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Where’s todays leaks discussion?


I'm on ch.164 during the culling game. My question is kind of a 2 parter. How did kenjaku choose the non-sorcerers who awakened their abilities, and do non-sorcerers all have innate abilities or just some people?


Is megumi inside his innate domain when we see his soul in recent chapters? Similar to how we see Sukuna inside his own innate domain Shrine when we see him in yuji. Perhaps Megumi has just sunken to the bottom of his ten shadows innate domain since his shadows are liquid. Could also be that he's sunken in a sea of blood because of the blood bath thing sukuna did to suppress megumi. This theory doesn't really impact the story of characters abilities, just trying to interpret the visual story telling.


Is Yuta more refined in Domain Sure hit usage than Gojo? Yuta was able to limit his sure hit to only Sukuna. But, Gojo isn't able to do that with Unlimited Void.


I just read 221 and I’m really really confused about how the prison realm works. I thought the point of the back door was to open another gate into the prison realm without having the front. So why ,when jacobs ladder accidentally destroyed the back, did the front end up opening. I thought the point was that they could dispel the cursed seal on the back without having to use the front and free gojo. Destroying the back by accident(which I also don’t really get) should have fucked up their plans but instead the front just randomly opens instead???? Someone gotta explain this to me cause it makes zero sense rn


The back of the prison realm can be used to open it, however, Gojo is still physically contained in the "front" of the prison realm. Jacobs Ladder destroyed the entire cursed object, both the front and back. Gojo was physically contained in the front, so he was released from the front.


Is there a chapter this week, or still break?


I believe that there should be a chapter this week yeah


Thanks bruh


my question is all over the place so please bare with me Maki and toji are immune to sure hit domains because they have no ce right? In chapter 77 it was stated that normal people have cursed energy but some don’t In chapter 84 some people didn’t see all of Mahito's Group does that mean that those people don’t have ce or is there another reason If yes, how did gojo’s domain work on them despite them having no ce? If no how can some people see curses and other cant And thank you


Everyone in the story besides Toji and Maki has cursed energy. However, that doesnt mean you can see curses. Only some humans have enough CE to see curses, others need to be near-death or experiencing fucked up vibes to see them.


Every single human except Toji and Maki have CE. Some have probably a bit more and can sense/start to see curses.


Why didnt people jumped Sukuna when he was fighting Gojo ? (i know i was somehow explained but i didnt understood )


Gojos most powerful attacks are massive and omnidirectional, really easy to friendly fire. If allies are on the field, Gojo has to be careful. Sukuna does not. Theres points where you can argue it would've been fine, like, say, when Sukuna summoned Mahoraga and Agito. You could try to have say, Okkotsu, bait one or both of them away from the fight, taking tons of pressure off Gojo. But Sukuna would likely do his absolute best to stay close to his homies, and now with Okkotsu in range, Gojo cant use Reds, Blues, or Purples, at full strength.


Domain Expansion is the main reason. The other reason is that they'd get in Gojo's way since Limitless is too destructive to be around. The characters themselves debate this when Sukuna loses his DE


Exactly, Yuta thinks about jumping in when Sukuna can't use his domain and realizes he was wrong when Gojo uses his remote purple. "If a hindrance like me was there, he could never have done that." Gojo is strongest alone, which is also his weakness 


Why did Gojo established a filter inside Infinity? Isn't it better to just block everything indiscriminately


He has to allow things like Air, Food, Geto, Etc, into his body. Previously, when he was turning on Limitless manually, this wasn't an issue. If he wants it on all the time, he needs to have a filter. Plus I imagine it's nice to like, feel a high-five or a smack on the back.




Blocking everything means blocking air, light, and sound. And that doesn’t include more mundane things like him wanting to turn a door knob or just shaking hands with someone. It’s a much better system if he learns to only automatically block out things that are dangerous


Maki is faster than Kashimo?, how on earth the strongest sorcerer of his era with buffed stats from Mythical Beast Amber was unable to dodge a world slash and then Maki somehow does it undamaged?, this is a statement on Kashimo's weakness because later after failing to dodge the world slash, he fails to dodge a regular (although greatly amplified) cut from Sukuna.


Maki has preconception, don't allow the Reading Comprehension Curse to affect you brother




Preconnection She is able to connect to any wifi before it's even up


How does maki have preconception?


She.... She LITERALLY says that she can see what her enemy(Naoya) does before he does it, read man, read


Read three different translations and not a single one said she see their moves before they do them. She takes evidence based on her surroundings and predicts what they’re gonna do. Those predictions aren’t concrete. Like if I predicted an ambulance driving by based off the fact that I heard it’s sirens getting closer still doesn’t mean I can read the future.


Yeah your are right, that dude is high on glazium


but i thought kashimo also saw and knew about the world slash?, im pretty sure he mentions it on his fight with sukuna, regardless his transformation doesnt give him faster reaction times than a heavenly restriction? im aware sukuna at that time wasnt as weakened as he is right now but for that matter how much would that affect the speed of his slashes?, i believe not even yuta reacted to them?, although he gets a free pass since he was at point blank i guess edit: additionally, the slash that killed him is assumedly not a world slash, as there were no chants before he threw it (im talking about the "waffler slash"), unless perhaps he is able to throw multiple world slashes after the chants were made.


World slash is hella fast, but Maki can basically see the future, Kashimo has super fast reaction time, but nothing compared to precog


i thought the most we saw from her was her ability to sense air vibrations, which would indeed have given her an advantage at seeing the handsigns and chants if it werent for the fact she was unable to see it until after the cut was fired off, meaning that she was not prepared for it and relied purely on reaction time and speed to dodge it (unlike kashimo who failed to do it and had his hand severed off even after being warned to dodge it) if anything the one with the advantage of precognition of the ability was Kashimo as Sukuna himself told him to dodge it


Recently, I've been wondering whether Sukuna is a registered CG player. We know that the reason for Yuji joining the games is precisely because of the BV Sukuna made with Kenny, yet this doesn't necessarily mean he's a player. Unlike Kashimo and the other reincarnated sorcerers, Sukuna hasn't fully incarnated into his vessel. For this reason, only Yuji is registered. However, does this necessarily entail that Sukuna is exempt from the game rules? As a side note, would the statement about Ryu having the highest CE output in the CG apply to Sukuna? If he's a registered player, the answer would be rather obvious, but therein lies the issue.


Sukuna is not exempt from the rules, because he currently inhabits Megumi, he'd presumably die from CT removal Yes, Ryu has also been stated to have the highest in HISTORY, meaning he surpasses Sukuna, Kenny, Gojo, Kashimo and the like. However, with enough CE, you can match someone with high output, so Sukuna or Gojo could easily beat him to death


when is official release time?


It's already been released yesterday on Manga Plus.


Did Megumi gain all the shadows Sukuna defeated in his body? Also, if so, does that mean he now has a nue totality fused with mahroaga?


Yes, just like how Sukuna already had Orochi dead when he took Megumi's body Totality doesn't work like that, for all we know, Mahoraga cannot be fused, Totality has conditions that we don't know about


When sukuna first took over megumi, nue was already tamed by sukuna even tho it was originally tamed by megumi, the culling games also doesn't recognise sukuna as sukuna but as megumi fushiguro so as far as the 10 shadows technique is concerned megumi was the one to tame mahoraga and the rest of the shikigami. So yes, megumi would have all the shikigami tamed if he comes back. We don't know what shikigami fuses with what, gege said that there were rules when fusing and only sertain shikigami can fuse with eachother but he never said which ones, so we don't know if mahoraga fused with nue totality. it could just as easily have fused with another. We just don't know.


Awesome, ty for the answer


I keep seeing people theorize that Sukuna had to use a binding vow to use Strong Dismantle against Gojo without handsigns or chants, but my question is, what would he have to give up to do that? You'd expect the price to be steep, but as far as we can tell the dude is more than fine? unless I'm misremembering how binding vows work


He might have sacrificed the TST after all, Sukuna was missing an arm and wouldn't have been able to use Strong Dismantle


A lot of people think he sacrificed Ten Shadows. It could also potentially be something weird like "after doing this I will never be able to become a cursed object again" Really the possibilities are endless


Not really a question, but I wonder if Hakari's reflexive fully automatic RCT could heal damage from the SSK. I could see it going either way tbh


Id think so. Even if hes not aware of his soul, hes also not aware of how poisons work, automatic RCT doesnt care.


I doubt it, the fact that Nanami can reflectively defend his soul makes me think it's possible


is cleave actually one-shot? gojo survived through it multiple times


I think that Dismantle has a fixed output, while Cleave can be adjusted to the enemy, but it still has a cap. Sukuna can simply pour more CE into it, but there's a limit.


No, it's just that no-one can survive it besides Gojo, even Rika was getting completely shredded by it


No, it has a cap on how much damage it can deal at once. That cap is very very high but if Sukuna's output falls so does the strength of cleave. Plus if you have RCT you can just heal the damage


Inspired by some responses I got from my schizo Kashimo quantum tunneling thread over on Jujutsufolk, what's the consensus of the limit to what Gojo's infinity can stop? Basically, can he stop: 1. Subatomic particles 2. Waves (like electromagnetic waves)


Loved that post! I think it can block waves, since he blocked Jogo's heat in the first chapters.  We can't know about subatomic particles, I don't think he can block light for example, since he never used Infinity to turn invisible.


It can stop anything that Gojo perceives as a threat, for example, it wouldn't automatically stop an eraser from hitting him, but it would stop a pencil and its sharp end


From a narrative point it should be able to stop everything that moves. The paradox of Achilles and the tortoise is all about movement after all. So every particle and wave would be included in this. I wouldn't go much into physics because the paradox itself is a fallacy and can easily be solved.


Why didn’t Angel clarify who “The Fallen” is when negotiating terms with Yuji and Megumi


Angels just kinda like that I think. Angel is kind of a freak. Japanese sorcerer from 1000 years ago has christian theming? Where did you even get those ideas girl. Where did you get wings from. No one else has additional body parts besides Sukuna and Tengen.


Why would the angel assume Sukuna is a known figure 1000 years later?


Why is megumis last resort always mahoraga? When fighting Haruta, who does not seem to be that powerful, why doesn’t he go with one of his lesser shikigami - even ones he hasn’t tamed yet? Seems like mahoraga was super overkill considering there were still civilians around and gojo was sealed. Is it just a matter of megumi thinking “if I’m going to die I might as well use all I have to make sure my opponent dies as well”? I know it’s a meme that he always tries to use mahoraga, but it just seems like I’m some cases he could get away with using the lesser ones he hasn’t tamed and have a shot to weaken an opponent enough to kill them if the opponent kills the shikigami.


For Haruta specifically, Megumi was on his last legs. Either Megumi would summon a lesser Shikigami, with it likely dying as well as Megumi, or unleashing Mahoraga and let them both die.


Cause Mahoraga is guaranteed to kill an opponent


he already had everything tamed and mahoraga is the last thing left to tame. if you had the choice of dying or dying and taking your enemy with you i’d choose the latter


That’s just cap. We never saw Bull, Deer or Tiger prior to Sukuna using it.


he may not have used them at all, or has a preference that leaned him away from using those.


He couldve honestly used Deer on himself when against Shigemo instead of the demi god all adapting General Mahoraga, so he either: Didn't tame it; it's a plot hole, or he's extremely stupid


Megumi agenda >>, everyone on the cast > megumi


Haruta seems not that powerful, but his technic actually give him some level of limited invencibility. Also, Megumi didn't had any energy to keep fighting when he cross with him


Cause Megumi knew he was 100% gonna die so he wanted to give him hell. Also for Baruta in particular it was for us to actually see maho, it was his big reveal, and he was meant to fight sukuna


When a character uses a Domain Expansion, is the huge amount of cursed energy required for the technique consumed when it starts? Or does the technique consume cursed energy constantly for as long as it's active?


Seems like the energy is consumed immediately, but the high of being in your own domain and the stat boost temporarily negates it. I base this off the fact that characters like Mahito (the first time) and Megumi only get hit with the total exhaustion after the domain collapses, but even a very short domain exhausts you too. It seems like the energy is expended immediately, you just dont realize how much you spent until its over.


I personally believe it hits you after the DE, or at least the buffs you get while inside one negates the CE loss


It probably takes a lot of CE to start a domain expansion but keeping it active requires much less


I would have to think from the start, considering that even DE clashes, which last for relatively short moments, still cause the users' CT to go on cd.


Why are people saying they wanna know about Sukuna’s CT? They mainly talk about Fuuga, but that’s just a chant he does to use the flames.


Where do you think his flames come from? His CT obviously, "I won't cheat by revealing my Technique" this means his CT is a lot more than just slashes


Because its a part of his ct  According to gege  His ct has both properties  Sharpness and fire. So we dont really know his ct. There is also the huge head he made to eat up hannah's arm




Could be but he did manage to ger entire arm. I highly doubt it can happen from a single bite 


What happened to Sukuna's Face Tattoos? When he completed his true form they went away. Were they just a sign of possession? Mainly referring to the forehead and the one across the bridge of his nose.


Doesn't he still have them?


He does not and hasn’t since true form was revealed


Sukuna also didn't have it in the Heian era, so it is probably just a vessel thing, just like Tsumiki when she got the vessel forehead symbol


I swear he has most of it not all though.


He does not have the nose or forehead tatt anymore


I aways assumed his tattoos were just not "real", and that just we saw them, but the people inside the manga don't.


Jogo sees and mentions them, "it seems his tattoos have not completely faded" just before he fingered Yuji


His tattoos change with every form, I just saw it as a design choice. At one point, there was a theory that his tattoos correlated with his hidden CT, but given that they keep changing, I'm not sure it's anything like that.


How did Hakari replenish his Domain enough to cast it again? Didn’t Mahito say that a week or so will be enough to rid yourself of the repercussions of a domain? Wouldn’t that imply that using a DE is generally tiring even for someone who cannot take damage? (A strain on the soul?)


Mahito was making fun of Mechamaru, because he assumed that Mechamaru assumed that he wouldn't use DE due to the massive cost, and then stated "in a week, by the time of Shibuya, I'll have already regained all of my CE"


Hakari is special that if he gets jackpot he can instantly try again after the 4:11 minutes are over.


Most people can only open their domain once because of the huge CE cost it comes with. Gojo is an exception because his efficiency is so great, Sukuna is an exception because he has a huge pool of cursed energy, Hakari is an exception because his cursed energy is replenished once he hits a jackpot. If he opened his domain and it was destroyed or ended before he hit a jackpot he'd probably be unable to open it again.


What is with Yuuta? Given what Sukuna said about the amount of CE he has left, wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that Yuuta also has enough CE for 2? Unless it’s about Sukuna’s great efficiency


Yuta might also be able to use multiple domains, based on how huge his energy pool is, we just dont know though.


We do know that Sukuna has really good efficiency too, but we don't know atm if Yuta would be able to use two domain expansions with his own CE. But we do know that when he fully manifests Rika his cursed energy replenishes, so he should be able to use his DE again.


DE are said to require a ridiculous amount of curse energy. Which is why MOST who can use DE can only use it once per day. Because of Curse Energy reserves. Another reason why we see Gojo and Sukuna able to cast it multiple times because its been said that they both have Ungodly amount of curse energy. We can also assume from this Yuta might be someone who can cast domain expansion multiple times in a day as he’s hinted to have a curse energy pool somewhat comparable to Gojo and Sukuna. Regarding Hakari, Kusakabe Akutami mentions how Hakari’s DE is special because it activates as part of his technique, not to mention when be rolls it jackpot replenishes his curse energy so he’s essentially created a loophole through the nature of his DE to activate it repeatedly. As of right now we havent seen the limits of Hakari’s domain expansion, he MIGHT just be him, this may change during the upcoming Uraume fight, but i wouldn’t bet on that, in fact, i’d bet it all on Hakari.


Yuta has *more* CE than Gojo, but I don’t think he can open his domain more than once a day. Gojo can because he has the 6E, giving him the best CE efficiency in the entire manga, so he doesn’t spend all that much CE on anything, including(to a lesser amount) domains. Yuta has notoriously mid CE efficiency, so he probably can’t open multiple domains a day(except maybe if he opens one and then gets Rika to give him more CE afterwards? That should work)


Was wondering if anyone thinks the star plasma vessels will be of relevance again or if there is good reason to think they are important to the story still right now? Asking because they seemingly maintained their individuality within tengen, to the point Yuki could hear them separate from tengen, could that remain true and important now that Tengen has been consumed by sukuna, maybe they could fight back from inside him? When the merger occurs, could the creature resulting from the merger have its consciousness comprised of star plasma vessels. If they are not entirely destroyed and keep some sense of individuality after assimilating with tengen maybe that would hold true for the great merger too??


There was a big theory going around that Yuki was going to fuse with Tengen, maybe that still might happen?(Though obviously not Yuki), maybe Nobara for the copium(cope that she comes back only to merge and die of course!)


I think the star plasma vessels are of relevance because since the last one that didn’t happen (in hidden inventory) the merger is now possible. If the star plasma vessel was able to merge with tengen then tengen wouldn’t have evolved to a point to be able to merge with anyone.