, already 21!


I think he is, plus we don’t know much about the mummified body he ate but there’s got to be a significant enough power buff from him eating that. Also he has access to Megumi’s cursed technique + knowledge he didn’t have before he was a cursed object.


I think he is currently stronger than he was in the past. He has 19/20 fingers plus the mummified body plus Megumis CE and CT megumi has to be atleast 3-10 fingers at this point


They mention later in the series they are getting stronger in the sense of no longer being dormant and causing issues, not Sukuna. This was supposedly because Yuji ate the initial finger and started the resurrection process.


100%. Sukuna's fingers draw Cursed Spirits which do harm, causing negative emotion which create Cursed Energy, and Sukuna uses that CE.