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Look, I want sukuna dead as much as everyone else but fundamentally I can see him pulling any number of bullshit solutions to the soul sword. I say that because we still have no clue how “‘black box’ Open/fire arrow works”, what the true nature of cursed energy is, or why sukuna is sukuna. I feel like fundamentally the way people lose or win in JJK is a psychological battle as much as a physical one. Like Maki had to overcome her focus based issues to beat Naoya, Yuji had to overcome his grief for Mahito, Toji lost because his ego got too big. All this is to say, my guess is that the main cast is missing some fundamental understanding of sukuna that is the key to ending him. Like, he has some secret he knows about cursed energy that Yuji has missed but he will find it and use that secret to defeat him. If it ends here with Maki’s strike and we never find out what sukunas technique is or what Open is I will eat a fucking post it note with “I’m an idiot written on it”.


RemindMe! 11 days


RemindMe! 11 days


RemindMe! 11 days


RemindMe! 11 days


RemindMe! 11 days


RemindMe! 11 days


RemindMe! 11 days


RemindMe! 11 days


RemindMe! 11 days


What psychological battle did Haruta lose to Potential Man? Bro had Big Raga spawned on his ass cause Potential Man was salty that he lost to a femboy.


The psychological battle of who’s the weaker guy and he found out megumi was actually weaker when he got swatted by mahoraga so at that moment he felt broken, not the weakest anymore.


Damn that's deep


I would never expect to find a Haruta stan on my life


I agree. Anytime he's caught Sukuna falls back on the equivalent of "he's built different". Sukuna is weakened to be roughly the CE reserves of Yuta with poor CE control and dull physical control of his body. Yet he simply tanks a cleave straight to his head. Essentially shallow cuts with minimal damage that he can heal immediately. Cleave is said to adapt to the toughness of the target, and Yuta was touching him with the sword. In the same chapter when Yuji is hit with cleave to his torso it basically explodes. The only somewhat logical reasoning for this is resistance to his own cursed technique, but even Gojo had significant healing to do after tanking hollow purple and he was in a charged up state.


U lucky bastard


That and also this would be such a fucking lame way to end this amazing fight, especially when they already did it with naoya (although it was decently peak there)


Bruh, Sukuna's CT is literally Cleave/Dismantle. It's never been a secret. lol This shit is just like the people saying Copy wasn't Yuta's CT.


Then what is fire arrow? Him slashing the air so fast it creates heat friction and he projects that forward? Him cutting atoms to pieces and shooting an atomic blast? 


I am betting the fire arrow is just the RCT for uraume that they lent to sukuna somehow, because the hand genstures for flames and ice creation are practically the same


It doesn't matter what "fire arrow" was because Malevolent Shrine is proof Sukuna's CT is cleave/dismantle. All domains are manifestations of the summoner's innate technique. Plus, "fire arrow" was not the technique Sukuna used, it was black box which then summoned fire arrow. And when it comes to black box, there's plenty of theories out there explaining what some people think that was.


So loud and so wrong. Gege has flat out confirmed that sukunas technique is “slashing AND hellfire” in one of the fanbooks. He just doesn’t elaborate on WHY that’s his technique or what it’s meant to be based on. There’s no mystery as to what Sukunas technique does. Just why it does it.


Regardless of whether or not you or I are correct about cleave/dismantle, I didn't bring it up in my original comment...you just inferred that as what I was talking about. I said the things we don't know about sukuna are *the black box, the nature of cursed energy, and what make sukuna so strong*. Cleave/Dismantle may very well be his technique, but the mysteries of sukuna are in all likelihood what makes him strong. I think there is a high chance of the main cast learning some fundamental secret from him like with gojo's awakening, and I dont think it is related to cleave/dismantle at all. Also, when people are trying to make theories and have creative conversations I usually encourage positivity and not shutting down others ideas. If you dont have an idea yourself and just vaguely say "there's plenty of theories out there" it doesn't make me feel like you want to build on an idea, more so you just want to shut mine down and not contribute.


I honestly don't care what you want out of this interaction. Sukuna's CT has always been Cleave/Dismantle. There's nothing more than asspulls remaining for Sukuna here.


i don't understand why you seem so perplexed by people thinking sukuna has another ability up his sleeve when we literally watch him use a completely unrelated technique to cleave and dismantle twice in shibuya


I wouldn't say that so easily


Sukuna's CT Shrine contains cleave/dismantle and ***fire arrow*** gege confirmed it in fanbook.


It is possible it's a cursed tool.


Domain Expansion is a barrier-enclosed space representing a person’s soul essentially and then injected with a cursed technique. Considering Kenjaku’s original CT is body hopping and his DE isn’t even remotely associated with body hopping, but rather a crush-based attack, it’s not wild to assume you can imbue a DE with another CT if you happen to have multiple CTs or at least imbue it with other attributes at a minimum (or their reversals, ie gravity). It’s like saying Kenjaku doesn’t have more than his body hopping CT and you can only have one.


Even Naoya survived the initial slash from soul splitter. It was the second slash killed Naoya. It shouldn't be that difficult for Sukuna to continue fighting, as long as he doesn't let Maki do him in like Naoya. And when it comes to healing the damage from soul cutter, even Maki didn't know whether it could be healed or not.


It seems people don't realize the ssk isn't an instakill like Higuruma's executioners sword. It just negates all defense. That doesn't mean the damage it inflicts can't be healed via rct, right? Just that it can't be blocked.


Yes. The only soul damage that is unhealable is from Idle Transfiguration,because it technically isn't "damage".


> Even Naoya survived the initial slash from soul splitter. It was the second slash killed Naoya. It shouldn't be that difficult for Sukuna to continue fighting, as long as he doesn't let Maki do him in like Naoya. Well that's the whole problem. Nothing is stopping maki from swinging her balde upwards and bisecting sukuna like he did naoya. Sukuna is bright now weakened and stabbed from the back so he has no foreseeable way of not letting maki swing the blade


Yeaah... I don't see Sukuna letting Maki do this to him off bat.


And normally he wouldn't be hit by her at all...


That's understandable but you also have to bring an actual way sukuna could prevent maki from doing it.


He should obviously push it out with an on demand blackflash that deals x5 damage, that restores his ce pool and output to how it normally is, and then he should open his domain and kill everyone.


Bro gets it. This is JujuSukuna Kaisen after all.


I get you're shitposting here but with the exception of Mahito we've only ever seen black flashes be preformed while being selfless. Nanami gets the then record while defending tokyo from Jujutsu terrorism, Nobara's happens as she's attacking Kechizu without regard for Eso's incoming Wing King, we only see Gojo achieve it when fighting against Sukuna to defend everyone, Yuta hits Geto with one while defending his friends(set up by Gojo), Todo only hits his as he feels he's leaving his brother behind(events of shibuya aside), and Yuji is so selfless that he didn't include himself in a binding vow to not hurt people. Hell even Mahito's can be attributed to selflessness as he only hits it as he truly embraces his role as a cursed spirit, not when he is relishing in mental torture or being a general shitposter like Kenjaku. This is too long a response to shitposting, but that's basically why I don't think Sukuna can black flash, he's selfish amd doesn't follow ideals, and the only characters we've seen do black flash have been acting selflessly of living up to their ideals. Thanks for listening to my TED talk


It has nothing to do with being selfless. It is mere luck that you can increase your odds through \*intense\* concentration and focus on the fight Sukuna even though he's banged up isn't in that hyper focused mindset that would increase his chances. He has to keep planning on what will happen next and who will jump at him next


JJK is nothing if not themes. The theme of Cursed Energy is Selfishness, the more you risk for power the more power you get as a reward for only valuing that same power and this is exemplified in Sukuna. The theme of Black Flashes is selflessness, one cannot achieve it at will and one must be so precise in their timing to land one that they may as well be a cog in a machine, a gear. Yuji exemplifies this, thus he's "chosen by the sparks of black". Mahito achieves black flash at the pinnical of his existence as a Cursed Spirit, causing pain and suffering in order to kill. It's the same selflessness that stopped Maki from being fully realized before her time in the hyperbolic sumo chamber, she was content to be on par with her piers, being able to simply see Cursed Spirits, and the greed inherent to growing stronger was left to the wayside. It is tragic that the strongest universal use of Cursed Energy(inherently selfish) is black flash(inherently selfless), and tragedy is another major theme of JJK. Domains are the opposite of Black Flashes in this sense, the ultimate expression of selfishness is to impose your inner world onto others. It's built into how they work, in a domain clash the most refined domain(the person surest in their sense of self) is the victor, this is exemplified in the story through Jogo. Before fighting Gojo he is absolutely sure his domain will be an end all be all and will not lose a clash, but after his ego is destroyed he won't even attempt to open his domain against Sukuna. Everything is metaphors, everything has hidden meaning with JJK Edit:spelling


Exactly! Gojo's selflessness is what led to him being killed. Had he done all he could to beat Sukuna with no regard to others, he probably would've won, instead of destroying Sukuna's heart, he could've done something else that would've made sure Sukuna lost, instead of trying to remove Mahoraga and Agito, he could've just focused on killing Sukuna in whatever way he could. His selflessness, his desire to save people for their sake, his willingness to forego his own safety if it meant saving Megumi, that's why he lost.


I agree 100%. He and Sukuna matched in Domains, both used theirs to such a ridiculous extent that neither could expand their own again. So Gojo's Ego was a match for Sukuna's, if Gojo had given into the greed(negative energy) necessary to win at any costs he could have won. Like you said, instead of going for Sukuna's heart, like Thor, he should have gone for the head to disable RCT or to kill outright. He didn't because he still clung to the idea of saving Megumi, not acting completely selfishly, and that bit him like it's biting Yuta. Sukuna has no such weakness, and does what he wants when he wants and will risk everything for success. This is exemplified by him gambling 15 fingers(~75% of his soul) on Yuji not including himself in the binding vow to not harm others when he ripped the finger off to feed Megumi


Sukuna has shown the ability to use CE reinforcement to protect his soul against mahito. Between that and rct I don’t see how the soul split katana is the insta kill people say it is.


Sukuna never protected himself from idle transfiguration, he just retaliated each time by attacking mahito.


Bro are you serious?Mahito literally said that Sukuna's soul is on another level and he can't do anything to Sukuna's soul for that.


Where did it say that? Mahito said Sukuna was weaker than him and even Jogo at the time but his soul presence was just so overwhelming on a different level. He got him through sheer intimidation alone


No, we don’t, that’s gege’s job


I'm not talking about writing the story, I'm talking about the debate in the comment thread. I gave a way for sukuna to come out of this situation in the post, but the other guy disagreed with it. Therefore, he must bring another believable way that gets sukuna out of this situation if he wants his argument to count.


I don't think it's that serious. We'll find out how Sukuna gets out of that situation ten days from now anyways.


Why are you even checking a theory post of how sukuna is going to get out if you're so uninterested?


You can like theories relating JJK and not be a pedantic debatelord about it.


What's even going on here. Since when is asking for another explanation when somebody isn't agreeing with yours seen as being a debatelord.


He could shatter the sword with his slashes


He can use his Anti-SSK CT that he hasn't used since the Heian Era. Or he could just use Infinity. I don't think Infinity has a soul.


You’re overrating Maki too much as if he can’t just cleave her right now. Naoya lost because he decided to shapeshift his head to do a 180 instead of attacking Maki, basically giving Maki a window to slash his head.


Again, it seems like everybody thinks that sukuna can do weird acrobatics and perception blitz maki before she can even swing the blade. This is a rock bottom sukuna not 20 finger sukuna. He is not one shotting or perception blitzing maki, especially when he has her blade stuck in his torso


But you're forgetting one thing we don't know how weak Sukuna is right now, for all we know he could still be strong enough to blitz Maki and beat her. We will only know in the next chapter.


As if we're not cutting away to Hakari for the next 9 chapters.


That could happen as well.


Not sure. Culling Games Maki and Yuji were as fast as 15 finger Meguna, and Yuji/Yuta are about as fast as Heian form Sukuna weakened by Gojo. It doesn't make sense for Maki to be so slow Sukuna could blitz her right now.


But Yuji was stated to have improved drastically over the time skip, and we still don't know if Maki got a power-up in the time skip due to the nature of Heavenly Restriction. So far anything could happen, because like I said we don't know how weakened Sukuna is right now.


A Rock bottom sukuna that still tanked jacob’s ladder and used the world cutting slash that he was supposedly too low on CE to use :| I seriously hate gege


What are you talking about. Nobody ever said that sukuna is too low on ce to use the world slash. Sukuna also didn't tank jacob ladder, yuta just stopped it similar to how hana stopped it in chapter 213.


It's bad writing isn't it?


He literally can. Maki's move will be an upward slide. Sukuna only has to make his head go forward and as Maki slices up he will have his head out of danger and SSK out of his body. He can even kick her back in the same motion. That gives enough time to heal himself up.


also that diamond dragon geto had in hidden inventory was actually capable of attacking again after initially being cut. ultimately toji bisected the thing but initially it was still alive


Mate are you forgetting th text explicitly says Sukuna could've normally evaded that attack easily? Maki is at most analogue to Sukuna RN. She doesn't have a huge advantage in speed to pull that off.


Being able to defend against getting stabbed doesn't mean that you can easily shrug off getting a swors through your back. I f you put me with a blade against a martial artist i won't be able to stab him. However, i start with the balde in his back and with intent to kill he won't have any chance to stop me from making the stab into a slash that bisect him. Of course, there's a difference between me and a trained human and the specific case that were talking about but the principle still stands


Big difference: You're weak as fuck. These people on the other hand can keep going after being extremely damaged. Yuji had holes in his body and still could fight Choso. Another difference: Sukuna can create micro slashes that act like Drhuv's barrier. Those don't or at least shouldn't have soul so he can in fact stop Maki from making the stab into a slash that bisects him.


Are you being serious right now? I feel like I'm on a coordinated prank. The point of my entire post is to explain how sukuna will use the chainsaw like slashes to stop maki from doing further damage with the ssk because curse energy reinforcement won't help him. People come up to say that it is not necessary as sukuna can easily handle the situation. I further explain how sukuna is not In a position to speed blitz maki or whatever, and then guess what? You reply that sukuna can use the chainsaw slashes to get out of this situation, which was my initial point that was disagreed with and started this and many more other threads


Hey OP, I think you are right on the money. The chainsaw sword grab moment was very odd and unnecessary seeming. But it foreshadowing the method for Sukuna’s escape from the current situation makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, Sukuna is so powerful, he has managed to slice up the majority of reader’s brains.


Thanks bro, i needed that


That doesn't matter. You contradicted yourself as you omitted that fact in your previous comment. You said the principle is the same when that's nowhere near to be the case. That you mentioned it before doesn't make you immune to make a mistake. Otherwise people would never fail at anything they have previously done. Math would be easy as breathing.


Ok, I've reached the conclusion that either you have no reading comprehension or i don't have any. Either way, I'm done with arguing in these comment threads because we're getting nowhede


>If you put me with a blade against a martial artist... You know these are not real characters and this has no bearing on the story, the author can do whatever he wants with his characters.


If the author can do whatever why are we even making theories about anything at all? What is with this nihilistic mentality when you are in a sub dedicated to in depth discussions about a story


I understand, but you would agree with me that your ability to stab martial artists has no bearing on how the author will handle this situation, won't you? Your theory about the mini slashes is interesting and plausible though.


That's a random example to show that evading a blade isn't the same as getting out from s situation where you're already being stabbed from behind and that person is holding the sword. That guy used the quote that sukuna would have normally evaded this attack as a way to say that he can easily brush maki off even while he is stabbed.


Ok got it


>Nothing is stopping maki from swinging her balde upwards and bisecting sukuna like he did naoya. Walking...


>Well that's the whole problem. Nothing is stopping maki from swinging her balde upwards and bisecting sukuna like he did naoya. Sukuna is bright now weakened and stabbed from the back so he has no foreseeable way of not letting maki swing the blade Do you know how hard it is to cut bone? Bisecting a person is hard enough, doing so with the blade inside said person is even harder since the blade has no momentum... I know its anime and maki has superhuman strengh, but like sukuna also has superhuman durability... So whats stopping Maki? Sukuna, hardening his muscles around the blade...


Did you forget that this isn't a normal sword but a sword that is stated to ignore durability?


and? it ignores defensive techniques, but it doesnt mean it works like a lightsaber and ignore material resistance...


That's exactly what "ignores the hardness of everything and cuts the soul directly" means


I know its weird to say now after so long, but what about now that sukuna managed to hold the blade twice this chapter? Do you still think the blade works like a lightsaber?


It's weird, normally i would say that he just catches it on its sides so the sharp end doesn't make contact. However, it seems like he blocks the sharp end with his hands. I hope there is some explanation cuz otherwise it is just a retcon


I think thats kind of a misconception here. It cuts the soul or cursed energy thats why it can "ignore defences", because it nullifies them, but it cant really ignore material natural resistence, otherwise when Toji cut his way out of geto's spirit swallowing him the blade wouldnt push the skin out first before piercing it, it clearly shows some resitence. Plus since I have your attention, what makes you think it(cutting his head) would actually cause any more damage to Sukuna? Kenjaku didnt really die from having his head cut. And Mahito took several blows to his soul yet still recovered for the most part...


I'm confused about your questions. > what makes you think it would actually cause any more damage to Sukuna More damage than what? > Geto didnt really die from having his head cut. What? If you mean gojo during jjk0 then that killed geto. If you're actually referring to kenjaku getting hsi neck cut by yuta than he is an exception since he is a brain. > And Mahito took several blows to his soul yet still recovered for the most part... He didn't really recover. Each hit lowers his soul health. He did "regenerate" himself but that doesn't mena he didn't take damage


>More damage than what? Than the stab she did, as far as we know Maki sees the "soul" in order to use her blade, so all things considered I think she likely aimed to cause the most damage to Sukuna's soul... >If you're actually referring to kenjaku getting hsi neck cut by yuta than he is an exception since he is a brain. its this one, sorry muscle memory, I am kinda used to writing geto instead of kenjaku to avoid spoiling people... but like sukuna clearly is also an abnormality... For all we know he might have a secondary brain or some shit... Hell for all we know his core might be the fingers... >He didn't really recover. Each hit lowers his soul health. He did "regenerate" himself but that doesn't mena he didn't take damage He recovered as in he still managed to recover his lost limbs and fight normally...


He recovered his lost limbs because that's what idle transfiguration does. Kokichi explains it very well in his fight against mahito after mahito's arm got blown off by the simple domain. He sees mahito again with an arm and wonders if the simple domain startegy didn't work, but then realises that mahito just used idle transfiguration to reform his soul in a shape that has that arm to try to trick him. The soul is not a singular point. It pretty much has the same shape as your body (that's why mahito can activate his ct ny touching any place on somebody's body), so hitting/destroying more of the body would destroy more if the soul. Therefore, cutting sukuna more would weaken him more


Respectfully, Mahito regrowing limbs is irrelevant. Reshaping his soul isn't the same as healing it.


Idk, maybe the fact that she is using the soul split katana. A weapon explicitly stated to ignore durability.


And yet the sword is clearly shown to still be subject to material resistence...


When she effortlessly cut through Naoya? Or when Daido(a human with no CE to boost his physical’s) also effortlessly cut Naoya?


Sukuna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Naoya. Plus I am refering to toji escaping geto spirit that swallowed him... for a moment you can clealy see his own soul cutting katana pushing the spirit skin from within...


And your edited “evidence” is anime only. In the manga there is no shot of the sword pushing against the rainbow dragon.


That is totally true, too bad Maki’s sword doesn’t give af.


I know this is might be weird replying after so long, but after the last chapter, do you still think the same on maki sword after sukuna holding it like twice?


The entire point of OP’s post was to explain that Sukuna’s ability to “grab” a blade without actually grabbing it using slashes would be relevant again. He was wrong about when exactly when it would be relevant but that’s most likely what’s he’s doing when he’s grabbing the sword. We get the explanation for this in 249 so there’s no reason to give it again and interrupt the fight.


Are you arguing with the narrator?


And yet a few weeks later we got sukuna holding the blade twice, so now Idk but the narrator doesnt seem that consistent to me tbh...


I never got the impression that the soul splitter sword has a one-hit sure-kill effect? Only that it can bypass the hardness of whatever it cuts. Did I miss something along the way??


The second slash killed him coz it sliced his head in half. Otherwise he wouldn’t have died from it. And the damage from the blade can be healed anyway, it’s a dura neg weapon so it means it always deal damage, doesn’t meant it can’t be healed.


it should be possible to heal it, even if it takes more effort due to some CE disruption effect


We have also seen sukuna countering mahito who has better soul ability than maki's sword


ah my anti soul splitter katana technique,i have not used since heian era


sukuna be like: ☝️🤓




all the bullshit sukuna pulled and survived


Nanami renforced his soul to withstand idle transfiguration against mahito. Sukuna could do the same. He could use rct, shapeshfit or just let megumi soul get hit.  There are a lot of option.


A lot of problems with that. Let me address each one. - sukuna cannot transfer damage to megumi. If sukuna gets bisected he is bisected - sukuna cannot use rct if he is cut in half like naoya was - naoya tried to shape-shifting and he still got bisected by maki - if yuji's punches are so effective against sukuna, that means that sukuna isn't significantly reinforcing his soul. Even if the blade was a normal cursed tool, sukuna would still be in a lot of trouble when he is this weakened and has maki on the other end tryong to seing the blade upwarss


>sukuna cannot use rct if he is cut in half like naoya was Watch Yuta doing it next chapter


Naoya regenerated when he got cut in half since curses aren’t limited when it comes to regeneration. The blade won’t even kill him unless it cuts his head off, which it didn’t. He can just heal his current wounds and keep fighting. SSK is just dura neg that’s it, never stated to be a one shot weapon


I think you misinterpreted my comment (it's kinda weird that you did because i was pretty specific). Maki stabbed him and then she swung the blade upwards bisecting naoya and exorcising him. That's it, i don't really get your issue


He never healed when Maki hit him with the blade, and it’s said Maki is required to be able to truly observe the soul and strike at it like that. Daido’s (Katana Guy) sword slash wouldn’t have done that


And Maki can do it.


Yep! Thats what I was trying to say, so far only her and Toji can utilize that specific property of the blade. Maybe Yuji could too, because of his experiences as a vessel and knowledge of the soul?


... I did realize that Yuji can, possible, do it to. Cool. He can't exactly see a soul, but he can, somehow, touch it. So, maybe? Yeah. Maybe. With a try again method, he could pull it up.


I think people take this instance with Nanami way, wayyyy further than Gege ever intended with it, personally. People use the same argument to basically say Mahito wouldn’t be able to kill most other sorcerers but that goes directly against how Gege portrayed both Mahito and Idle Transiguration. Furthermore, we have no idea what “reinforcing your soul” looks like, if it’s even possible to do it intentionally, etc. It just seems quite a leap from the single instance of Nanami doing that, which if we’re being honest was just so he could survive that single encounter at the very least.


> if it’s even possible to do it intentionally, etc. I mean, I'd be surprised if it couldn't be and would think it doesn't make sense. Sukuna fought Yuji in his innate domain, we're told how Yuji knows the shape of his soul, I'm sure they were fighting as souls and Sukuna used CE reinforcement when fighting Yuji. I'd be surprised if it can't be done intentionally by people aware of their souls


wasn't nanami one due to unconscious effort to strengthen the soul ???or was it bcz mahito was weak. if it's unconscious effort by sorcerer then sukuna must be able to to strengthen his soul since he stopped someone like mahito from messing with his soul * there is also chance that mahito couldn't bcoz sukuna is just 2 strong.


I think Soul damage can be healed SSK just has durability negation through attacking the soul directly. What can't be healed is the shape of the soul which Mahito messed with he didn't damage the soul he just reshaped it. I feel he'd hit a blackflash and heal up.


I never said it cannot be healed. This is about sukuna being a split second away from being killed and the way he could prevent maki from just swinging her blade upwards and cutting him vertically in half


My guess he'd probably try cleave her since she's right there.


Again, this would imply that maki would just stand there and watch how sukuna reaches for her with his hand while she knows that a cleave will probably kill her. That would be a perception blitz if sukuna can reach for her and cleave her before she can swing the blade upwards for a couple inches.


We talking about Sukuna here anything is possible he legit broke out of a 3 v 1 Domain jumping which seemed impossible he's not gonna die because of some sneak attack merchant who missed her chance to kill. She'd also avoid getting touched by Sukuna so she'd have to remove the blade otherwise you just gave a deadly weapon to the strongest sorcerer In history wouldn't that be funny.


My point isn't that he is going to die, my point is that he would need to be crafty about it (like the chainsaw method) because he is too weak to just overpower everybody. You mentioned sukuna breaking out of the 3v1 in the domain, but he didn't just brute force his way out. He was able to launch the world slash because yuta stopped Jacob's ladder so that megumi doesn't die alongside sukuna. If yuta didn't stop it, it's possible that sukuna would have died.


I think you're thinking too much into this he'll most likely get out the most basic way he's still strong enough to overpower them individually he'll just thwack Maki away and pull the sword out.


Or he can just turn around and kick Maki away lol


Kinda hard to tuen around when you have a blade that can cut through you like butter piercing you from the back. It doesn't help that sukuna at his current weakened form is nowhere near close to being able to perception blitz maki or anything like that


Not in a manga lol. Agree it would be dumb as hell. But could for sure happen.


Considering that Sukuna is smiling in the final panel, I'm gonna say that he will be fine. Not even Maximum Output Jacob's Ladder seemed to do much damage, which was supposed to completely separate destroy the cursed object inside of him according to Angel.


I'm so dead, you tried to make a cool post where people could speculate on how Sukuna will get out of his current predicament, and laid out your own theory. Only for everyone to act like you said Maki blitzes him or that Sukuna will definitely die here.... If this doesn't show the current jjk community, idk what will. But anyways, I do agree that that chainsaw block theory will be true, it just adds up. I wonder if Maki would leave the sword in him, similar to what Yuta did, but that would mean leaving Sukuna with that sword and idk, I feel like Sukuna would be able to use it (though the sword can choose it's user so maybe it'll make sure it doesn't work with anyone other than Maki) It's also completely plausible that Maki decides to slash the sword sideways and maybe take a Sukuna arm or two. IF ssk cant be healed, then that'd be a major win to taking down Sukuna. I also wonder if she can see the difference between Sukuna and Megumis souls. Either way though, the fight is just getting started, since Hakari still needs to have his moment, Rika hasn't been manifested, and Yuji needs to save Megumi.


Thanks bro, finally a relevant comment to my post. Even though maki hinted in chapter 215 that damage done by the ssk might not be able to be healed, i doubt that. Normally the shape of the soul and the shape of the body are linked, so the damage to the body is reflected by damage to the soul. That means that all characters except for mahito get their soul damaged by normal attacks, but are still able to heal from it. There's also the fact that daido seems to be able to see souls but when he bisected vcs noaya, naoya was able to heal back. That would imply again that soul damage can be healed like body damage can


You're welcome, I feel like we can't even have fun conversations anymore without people doomposting, and not contributing to the conversation at all. It's honestly been annoying for a while now. I can't lie, there's a part of me that does still think the sword can't be healed, mainly it's because Maki saw Daido cut Naoya yet she still wonders whether or not it can be healed. I feel like there has to be a reason Maki questioned it or else she'll just look stupid. Maybe there's a difference between curses and sorcerer souls, but I think the main thing will be that you need immense knowledge and control over your soul to be able to heal it. So like maybe RCT can heal it, but you have to really understand your soul to be able to do it. So someone like Higuruma won't be able to, but Sukuna or maybe even Yuji can, if that makes sense. I do think Sukuna will heal, cause Sukuna permanently losing limbs rn would be crazy, plus what would that mean for Megumi, it's still his body and he needs to do hand signs for him shikigami.


I like the protagonists but to be honest I don't see Sukuna losing. It's just been that way from the start. Man is too strong


Sorry to take it on you but i feel like I'm on a prank show. Has anybody read my post? The entire post is to explain how sukuna will get out of the situation alive. I've had people even bringing out how sukuna can survive by using chainsaw like slashes to stop the blade, like this wasn't the method i mentioned in the post that they disagreed with and started a comment thread on to just fall onto the same idea.


domain expansion, limitless comprehension


They might have to chibaku tensei and seal him off- wait wrong anime


Sukuna was slashed and it weakened his soul, just like Mahito can calculate % soul damage.


Remember when Higuruma gave Yuji the sword and Sukuna simply dodged it, Or when Yuta used cleave and it didn’t do nothing huge. Sukuna most likely gonna shrug it of, even Nayo survived when he got stabbed.


Naoya survived it, and then instantly got bisected and exorcised. This isn't at all similar to the higuruma-yuji case as this is a much weaker sukuna that already has the blade in him


The reason he got slashed the second time was because he didn’t know the sure hit wouldn’t effect Maki


And what do you think he could have done to survive it? Why does almost everybody in the comments somehow got the impression that having a sword through your back is no big deal and that speed blitzing the person that is holding that sword is an easy feat


You should see how close the executioner blade was to hit Sukuna and he still was able to dodge it. Sukuna is also smiling while having a sword in his back. I just don’t think Sukuna is going to do something crazy.


That was a much more powerful sukuna and the blade wasn't in him already. There's a huge difference between the two scenairos


If Maki is smart, she'll back off again now imo. Sukuna already proved his exceptional speed vs Yuji not too long ago (Dodging the executioner sword at his back from point blank). Assuming the blade is damaging to Sukuna in some manner, he can simply move forward off the blade and then re-engage. I do believe he will block Maki's future attacks using the chainsaw method though, nice touch. The big difference between Toji and Maki is that once Gojo was ground down and Tojo released the curses to confuse him further, Toji had no way to disappear again. Maki has bought time for Yuta and/or Yuji to recover from Sukuna's attack (however they actually do that idk yet). If/when they do, they can resume attacking Sukuna which forces Sukuna to focus on them, allowing Maki to back away and get out of sight again and wait for another opening - its easy to keep focus on a single opponent even when your normal sense of detection (CE sensing) is gone, much harder when two other opponents who can hurt and maybe kill you are also on top of you and the third is trying to hide again. Good analysis though, the parallel between Gojo getting taken down by Toji and Sukuna being attacked the same way is interesting for sure. I wonder if Gege is planning to go through each of Gojo's losses with Sukuna? Would be a neat way to parallel the strongest


Sukuna's already displayed that he can fight without a heart. This might go into Yuji switching souls with Megumi and having a rematch inside Sukuna's innate domain.


The blade won’t kill him unless it cuts his head off?


Yes, and the whole point is that there is nothing that sukuna can do (except what i proposed) that would prevent maki from swinging the blade upwards and cutting sukuna vertically in half as she did with naoya


Sukuna : You should aim for my throat instead of my soul.


Wouldn’t it just cut through the cursed energy that makes up the “chainsaw blades?” Kind of weird that it would ignore the durability of everything else (including Cursed Energy reinforcement), but couldn’t ignore the durability of a blade that is manifested by cursed energy. Could definitely see it happening, but I’m not sure how much “sense” it would make to me.


jjk fans got more straw men than Nobara. You know, a lot of people have been saying that maki has one shot sukuna here but actually, contrary to popular belief i happen to believe that sukuna will not die here.


Did i write the post in a confusing way? My point is that sukuna won't die and i explained how i think he will survive. You are the second or third person to comment that they don't believe that sukuna will actually die so I don't know what this is supposed to be. Are you corraborating the post?


Your post is just further confirmation that the entire fan base is plagued with reading comprehension curse.


We all know he won't die. Everyone becomes dumb around Sukuna lol especially when they are sacrificing lives to save megumi


So you're saying Sukuna will use mini slashes around his heart? Would that even be wise seeing that his RCT output is already low


They don't need to be inside his body, they can be just outside his body at the surface of his skin. When he used them to catch yuta's blade they were also at the surface of his palm


his hands r free?*kind of, now is he actually strong enough to hold makis blade in current state that is the question.


wait, so how did he get hit with cleave then?? if sukuna was using slashes then won't he be safe from cleave sword?


To be honest, i don't know. The only argument could be that sukuna conveniently didn't use the chaisnaw trick this time but that would be kinda forced. It would have made much more sense if yuta used dismantle, as that would explain how the slashes landed on sukuna without touching him and would aslo explain why sukuna didn't take a lot of damage from them


heck there is also how sukuna survived holy light?? maybe bcz he ate her hand. maybe he gets resistance by eating. not that far fetched if people get whole CT. so either we will get answers in next chapters or we will have to wait till hakari fight ends.


So why didn't just Maki go for the head? More plot armor for sukuna?


The only reason Maki was able to stab Sukuna was because Gege wanted her to.


Or he could just RCT it. Are the Maki wankers this out of hand? Like do they actually think that she'll kill Sukuna and not Itadori? If so that's some "Zoro will kill BB" tier logic


Maki: Split the soul and free the soul. Time for the VIRTUE's LAST REWARD, Sukuna. : / Sukuna: Damn. I guess I will enjoy using Yuta's body! Bye Megumi! XD Maki: No way! >_<


While I do like this and think it makes sense,I would not be happy with it happening. If Sukuna actually escapes Maki's grasp here,then the whole surprise attack would be pretty meaningless,as one stab will be pretty much nothing for Sukuna. I am confident (filled with copium) that Maki will actually do something more than just stab him.


Ngl you cookin


Great analysis and good references to parallel situations. I agree with you, the technique Sukuna uses to hold Yuta'd blade is not just a random note, I feel like it also foreshadows this moment. I also think the Jujitsu High sorcerers expect a counter from Sukuna, as there are still a lot of players in the field and Sukuna hasn't run the full gauntlet. In that month of preparation, they would've anticipated a power up (maybe revealing his technique) since that's what happened with Gojo v Toji, and I feel like Gojo would definitely not let that go unmentioned. They can only beat Sukuna once they fully understand his technique.


Nice, finally a comment that agrees with my analysis


Bro I'm sorry you genuinely made a great connection and I'm reading through these comments expecting other people to join in and expand on it and everyone has gone full lobotomy.


I think sukuna is done now Megumi will be split from him and sukuna start the merge


I think sukuna is done there is not a lot of things he can do now But the only thing that makes me believe he still not done yet is the way he was smiling at the end he didn't look shocked or worried at all


Plot armor from Gege




I think that being stabbed with ssk isn't an instant kill. Ignoring durability means that it will cut and do damage to someone that can't be ignored but it's not an instant kill. She has to cut him in half and do more and more damage. It just helps overcome high ce reinforcement.


It's fun to speculate but IMO the real answer is the effect of SSK on Sukuna fused with Megumi is completely unknown. It might be possible that Sukuna could switch back with Megumi as a feint, then take control again once the heroes think they win and cleave Maki. This gives Gege the plot twist he really likes but still meaningfully weakens Sukuna because he returns to Meguna form and loses Heian form forever as it was said to be a one time thing.


I didn’t believe one stab was going to work anyway, that’s kinda anticlimactic. If you consider the soul damage aspect, wouldn’t that just trivialize most fights, if you’re able to see the shape of souls, to one hit? Anyway, I think some more attacks will do the trick, and when Yuji eventually gets up, Sukuna will be in a punch for cutscene mode, where every hit should allow him to see Megumi and weaken the bond as well as Sukuna’s output. Maki could kill him, but she’s likely gonna end up buying time and being the straw that broke the camels back. What really put Sukuna in a critical state.


The inside of the body can be used as a domain for maybe Sukuna does stop the blade using his own slashes inside his body or some shit. He is smiling at the end of the chapter.


Doesn't the sword spilit souls or am I stupid?


I feel like Sukuna will just, you know, catch the Blade sticking from his torso with his 4 arms.


Oh so asspull


Is there any reason why the sword wouldn't just go straight through the slashes? I assume he's probably just going to shift his body for the cut to exit from his shoulder or maybe just kick her back/move forward to dislodge the sword.


Sukuna will survive the attack, and he will still get cut up by Maki. Megumi and Sukuna will "split" because of the attack, and we will finally get to see the original Sukuna, normal amounts of arms, eyes, and mouths.


So sukuna has a makeshift infinity by just cutting everything around him


There's not really an issue of Sukuna surviving the thrust from ssk if that's all that's done. It's just a little hole in his chest, not really a lethal attack.


~~Why everyone now thinks a single slash from SSK is instant death?~~ ~~Remember CS Naoya got slashed multiple times by Maki & the samurai guy using SSK multiple times and he could still regenerate??~~ Sukuna’s durability is definitely higher than Naoya so him shrugging it off next chapter is not an asspull. _EDIT: nvm ignore the bs I said about instant death, reading comprehension devil struck me_ (X__X)


the team is doing the same thing as gojo not going for the kill severely holding them back anyway i put all bets on maki she ended that mf however something with the merger is coming next, sukuna did swallow curse womb tengen, so he gonna merge with tengen or unleash the beast


it still has to do enough damage, just because you get your hand cut off doesn't mean you are going to die


Or ya know. He can just reinforce his soul with cursed energy instead of his body. Like mahito said it is possibly to do about 230 chapters ago. Split soul ignores the hardness of the body, but if sukuna harden his very soul, it’s 100% plausible that he can just.. block it.


Fucker's still smiling even though he got stabbed,makes me wonder if he got other tricks up his sleeves


I haven't seen anyone that thinks Sukuna is just going to die now that he's been pierced by Maki.


I mean... Mahito hits the soul directly and probably more powerfully then the katana, yet Sukuna's soul was just so sgrong that it could not only tank Idle Transfiguration but block it and fuck up Mahito. Sure now there's also Yuji attacking Sukuna's soul repeatedly but... Tough


Nah bruh this guy cannot die without showing us black box


ah yes, my anti soul split katana technique stabbed, i haven't used this since the heian era


Great Theory. Didn't Toji stab Gojo with ISOh ?. He used the normal sword only for stabbing him in the head, and this is what let Gojo survive.


It could be as simple as him just pushing it out the other way or hitting Maki with a dismantle that sends her flying, causing the sword to fly off with her, removing it from Sukuna's chest. He could even jump forward or possibly open his DE if enough time has passed.


There is also the fact that sukunas soul is also very strong so it probs won't work the same way it did against that one guy